2011.05.11 Anthony Lawyer says legal action possible for accusing GA

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I read some article regarding this topic. What legal action does he mean exactly? Defamation? That would be a separate suit altogether? I thought it would be the job of prosecution to rule out any other suspects other than KC.
I believe that George would do almost anything to save Casey's life, except admit to molesting her or having anything to do with harming Caylee in any way shape or form.

I sincerely hope his lawyer holds true to this promise. If in opening statements, the DT accuse George, I sincerely hope he gets on the stand and is dramatic as he can be about the smell in the car when he got it from the tow yard. I hope he makes it worse for Casey. Now, Cindy on the other hand will always downplay this mess to keep Casey safe, but in my honest opinion, I don't think George loves her enough to destroy the relationship he had with Caylee. No way, I would have to watch it to believe it..and lord knows, if he allows it, then I guess he deserves all the wheels on the bus rolling over him.

well whatever relationship he retains with his dead granddaughter in his head has taken a back seat to the one he has with her killer, his daughter.

but if the killers lawyers think they can free the killer by implicating her parents....well, good luck with that one. even thought they are obviously intimidated and cowed by ICA, they aren't going to take her place.

even they aren't that weak.
I don't see a suit so far. Not sure how much remedy George could have. A defense is allowed to present alternate theories. I don't think they need to have evidence as such of their alternate theories. GA is not being prosecuted, tried or anything of that sort.

Maybe one of the lawyers will weigh in on this.

Defamation of character? :waitasec:

Hmmmm, interesting. Didn't both GA and CA make public statements not that long ago, something about they would do anything for KC? I know we all wondered at the time if GA was saying he would take the blame in court. So has something changed or is this a ploy to give their denial less attention when it comes up in court?

I think it's a preemptive strike to the defense. It's a warning to not even try it.

Even if they believe Cindy and George lied, I doubt if the defense team would win on this one. CA and GA changed their statements to put their daughter in a better light obviously. Was anything said by CA or GA comparable to KC's disprovable lies? KC seems to be writing fiction with all her lies. In fact she should have took that up. CA and Ga's lies or inconsistent statements are nothing compared to KCs.

Good observation.

Before you know it one of them will be on Dancing With The Stars :crazy:

Celebrity Apprentice or the biggest losers. :loser:

I mentioned a while ago I didnt think that George would be up for the bus running over him and im so glad he's not. Defense lawyers shouldnt be allowed to point the finger at anyone and get away with it imo it ruins life's. does it mean that they can say what the like about you because your not on trial isnt it defamation if you publicly blame/accuse someone for something they havent done someone please ?

If there is a lot of evidence that someone else did it then I think they should be able to. However, it shouldn't be an ABC defense. (Anybody But Casey)

I heard the defense added the squirrel's widow to the defense witness list. :crazy:

I agree, Lippman is just firing a warning shot across the defenses bow that GA and CA will not play along with any such "the A's could have done it" schemes. It's not like they can actually sue anyone involved. KC? Sue her for what? They already have a ton more legitimate things to sue her over, like stolen money and wrongful death. But what could they possibly get out of it? She has less than nothing. And her defense lawyers are immune from civil suit for whatever they say or imply in court. The best Lippman could do is to file some sort of ethics complaint.

I think what they want is to win a trial about that just to clear their names. JMO
I mentioned a while ago I didnt think that George would be up for the bus running over him and im so glad he's not. Defense lawyers shouldnt be allowed to point the finger at anyone and get away with it imo it ruins life's. does it mean that they can say what the like about you because your not on trial isnt it defamation if you publicly blame/accuse someone for something they havent done someone please ?

I wonder how well JB is sleeping at night lately? :innocent:
I think he will rue the day he ever took ICA as his client.....
Before you know it one of them will be on Dancing With The Stars :crazy:

:great::great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Hilarious ! Thanks for the good laugh !!

the squirrels widow is gonna be called? is that what you said steelydan?

if JVM heard that one she would really have a BLOCKBUSTER!!!!!!!!!
I heard the defense added the squirrel's widow to the defense witness list. :crazy:

LOL oh that was so funny Steely:D
GA and CA could tell the truth on the stand (for once) and then still beg for mercy for her miserable life during the penalty phase. Then I may start to forgive them. But I do need them to tell the truth for Caylee. Although even as I am typing this it came to me that if they do decide to finally be honest it will not be for Caylee but for themselves as they learned what ICA has in mind for them.
I'm pretty anti CA and GA only because of their ways, they have shown to be less than truthful, they caused a lot of the uproar in the media.
When I heard the words that GA would sue, I wasn't suprised, it just brought to mind a bully or a yammerer who always threatens when they themselves are threatened by someone who is bigger. GA's defense stratergy of sorts. KWIM?
I thought the last part of the article was the most interesting to me....saying we assume that GA and CA are on one side or the other, but that they are on both sides.

