2010.11.05 Media-Inside the Baker Home

My opinion is of the video i just now noticed the slideshow showing a bit more ( edited )

i wish they would have did more then a 10 second clip on the house. That leads to way to much room for speculation from people looking for answers.

Im not sticking up for either parent as i do not know what happened and i can only guess on what happened to Zahra but i do want to point out that i cant base how they treated her inside that home from the 10 second video clip.

From the clip i got the following:
In the kitchen i see clean dishes on the strainer and on the shelves, clutterfree counters and atleast 1 side of the sink empty in the kitchen. Pots and pans, baker rack and what appears to be a clean stove.

In Zahra's room i see hung up clothes, painted walls and matching curtains a matching mirror, artwork and what appears to be peices of a fallen basket of game peices/stickers??? on the floor in the closet

In what i can only assume would have been the walk to the living room where the "live. love laugh" boarder was i saw what could have been a entertainment center with a lamp on top but thats just speculation.

Much of this could mean that there was some portion of their lives that was normal which a child and adults lived, it shows that much

What i do not see is a slow moving video of the rest of the place, something that actually paints a picture of what life was like there. The is absolutly no furniture in Zahra's room no dresser, tv, bed frame, carpet nothing but curtains and the little bit left in the closet. Where is the rest of her things? books, pictures, backpacks, shoes, hair care items, ect ect

The kitchen looks like the LE spent a great deal of time there as it looks like in the garbage can is the remains of the blue latex gloves and booties LE would have wore while in there, the bakers rack and some sort of table/dresser that dosent look like it belongs but might have been moved in there to use while they inviestigated. It also appears that the flooring was removed ( linoleum / Carpet?)

What i would have liked to seen was the inside of the fridge, the bathroom, the parents room ect.. A actual walkthrough of the home.
Im really shocked the owner of the home hasnt posted it online and shared but im sure that will come in time. I also wonder what room was off limits and why and who took them on the tour as i dont think they would just enter on their own but who knows.

As for AB not taking anything but a single suitcase ( thats all i remember him taking)and assuming he is innocent i can understand not taking anything. Im not sure i would want it after everthing that LE has done with the finger powder dust, the sprays ect., on everything. They didnt have money and im betting most of that stuff was either 2nd or 3rd hand me downs anyways.

Not taking Zahra's clothes i can see where some people may think he should have taken them, but none of us know what he DID take, it could have been things of hers for all we know and the clothes were not the most precious to him. For all we know that whole suitcase carried pictures, artwork, cards, ect.

Again im just playing devils advocate and just my everchanging thoughts on this matter

On another side note, my family use to rent trailers out for many years and it would never change when people moved out, They would leave a whole house full of stuff, clothes, pictures, tvs ect ect , U name it and it was left like they hit the lottery and were going to be buying new, I could never understand how someone could just walk away from all their items
Very strange that the family didn't take her things! I would want anything related to my child or grandchild. Something to hold onto. I don't get this bunch at all!!!
I am glad AB didn't take any of Zahra's things he took enough from her

I hope that someone will give it to Emily.
Well all the earlier suspicions about paintbrushes and drop cloths seems to be true.

I'm wondering if they took the drains due to the paint supplies? If someone had painted over bloodstains/spatter, and then washed the rollers/brushes in the sink, any blood transfer would have gone down the drain also. :waitasec:

Oops. I guess I was wrong about my feeling that they actually decorated the room for Zahra. Maybe they did, initially. But there certainly seems to be evidence that they did a hasty, recent paint job - typical when trying to cover up a crime,
I am really surprised that they painted the tiles in the first place as they RENT that home. Normally you can't paint tiles, or paint anything but a basic neutral color in a rented home.

By the looks of the paint cans and rollers in the kitchen, it appears to be a lot recent painting going on within the house.
I also noticed they did some searching around the fireplace too, the carpet is moved back, and looks like they took samples from inside the fireplace I bet.

