2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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The one question they won't be able to answer convincingly: If it was an accident, why cover it up? Their possible answer: so she wouldn't be blamed. But she got blamed for not reporting Caylee missing for 31 days anyways. And she would've definitely got blamed after they discovered the body tossed like trash. I suppose they'll say Casey was scared of Cindy. Rewind those jailtapes - that was not a daughter talking that she was afraid of her mother. "Put Dad back on the phone, just, ugh, this is the first time I'm angry, just ugh, put Dad back on the phone."

Luckily the jury isn't required to delve into the complicated and uniquely defective brain of ICA to try and see the world from her very special view. They'll weigh her actions against what a normal, reasonable response would be. Does a normal or reasonable Mother attempt to cover up a drowning by disguising it as something far more heinous or do they call 911. Either she's legally sane or she's not. Apparently she's sane and as such is required to act reasonably.
I dont think it is a day.

I thought it was like 2 to 3 hours. I am not an expert but I have read on the subject for years since I was 17. Including Dr Basses books.

Oh, okay--- a day is what I thought I heard them say. Please don't ask who "them" is. I am pretending to work and have many windows open for when my big bad boss, husband comes into the office and hands me something to do. LOL:innocent:
I believe everything you see on your monitor comes from your hard drive, there is no direct link from the internet to your monitor. It has to go to your hard drive first. Let me do a little research.

There is a cache in routers that stores internet pages. Not only your own but your internet service provider's larger routers that serve your router and send it stuff. That information, the whole web page, is not necessarily stored on your hard drive.

However it is true that in in order to view anything, the computer has to call programs on its hard drive like your ISP and your OS. These programs will time and date stamp and store the information they need to show you what you asked to see.
Wondering if inmates on trial, while in the courthouse, get to enjoy real food?...as opposed to prison fare..
grandmaj do you possibly know the answer to my question? You read so many threads I thought you just might!

I have a question that has probably been asked. Does anyone know if the Jury during sequestration are allowed to have their cell phones? So many people have Smart Phones and internet access phones. I know they are restricted and bound to the Laws of the court and sequestration. But is that monitored if indeed they are allowed?

No dear they cannot.
The jurors cell phones were taken from them when they arrived for duty. In order for them to use a phone a court officer is standing right there with them to ensure they are only conducting business like paying bills etc.

Even their Ipods and gaming systems had to be shut off as it relates to internet capability, receiving news, etc. The judge gave these orders on the day he swore them in.

Even family when they visit have to sign a form stating that they will not discuss the case with them , provide them with research, news etc.
There is a cache in routers that stores internet pages. Not only your own but your internet service provider's larger routers that serve your router and send it stuff. That information, the whole web page, is not necessarily stored on your hard drive.

However it is true that in in order to view anything, the computer has to call programs on its hard drive like your ISP and your OS. These programs will time and date stamp and store the information they need to show you what you asked to see.

We are getting closer. You are referring to DNS servers, not routers per se. Web pages and the pictures embedded in them SPECIFICALLY get cached in many servers that make up the Internet.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138977"]2011.06.08 TRIAL Day Thirteen (Afternoon Session) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Back live! Sidebar closing in moments peeps.


TOS and Rules of Etiquette still apply in Sidebar: no namecalling, bashing and derogatory remarks simply intended to be snarky.
That was a shocking and horrific typhoon in a sea of monotony.
I am speechless. My heart is racing and I am just beside myself.

This testimony IMO supports KC looking for manners of death and ways to stage accidents.

I really really hope I am wrong.
The "mock juror" is speechless. And more than alittle nauseous. :(
I am afraid that they might be losing some of the jury on this...to be honest, I've waited for it all week, thinking it would be more clear, when it just seems even more confusing to me....maybe it's because I can't quite follow this guy.

Brief aside, I had some posts disappear...not sure if I'm breaking any rules (thought I was doing okay!) but if I am, I'm sorry. :dunno:
Lee Anthony is in the hallway - what do you all think he's going to testify about now?
I don't know whehter to post, drink, or what. I am going to hug my kids because their hugs are magic.
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