2010.1.25 The Check Fraud Case Guilty Plea

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Did anyone find out what was said after the hearing was over. It looked as though JS was addressing everyone in court but the sound was turned off..
Just looking at the phrasing of the apology seemed to give away her insincerity...She said she wanted to "let everyone know" she was sorry? (paraphrasing). LET EVERYONE KNOW? Maybe I'm picking nits here, but to me, that sounds like she's distancing herself from her actions again. "I want to let everyone know that I'm sorry. I'm not actually sorry, but I want everyone to know that I'm sorry." You see the difference there? Kind of like when someone apologizes with a "I want to say I'm sorry." Well, you may -want- to say it, but you aren't -actually- saying it.

Does this make sense? Am I being too critical here? Did she write her apology you think or did her lawyers?
When a link becomes available of her actual apology I will edit and insert it in the opening post if I can...

Anyhow, who believes that Casey Anthony apologized and plead out only because she was videoed committing these crimes, the police confiscated the ID from her,{obviously THAT was the ID that she used fraudulently, Amy's ID} and there was not a hope of being found innocent and if she did NOT plead guilty the judge may not have been so lenient?

Anyone believe it was genuine and if so, why?

God no I don't believe it was genuine. The reason I feel the judge just said time served and a year probation was because in the long run, she is either going to be in prison for the rest of the time she breaths, or she is going to be in prison until she stops breathing due to her execution. Why delay the process?
was it just me or did it look to you guys like JB irks AL? Those looks she gave him Priceless IMO

I laughed so hard at those looks - I thought she was going to give him a whack on the back of his head!!!
JB was on JVM putting his spin on it today saying Casey just felt so bad about what she'd done to Amy - that's why she went ahead and took a plea of guilty.

NO, Casey didn't seem sincere, but she sure took a jaw clenching swallow to get it out.

She didn't plead guilty because, as he said "she felt bad about it all along" she pled guilty because they could not escape the video evidence. Had there been no security film of Casey she would still be lying about it, and so would JB.
Did anybody think to ask how Casey managed to pay the money back...seeing as she's been in jail and all? I can think of a few different ways...and none make me terribly happy. No, Casey did not make restitution.

Presumably from the original retainer fee Baez was holding and billing against (which is suspected as having been earned from licensing fees of photos and videos early in the case).

Baez sent a check and letter to Bank of America in July of 2009 (I believe it was) and a response letter from BOA to Baez was released in discovery.

BOA was reminding JB that receipt of the check was NOT in lieu of pursuing legal action.

My question....why did Baez wait almost a year to send BOA this almost $600????
Presumably from the original retainer fee Baez was holding and billing against (which is suspected as having been earned from licensing fees of photos and videos early in the case).

Baez sent a check and letter to Bank of America in July of 2009 (I believe it was) and a response letter from BOA to Baez was released in discovery.

BOA was reminding JB that receipt of the check was NOT in lieu of pursuing legal action.

My question....why did Baez wait almost a year to send BOA this almost $600????

Good question....and I noticed AL dropped a little tidbit about KC being declared indigent, I believe in reference to having to pay for the defense to go to Tennessee for a depo.
Makes me wonder why AL would take a case, as a paid attorney, and then complain that the defendent really is indigent-She basically is saying what? That the book/movie/picture whatever money is not enough for a roadtrip? Then how will it be enough for an adequate defense for the next year or more?
Good question....and I noticed AL dropped a little tidbit about KC being declared indigent, I believe in reference to having to pay for the defense to go to Tennessee for a depo.
Makes me wonder why AL would take a case, as a paid attorney, and then complain that the defendent really is indigent-She basically is saying what? That the book/movie/picture whatever money is not enough for a roadtrip? Then how will it be enough for an adequate defense for the next year or more?

Because I have always suspected that AL wasn't initially paid big $$$...I believe she may have been lured by the prospect of big $$$$$ (just like Henry Lee, Dr Baden, etc) and is now stuck....

And it has still not escaped me that one of the visitors AL took in to see KC may possibly be a person with the same exact name who is the "rights coordinator" for a major book publisher....

If I am not mistaken, AL joined the team BEFORE the prosecution filed the "pauper to princess" motion and stopped Team Baez in their marketing tracks....

