2008.11.20 George & Cindy's Attorney, Mark NeJame, Quits

Just from my own life experiences, the only time I have seen or heard of an attorney stepping aside on his or her own is when the client is skirting the law and headed into committing a crime.
I'm not saying that's the reason behind NeJame's decision but when I read between the lines in his letter and he writes about people being negative, I believe he is really speaking about his former clients.
And, he should know there is no such word as "towards" it's toward. No s at the end. Sorry, the editor in me had to add that.

There are alot of reason an attorney may step asside. The most common and basic is when the client is simply refusing to even attempt to follow the advise that they are paying the lawyer for.

Love him or hate him, I was actually impressed with the job Nejime was doing with the A's. He struck me as a very competant attorney. He had just the right soft touch. He deflected questions with good use of common sense and compassion, rather than being outright confrontational. He made his clients seem like real people. Yes he is a defense attorney, and yes his clients are apparently more and more every day, losers. But when you watched him comparred to JB you could see a world of diference in competance, experience and abilities. He actually made his clients seem sympathetic. I may not agree with Mr. Nejime but if I was in trouble he strikes me as a lawyer that I might like to have defending me.

I think if you read between the lines you can see exactly why Mr. Nejime chose to depart. he was there to support his clients, G and C, not KC, regardless of where the facts went. This meant acknowleging Caylee was dead once the murder indictments came down. The A's continued their dellusional behavior in searching for a live Caylee. They continued to collect money to help in looking for a live Caylee, and I am sure the straw that broke the camels back was the planned public press conference with "bombshell" information about a lead in a live Caylee. It was obvious he did not want any such public statements or circuses.

All of this was undercutting what he was seeking to do to seve and protect his clients. And it was literally press ganging him into being a party to KC's defense. Something that if you watch and listen to him carefully, seems somewhat repugnant to him. From the word go he has wanted nothing to do with KC, and was seeking to defend and shield her parents from her rather obvious crimes. Through their actions and delusions they were making him an agent for her. Hence he chose to depart.
And the A camp turns on NeJame in 3...2...


Anthonys Comment On NeJame

The Anthonys said NeJame wasn't willing to push authorities hard enough to investigate tips or leads.

The decision to part ways with NeJame followed bounty hunter Leonard Padilla and Larry Garrison removing their support for Casey Anthony.

The Anthonys said law enforcement in the state of Florida refuses to help them -- from the sheriff's office all the way up to the attorney general.

In a statement on Thursday, NeJame said he can no longer represent the Anthonys because he has no value to them if they "choose to act and comment at will."

In the statement, NeJame did not directly state if he believed Caylee was still alive, but he did say George and Cindy "have every right to maintain their hope and faith that one of these 'sightings' will miraculously be the one that brings Caylee home to them."

NeJame stated that while he does have his own opinion on Caylee, the only person who knows the truth is the toddler's mother, Casey.

(only1, you nailed that one!!)
No surprise here.

We've been saying for a looong time (e.g., http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2909639#post2909639) that he'd have to withdraw from their representation. What else can a lawyer do with client who always :dj: ???

after all that was released today with the tapes and all and the hints from LE that A's know more...don't blame him...they just keep on going... :eek:
He has got to be so very very grateful that he got out...however, am curious if JB will now get some of the calls when CA calls "my atty"----(yes I know that he can't but in the meantime....)

I've wondered all along why NeJame quit when he did. It's so telling now.

This article http://www.wftv.com/news/18394140/detail.html quotes LP saying that the P.I. was aware "that the remains were in a wooded area near Suburban Drive" as early as mid-November, and that it was known that Caylee wasn't alive at that time.

NeJame's resignation statement seems so telling now. At the time, I wondered what he knew, and what had changed for him.
I've wondered all along why NeJame quit when he did. It's so telling now.

This article http://www.wftv.com/news/18394140/detail.html quotes LP saying that the P.I. was aware "that the remains were in a wooded area near Suburban Drive" as early as mid-November, and that it was known that Caylee wasn't alive at that time.

NeJame's resignation statement seems so telling now. At the time, I wondered what he knew, and what had changed for him.

