2011.10.19 Former Friends Of DB Speak Out

Can someone transcribe it for those of us who can't watch it at work, please?
Oops, there is a story that goes with it, sorry about that.
Well I expected something more scandalous based on the hype. It feels like she wanted to say something bad but couldn't come up with much. A bg fat so-what, as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't go in the news if I had nothing more to report except I didn't like that person eight years ago.

Some people didn't like me when I was 18 and I haven't murdered anybody yet so what does it prove? nothing

I don't understand the bit about her children playing together. Did Debbie have a child in 2003? I thought the older child was JI's.
So, that's all Shirely has to say on camera? She was much more elaborate elsewhere. Maybe she prefers to keep what she told LE close to the vest for now? :waitasec:
Friend says, "She was definitely just an attention hound. It was just like I said, it was almost like I couldn't have other friends around her because she would just do things to try to cause a scene everywhere," Pfaff added. "She would go out with us. I mean me and my friend, Jamie, we would go out to the clubs and stuff. She would come with us just to the local clubs out there that she could get into. She was drinking yeah...She drank."
They have had to dig all the way back to 03 to find anybody who would speak bad about her. Just sayin.....

Sounds like she was sneaking into clubs to drink before she was of legal age, but of course that's something I think MOST teens do or may have tried to do at one point.
I thought it was Sara who had the real dirt, perhaps her interview will be more colorful. Or perhaps someone realized they could be sued fir slander.
Well I expected something more scandalous based on the hype. It feels like she wanted to say something bad but couldn't come up with much. A bg fat so-what, as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't go in the news if I had nothing more to report except I didn't like that person eight years ago.

Some people didn't like me when I was 18 and I haven't murdered anybody yet so what does it prove? nothing

I don't understand the bit about her children playing together. Did Debbie have a child in 2003? I thought the older child was JI's.

BBM: My thoughts exactly.
They have had to dig all the way back to 03 to find anybody who would speak bad about her. Just sayin.....

Worth Repeating.

They had to go all the way back to DB's teenage conflicts to find a conflict to report. Not that's some rock solid journalism right there.
Friend says, "She was definitely just an attention hound. It was just like I said, it was almost like I couldn't have other friends around her because she would just do things to try to cause a scene everywhere," Pfaff added. "She would go out with us. I mean me and my friend, Jamie, we would go out to the clubs and stuff. She would come with us just to the local clubs out there that she could get into. She was drinking yeah...She drank."

Yeah, that's like, totally, frigging awful! Real friends don't do that! They don't go out together, so that shows you what an awful person she was...

Well I expected something more scandalous based on the hype. It feels like she wanted to say something bad but couldn't come up with much. A bg fat so-what, as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't go in the news if I had nothing more to report except I didn't like that person eight years ago.

Some people didn't like me when I was 18 and I haven't murdered anybody yet so what does it prove? nothing

I don't understand the bit about her children playing together. Did Debbie have a child in 2003? I thought the older child was JI's.


They each have an older son - there are two boys in the home.
So, that's all Shirely has to say on camera? She was much more elaborate elsewhere. Maybe she prefers to keep what she told LE close to the vest for now? :waitasec:

Yep...that was a waste of airtime. I was hoping she had some insight as to how DB was as a mother to her son. Any risky behaviours that she might have partaken in when he was an infant. Any obvious neglect.

Talking about how she was as a young teenage bride with no children is not at all useful in this situation IMO.

They each have an older son - there are two boys in the home.

Yes, I know there are two. I meant the older of the two boys. I was under the impression they were 8 or 9 and 6 years old. The six years old wouldn't have been born yet in 2003 and the other one would have been very little. Am I mistaken about their ages?
I have to say I am not who I was at 18, at 25, at 35, at 40 and let's say I stop there with age listing, I'm not who I was yesterday. With that said, I can say, I do not speak or think as I did when I was 18, some people seem to stay the same it seems.... ;)

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