2009.08.21 Motions hearing

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Best Defense Interview with Macaluso is still processing.
I'm confused ~ if that were the case, wouldn't she want to look as nice as possible and as much like she did a year ago? I do have to wonder just how she feels about him now that it seems the defense is trying to "throw him under the bus" and implicate him in Caylee's death. It doesn't sem she cares at all for anyone but herself and trying to get an acquittal. MOO
In KC's world people are a means to an end.Their is no caring involved,except for herself.TonE is expendable. Everyone is.
You just never know with Casey...seriously.

And yet they have all taken on new cases and continued to attend to all of their "other" duties? Please...it is nauseating to say the least! If Jose has time for new cases then he has time to take care of the ones he already has.

I second that vomiting and raise you bleeding ears!:crazy:

I'll see that and raise you a migraine and a chocolate binge.
I'm behind the eightball here but I have to comment fresh from hearing TM speaking to Jamie Floyd just now on truTV.

Defense team member Todd M just told JF that there is NO evidence of a body in the trunk of the car, no evidence of chloroform found, no decomp detected in trunk, no evidence of DNA in car - that the media is reporting these things all based on junk science and the information is false. He states that Forensic science is not supporting the body in the trunk. No DNA, NO Decomp, NO chloroform. He stated this as truth based on Forensic Reports that he has recently read. What gives? What have I been reading? What is the truth? Is there or isn't there? What about the odor in the trunk? What can that be attributed to?

TM leads off by saying no body in area after July 16 as it had been completely searched at that time, no water in November, no odor in area and that the area had been completely searched by numerous groups and agencies to include LE prior to December 2008. :confused:
the last few times I saw KC I thought she was starting to look better... but today it doesn't look like she got a lick of sleep or had time to do up her face. she looks terrible today..

Apart from maybe a Defense strategy I also think that given a 3-month absence from the media spotlight and public scrutiny she screamed and kicked like h3ll not to go to this motion and we see her emotionally beaten -- she was un-nerved walking in so that reduced her defiance and determination.
I was watching the hearing as it was happening and saw KC wiping her eyes when GA was testifying. I didn't see anything. When I viewed the tape going to 2.36, I couldn't figure what was the big deal. Then, I saw the individual still pictures of KC crying on WFTV and I finally saw what you all were talking about. I went back and reviewed the tape and there it was, big as day. Boy, ya'll are so good and very observant too....

Do you think it was deliberate? Is she that angry with GA?
Todd Macaluso on TruTv states that all the forensics released point to KC's innocence rather than guilt. There was never a body off Suburban Dr. before KC went to jail. There was never a body in the trunk of the car. All the trunk forensics are junk science. It seemed that Jamie Floyd essentially agreed with TM that KC may become one of the wrongly convicted.

... the moon landing was faked, and the world is flat.
I'm confused ~ if that were the case, wouldn't she want to look as nice as possible and as much like she did a year ago? I do have to wonder just how she feels about him now that it seems the defense is trying to "throw him under the bus" and implicate him in Caylee's death. It doesn't sem she cares at all for anyone but herself and trying to get an acquittal. MOO

Not necessarily. When you combine worry over the fact that he hadn't tried to get in touch with her, with the fact that she didn't have access to her makeup and hair equipment and all the things that she used to make herself pretty I would think that might be pretty depressing. That would also confict with her need to meet his eyes across the courtroom.
This is just a little info on clothing......those pants KC has on are from Target (how appropriate right?), I have a pair. They are the most comfortable pair of pants I own. But what is hanging on the waistband on her right side? It can't be a price tag, someone surely would have seen it. Does anyone know what that is? It is in the raw video of her entering the courtroom, and can be seen when she turns to sit down at the defense table.

BTW~ I tried mimicking her gesture of wiping my eye with only my middle finger straight.....it's not a natural reflex IMO. I think she did do that deliberately to "Papa JoJo". :cow:
You are correct. Those services normally are not covered under attorney client privilege. I believe what the SA was trying to establish today was that LP and crew came for the sole purpose of bailing KC out of jail - they first met with GA WITHOUT JB being present. The deal was struck. Had nothing to do with security. That is what JB is trying to add on after the fact, so he can now claim that they were an extension of his legal services to KC, thus under the privilege law.

With LP being on TV every night discussing what was going on in the house and what his staff was reporting back to him I do not see any umbrella that JB can claim they were part of legal services.

He didn't make any attempt to stop LP at that time from speaking of what he knew, he didn't claim LP was violating a confidentiality agreement, he didn't fire them and let his client return to jail.

