2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Morning Session)

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I think HHJP and SA were on to the DTs theatrics yesterday and that's why HHJP did not tell the jury she was ill and prob ordered the DT to not make comments. I think that was the condition for ending early. Oh God the letters.............:( :(
She looks horrible, whether by act on genuine I cannot tell. I actually believe she had some sort of breakdown yesterday.


It appears her "illness" may be the same type of out of body experience she had on the day little Caylee's remains were found.
Sims already invading ICA's space and petting her.
head down, hand over mouth....no one can see her...so strategic.

Judge Perry is da bomb

remember Judge Ito? his courtroom was a circus!
She looks horrible, whether by act on genuine I cannot tell. I actually believe she had some sort of breakdown yesterday.


ITA, it made me wonder if it's the thoughts of what she did are really hitting her hard with the pics and mentions of the tape. clearly she isnt reacting like we are.....but it's doing her in all the same.
Nice...JA just slipped in a little message that these are Target brand shorts and guess who loves to shop at Target!
Anyone notice she had JB turn the laptop around as in she did not want to look at it cause the pictures were being shown on it, well it was turned so that we can see it and there is nothing on it except the normal main screen, they simply moved it so the jury could see her.
ICA maintaining her "Rodin- The Thinker" position, turned away from the computer screen.
I hope they do a side by side image of a then live Caylee with that shirt on at Ricardo's apartment..

well my wish came true

#CaseyAnthony Letters from the Big Trouble pink shirt found loose. Split screen with Cayler wearing shirt. Powerful.
by bobkealing via twitter at 9:10 AM

Letters spell out big trouble comes small is shown in split screen with photo of caylee wearing shirt w same words while alive #caseyanthony
by biancamprieto via twitter at 9:11 AM
ICA is going to pull the same crap she did yesterday...She is already digging deep trying to build up some tears. I predict today she will add to her illness by fainting.
Is it true that she has never before seen these pictures? If so then JB is a real piece of work, putting her out there in front of a jury like a circus act. (Not feeling bad for her, but that is just wrong!)
Groan....I'm getting chocked up w/ that pic of Caylee in the shirt
Yep, winding herself up for another 'episode'...she is so fake, I just hope the jury figues this out...

thinking pose...good description, I was going elsewhere...JMHO

Today should be easier (in her mind) for her to pull off because she already got away with it once. You know she is thinking it worked! YAY. ...JMO
Oh man...the letters from the shirt.....I don't know if I can take this.....
How can she feel sick when she refuses to even look at the pictures being submitted into evidence?
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