First of all, it's nice for them to acknowledge that there are two sides....because if ICA was really innocent ICA and Caylee would be on the same side, and the perp on the other, right?

You know how Little Red Riding Hood felt when she found out she wasn't talking to her nice sweet grandma, but the Big Bad Wolf? I think that's where GA and CA are right about now....

I've given them less of a hard time then others for these past few years with all their antics. I understood the need to keep up the facade to some degree. You do at least want your child to have the benefit of a fair and impartial jury. If you as the parents are out in the media admitting you think your child is a monster, how is that ever going to happen??? But I think they drifted off into that other Orlando theme park - DenialWorld - and the ride is coming to a full and complete stop and it's time to get off.

Not an attorney here, but a lawsuit IMHO would definitely involve some type of slander/defamation suit...only person really could be ICA....anyone who is asked "did ICA ever disclose these types of things to you" is just answering truthfully under oath as to what they were told. Only ICA could say directly "GA did xyz" In a suit like that, the onus is on the plaintiff to prove that the offending statement was made (which will be a cinch if it happens in the context of a trial) and that the statement is detrimental (I think we can all agree being called a murderer or pedophile pretty much would qualify). If those tests are met, then the onus is on the defendant to prove that the statements are true statements, because you can't be prosecuted for saying it if it's true. If a case like this were to go forward that's where ICA would have a hard time. It's all a bunch of hot air, IMHO, I don't think GA will really do that, but we'll see. BTW If JB puts forth this theory based on what ICA told him then he should be okay, but if he said "hey KC I have an idea, let's say...." KNOWING they were just making it up as they went along, that could I think be suborning perjury. But try proving it.
GA and CA could tell the truth on the stand (for once) and then still beg for mercy for her miserable life during the penalty phase. Then I may start to forgive them. But I do need them to tell the truth for Caylee. Although even as I am typing this it came to me that if they do decide to finally be honest it will not be for Caylee but for themselves as they learned what ICA has in mind for them.

cindy couldnt tell the truth if it walked up to her and introduced itself, dragging a successful lie detector report. george would have to get an Ok from cindy before admitting to believing anything at all.
I don't know how GA and CA would sue anyone for defamation, it would come back to them at least 10 fold. They themselves put a lot of innocent people under suspicion of what happened to Caylee, so some lives were already put into question by the A's.
Brad Conway was on JVM tonight saying his theory is that in opening statements JB is going to say that KC was so scared of her family that she just could not tell what happened. He didn't go into what he thought did cause Caylee's death though.

Playing a little devil's advocate, what did BC mean that ica was/is so scared? Scared because she is the one who did this, or does he mean she was afraid of her parents because whatever she might know, nobody would ever believe her because she lies? He cast more suspicion of doubt, that's all. :banghead:
I am pleased to hear Mark Lippman speak up this strongly. I don't think he could do more than a "cease and desist" but as dog.gone.cute says - it is good to hear he is not prepared to fall on his sword for his daughter.

Totally agree, and good on Mark Lippman, I really like this guy. He seems like an honest and decent lawyer, and you don't see that too often.
The timing of this is odd. This theory has been carted around for years...where have they been under a rock?
I don't know how GA and CA would sue anyone for defamation, it would come back to them at least 10 fold. They themselves put a lot of innocent people under suspicion of what happened to Caylee, so some lives were already put into question by the A's.

You are so right! This is surely Karma at work.....how does it feel Mr.Anthony?
I don't know how GA and CA would sue anyone for defamation, it would come back to them at least 10 fold. They themselves put a lot of innocent people under suspicion of what happened to Caylee, so some lives were already put into question by the A's.

The timing of this is odd. This theory has been carted around for years...where have they been under a rock?

I agree with you. Summat stinks and I don't know what it is.

Throw GA under the bus and shout incest and mental abuse?

Ditto and accuse him of murdering Caylee?

Accuse CA of murdering Caylee in her frustration with ICA?

If any of the above is presented I will be so darn disgusted with ICA and Baez et al that I am sure I shall spit blood.

What about Caylee?
The timing of this is odd. This theory has been carted around for years...where have they been under a rock?

I think the timing is purposeful. George and Cindy are hoping to postpone or stop Casey's trial with this maneuver. I don't think the Anthony clan works independently of one another; they are all in this together. jmo
Brad Conway was on JVM tonight saying his theory is that in opening statements JB is going to say that KC was so scared of her family that she just could not tell what happened. He didn't go into what he thought did cause Caylee's death though.

I truly hope the DT does not try to throw this carp at the jury. If she was afraid of Cindy and George, she would have truly been working to support Caylee and coming home each and every night instead of partying to take care of her.

As a whole, there are far more ways to debunk this than to base it as any kind of theory for the defense.

They are playing a loosing game, best thing they can do at this point is beg for mercy for ICA.
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