If you believe privilege existed in the first place, which many would debate, but if you accept that it did exist her own attorney allowed it to be pierced. You cannot put reverse course on that issue now.
In KC's world people are a means to an end.Their is no caring involved,except for herself.TonE is expendable. Everyone is.
Exactly ~ so that goes back to what I was thinking, she doesn't have any feelings for him anymore, except maybe feeling sorry for herself that she can't turn back the clock to when they were together and the "beautiful life". But to save herself now everybody is expendable and especially those who tried to help LE. I think the motion for the phone records was just part of getting back at him. MOO
I'm behind the eightball here but I have to comment fresh from hearing TM speaking to Jamie Floyd just now on truTV.

Defense team member Todd M just told JF that there is NO evidence of a body in the trunk of the car, no evidence of chloroform found, no decomp detected in trunk, no evidence of DNA in car - that the media is reporting these things all based on junk science and the information is false. He states that Forensic science is not supporting the body in the trunk. No DNA, NO Decomp, NO chloroform. He stated this as truth based on Forensic Reports that he has recently read. What gives? What have I been reading? What is the truth? Is there or isn't there? What about the odor in the trunk? What can that be attributed to?

TM leads off by saying no body in area after July 16 as it had been completely searched at that time, no water in November, no odor in area and that the area had been completely searched by numerous groups and agencies to include LE prior to December 2008. :confused:

We have slipped into the Twilight Zone.
I'm behind the eightball here but I have to comment fresh from hearing TM speaking to Jamie Floyd just now on truTV.

Defense team member Todd M just told JF that there is NO evidence of a body in the trunk of the car, no evidence of chloroform found, no decomp detected in trunk, no evidence of DNA in car - that the media is reporting these things all based on junk science and the information is false. He states that Forensic science is not supporting the body in the trunk. No DNA, NO Decomp, NO chloroform. He stated this as truth based on Forensic Reports that he has recently read. What gives? What have I been reading? What is the truth? Is there or isn't there? What about the odor in the trunk? What can that be attributed to?

TM leads off by saying no body in area after July 16 as it had been completely searched at that time, no water in November, no odor in area and that the area had been completely searched by numerous groups and agencies to include LE prior to December 2008. :confused:
He's being a defense lawyer. What they say and what they can prove are two different things.It's called bluffing or creating doubt in the minds of potential jurors
We have seen the States evidence and it's overwhelming.Have you seen ANY discovery evidence from the defense that disputes it?
I'm behind the eightball here but I have to comment fresh from hearing TM speaking to Jamie Floyd just now on truTV.

Defense team member Todd M just told JF that there is NO evidence of a body in the trunk of the car, no evidence of chloroform found, no decomp detected in trunk, no evidence of DNA in car - that the media is reporting these things all based on junk science and the information is false. He states that Forensic science is not supporting the body in the trunk. No DNA, NO Decomp, NO chloroform. He stated this as truth based on Forensic Reports that he has recently read. What gives? What have I been reading? What is the truth? Is there or isn't there? What about the odor in the trunk? What can that be attributed to?

TM leads off by saying no body in area after July 16 as it had been completely searched at that time, no water in November, no odor in area and that the area had been completely searched by numerous groups and agencies to include LE prior to December 2008. :confused:

Spin it, Todd. Is that all you got to go on?
At 12:30, WFTV showed Cindy Anthony talking to reporters about her daughter, Casey. "It was awesome to see my daughter today," Anthony said. "It gives me a lot of peace to see that she actually looks OK, she looks healthy. That's important to me."

all I can say is 23-hour lockdown in prison makes one incredibly pale !
I can't recall seeing someone ever be that white...
I was watching the hearing as it was happening and saw KC wiping her eyes when GA was testifying. I didn't see anything. When I viewed the tape going to 2.36, I couldn't figure what was the big deal. Then, I saw the individual still pictures of KC crying on WFTV and I finally saw what you all were talking about. I went back and reviewed the tape and there it was, big as day. Boy, ya'll are so good and very observant too....

Do you think it was deliberate? Is she that angry with GA?

Angry with CA, GA, LE, and JB.

Noboby's getting her out. Somebody's supposed to gt her out!

But, mostly, it's just self pity.
I was watching the hearing as it was happening and saw KC wiping her eyes when GA was testifying. I didn't see anything. When I viewed the tape going to 2.36, I couldn't figure what was the big deal. Then, I saw the individual still pictures of KC crying on WFTV and I finally saw what you all were talking about. I went back and reviewed the tape and there it was, big as day. Boy, ya'll are so good and very observant too....

Do you think it was deliberate? Is she that angry with GA?
I do I do!!!! I think it was meant as quite a jab to ole GA. Remember he pitched a real fit during the hostile Morgan depo about Morgan "flipping him off" when he was only pushing his galsses back up? I think KC either saw it or got wind of it and remembered and used it at precisely the right moment to jab her daddy!!!!!

BTW - I screen captured it and saved it - what a pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Todd was also saying that the sheriffs office keeps "leaking" info. Guess he never heard about the Sunshine Law in Fla.
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