2011.06.14 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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george and cindy anthony's atty (LIPPMAM) just told Vinny the dt HAS NOT notified George or Cindy that either will be called.

he noted the dt isn't required to notify witnesses in advance

but that it is a courtesy

so...is it possible George IS NOT going to be called and challenged as to the defense theory


george and cindy anthony's atty (LIPPMAM) just told Vinny the dt HAS NOT notified George or Cindy that either will be called.

he noted the dt isn't required to notify witnesses in advance

but that it is a courtesy
so...is it possible George IS NOT going to be called and challenged as to the defense theory



Where did Lippman ever get the idea that there was anything Courteous about the Defense Team....
Who is that ridiculous bet strictland??? Boy she is sure pro defense and says the State proved nothing and will never get a 1st degree murder rap again KC. Says they may get a 2nd degree or manslaughter. How many believe that here? It scares me to think that monster might ever get out of prison to harm others and steal from others again.
LKB is on now. Had to turn channel. Mute is not enough.

Yeah, I am kind of bummed. In my area, I was watching Vinnie and it switched to the Muppets. I am calling the cable company to see what happened.
THANK YOU VINNIE! Why was JB telling everyone that there was a missing child!?
Seriously, there needs to be soooo many DARWIN awards handed out in this case!
Yeah, I am kind of bummed. In my area, I was watching Vinnie and it switched to the Muppets. I am calling the cable company to see what happened.

I'd rather see the muppets than LKB. Maybe it's a sign. LOL
Just thought of this when Vinnie played the tape of Roy Kronk saying he found the remains and notified his supervisor. IF he was 'morally bankrupt' and was only interested in the reward $$, why would he inform his supervisor? No concern that the company would keep HIS reward?

P.S. Note to LKB: Keep 'poking holes' in the Prosecution case. You look and sound more ridiculous every time you open your mouth.
george and cindy anthony's atty (LIPPMAM) just told Vinny the dt HAS NOT notified George or Cindy that either will be called.

he noted the dt isn't required to notify witnesses in advance

but that it is a courtesy

so...is it possible George IS NOT going to be called and challenged as to the defense theory



Did JB end his cross exam saying they might be subject to recall?
LKB= there are 2 sides to every story - For Casey, she did have a missing child, if George took and hid the body--there is truth to every lie she told---WHAT Happened in that house between 7 am and 1 PM?

[I'll answer that--pick me, pick me= if you want to know what was going on just look at Casey's computer usage, and her texts and calls . She is doing one of the above constantly. LKB was trying to 'hint' that George was abusing Casey in the mornings while
Cindy was at work. I hope she sleeps well at night. ]

LKB= [re;drowning theory]
surprise/surprise==== 'no reaction from george on that tape, they are a PAIR of liars'

[re kronk]= something suspect to his story-no skull rolled out

[ I read kronks interview and he said he poked the bag with a stick, and a skull seemed to appear and roll out. BUT THEN HE SAID IT WAS BECAUSE THE BAG WAS DRAPED OVER THE TOP OF THE SKULL< SO WHEN THE BAG WAS MOVED THE SKULL WAS SHOWING>
Maybe Vinnie's first question after LKB is on should be "Hey callers, let us know what you think of what LKB said." At least take a vote of the rest of the people on this show. Better yet, stop inviting her on. Although I really think she helps the Prosecution every time she opens her mouth by proving how ridiculous the Defense theory really is.
Just thought of this when Vinnie played the tape of Roy Kronk saying he found the remains and notified his supervisor. IF he was 'morally bankrupt' and was only interested in the reward $$, why would he inform his supervisor? No concern that the company would keep HIS reward?

P.S. Note to LKB: Keep 'poking holes' in the Prosecution case. You look and sound more ridiculous every time you open your mouth.

Really! She's just looking desperate, pathetic and stupid at this point. Not to mention she completely mangled the word 'skeptical'. What a dunce.
:floorlaugh: you are so right.

My thought is I'm sure lots of parents who kill their kids were thought of as good parent.. Scott Peterson was thought to be a good husband.

In the first week after Laci was missing her own mother defended Scott profusely. She really believed he wasn't involved in it and then the threads began to unravel......
Lots of people said Scott was a real charmer, a very likeable guy......

See where he is today, Death Row!
Andrea Yates was a good mother, showed video of her with her kids in their Halloween costumes and other outings..she is now in a mental hospital
Susan Smith...was a very loving mother, too. Showed Birthday Parties, photos, rolling around on the floor with them....see where she is now, prison.

You cannot always judge a book by it's cover :(
Yeah, I am kind of bummed. In my area, I was watching Vinnie and it switched to the Muppets. I am calling the cable company to see what happened.

If it were me I would stick with the muppet s instead of LKB.:great:

ETA Are you sure its the Muppets last time I saw LKB she kinda looked like a come to life Miss Piggy.
YAY! Casey Jordan is close. At least she is trying to correct this travesty!

George did not dial a wrong number, he dialed a correct number - But that number showed up in a public database as VT's number!
If it is shown that the phone calls were just accidentally transposed numbers --wow--the defense is going to look so silly, so pathetic.

Does the jury have any idea any of this is going on? I don't think so. Darn. I wish they would find out what they were trying to do.
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