
Can you see it now?


Nope can't see anything now lol. What is it a picture of if you can say? MR crying in his jail cell I hope. :floorlaugh: JMHO.
It makes my heart happy to see the people who truly care about justice for Tori and the impact she has had on so many people, still visiting her forum. Although she is at peace and fluttering about with the butterflies and angels we need to never forget her and what a beautiful innocent little girl she was and how tragically she was taken from the life she was meant to have. AND we must continue to fight for justice for Tori's sake and all other innocent children who have or may become victims of monsters in our society.

I just have to share something very heartwarming. My best friend's daughter just received a coop placement in TO with parole board. I forget the technical terminology but she will have the opportunity to sit in with those who decide if a prisoner is paroled or not. She is a very intelligent and level headed young lady who is a no nonsense type of person, and when talking with her the other day, she told me she would love nothing more than to be part of the parole board some day when MR files for parole. My faith in her is strong and I know in my heart, MR won't be leaving prison alive; only in a pine box with no pulse. YEEHAW!!! MOO
Nope can't see anything now lol. What is it a picture of if you can say? MR crying in his jail cell I hope. :floorlaugh: JMHO.

That's really weird, cuz I can see it :)

Okay here is what the picture is of, it's actually a quote taken from an apparently real trial. It's a lawyer cross-examining a witness on the stand.

Lawyer: "Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "Did you check for blood pressure?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "Did you check for breathing?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "How can you be so sure, Doctor?"
Witness: "Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar."
Lawyer: "But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?"
Witness: "Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere."
It makes my heart happy to see the people who truly care about justice for Tori and the impact she has had on so many people, still visiting her forum. Although she is at peace and fluttering about with the butterflies and angels we need to never forget her and what a beautiful innocent little girl she was and how tragically she was taken from the life she was meant to have. AND we must continue to fight for justice for Tori's sake and all other innocent children who have or may become victims of monsters in our society.

I just have to share something very heartwarming. My best friend's daughter just received a coop placement in TO with parole board. I forget the technical terminology but she will have the opportunity to sit in with those who decide if a prisoner is paroled or not. She is a very intelligent and level headed young lady who is a no nonsense type of person, and when talking with her the other day, she told me she would love nothing more than to be part of the parole board some day when MR files for parole. My faith in her is strong and I know in my heart, MR won't be leaving prison alive; only in a pine box with no pulse. YEEHAW!!! MOO

I try not to come by here a million times a day, but I do still drop by, even if I don't say anything. I tried not to come by, but one day I had this terrible feeling and that is how I learned about MR and his appeal. {insert colourful names for him here}. {insert all sorts of colourful language and phrases directed at MR here, use your imagination, lol}.

Your friend's daughter sounds lovely. Good luck to her :)
I try not to come by here a million times a day, but I do still drop by, even if I don't say anything. I tried not to come by, but one day I had this terrible feeling and that is how I learned about MR and his appeal. {insert colourful names for him here}. {insert all sorts of colourful language and phrases directed at MR here, use your imagination, lol}.

Your friend's daughter sounds lovely. Good luck to her :)

I know what you mean BQ. I keep coming by to hopefully read something wonderful and positive to do with Tori's family or further justice in the name of Tori. One day I hope to read MR is suffering or worse in prison. Whatever treatment he gets, serves him right. Oh course just all my own opinion. It's so hard to define justice when a young child is taken so needlessly and horrifically. MR and TLM are the true definition of pure evilness. Absolute scum of the earth. MR moreso in my opinion as I believe he was the instigator, rapist and murderer. I believe if it wasn't Tori it would have been (probably was in the rape factor) someone elses child down the road. Maybe (probably) many victims. Just glad he was caught and is where he belongs. Hopefully until his last breath.

Crawley said he can't comment specifically on any individual HR matter, but typically when a Crown attorney is charged they can keep working. "Generally, when a crown is charged with an offence, just as with any other person, they are presumed innocent until proven guilty," Crawley said. "Their employment continues, though they may be assigned different duties until the case is resolved.

