2010.08.02 - DS's friends speak out.

Hi Surfie. I just wanted to jump in about the gym. I don't think that not working out as a couple says anything about the state of their relationship. I don't enjoy working out with my husband. He has mentioned us running together, and I don't even want to do that.

Its not that I don't enjoy being around him. I just like to work out alone. I also don't want to be seen all sweaty and stuff, no make up, all that. We do lots together but working out, I'd rather not.

I understand. I still have to wonder why different gyms though. 24-hour Fitness is, well, open 24 hours a day. Maybe they carpooled and split off to their respective gyms to work out. To each his own, and I'd rather not read something sinister into something that is normal for other folks. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Everyone has friends, even the worst people in history. Not saying Dede is bad or even involved. Just sayin' a few people talking sweet on someone is not really meaningful imo.
I think I'll wait to see what the DA and GJ has to say.
I regularly forget my phone...I leave it charging, forget to throw it into my bag, and out the door I go. I can easily be gone for 12 hours at a time, and not even miss it.

So it's a reasonable thing to think that someone forgot their phone, you know?

Herding Cats
i ALWAYS forget my phone lol i dunno why but i do .. guess im just used to the days of when i was a kid and they werent invented yet
I agree. It sounds like she was trying to be smart and leave the phone at her home to cover herself. What people don't get it is that it's not just the idiots that get caught. Many smart people have been caught too. Just because a phone is pinging at home doesn't mean that the police will automatically back off of a person. They have instincts too, and they have dealt with people trying to outsmart the police for years. It's why I don't commit any crimes, seriously.

And just because there is an alibi doesn't mean that alibi is airtight - that's what the police look for, not that there is an alibi, but that it's airtight enough that the person could not have done the crime. I guess TH and Dede forgot about that airtight part. They thought just having an alibi would be enough.

Basically, there's no outsmarting the police. There's just luck and time. And it's only a matter of time until Dede gets in front of that Grand Jury, TH.

Above BBM.. The bolded statement IMO is what I have stated again and again as being the ONE HUGE(IMO) mistake made in the planning and executing of Kyron's "disappearance". ..

I have agreed with your view of this case completely and once again your view is identical as mine in that yes, Terri planned herself an alibi(s) but DID NOT plan AIRTIGHT ALIBIS. And IMO that will be what eventually crumbles the entire false bravado wall of Terri's into shambles at her feet, and then maybe then we will get a glimpse into the ice that runs thru her veins and evidence to support what many of our opinions are and what many of us feel what all she was capable of doing to Kyron...

Great post, as usual, Aedrys!!!
Above BBM.. The bolded statement IMO is what I have stated again and again as being the ONE HUGE(IMO) mistake made in the planning and executing of Kyron's "disappearance". ..

I have agreed with your view of this case completely and once again your view is identical as mine in that yes, Terri planned herself an alibi(s) but DID NOT plan AIRTIGHT ALIBIS. And IMO that will be what eventually crumbles the entire false bravado wall of Terri's into shambles at her feet, and then maybe then we will get a glimpse into the ice that runs thru her veins and evidence to support what many of our opinions are and what many of us feel what all she was capable of doing to Kyron...

Great post, as usual, Aedrys!!!

ITA and also with the posters who have said that in no way did Terri think that this would fall at her feet, nor did she think that it would generate so much publicity.

If one is a liar, they do not realize that their lies have been seen over the course of time. People are reluctant to confront people on lies, so for years, she probably has gotten away with them.

She has not had anything that would make her question if she is believable, IMHO. So she has not had to examine how to fix up and change her stories for a long time in her life, is my guess.
I'm going to say it once and then I"m done. The bashing over. There is absolutely no excuse for bashing any player in this case.

You may talk about actions and facial expressions etc., The weight comments have no bearing on this case. Don't go there.
I have a question.....have been thinking about it the last couple of days and it is probably silly but:

Terri has a lawyer......does the lawyer need to know what happened or do they just go in and go straight from the point of view of "dont talk" without actually knowing what happened....

do people tell lawyers what happened????

The reason I want to know this is, IF Terri has sent Kyron off or hidden him etc would she have told the lawyer this? and if the lawyer did know this do they by law have to let the police know........I mean you are talking about a missing child.........

just not up with how this legal stuff/lawyers work......
Most lawyers do not want to know more than they have to. If Terri were to tell the lawyer that she killed Kyron for example, he would still not be able to report that to the court unless he was subpeoned for the information and forced to testify about it-but the court would somehow have to know he had the information in order to subpeona him. Not sure how this works...maybe a lawyer will pick this up from here. But what the client says is confidential unless the client agrees that her lawyer can reveal it. All as far as I know.
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I'm not sure if anyone has posted this but there is an interview with Dede Spicher's friends from CBS on KOIN


I transcribed some of it for everyone to read.