And one of our attorneys can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe once AL signed on, she is here for the duration unless KC specifically fires her, or AL can convince a judge to recuse her a darn good reason, but lack of funds is not one of them...("Your honor, she can no longer afford me....)
I caught that comment about declaring KC indigent as well. I think that was thrown in there to take a "dig" at the SA for daring to "ask or question" the circumstances surrounding KC's defense arrangements. AL knew her book was coming out......this is better advertising than anything Kaplan could offer. Do you think she would have been invited for near as many radio and TV interviews if she didn't latch on to KC?

As far as the others??????? They aren't on the press train because they don't have hot projects in the hopper needing shameless plugs.

I have visions of TruTV commercial breaks saying......"This break in broadcasting is brought to you courtesy of "Angel of Death Row....on bookshelves now." Arghhhhhhhhhhh
Because I have always suspected that AL wasn't initially paid big $$$...I believe she may have been lured by the prospect of big $$$$$ (just like Henry Lee, Dr Baden, etc) and is now stuck....

And it has still not escaped me that one of the visitors AL took in to see KC may possibly be a person with the same exact name who is the "rights coordinator" for a major book publisher....

If I am not mistaken, AL joined the team BEFORE the prosecution filed the "pauper to princess" motion and stopped Team Baez in their marketing tracks....

And one of our attorneys can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe once AL signed on, she is here for the duration unless KC specifically fires her, or AL can convince a judge to recuse her a darn good reason, but lack of funds is not one of them...("Your honor, she can no longer afford me....)

Awesome post-You are correct!

Also to add: I noticed that JB had the cajones to insinuate that the state should have nolle prosequi'd some of the counts. Now, while I think 5 years was a lot to expect on the state's part, a nolle prosequi suggestion from JB makes me want to

:waitasec: :doh: :laugh: :waitasec: :doh: :laugh:

Not only did she pass bad checks, they were an innocent party's checks...kinda makes a nolle prosequi out of the question.
My apologies. My computer went haywire......I refreshed and tried to reset and it did not........Flog me now........I am so sorry.
CA probably paid it I would think I don't know a friend of mine says Baez paid it Would that even be ethical if so?

Yeah I wondered that too. We all know the money was paid back, but SHE didn't pay for one penny of it. She had no money. Kind of a lucky girl to go to a lawyer and have him pay her restitution - usually the client pays the lawyer, right? Lol the defense is transparent. I wonder what will happen if they genuinely run out of money.
Yeah I wondered that too. We all know the money was paid back, but SHE didn't pay for one penny of it. She had no money. Kind of a lucky girl to go to a lawyer and have him pay her restitution - usually the client pays the lawyer, right? Lol the defense is transparent. I wonder what will happen if they genuinely run out of money.[/QUOTE]

I am suspecting we are (and have been) seeing that now.....:dance:
What strikes me is how many "tears" she can suddenly shed when it's about her fate, but while the focus is on Caylee (in previous hearings), very little emotion is displayed. And even when it is, it's difficult to believe it's sincere. She reserves all of her emotion for herself. Poor Caylee.

I agree %100 CuriousTwo, I think she probably thinks about how "everything has been taken" from her when she's trying to whip up some tears for the audience. It was difficult for me to tell because the video quality was poor, but I didn't see any "tears." I saw the exact same facial contortions, eye dabbing and wiping of invisible tears as in prior hearings. If anything, I thought she did a better job of faking it in the last hearing than in this one. My eyes almost rolled right out of my head when her voice cracked with "emotion" when addressing Amy. I could almost hear her rehearsing it in her cell until she was sure she would tug at everyone's heart-strings, and suddenly, we'd feel bad for HER. AAHHHH narcissists! They never cease to amaze me.

Did anyone else think she got steamed :furious: when the state suggested that she would never be released to serve her probation term? AL and JB seemed to notice her reaction immediately. JMO

