2011.06.10 ABC's 20/20 RE: Casey Anthony Trial

AL lying again and saying Kronk took a day off (he has an alibi) to tamper with the body. LOVE how she conveniently forgot to tell ABC that he was getting his car fixed and the cops checked him out.
Ha! When asked if Casey should take the stand, the PI said "I think..the defense almost has nothing to lose!"

You got that right, buddy.
Discussing ICA taking the stand - basically no other way to get the 'abuse' in there.
AL is on a media tour...she's running interference for the DT. Her goal is to reach as many future potential jurors as possible...hoping for an appeal or new trial. JMO
AL leaves me scratching my head continuously! If she really felt this strongly about Casey, she would have never walked away from this case. She had enough money to start pro bono but didn't have enough to finish? No way, she walked away because her records are precious to her and she didn't want the strike against her perfect record. Nothing else makes any sense. She can't claim money IMHO-the same as LKB.

Right now, they are both on these programs only for advertising of themselves.
So, according to AL, RK took Dec. 10 off to place duct tape, which was so old that there was no residue left on it, and put it over Caylee's mouth. OMG!!!!!

This is all they have???????
AL leaves me scratching my head continuously! If she really felt this strongly about Casey, she would have never walked away from this case. She had enough money to start pro bono but didn't have enough to finish? No way, she walked away because her records are precious to her and she didn't want the strike against her perfect record. Nothing else makes any sense. She can't claim money IMHO-the same as LKB.

Right now, they are both on these programs only for advertising of themselves.

I kept thinking this as I watched her yammer on.
So, according to AL, RK took Dec. 10 off to place duct tape, which was so old that there was no residue left on it, and put it over Caylee's mouth. OMG!!!!!

This is all they have???????
lolz. Let the jury decide!
AL lying again and saying Kronk took a day off (he has an alibi) to tamper with the body. LOVE how she conveniently forgot to tell ABC that he was getting his car fixed and the cops checked him out.
I don't think AL, or anyone else on the defense really follows this line of thought to its conclusion. If Caylee's death was really an accident, then AL and the DT would have no reason whatsoever to try and destroy Kronk. I'm left with, IMO, the logical conclusion that KC murdered Caylee, because if KC were innocent of murder the truth would be sufficient.
AL lying again and saying Kronk took a day off (he has an alibi) to tamper with the body. LOVE how she conveniently forgot to tell ABC that he was getting his car fixed and the cops checked him out.

There was no 'body' left to tamper with by the time Caylee was reported missing and she was sadly skeletonized by August. Her remains were hard to find because searchers were looking for a 'body' and only TM had the wisdom to realize she could be scattered remains under water that could get squashed into the mud.
I don't think AL, or anyone else on the defense really follows this line of thought to its conclusion. If Caylee's death was really an accident, then AL and the DT would have no reason whatsoever to try and destroy Kronk. I'm left with, IMO, the logical conclusion that KC murdered Caylee, because if KC were innocent of murder the truth would be sufficient.


Plan B when the accident theory fails? If NOT accident THEN blame GA if NOT GA THEN blame RK?
There was no 'body' left to tamper with by the time Caylee was reported missing and she was sadly skeletonized by August. Her remains were hard to find because searchers were looking for a 'body' and only TM had the wisdom to realize she could be scattered remains under water that could get squashed into the mud.

Oh, I know, I use the term body loosely since it's hard to type out skeletonized remains. :(
Glad I missed AL...though I tuned in in time for a fascinating segment about Williams Syndrome.
She just sits and lies and lies. Casey has a companion in Andrea Lyon! No children are murdered w/out prior evidence of abuse blah blah blah. FALSE Andrea, FALSE.
Ugh, it just came on here...and I don't have anything better to say than what ya'll have already said. They pretty much lost me at "science fiction." (eta: I think that was the first sentence, even)

Also, AL is a <unusual person> IMO, and she lost her last shred of credibility when she left this case. I wholeheartedly agree that she didn't want to sully her record and got some publicity for her book to boot.

I'm gonna go ahead and turn this off now and watch this morning's portion of the trial as I missed it.
So, according to AL, RK took Dec. 10 off to place duct tape, which was so old that there was no residue left on it, and put it over Caylee's mouth. OMG!!!!!

This is all they have???????

I hope Roy Kronk's attorney sues AL for making this false statement on a TV show. Unlike JB, who is protected by the statements he is spewing because he is saying them in a court of law, AL does not have the same protection spewing this nonsense out on the airways. Do these lawyers have no shame? Do they care if they ruin the lives of innocent people, just to save Casey? It's despicable!
Here is the thing.
Kronk called 911 in August. HE CALLED 911. So how in the world is Baez going to claim that he did anything outrageous, LIKE TAKING HER BODY WITH HIM, after he already made himself known to the cops. ????

Seriously, are we supposed to believe that some body would notify LE of a dead little girl in the woods, and meet with an officer, and then if cops do not find her, you go into the woods and take that body yourself?????

I am really afraid that Baez is going to abandon the Kronk portion of his fairy tale. I just do not believe he will be able to argue that with a straight face.

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