Well, it's a very serious charge and refusing to give a breath sample doesn't help, unless at the time in his alleged inebriated state he thought it would. Any way you look at it, it looks like a career ender. I feel the most honourable thing he could do would be to plead guilty, call it quits and enter the 12 Step Program. If he used all his wealth and legal resources to wiggle out of this, he's only end up like that Michael Bryant.
Speaking of lawyers...
This is old and regarding H. Mattson and that other case of obstruction of justice charges. He was arrested at a Timmies. Way back I wrote I had heard about the charges being dropped but at the time there was no report in the MSM. Being as the subject on late was about lawyers involved in Tori's case, it reminded me of H. Mattson the first lawyer to represent MR. I assume H. Mattson advised MR to plead guilty on at least one of the charges and MR refused (although he knew he was guilty) as he was desperate and hoped he could beat the charges of abduction, sexual assault causing bodily harm and murder. Oh of course this is just my opinion. You're right where you belong you sick B@ST@RD! JMHO.

Case against defence lawyer tossed out by higher court

ALSO, I bet BC will now retire. He was going to retire in 2009, but decided against it as he loves his job according to the one article I read on him.

AND September 12th TLM will be going to court on the assault charges against her while in Grand Valley against AM another female inmate. Stay tuned.

Speaking of lawyers... <snip>

ALSO, I bet BC will now retire. He was going to retire in 2009, but decided against it as he loves his job according to the one article I read on him.

That would be my guess.

I mentioned Michael Bryant's case in my post above before reading about his book launch. Seems he has blanketed all the media with advance copies and is heavy into the interview circuit. Apparently nowhere in the book does he apologize for the road rage death but accuses police of acting too quickly to arrest him.

(Being a cyclist, I followed the case closely. For those who didn't, Bryant's legal team and PR company amassed so much potential evidence and so many potential witnesses and then uncharacteristically turned it all over to the prosecution, that the prosecution supposedly gave up and dropped the case. This all happened behind closed doors.)
I felt the need to post this song here....

It is a song made a long time ago...But listen carefully..."WE are the World" ..

This is just nasty.:what:
Rafferty photo used on dating site

On the dating site Plenty of Fish, his image was attached to a profile belonging to &#8220;scoobmike,&#8221; a man purportedly in Saskatoon, Sask., describing himself as a &#8220;non-smoker with athletic type body&#8221; who was looking for women between the ages of 18 and 46.

The photo was taken down by Tuesday.
Hi everyone,
Well, this latest development is heart breaking to say the least. Once the deadline had passed for the appeal I thought we might have heard the last of MTR for many years.

I don't think he has a leg to stand on when it comes to the extension or the appeal, but he has placed Tori's family in the same limbo they were in during the trial, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I hope everyone is well, its good to see everyone here for Tori. :beats:
I hope whoever it was that did this gets caught and charged with impersonation. Why in heaven's name would someone use a child killer's photo, it's disgusting and sick and soils the memory of Victoria. That person should be punished. Ugh!!

Seems this sicko is lacking attention. He hoped by posting MR's picture on the POF site he would gain more attention than what he was getting. Crazy what some people will do for attention. Hope LE look into this idiots background. MOO

Makes me sad to think Tori should have been attending school today for her first day of grade six. Tara should have been able to take Tori back to school shopping to pick out a new back to school outfit and shoes and school supplies. Must have been a very sad day for her. JMHO.
I agree Swede ...every holiday or event must real hurt Tara and Rodney...I think of them often as I find myself back here feeling so sad!.... my friend who used to live in Woodstock says the community is still hurting BADLY !..Ya i am sure it will always be flet as we all think or Tori often...Ontarios angel always remebered and forever missed...even tho we never met Victoria ...her facebook memorial page shows it..RIP our sweet angel ..You have touched so many <3's forever!...robynhood...xxoo...again <3
TLM is to appear in court Wednesday, September 12, 2012, to face charges of assault. Kinda a laugh really as she's already been sentenced to 25 years for her part in Tori's demise. What worse could happen? Let's hope this affects her parole hearing when she tries to apply for parole under the faint hope clause 12 years from now, and all the other applications for release thereafter. May she rot in her cell like her boyfriend MR for the rest of their lives. MOO.

From the above LFP article:

t's a six-month sentence that even the judge said was “academic” given that convicted murderer Terri-Lynne McClintic is serving a life sentence for murder.

We all know that. However, haven't they learned from experience now that TLM is a monster, not to be trusted. The only way to serve her sentence is in isolation, away from other human beings. According to the article, the victim, McIntyre, has not been co-operative with the Crown making it impossible to prove the extent of the injuries. Well duh! She's scared of what TLM may do to her later. Throw the biatch in a cell and weld it shut!

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