2016.02.23 Jimmy Ray Rodgers booked into Lee County Jail

In defending your murdering client, 'marketing' is key. Presenting an appropriate image in court & campaigning to that jury is part of a defender's strategy. Not sure what his 'stylist' is going for... a bookworm, innocent library boy or what but he does look less menacing, as IQ stated. This is like watching a commercial selling a product. WHICH IS what they're doing.

You can change the cover, but it's still the same book.
He does look like a slimy pervert though.

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I'm not sure if this was posted or discussed in the sidebar thread, but after this happened at the July case management conference, JRR's attorney filed a motion on July 24th to have the judge disqualified.

On July 25th, the judge ordered that the motion is "denied as legally insufficient."

Can't remember which investigative show it was, but someone had interviewed JRR's boss in MO. I remember him being very nervous. IIRC, he participated in some type of work-release program for convicts. They even offered housing at a discount. I believe this was the same boss that stated JRR loved black patent leather shoes, like the mobsters. (Who knew?)

If this boss knew about JRR's trip BEFORE JRR took off to FL, why didn't he alert JRR'S probation officers? He, certainly, had to have known who, in his employ, couldn't cross state lines. If he had done the right thing, Dr.Sievers wouldn't be dead. That makes him an accessory to murder, in my book. (If he knew BEFOREHAND.) With all the lies involved in this case, it's a miracle LE can get anywhere with it.

And, so what if LE paid for some of TaySho's bills? It's way cheaper than setting her up with a new identity, in a new country or state, and paying for 24 hr witness protection. $8,000 is nothing. Give me a break! Justice is in focus, here.

God bless all the detectives that have to put up with this type of crappola, day in/day out. They certainly have more patience and wisdom than I do.
Can't remember which investigative show it was, but someone had interviewed JRR's boss in MO. I remember him being very nervous. IIRC, he participated in some type of work-release program for convicts. They even offered housing at a discount. I believe this was the same boss that stated JRR loved black patent leather shoes, like the mobsters. (Who knew?)

If this boss knew about JRR's trip BEFORE JRR took off to FL, why didn't he alert JRR'S probation officers? He, certainly, had to have known who, in his employ, couldn't cross state lines. If he had done the right thing, Dr.Sievers wouldn't be dead. That makes him an accessory to murder, in my book. BBM (If he knew BEFOREHAND.) With all the lies involved in this case, it's a miracle LE can get anywhere with it.

And, so what if LE paid for some of TaySho's bills? It's way cheaper than setting her up with a new identity, in a new country or state, and paying for 24 hr witness protection. $8,000 is nothing. Give me a break! Justice is in focus, here.

God bless all the detectives that have to put up with this type of crappola, day in/day out. They certainly have more patience and wisdom than I do.

I don't hold JRR's employer responsible for his employee's after hours activity!

..."The man who had employed Rodgers for about a year at his Cadet, Missouri contracting company, said the suspect in the killing of the Bonita Springs doctor told him his trip to Florida in late June was paid for by his brother....Tyler Juliette, who operates JV Contracting in Cadet, said Rodgers told him that a brother who had recently graduated from law school had asked him to come down to Florida and had paid for his trip as well as a new wardrobe of clothes."
Ten facts about suspects in Dr. Sievers homicide case

Also, appears JRR had been gainfully employed for a year and attending brother's Law School graduation sounds like an event that would be approved for travel if JRR was otherwise compliant with probation terms.
JR only had a little over $1700 in his canteen acct while Mark had close to $5000 and CWW had over $4500. A lot of Jr's acct funds were put in by himself and others but the other 2 stooges solely had family members put money in their acct. I do not know how close JR was with his family but sounds like he is forgotten and he has his own issues and addiction to *advertiser censored* . I wonder how his childhood was. His older brother is successful and JR is totally lost in life.

