2011.03.02 Motions Hearing - #2 (PM)

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Contempt of court that I was shocked by (and allowed by the court)
1. CA, sitting in witness stand slumped and calling SA by first name and commenting on "her tone."
2. GA, sitting in witnessed stand displaying the same unearned arrogance he did at the ZGF hearing. Talking back, rolling his eyes, arguing.
3. KC hitting her attorney. Do we have a link to this yet? Why is she not shackled?

Why do we continue to see the court allow such contemptable behavior by this family? This is one of the most infuriating aspects of this case.

And really, is JB's only hope, testimony from the family...all documented liars. Will the judge really throw out serious early on evidence based on statements by KC's parents?

With all due respect to your displeasure at how people present themselves in court, not a bit of what you protest is the least bit contemptible
Would the SA be allowed to set up an easel with a giant poster of Caylee to display in the courtroom? I don't see why not - she's the silent victim in this ... the one without a voice other than the State. I don't feel that she should be forgotten. Trying to recall if the prosecutors did this in the courtroom for Laci.

No, because that is intended to influence the jury to return a verdict based on emotion rather than the facts of the case.
Without a doubt LA could have DVR'd the whole hearing today from a number of google sites. He could have used an I-Phone while he waited in the hallway lobby. He could have received text messages from someone inside the courtroom while the testimony was going on. He's not supposed to but it could have happened.
No, because that is intended to influence the jury to return a verdict based on emotion rather than the facts of the case.

Hey there, glad you dropped in. :)

If you check this thread again I would like to get your take on Baez and Mason's performance today.
So what's up tomorrow? Will Lee be there? I think I will be calling in sick.
While LA arrived with GA & CA, he left alone. He was out the courthouse door and down the street before GA & CA got on the elevators to go downstairs.
No, because that is intended to influence the jury to return a verdict based on emotion rather than the facts of the case.

But they can on closing arguments, right?

Also, if you are still here - are there any rules about electronic devices being used during a trial?
ANJ, as scattered as JB's questioning of YM was today, there was a method to his madness. He chose several "signpost moments" where one could make the argument that KC should have been Mirandized/was not actually free to leave/would not have reasonably thought that she was free to stop the conversation and depart. These included:

- When the rookie cuffed her for 4-5 minutes (or 30-60 minutes by GA's accounting)
- When she was talking with YM alone in the spare bedroom
- When she got in Acevedo's car to go point out places Caylee/ZFG might be
- When they were at security at Universal
- When they were at the end of the hall at Universal
- In the room at Universal
- Back at OCSO

Most significant seemed to be the end of the hall at Universal. YM agreed that at that point he recognized that KC had clearly lied to LE (4 of her original arrest warrants are for this crime), yet they continued into the room and continued the conversation with KC w/o Miranda.

YM very believably stated, about 4 times I think, that he just could not believe that the mother of a missing toddler would lie so expansively, and indicated that he kept trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. JB kept trying to make hay with the concept of "when did LE become suspicious of KC, and trying to imply that LE considered KC a suspect long before she was arrested.

(ETA: THANK YOU for that screen grab! :shocked2:)

Exactly and just because she was lying about some things - did not mean at that point she was lying about all. At that point, I could see JM thinking - well, she is lying to me about this job cause she is afraid her mom will find out she is NOT employed.......but why would that be more important than telling the ABSOLUTE truth when her 2 1/2 beautiful child is missing.

I think, the state will take this one - but it was JB best try to date! LOL
ok friends - I was nearly totally busted by dh as he arrived home before the end of the hearing. Suddenly heard the garage door, So, I had to slam the laptop closed and run into the kitchen and pretend to "do things."

Last 10 minutes and the conversation at the bench? I'll look at it when they post it, but a brief play by play? Anyone? TIA!

OT but oh my gosh I am happy to know I am not the only one that does that. Sometimes I run to the second stair up and turn around and come down slowly. :):):)
No, because that is intended to influence the jury to return a verdict based on emotion rather than the facts of the case.

...just going to post a bit of a "me too" to beach's previous post. I was hoping you'd weigh in today. I always appreciate and respect your perspective. Yeah, that sounded really lame. The only time I've set foot in a court room has been as a prospective juror. I appreciate you're dispelling of some of the mythology, as well as your factual references. I look forward to reading your views (and I still sound lame - sorry).