On a lighter note, I think AL was overruled on the no makeup policy! Does anyone know if haircuts are available for women inmates?
After watching the hearing I have so many little observations:
Baez is a smarmy attorney. He is, IMO, the kind who will play dirty tricks to get what he wants. That is a means of making up for his lack of talent or intelligence. He just wants to win at all costs and thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. Cocky, arrogant and although I do not think he is as horrible an attorney a many of us here want him to be, he is definitely WAY over his head in this case. He should stick to simple DUI's, thefts, drug charges, smaller crimes until he gets more experience.
Baez and Lyons are not doing a great job at casting doubt as to who did this, painting their client as a victim and/or making anyone feel sorry for her. All of AL's antics with looming over "little" casey and providing comfort to this poor soul, are not working. JB's constant swipes at the SA are not working to change public sentiment. In fact, I think many will find it all irritating and will see through the desperate attempts to save their defense. I don't believe it will work.
casey is a practiced liar and actress. I do think she feels emotion. I do think she even feels some remorse, possibly, at times, and guilt when looking at her parents. But, her main concern is herself. It's what she was taught and she is easily able to rationalize why everything she has done was necessary or justifiable.
With the check thing, I think casey, when finally backed into a corner and unable to refute evidence, will admit certain things, but only if she thinks it will get her out of something much worse. I bet this has been a pattern throughout her life - her parents catch her at something bad, she denies and lies til' the cows come home, they threaten and tell her if she lies about it it will be worse and finally, in desperation for her to admit the truth, they cajole her, tell her they won't be mad if she just fesses up and perhaps even try to justify her actions: "We know you didn't mean to do anything wrong honey, just tell us the truth and everything will be forgiven." She then turns on the waterworks, cries a river and says, with apparent but very contrived sincerity, 'I'm so sorry mom and dad. I didn't mean it. It's just that [INSERT ANY LAME EXCUSE], so I didn't know what to do. That's why I did it. I'm so sorry." "It's okay honey, we know you didn't mean it. We're glad you told us the truth. You should have come to us sooner, before [STEALING FROM GRANDMA, STEALING THE CAR, WHATEVER]. You can tell us anything." "Yeah, but you're always criticizing me for not doing what you want and dad's always yelling at me so I didn't feel I could talk with you." "Oh, honey. See, George? We really need to work on communication and to be better parents. We'll try to do better casey, okay?"
That's what I think has gone on her whole life and that's what I saw in court today with her "apology". casey feels if she admits to this one thing, she'll get out of the rest. It's sick and people who parent this way think they are just protecting their kids or being good parents when in actuality, this is exactly how criminals are produced.
Final observations: CA's mannerisms and demeanor are bizarre, to say the least. Smiling, cracking jokes, dabbing at tiny tears, performing when she thinks the camera is on her, etc.. She acts like she's seeing her military kid who is on a webcam because he or she is overseas. She doesn't act like the grandmother of a murdered baby whose mother is being tried for the baby's murder. Sometimes, it almost seems she enjoys some of the circus. It is so pathological and creepy.
And casey learned well from her mother. A very disturbed person who thinks the world is her stage and that she's sitting in the audience getting ready for her junior high talent show performance, gossiping with her schoolmates before she goes on. There is just no reality to those two at all and it makes me nuts. I loathe her.
On the other hand, George looks like he's aged 25 years in one. A look at his face and one knows he is fully aware of why everyone is there to begin with. Not saying he's not strange either, but I think he understands reality much more than his "girls" do.
I noticed that when KC was talking today, she looked and acted just like GA. She jutted out the chin, had the same cadence in her speech...LA said the two of them were a lot alike, and that they were very good at using their circumstances to benefit themselves.

KC practiced her little speech so hard and put on her best act to avoid real trouble.
I do think she has regret (not remorse) that AH is involved in this, so the (shallow)apology part was not too hard for her. I think what she might find more difficult is having the spotlight on her while she is in that position, not all dolled up, not out on the town; voice tight and JB standing next to her reminding the world that KC is not popular. Then that giant elephant in the room-Caylee's murder. She still wishes that this would just go away.

So, like GA when he is done answering a question that he did not want to answer to begin with, she stuck out her jaw and told us how she feels.
did anyone else notice right before trial, her and Baez were chuckling with each other, and she (mouthed) said "Shut up Jose" while giggling her silly little way, then turns to smile some at AL??
When Strickland was questioning how the probation period could work, did I hear JB with his smirkyness say that Strickland could always release KC on bail? When no one even acknowledged his remark, JB looked a little disappointed - like he thought it was even a possibility......
Did anyone else notice how JB was so worried that the judge was not going to let KC address the court that he actually mentioned it at least three times. The judge finally replied like you would to a nagging child about something (the idea of...although not his actual words..."yah, yah...I heard you...so now go ahead and do your little show.")
watcher, I will have to watch it again, I thought I heard something about lowering her bond? and yes, with his little smirkyness, and I think he even looked over at the camera....no body said a word about it.....
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