Teresa Sievers killing: Behind bars with the homicide suspects
"The attorneys for Jimmy Rodgers, one of two men accused of killing Teresa Sievers, has filed a motion to disconnect his trial from Mark Sievers." I wondered when this was going to happen. I am sure JR has a family member who cares deeply and would no doubt encourage/recommend/endorse such a move. I understand why. But dang, why couldn't JR have "disconnected from Mark Sievers" the first time he ever met him? JR didn't have to agree to participating in this evil scheme. All he had to say was, "I am a convicted felon on parole and can't leave town. My parole officer drives by my house every week, I have to have an ankle monitor, pretend he was sick or feign a family emergency. It will be harder to connect the dots for the jury: MS+CW+JR to TS. Without that "equation" it will be difficult to connect JR to TS. He never met her, lived over a thousand miles away and had no motive. He was living with his recently pregnant gf, had a job, and was deemed reliable by his employer. A jury might believe he was just a stupid kid who was being set up by MS & CW:
the Bobbsey Twin Bros, high school chums, inseparable soulmates who killed TS for insurance money. (WS'ers are not so easily misled by courtroom arguments:);))
Man accused of killing Teresa Sievers files motion for standalone trial
So...according to docs released on the court website, JRR will have a DR, his brother and sister in law testify on his behalf at sentencing...

A doctor? That is interesting. Now that he lost they are going to say he has a mental problem? Is that why they had him in that suicide suit today in the courtroom? So pathetic!
It is very common for DRs to give official input at sentencing hearings. It will be interesting what she has to say!
OMAMA I want to thank you for "rolling out" each and every early A.M. The only thing I wish would happen, is for JRR to somehow spend his prison time in Missouri. It will be closer to where his family is (at least those who faithfully showed up for court) and the family will be able to visit more often and have input on his mental health issues. If JRR is going to spend the majority of his adult life as an inmate, then it should be an opportune time to improve himself. Or at least feel guilty for having made choices that hurt so many others. Because of his actions (his choice) Teresa's family will never get to spend the holidays with her family or hug her precious daughters...
he needs to understand the gravity of his crime. I still can't get over how stoic he was in court...only the reddening of his face gave away some clues to his emotions.
OMAMA I want to thank you for "rolling out" each and every early A.M. The only thing I wish would happen, is for JRR to somehow spend his prison time in Missouri. It will be closer to where his family is (at least those who faithfully showed up for court) and the family will be able to visit more often and have input on his mental health issues. If JRR is going to spend the majority of his adult life as an inmate, then it should be an opportune time to improve himself. Or at least feel guilty for having made choices that hurt so many others. Because of his actions (his choice) Teresa's family will never get to spend the holidays with her family or hug her precious daughters...
he needs to understand the gravity of his crime. I still can't get over how stoic he was in court...only the reddening of his face gave away some clues to his emotions.
I have no sympathy for JRR. I don't want him to be in MO for Tay Sho's sake. He deserves no consideration re his permanent placement
OMAMA I want to thank you for "rolling out" each and every early A.M. The only thing I wish would happen, is for JRR to somehow spend his prison time in Missouri. It will be closer to where his family is (at least those who faithfully showed up for court) and the family will be able to visit more often and have input on his mental health issues. If JRR is going to spend the majority of his adult life as an inmate, then it should be an opportune time to improve himself. Or at least feel guilty for having made choices that hurt so many others. Because of his actions (his choice) Teresa's family will never get to spend the holidays with her family or hug her precious daughters...
he needs to understand the gravity of his crime. I still can't get over how stoic he was in court...only the reddening of his face gave away some clues to his emotions.
And I don't think he (JRR) realized the depth of Mark's storm in re to all the other shady stuff CWW and Mark were up too. $$$$$ is the only reason why JRR got involved. If there was no money offered then JRR would be enjoying his freedom right now.
I have no sympathy for JRR. I don't want him to be in MO for Tay Sho's sake. He deserves no consideration re his permanent placement
OMAMA I admire your "tough on criminals" perspective. (My soft/weak heart and concern for people, unfortunately gets me into situations/cases I come to regret. Mr. IQ always tells me to "toughen up" and say NO, more often.) You are spot-on...I totally forgot to consider the impact on TaySho and her children!! They do not need to feel the added pressure of having him in Mo.
I'm curious also about the 'infirmary' suit they had him in. Mr. Tough guy was ok with doing time for 2nd degree before, whats up now? Sympathy, or did it finally hit him? And if it DID, will he testify in Marks trial for a hope at a lesser sentence? One can hope.

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