Add to that the reward MN is offering to the Meter Reader and I believe we have a series of things that make you go "hmmmmmmnnn"
Minute-To-Minute Update In Remains Discovery
Friday, December 12, 2008 10:05:56 PM
4:05 p.m.:
NeJame also said that part of the reason he resigned as the Anthonys lawyer was because they were in denial about their daughter's involvement in Caylee's disappearance and that he could not endorse them saying Casey is innocent. "I resigned a few weeks ago because I could not support, in any way, shape or form, Casey."

"I've been expecting this day for a while and although it is a very, very sad day, I think in many ways we can now really pass on our full blessings to this child and allow her to go in the peace that she deserves and allowing her mother to be prosecuted as she deserves," NeJame said.
Add to that the reward MN is offering to the Meter Reader and I believe we have a series of things that make you go "hmmmmmmnnn"

I have thought about this too. I really feel for MN , I think he new the remains were there from the A's yet they kept on with the shes still alive spin, and he could not go along with them anymore. He stated he did not believe she was alive because he knew for a fact she was not. It probably broke his heart that these GP's would not give their poor little grandbaby closure and just left her out there like trash. Makes me so sad just to think about it. If there wasn't the law about attorney client privilege I bet that angel would have been found the day MN walked away froms the A's. I believe that is now why he is offering the reward, he is so happy and relieved someone found her. This is just moo.
During the JB park search LP states he talked with both PI's about Caylees body. At the same time MN is doing a press conference with TM & that wacky drunk dude. I can't believe all these men may have known Caylees whereabouts. I'm hoping LE has been keeping a silent watchful eye out on all the players so far.
I was poking around looking for posts about CA to see if the posts about her looking haggard coincided with mid-November.

Sure enough, the thread with the video interview from Nov 21 has multiple comments about CA looking tired, drawn, drugged, sleepy.

Of course I am speculating, but I wonder if MN just couldn't salvage a working relationship because of the P.I.'s actions and the A's insistence on sticking with the "live Caylee" approach. Do these actions border on obstruction?

It does make one go hmmm....MN's statement on the day that Caylee was found about KC being "prosecuted as she deserves" seemed to me to be a departure from his carefully worded resignation statement.
If MN had known where Caylee was he would have told. It has nothing to do with Client Attorney anything. I believe he believed that Caylee was dead based on forensic evidence...... and possibly overheard A's plans to mislead LE, press etc. for benefit of KC
This is my opinion
If MN had known where Caylee was he would have told. It has nothing to do with Client Attorney anything. I believe he believed that Caylee was dead based on forensic evidence...... and possibly overheard A's plans to mislead LE, press etc. for benefit of KC
This is my opinion

he never once went on the "Caylee alive" bandwagon...he always said it was up to them when they could accept it.....
During the JB park search LP states he talked with both PI's about Caylees body. At the same time MN is doing a press conference with TM & that wacky drunk dude. I can't believe all these men may have known Caylees whereabouts. I'm hoping LE has been keeping a silent watchful eye out on all the players so far.

When did the divers stop searching? It was all around this same time. Considering the physical dangers involved in being in the river at JB Park, I hope they called the divers off at this time. :croc:

I wondered about LP, at the time he left FL. He looked and sounded the same as he did when they got the the original lab results back showing decomp in the car. As if someone had let the air out of his tires and I didn't think it had to do with the L D Test. :sick:

So someone told the PI's where to search. The remains were still under water at that time so the PI's are saying they weren't there 11/15?

Conveniently G&C were out of town the day the PI's took the camera's to the spot. LP returns to CA rather suddenly and MN quits the A Team. And this all helps KC how?
I was poking around looking for posts about CA to see if the posts about her looking haggard coincided with mid-November.

Sure enough, the thread with the video interview from Nov 21 has multiple comments about CA looking tired, drawn, drugged, sleepy.

Of course I am speculating, but I wonder if MN just couldn't salvage a working relationship because of the P.I.'s actions and the A's insistence on sticking with the "live Caylee" approach. Do these actions border on obstruction?

It does make one go hmmm....MN's statement on the day that Caylee was found about KC being "prosecuted as she deserves" seemed to me to be a departure from his carefully worded resignation statement.

How do you mean? (bold by me)

From "day 1" I never felt MN supported anything that had to do with protecting KC. He was 110% behind the A's but repeatedly said he would have nothing to do with KC's defense. Ultimately, I felt he left because he could not help them if they wouldn't follow his advice. Mainly :silenced: and searching for an alive Caylee in spite of evidence of her demise.

