2010-04-18 Steph Watts Radio Show tonight.

hypno guy says Misty was repeating a rehearsed story
Said Misty's blanket story was false probable...(I think those were the words).
blanket smelled like pee-probable false-Misty is directly involved or has direct knowledge of what transpired says lva guy
clip is on Steph's site
talking about MC bringing up the "pee" blanket so many times during her LVA....thinks she was saying that to distract because it wasn't true.
6pm says TC smokes a joint with MC
10 pm no one home by TC

Where was the "KILLING OF HALEIGH"
Misty never went to bed.....bed made

DVD impossible for Haleigh to reach for her video
Misty said Joe wanted gun and took Haleigh

Grandmother says about cement blocks, ropes
No info from a body found

sifting through silt of river

no confermation of the rope
no information on body removed from river per AH

no confirmation of rope retrieved from river (AH & SW)
RC had an assault rifle when he lived with GGS..........showed TM guest says
SW got call from DCFS about the assault rifle - asking him to testify.
JG: says that hypnosis not a truth serum.. they can pretend.. but there are REM and breathing changes that you can notice. In this case there are levels of involvements... but in this case they don't know them (calls it peeling back an onion).. Says the purpose of forensic hypnosis is to bring back memories/what you perceived at the time. He further says that is you were high at the time if hypnotised you would have that sort of a distorted recall under hypnosis.

Misty has tried to tell a little bit here a little bit there and did not submit to hypnosis (scale of 1-10 she was mostly out... did things to distract herself... when she relaxed most of the information that they got was a rehearsed story and she saw things that would be impossible to see in the geography of the house. She also mentioned Junior a lot and seemed concerned about him)

pee stained blanket: did it strike odd? TJH says that it was probable false... just a ploy to get things in another direction. She said she looked in closets and under the beds.... ALL FALSE. She knows who or what happened to this child.

Art Harris: says details of the night at 6pm tommy dropped by to smoke a joint with Misty.. came back at 10 and banged and no answer per Tommy.. than at some point Misty claims that t and JOe come over to steal the gun and take Haleigh instead. Grandma H saying that cinder blocks and rope told to her by Misty

Peggy, first LE at trailer said that master bed was made and Misty had not been in that bed. And the story about movies being watched was also contradictory

Art has no info that a body removed from river and as far as cinder blocks heard it but no real confirmation. And no confirmation of rope.

Now talking about when Ron, when living with Grandma, took out an assault riffle in front of Tim Miller and said if he found out who killed Haleigh he would kill them and herself.

also... misty was under the influence of intoxicants during the test... They also know from the test the three oclock time is off and that she was never asleep that night

Fox news person on the line: says there would be little left of a body at all if they locate it at all.
Misty never was sleeping and 3 am was false also

Shelly........very little left of body, wouldn't be in same place with the harsh winter
"nature's disposal" that river full of gators...........crabs
asking caller about condition of body....can hardly understand "Shelley" because of bad connection - SW asked her to call back.

now SW's talking about Lacy Peterson's body & body parts washing up.

talking about gators in FL...AH says he knows a diver - says no way to find a body w/ tissue due to wildlife...also says treacherous currents in that spot....back to talking about wildlife eating body.

AH saying first search in St.John's river they found deer bones.
discussing if dna could be found on rope if body attatched to it

AH says RC was familiar with the search location, he told him he throws deer carcasses in the river and the gators eat them

oh my isn't that lovely-at least my hubby buries the leftover fish parts after he cleans them-but that behavior by these peeps doesn't surprise me!
low light situation........know the area........and know critters....weighing down body
location very familiar

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