In an Interview with CBS news,friends of DeDe Spichers said she was attending a landscaping class at a local nursery, when Kyron disappeared and that she left her cell phone off. That's the 90 minutes of silence the authorities what to question her about. Her friends say when Kaine Horman moved out, friends say Dede dropped what she was doing and staying with Terri for 10 days at the family home..Dede would never be involved anything that would "hurt" anyone and if Dede felt that if Terri had anything to do with this we would not be standing next to Terri per friends.

Former Federal Prosecutor Lori Robinson says by bringing Dede to the Grand Jury the Prosecutors that they are sending the message that their focus is on Terri Horman and the people that are closest to her.

Former Sheriffs Captain Bruce McCain says;It is also an indication that investigators have no tangible evidence or even a crime. So they are using the Grand Jury to get that evidence.
Well now... Just how does the friends info fit with this (per LadyBullDogs transcription above):


>>A reliable source told KGW that Spicher was doing gardening work not far from the Horman family home in northwest Portland on the day 7-year-old Kyron Horman disappeared. Spicher reportedly left where she was working at 11:15 a.m. on June 4 and returned around 1 p.m.<<

A. she was doing "gardening work" -- how does this fit with attending a class?
B. she was not far from the "Horman family home" -- I believe her home is some distance away from the Horman home?
C. Spicher "left" where she was working, then returned -- working as opposed to attending a gardening class? How do these fit together. She left, she returned

So she left a class? She left work? Which is it?

>>A person who was working with Spicher, who is also cooperating with investigators, told them of trying to unsuccessfully find Spicher. Both people have told investigators they have no idea where Spicher was during that period of time.<<

D. Someone was "working" with Spicher? I thought her friends say she was attending class? Do we call the class "work" or "class" or both?

E. She unsuccessfully tried to find Spicher? She was ditching work? Working elsewhere on the property but couldn't be found? She was ditching 90 minutes or more of a class? So you are either working with someone or at a class with them, yet the person you are with disappears for 90 minutes?

Do you suppose Spicher was having a bowel problem and excused herself without mention for 90 minutes?

There is something wrong with what we are hearing from differing sources.
Quick note...

LadyBullDog, I can't find the interview with Dede Spicher's friends from CBS on KOIN at the link you gave. Can you help?
And how does it work with this:


>>Detectives learned that Spicher, who shares Terri Horman's passion for fitness and gardening, was doing gardening work for a Northwest Portland homeowner on June 4. She abruptly left the house about 11:30 a.m. and didn't return until an hour to 90 minutes later. <<

She "abruptly" left the "house." Not disappeared from the class?
Hello BathBuddys,

Earlier in this thread I believe that Grandmaj (moderator) pointed out that the 40 acre info was "rumor" unless and until it showed up in the main stream media (MSM).

Even if there was a large farm... The article noted "She abruptly left the house." That isn't like saying she abruptly left some area that no one knew where she was. It seems to indicate that she was at or near the house, people "noticed" she abruptly left -- or so it seems.
This sounds weird to me sorry.

It does to me too. Too much of a coincidence for her to leave her cell phone at home and yet leave the job at the same time that Terri's 90 minute trek through the supposed countryside took place.

And------DeDe would be smart enough to know to turn her cell phone off, I think. If her cell phone was truly left home, it was premeditated, again, I think.
Hmmmm. So Dede wouldn't be involved. Dede is this great person. What about TH? Did Dede not ever bring her bff around her other friends? Why was there nothing about Dede would not have a friend who would do something like hurt a child? No, it's only that Dede wouldn't do that. Huh. Very interesting.
Well, that's quite a leap. Did they say ONLY DeDe wouldn't do *whatever*?

After watching what's happened to anyone and everyone connected to Terri in this case, I don't believe too many people are willing to set themselves up to have every aspect of their lives sleuthed by anonymous people on the internet. In fact, I'm surprised these friends were willing to be named defending DeDe.
Well, this is all getting sort of weird, a whole bunch of new theories are now swirling through my head. imo.

We have two ladies who had a 90 minute chunk of their day unaccounted for the same day Kyron goes missing. Oh and Dede cant be traced because she left her cell behind. Totally convenient.

And thats not suspicious at all?

The times don't coincide, IIRC. Except for a possible 15 to 25 minute overlap.
I see, I was under the impression that she did landscaping gardening and not farming field labor.

eta: and that "abruptly left the house" sounded more like something one would say about a worker who was seen leaving, rather than out of sight on the property.

If they knew she'd left, abruptly or otherwise, why would they attempt to 'call her in'? It was reported that when that didn't work, they attempted to call her cell.

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