2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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Honestly: questioning if GA is lying about last seeing Caylee is not new... not at all. We've questioned it, others have questioned it... this is NOT a new revelation. Like I said, the bigger issue is the claim that the defense is trying to stop LP from sharing the info... that they want LP to keep it a secret, per the report. Straight up, though: there have been no legal motions by the defense to stop LP from saying anything. He has not been listed as a state witness, nor has any of the documents released thus far have included questioning of LP to even compel the defense to want to stop LP. The claim in the report that the defense is trying to shut LP up makes no sense given the facts thus far...

I guess I am beating a dead horse... alone... I feel like no one is seeing what I see. LoL This case so frustrates me... LoL

You not alone. I wonder where the media found this bit of info from:
"Eyewitness News found out that her lawyers are trying to keep Padilla's statement a secret."

On HLN---LP doesn't know anythang about it.
I've read most of the thread and have to chime in here about LP's veracity. I believe Jack Trimarco (former FBI) who knows LP well. He stated on NG that anything LP says is truthful.

Now, I do think LP tends to come up with a lot of theories and some of them are bogus. He admitted to the Blanchard Park fiasco and other bad calls.

I take his "theories" with a grain of salt. He is in the same place with the rest of us on many aspects of the case. He does have the jump on us when it comes to the family and others involved since he met with them all and heard a lot of what they said. In that situation, he's usually been proven to be true.

I personally don't buy George's story of the 16th and haven't since I saw him in the GVS interview way back when. Cindy was finishing his sentences for him, as she does quite often.

On LKL last week, there were a couple of times when LK asked a question of George and Cindy answered.

I remember when the FBI agent was on NG and spoke up for LP.
I said before in this thread,what LP has stated as opinion and what he states as fact are two different things.
He ultimately will have to tell what he knows to the proper authorities and I believe it will be important.
He and his crew spent too much time with the A's . They must know plenty.
I'm gearing up for the LP-on-NG revelation involving spontaneous combustion...surely that's in the offing.

I don't see any evidence suggesting SHC involved with Caylee?
(Some reports of scorch marks at the remains/landing site, but not likely anything to do with SHC)

However, I am sure I have seen slight wisps of smoke coming out of CA :eat: ears? A prime candidate for SHC in my view?
I don't believe anything that comes from any of their lying mouths.

Oh I agree totally. I was responding to the point that KC had nothing to fear since she had custody. I think KC had a lot to lose if she were told to move out. I don't believe KC would want Caylee full time... KC had a good deal right where she was but her lies and stealing were catching up with her. I really believe KC and her mother got into it, Cindy told her the deal is up... get yourself together. I think Cindy didn't look for KC for a month because she was letting KC spend time "bonding" before moving into her own place and leaving Caylee with Cindy & George. That is why Cindy says "I already gave you a month" and it was Cindy who said she didn't worry because they were vacationing - bonding - traveling for work that whole month.
. The more I think about this I have to chuckle. LA most likely did say this to LP in the beginning , like he stated to others before he put up his defensives regarding LP and crew. Remember RD stated lee like to hang out in the van with them. This tells me their was unguarded talk comming out of LA at that time and it was stated he felt alittle pleased to be welcombed into helping them. The funny part to me is KC may have left the home with or without Caylee just pizzed. Who is to say she didn't return home after the lights went out at home and she would be reassured mom or dad wasn't going to get in face. Just another thought.
You not alone. I wonder where the media found this bit of info from:
"Eyewitness News found out that her lawyers are trying to keep Padilla's statement a secret."

On HLN---LP doesn't know anythang about it.
When I think LP, WFTV (Kathi B.), JB and the A's the thought JH comes to mind...yes, I am speculating.
Duly noted, HP. :blushing: I'm ever-so ashamed. I dunno what I was thinkin' :bang:

Since the door that Cindy heard Casey & Caylee breathing through was 'tween Casey and the desktop computer I guess THAT explains the drywall LE took from the house...musta been some sorta hidden passageway thingee. I don't know why I hadn't noticed this stuff before.

i didnt know that we seen proof that LE took out drywall....i thought it was still a rumor .....? can you point me to the info that drywall was taken out of the A's home....thanks :)
i didnt know that we seen proof that LE took out drywall....i thought it was still a rumor .....? can you point me to the info that drywall was taken out of the A's home....thanks :)

"Dry wall" was reported along with:
A knife found with remains
A "shallow grave" in the A back yard
A "trail of decomposition fluid" from A home to remains
KC's shoes found bagged and sealed in Pontiac
A car and trunk "saturated"/reeking of chloroform
Paving stones all over the place
A "Rash"/chemical burn on Caylee's face seen in many many many photos
Diary pages showing conclusive admissions by KC
Caylee's favourite book found with remains

"Just the facts" NG responsible for many. :genie:
Thank you. However, in the link provided he does not admit to tax evasion, he admits to a bad attitude and a 2 year delay in filing. We would need to dig up those charges-if we knew where they occurred? and see what the REAL skinny was/is.

But sure enough he does admit to serving time. :crazy:

LP can "Mince" words all he wants

The Bottom line is that he did a Year in Federal Prison for "Something" relating to Non Payment of Taxes
"Eyewitness News found out that her lawyers are trying to keep Padilla's statement a secret."
I would think that Casey's defense team has a LOT more to worry about than LP's potential testimony.

