2009.05.13 Larry King Live

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It looked as though CA was a little po'd at BC, about the diary. and GA fluttering his eyes, he needs to get a job at wal-mart as a parakeet. They make me so disgusted, I should know better watching them make fools of themselves.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets a kick out of GA fluttering his eyes. He reminds me of Cinderalla's stepsisters.
Larry's show will be on again in an hour ~ but it's late here so I'm saying good night! :seeya:
...and she slipped when she said something along those lines....there is lots of evidence that she did.....ahhhhhm...and then she changed it,but i seriously think she was about to say there is lots of evidence that she did it.
They just tempt people to judge them and then complain that they are being judged.

No one believes that Cindy believed Casey's lies. She might have hoped that Casey was just pulling a fast one hiding Caylee out somewhere so her mother could not get custody. But, as Caseys' lies kept going on and on and on she went into denial mode and stays there to protect her stupidity.

The media savvy people who have followed the case will never give them the break that they want because deceit is taboo now, after all the lies in the political mainstream. People are tired of being lied to and manipulated.

If it is Casey's best interest that they promote her innocence then they should keep quiet and not spin, as no one will ever believe them. It has the opposite effect of which they are blind. The pity party gets old.
...no remember they said,there was no heart,the duct tape was somewhere else in another trash bag or something along those lines...
These people never cease to amaze me..Cindy is the president and the money will go towards getting families pysc. care. Please,please tell me she did not say that..:bang::bang::bang:

Well I can name ONE family who needs some psych care, but they won't be receiving any donations from me! :rolleyes: I know...that seems ugly of me to say, but no amount of psych treatment would help these people. They choose to believe what they want to believe and nothings ever going to change that. :bang:
SADLY lots of pp will fall for their bs and send them money and defense needs lots of it ,it is amazing the pp that are fooled by them,really makes me sick to my stomach.But the truth will win in the end.Im suspicious of CA new found faith,but thats just mo
Crickets, too...I remember a story about crickets...:waitasec:
She victimizes everyone, even furry woodland creatures and insects. ::mad:

OMG, I live in AR...and it's pretty country in some places. I drive a small sports car and have been told MANY times that "your car IS NOT an ATV!" because I swear I've run over anything/everything you can imagine. Ran into a deer two weeks after I got the car. Hit multiple coons, possums, armadillos (spelling?), stray cats/dogs.....
Don't get me wrong...It's NEVER on purpose, but there is nothing you can do when it's dark outside and they run out in front of you. It's safer to "take them out" than to swerve (on country-ish roads) to try and miss them. I HAVE NEVER HAD A RESIDUAL SMELL....not even from hitting a skunk (which has happened a few times). Reminder: I'm an animal lover....wouldn't kill anything for fun....it's just safer for me to stay on the road (aka not swerve) when they lil' suckers run out in front of me.
On one of these encounters (the deer one, to be specific) I had to get a rental car. The people who rented the car before me had done some fishing. They left their cricket holder (you know, those green things with the wire and the tube that you keep them in for bait) in the trunk. There were crickets all over the place (didn't realize it until I was WAY far from the lot and figured out what the noise was and where it was coming from) but they didn't stink. I know that they CAN be pretty smelly....but the ones that were taking over the rental car I ended up with didn't smell that bad....
I guess my point is that I'm having trouble with this smell thing. Period. I live in ARKANSAS.....it's hot and humid and smelly. There are dead things that I've run over and I've ended up with an enterprise car full of crickets. I've lived with roomates that have no idea what expiration dates are and who never throw away their old moldy food. I have a degree in chemistry....and volatile compounds (like chloroform) are pretty easy to identify when you smell them. I've never (and i hope i never do) smelled human decomp but I would imagine that it's something terrible.....something you can't mistake and never forget. They know what they smelled.
Sorry for the lengthy rant-ish post....just getting frustrated with these darn people!!
and lets not forget a heart sticker near the body!

If the sticker fits...

You can't acquit!

I must admit this was a mixed bag for me. While LK did seem less soft in some of the questions, he kept asking why they wouldn't visit KC over and over, which is completely at the bottom of what us evil, apparently childless, "bloggers" want to know. The man had THOUSANDS of great questions people sent in all day long and it is pretty pathetic that he harped on that small point to the exclusion of others, particularly those that had to do with them picking up the car, not mentioning it in their initial police reports, and cleaning what was evidently a crime scene. I think their after the fact insistence on claiming the smell was anything but decomp is also a huge CYA for them so it makes them look innocent of obstruction or of being accessories.

The good part was that the nanosecond something more substantive was asked, CA's real personality leaked out of every facial orifice. The woman has almost no impulse control with her temper and it's easy to see to whom she may have bequeathed that little personality trait. GA had a look on his face like a child in a messy diaper at times, particularly when CA talked about her "faith" getting her through and when she sanctimoniously indicated why she could not go through with her thoughts of suicide. He kept cutting looks to his left at CA like she was an IED about ready to blow.

While I could tolerate all that the most unforgivable malarky was that foundation business. They will forever be known as the people who tried to twist a murdered child case into a missing child case (and financially profit from the exposure), and I cannot think that OCSO or another first-response agency would be anything less than horrified to hand a Caylee bear out to the family of a missing child, just by what it would imply. Foundations are set up to do good in the name of a deceased person, not to rub in their name and demise to the suffering. There is apparently no end to their lack of taste.
When LK asked GA if it was a surprise to them that it was Caylee's body GA shook his head slightly no ( I think subconciously and looking down) but answered that it wasn't confirmed until 8 or 9 days later(looking at CA then to LK). Too funny , you should see the look CA is giving LK while GA answers..priceless!! I paused the DVR and that is the only reason I noticed it!!
I will add that the A's may actually be opposed to it, but their seeming lack of emotion tonight about Caylee's murder just appeared that they said it because it's their daughter who is accused of killing Caylee. There never has been any outward expression, such as outrage, for bringing the "real killer" to justice. MOO

I know their statement didn't sound very objective. It's hard to say what their political leanings might be.

You're right though. They haven't expressed outrage, have they? Most people would (I'm guessing) be shouting from the rooftops and would use every media opportunity to ask for tips (not the PayPal kind) and for the public to help bring the real killer to justice.

Yeah. Hm. They've never said that, that I recall.

My summary of Larry King Live tonight:
*They left the gum at home so we couldn't call them the Double Mint Twins.
*They just don't know anything.
*Cindy deserves credit for the entirely new answer she now has as to why Casey lied about having a job. (In order to spend more time with Caylee, as if someone was keeping Casey from being with her daughter)
*George looked close to tears a few times.
*Was it my TV or did the shade of their faces brighten each time they lied?
*Larry's staff didn't do its homework. The diary was a poor excuse for an example of evidence.
* Brad didn't want to be there.
* Cindy has no idea what a blog is.
* Cindy definitely reads Websleuths every day.
KFN is on their web site with an 'official looking' badge type logo.


The nerve to put hearts on every page knowing Caylee's mouth was duct taped with a heart sticker.

Every time I think they can't stoop any lower, they do.

Yeah, and it also says they are going to provide support for law enforcement during recovery of a child! WTF! They didn't lift a finger to help LE find their own granddaughter! As a matter of fact, they lied and tried to steer LE in the wrong direction! What gall to now say they will help!
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