LOL ! I can't believe I'm even thinking it! I just keep seeing JB getting a lot of what he requests "because death is different". I not only want this statement in,I think the jury should see every video taped phone call and visitation .If I had my way the reaction to finding Caylee would also come in .Judge Strickland made it pretty clear that it showed guilt. Unfortunately ,the Judge has to weigh the defendants rights into this equation. I really hope I'm wrong. I'll gladly eat my hat (the chocolate one :innocent: ) if I'm wrong.

LOL Miss James - you must follow me in my madness - I am not saying your thoughts are wrong - all I'm saying is I want my thoughts to be right!!!!
That doesn't mean your forebodings are wrong - I just want them to be...
Hint - now on second cocktail after spending the day watching this hearing instead of trying to earn an honest dollar(or two).

Around 15:30; shows her "writing". She's not writing nuthin!! She's trying to show YM she is so unconcerned about anything he has to say!! She is doodling! Look at the expression on her face. She "writes" at the top of the page, flips the page under (I can't quite make it out), then writes at the bottom. She's crazy!

eta: Is this what she's going to do during her trial? It makes her look completely unconcerned about what is going on around her! Oh, a trial for my life? Caylee who? I must get the detail on this cartoon correct!

Around 15:30; shows her "writing". She's not writing nuthin!! She's trying to show YM she is so unconcerned about anything he has to say!! She is doodling! Look at the expression on her face. She "writes" at the top of the page, flips the page under (I can't quite make it out), then writes at the bottom. She's crazy!

eta: Is this what she's going to do during her trial? It makes her look completely unconcerned about what is going on around her! Oh, a trial for my life? Caylee who? I must get the detail on this cartoon correct!

And she did that through the entire hearing! I'm telling you,in her head she is not a murder defendant,she's part of a legal team!
OMGoodness,this will be a crazy trial.:crazy:
Without a doubt LA could have DVR'd the whole hearing today from a number of google sites. He could have used an I-Phone while he waited in the hallway lobby. He could have received text messages from someone inside the courtroom while the testimony was going on. He's not supposed to but it could have happened.

You will notice that HHJP did admonish the witnesses not to be observing the proceedings via modern technological means until they had given their testimony. So it is something that he is definately looking for.

(Oh and JB! I really really hope that if you were shooting text messages of CA's testimony out to MM and GA, that you had the good sense to make sure your iPad was in 3g mode, and not using the courthouses WiFi. Because text messing is not encrypted and can easily be monitored by the counties IT department. And it would not surprise me if HHJP is smart enough to ask them about it.)
OT but oh my gosh I am happy to know I am not the only one that does that. Sometimes I run to the second stair up and turn around and come down slowly. :):):)

Luv! I am totally stealing that from you! I usually whip open a couple of cabinets and have something in my hands...can, knife, dishcloth, dog... Glad you got a kick out of my "dilemma." It was a real adrenal rush!
Hey there, glad you dropped in. :)

If you check this thread again I would like to get your take on Baez and Mason's performance today.

I sat in for 15 minutes of LDB's cross of CA, but otherwise have not seen any of the hearing except for the news clips. (You all would be happy to know I sat one person away from Mr. BS himself:clap:)
And she did that through the entire hearing! I'm telling you,in her head she is not a murder defendant,she's part of a legal team!
OMGoodness,this will be a crazy trial.:crazy:

Being just now able to watch, I totally agree

ETA: O/T LOL my dog is running in her sleep
I sat in for 15 minutes of LDB's cross of CA, but otherwise have not seen any of the hearing except for the news clips. (You all would be happy to know I sat one person away from Mr. BS himself:clap:)

My condolences for you having to be so close to Baez.

Here, have a :cupcake:
I just watched a brief snippet of Cindy's testimony...please tell me she didn't actually call the State Prosecutor by her first name?!!!!!!!!!!!!

CA has no concept of what's appropriate and what's not. Her manners in situations like this leave a lot to be desired.
CA has no concept of what's appropriate and what's not. Her manners in situations like this leave a lot to be desired.

This is one of their tactics. George did the same thing during his depo.
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