According to the documents submitted for discovery, LE's experts will testify that Casey was at or around 4937 Hopespring Drive on June 16 ALL morning and afternoon until approximately 4:14 p.m.(Page 7 http://www.wftv.com/blank/18974626/detail.html)

Their experts will also say that Casey's computer activity puts her in her parent's house.

I am not sure how much LE's potential hearsay testimony about Lee's hearsay that will also undermine LE experts is scaring Baez or any of the defense team????????

LP and his "daisy chain" and now this attention and controversy (which LE will have to disprove because it goes against their expert's findings) are gifts to Casey's defense, IMO.

Neither George or Cindy were on the computer instant messaging at 7:56 with Alex R. about the previous Friday night at Fusian. Nor did they download pictures of Fusian at 10 a.m.

The pings and computer records, IMO, are beyond dispute.

ok....this could show that KC was home that morning....but what about caylee....was she home....could they both left the night of the 15th after the big fight....and then only KC came back home....something is not sitting right with me....with the statements GA and CA made....first they say the
9th..was that to throw off the timeline?....but then when the video came out they had to back track.....i still believe there was a big fight....KC left with caylee ....and CA sent out that myspace......something happend....that sent KC over the edge....and GA and CA know it!.....i dont think KC left happy go lucky with Caylee in toe out the door to go to *work*.....maybe KC locked herself and caylee in the bedroom.....and thats why CA said she could hear them breathing....come on....a mother would open the door and peak in...if she could right?.....maybe after the big fight KC and caylee were locked in the bedroom and somthing happend then.....

im not sure yet.....im just throwing stuff out there.....:blowkiss:
I've read most of the thread and have to chime in here about LP's veracity. I believe Jack Trimarco (former FBI) who knows LP well. He stated on NG that anything LP says is truthful.

Now, I do think LP tends to come up with a lot of theories and some of them are bogus. He admitted to the Blanchard Park fiasco and other bad calls.

I take his "theories" with a grain of salt. He is in the same place with the rest of us on many aspects of the case. He does have the jump on us when it comes to the family and others involved since he met with them all and heard a lot of what they said. In that situation, he's usually been proven to be true.

I personally don't buy George's story of the 16th and haven't since I saw him in the GVS interview way back when. Cindy was finishing his sentences for him, as she does quite often.

On LKL last week, there were a couple of times when LK asked a question of George and Cindy answered.

LP & Jack are Good Friends

They've worked together in the past & They contribute to the same Political Campaigns

Here's a Link that Lists campaign contributions to Judge Julie Padilla's bid for Congress

Notice that both LP & Jack Trimarco contributed to her campaign

Im taking Mr. Trimarco's claim of "LP always tells the Truth" with a grain of salt


"Dry wall" was reported along with:
A knife found with remains
A "shallow grave" in the A back yard
A "trail of decomposition fluid" from A home to remains
KC's shoes found bagged and sealed in Pontiac
A car and trunk "saturated"/reeking of chloroform
Paving stones all over the place
A "Rash"/chemical burn on Caylee's face seen in many many many photos
Diary pages showing conclusive admissions by KC
Caylee's favourite book found with remains

"Just the facts" NG responsible for many. :genie:

just what i thought no hard facts yet in writting.....:blowkiss: thanks
:doh: Of course it's a lot easier to reconcile things if you just assume that GA stayed in bed. Probably had no idea what the hell was happening in the rest of the house. :talker: Just staggered out in time to go to work. KC could have left, come back several times. :woohoo:
No reason to believe CA's "breathing" testimony either. :eat: In fact no need to believe anything Lets start again!
George could have very easily still have been in bed hung over as all get out. Condsidering the previous day had been "Sunday Funday" as per Casey and Lee's old My Space pages where there was lots of drinking. I think both G&C enjoy their alcohol a lot.
HLN, just now had Leonard P on, where he states that Lee A & Jess G. told about the choking incident with Cindy's hands around KC's throat, as well as,

Tracy who lived in the house has said "Casey had told her about it" so, now we have 4 people, Mark F., Lee A., Jess G., & Tracy.....:waitasec:
George could have very easily still have been in bed hung over as all get out. Condsidering the previous day had been "Sunday Funday" as per Casey and Lee's old My Space pages where there was lots of drinking. I think both G&C enjoy their alcohol a lot.

George worked from 3 until 11 p.m. on June 15. As Lee was out of town working, Casey was with Tony and Cindy & Caylee went to Mt. Dora, George certainly had reason to cry in his beer after work. It does not sound like he had much of a father's day.

But, whether or not George lied about seeing Caylee and Casey, the cell phone and computer forensics indicate Casey was home the morning and afternoon of June 16., Casey's phone pings also put her in the Anthony house from 7:30 p.m. on June 15 until 3 a.m. the next morning.

I think there was a fight. Then Casey locked herself and Caylee in the bedroom and texted and talked almost nonstop. That fits the documented testimony and known computer and cell forensics.
HLN, just now had Leonard P on, where he states that Lee A & Jess G. told about the choking incident with Cindy's hands around KC's throat, as well as,

Tracy who lived in the house has said "Casey had told her about it" so, now we have 4 people, Mark F., Lee A., Jess G., & Tracy.....:waitasec:

I don't doubt Lee told Jesse or anyone else about a fight and choking.

I doubt that KC stomped out of the house with Caylee and did not come home the next day because it contradicts the phone and computer forensic evidence (the LE experts).
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