In one of SherlockHomey's photos, there is a log sitting on a planter by the back door. At first, I wondered why on earth LE would take a log from the yard and set it up there, then I realized they had a fireplace in this house. That log must have been pulled from the fireplace and set there on the planter. JMO
Hole in the kitchen ceiling:


floor in the bedroom:


Zahra's clothes:


bottom of her closet:


No, as I recall she left empty handed, didn't she.

Darnudes, sorry I don't have a link but I read somewhere there was a bit of an argument on one of the Zahra FB sites between a relative of KB's and another poster. The person asked why was KB carrying a dog around outside of the house when AB was being evicted, the relative said it was a stuffed dog that belonged to Zahra that she had picked up inside. Once again sorry I don't have the link and I think the conversation has since been deleted, still not quite sure what can or can not be posted here, hope I haven't done the wrong thing Mods.
Looking at the slide show again my opinion is Zahra was killed in the kitchen...maybe blood splatter on the ceiling, carried to her bed until they think of what to do, then they cleaned up and painted the kitchen...dismemberment took plae in the bathroom, tub, floor, once the person is dead I wouldn't think that blood would squirt out, but rather gush out if cut. Sorry for the gore.
Speaks volumes....the pictures. What did they do to that little girl!? *sigh* Deeper down the rabbit hole.
I will say that in some rentals you can paint. We live in a newer apartment complex and they do allow us to paint any room in the house. The rule though is that when we move out they have to approve the color to stay or we have to repaint it a neutral color if it's something bright. The actual model apartments have rooms painted red, gold etc. I think some renters are more open about decorating then others. Painting bathroom tile on the wall is crazy though.
Very strange that the family didn't take her things! I would want anything related to my child or grandchild. Something to hold onto. I don't get this bunch at all!!!


A normal parent not involved in the disappearance/murder of their child, no matter what the police say, is not going to believe all the way their child is dead with no body. They will grasp at any straw of hope this is a mistake, and IMO, they are going to take their child's belongings with them for when their child comes home.
For me, I'm still on the fence about all the painting that appears to have been done. They were new to that house and as we all know ....EB loves black. There seems to be a lot of black painting in that house..walls, tiles, kitchen cabinets etc. So the painting could be just her making the new house reflect her taste. As far as Zahara's sloppy painting job in her room....don't see EB doing anything for her...perhaps if she wanted it done, they made her do the work.
Yes, why take out the pieces of ceiling unless there was splatter? I understand the floor since things flow with gravity into the nooks and crannies even with cleaning. Either she was killed in the kitchen or was dismembered there, IMO. Splatter on the ceiling from spray of a machine of some kind (sorry). RIP Zahra, I'm hoping to hear the newest info from the search that is happening right now, I'm praying along with those searchers.
Maybe the reason everything is removed from Zahras room is because LE had to move it in order to pull up the carpet? Perhaps the room the cameras were not allowed in contained the families personal items.

There had to have been more in that house right? Where are Zahras shoes, other toys, dresser for folded clothing etc.?

As far as the black paint goes I'm thinking the "home" was decorated in black. The wall border with "live, laugh, love" on it is placed over the top of the half black wall... so it was placed there AFTER the painting. I seriously doubt that AB or EB would have picked that border out.
Regarding the cat litter: one of the locals NCMom maybe, said that her friend adopted Zarah's cat. Bella I think is her name.

But anyway, I didn't think that was cat litter on the counter, I thought it was A&H powdered laundry detergent.
I think we all know what they did. No wood chipper but something equally as horrifying. Zahra was killed in her bedroom then dis*(cant write the word) in the bathroom. That's why she is being found one piece at a time.

I knew this was coming but it doesn't lessen the shock, the horror, the rage. I think I'm going to be sick.

I have no words to describe how angry and sick I am At least not ones that won't get me a time-out!!:furious: :furious: :furious:

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