I didn't think it had anything to do with the PI's, that would have involved O of J. I can't imagine him keeping quiet about that, if he knew. In spite of the behavior of some of the attorney's we have witnessed, I believe MN is too smart to be involved in that. Remember MN never drank the KC Kool Aid, he has too much to lose to cover up for some PI's that should have known better and if they didn't, should have kept quiet.
If MN had known where Caylee was he would have told. It has nothing to do with Client Attorney anything. I believe he believed that Caylee was dead based on forensic evidence...... and possibly overheard A's plans to mislead LE, press etc. for benefit of KC
This is my opinion

I agree- If I understand the legalise of it all- MN, as an attorney, is still an officer of the court and must report knowledge of a crime or face serious penalties. This is one of the main reasons defense attorneys don't ask and don't want to have their clients admit guilt to them- puts them in position of violating that position, and they have to resign from the case to maintain attorney/client privilege, or knowingly allowing their client to commit perjury if the client is going to lie when testifying. MOO
How do you mean?

From "day 1" I never felt MN supported anything that had to do with protecting KC. He was 110% behind the A's but repeatedly said he would have nothing to do with KC's defense. Ultimately, I felt he left because he could not help them if they wouldn't follow his advice. Mainly :silenced: and searching for an alive Caylee in spite of evidence of her demise.

I didn't think it had anything to do with the PI's, that would have involved O of J. I can't imagine him keeping quiet about that, if he knew. In spite of the behavior of some of the attorney's we have witnessed, I believe MN is too smart to be involved in that. Remember MN never drank the KC Kool Aid, he has too much to lose to cover up for some PI's that should have known better and if they didn't, should have kept quiet.

How do you mean? What did I mean?

I was fairly surprised that a lawyer representing her family, whether or not he "drank the KC Kool Aid" would say that she deserves to be prosecuted. I would have expected at least a presumption of innocence, even if he was going through the motions. That he chose to say "as she deserves" sounds as if he knows quite a bit.

It was never my intention to suggest that MN had ever been "on KC's side," and indeed, I do not think I said that. But the difference between his resignation statement and the his statement once Caylee's remains were found are...interesting...to me.

I also think MN seems to be a class act for donating a reward to the individual who found the remains.
How do you mean? What did I mean?

I was fairly surprised that a lawyer representing her family, whether or not he "drank the KC Kool Aid" would say that she deserves to be prosecuted. I would have expected at least a presumption of innocence, even if he was going through the motions. That he chose to say "as she deserves" sounds as if he knows quite a bit.

It was never my intention to suggest that MN had ever been "on KC's side," and indeed, I do not think I said that. But the difference between his resignation statement and the his statement once Caylee's remains were found are...interesting...to me.

I also think MN seems to be a class act for donating a reward to the individual who found the remains.

OK thanks, you mean just what you said. I thought it was very obvious from the start that NM presumed KC's involvement. I never felt he covered up his feelings (nor that he had "inside" information) he insisted all along that KC was the one person who could bring this to an end. When she didn't, she appeared guilty as sin and MN thought so too.

I wasn't sure about MN when he first signed on, I kept my mouth shut, (so to speak) eyes and ears open and he has proved to be a class act!

Brad seems like a good guy too and finally they are listening to people giving them the right advice. BC or MN, the anti-KFN!
This article http://www.wftv.com/news/18394140/detail.html quotes LP saying that the P.I. was aware "that the remains were in a wooded area near Suburban Drive" as early as mid-November, and that it was known that Caylee wasn't alive at that time.

respectfully snipped for content of follow up question (LOL)

"He says, 'Yeah Dominic called me on the 15th (of Nov.) and said you gotta get up here we found Caylee.' Hoover tells me that he then asked Dominic 'Is she alive?' 'No she's dead,'" said Padilla.

The private investigator who works with the Anthonys told Eyewitness News he came to the area the month before Caylee's remains were found and videotaped the area. He says the tape shows Caylee's body was not there at that time, but now investigators want to know why he was there with a camera in mid-November.

If they found her on Nov 15, and she wasn't in the wooded area off of Suburban...where was she? And why didn't they call LE on Nov 15?

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