2011.05.12 Jury Selection Day FOUR (Afternoon Session)

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Man o Man - JB really does not like NG. Every chance he gets to dig her, he does.
How often do you watch the NG entertainment show. Oh boy jb you're in trouble.
just checking in.....anything good going on so far today?
This guy is like my mom. He watches the NEWS all day. He trusts the media for his everyday decisions. He thinks NG is as accurate as the weather channel.
Why Nancy Grance ENTERTAINMENT show? little passive/aggressive feelings there JB?
OMG.... JB saying she has people who pretend to be experts... Hmmm... Kobilinsky? :waitasec:
He watches a LOT of NG - knew about Natalee Holloway - followed this case.
OMG, just get rid of him already. Why waste the court's time (and other jurors)???!!!! And please, Baez, stop trying the case here!

JB: Mr. 1129 I know you have gone over several areas with LDB. How often do you watch the news?


JB: how many times a day?

normally in the morning, traffic and weather...get home and normally six to seven some local news and then the six thirty national news then later cable news shows...

JB: you watch national news...

I try.

JB: you rely on the daily news to make decisions. what umbrella to wear...


JB: is that a habit of yours to watch the news and do what they say.

I would be lost if I did not watch the news.

JB: do you search websites for news?

not at work. in the evening when I have more time. not always for the news, stocks financial sports...in that area...i feel like I got the news through other media.

JB: how often do you watch NG

If no sports I will channel surf...if I see it and it is interesting...

JB: do you know she did a show on this case ever night for six months

yes, she also did the girl down in aruba

JB: so you know the general format of the show, she gives her opinion


JB: she will claim to have experts and lawyers giving opinions and now and then she talks about her twins...

she ends with a fallen hero

JB: that is her format and you are familiar.


JB: is she fair and balance or tilted?

tilted toward her and the opinion she is getting across.

JB: is it in agreement with defense or prosecution?

I don't know.
LOL this guy is insane... Nancy Grace is liberal? Maybe he doesn't know her after all.
Now going after NG? THIS IS NOT THE TIME!!!!!!! Holy cow, I am so frustrated with this. Sorry folks. :)
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