All Things Britney Spears Part 6

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No one is really sure what his true name is... he has used Lutfi and Lutti, for sure, but I read somewhere that Lufti may be one of his aliases as well. :(

I just saw in the Daily Dish that he is now saying that he has "cut ties" with Brit's family because they are "incapable" of being worked with. Yeah... restraining orders usually do make it hard to work with someone... ya think? LoL

(not laughing at the situation... laughing at this... person... trying to play things off like he is taking the upper hand and removing himself from a bad situation with her parents.)

all right. a slimy customer indeed. makes it hard for anyone to check if he has a criminal record, for instance.

cut ties? who the he!! is he to cut ties? he appeared out of nowhere and latched on to a sick woman. they must check any regular payments from spears he's probably getting direct order from her account.

i hope he disappears back into obscurity which i'm sure he will should Spears leave the celebrity scene back to Louisiana.
Well I thought something like this would happen:

Britney Goes Ballistic in Psych Ward
Posted Feb 1st 2008 8:42PM by TMZ Staff

Minutes ago, Britney Spears made two calls at the UCLA Psych Ward and went crazy on the phone after learning that her dad is now the conservator of her estate.

In a heavy British accent, a ballistic Brit screamed (about her parents), "I'm so sick of all of this they can have the God Damn house and stick it up their *advertiser censored*king asses. Actually, no they can't."

Brit, who sounded drugged up, was furious that her dad became a conservator of her estate. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, at times impossible to understand. At one point she screamed, "Nobody's taking my house. Who is my family?"

Britney said she did not want her parents near her home and at one point said she would go to court to fight them.

She is under the impression she's getting out of the hospital tonight.

And the band played on. :boohoo:
It is worrisome that someone is leaking this from a medical facility. I thought psych commitments didn't have phone access. (I had a friend go in, one time, and she had NO phone in her room. Mind you this was down in GA, so maybe L.A. psych words do things different?)

Yes. the leaks should be clamped down upon.

i was thinking that about the actor from Grey's Anatomy being reported upon checking in during the same week.

if a mental health facility can't be private, then it should be closed. no matter how big and important it may be.

it's very unprofessional.
That's assuming one wants to take meds and want to change...... many Bi-Polar suffers don't want help and like living the way they do.

Some bi-polar patients are very hard to convince that they need help and need to be on meds... they kind of exist in a state of denial. With your companion, I assumed that your #167 message eluded to him currently being on meds but he was just as he was when not on meds. If he is taking medication, at least you know that he is willing to treat this issue. Next time he goes to the dr, see if you can go with him... explain how you don't see any improvements. An outside voice giving insight to the dr as to what is going on, could very well help find a better treatment. Also, I highly recommend researching dietary aspects... it is thought that sometimes chemical compounds in certain foods can act as a trigger... and things like certain fatty acids can be helpful. It wouldn't hurt to try a new dietary approach... just think of it as a way to help find some even ground. And if it doesn't work, in conjunction with his meds, then there is no big loss... at least you tried.

I commend you for carrying this heavy load... I can't even begin to fathom how hard this has to be on you. Stay strong!
Some bi-polar patients are very hard to convince that they need help and need to be on meds... they kind of exist in a state of denial. With your companion, I assumed that your #167 message eluded to him currently being on meds but he was just as he was when not on meds. If he is taking medication, at least you know that he is willing to treat this issue. Next time he goes to the dr, see if you can go with him... explain how you don't see any improvements. An outside voice giving insight to the dr as to what is going on, could very well help find a better treatment. Also, I highly recommend researching dietary aspects... it is thought that sometimes chemical compounds in certain foods can act as a trigger... and things like certain fatty acids can be helpful. It wouldn't hurt to try a new dietary approach... just think of it as a way to help find some even ground. And if it doesn't work, in conjunction with his meds, then there is no big loss... at least you tried.

I commend you for carrying this heavy load... I can't even begin to fathom how hard this has to be on you. Stay strong!

I do go with him every visit........ His you beaut, no hassles,ive got it all figured out doctor chooses to belive my other halfs bXXXXXXXX.
I do go with him every visit........ His you beaut, no hassles,ive got it all figured out doctor chooses to belive my other halfs buxxxx.

I am so sorry to hear that... :( my heart goes out to you.
Just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcomes. ! This is really a fast moving board. I've been reading all the new posts in this thread, and I'm glad that Lutfi is out of the picture right now. But what about that other guy? Adnan or whatever? Can he still visit? I'm curious as to what role he plays in all this.

To cenasangel: I don't know how you do it. You must have the patience of a saint to be dealing with everything that you are dealing with. My 1st husb was bipolar manic depressive..I lasted 2 years and got out. Started making ME crazy..anyway, my best to you!
I TOTALLY agree with that! Someone earlier said that Kevin don't work and he lives off of Britney's money well Kevin does work. He does alot of tv shows. He is like the guest star in quite a few good shows actually..
Check out his income tax records. The link is here somewhere at WS. He doesn't make that many appearances. He lives off Britts money..period..his kid's child support.
lmao...I haven't even heard Madonna speak in YEARS...but I bet she doesn't sound anything like Brit...
Picked it up from Adnan (or however you spell it)...puhhhhlllleeeezzzeee
he is giving himself a bit TOO much credit here.
Does Brit not even realize how STUPID it makes her sound? I am guessing no, she really does't. Anything to get attention, I they say there is no "bad" publicity in her line of business.

My gosh, I can't get over the british accent thing. Picked it up from Adnan, lol.......I could never understand Madonna when she took one on many, many years ago, way before she married Guy father is from Scotland and my mother (bless her soul) was from Ireland. Thick, thick accents. My siblings and I never grew up with either accents. We're as American as it gets!
I do go with him every visit........ His you beaut, no hassles,ive got it all figured out doctor chooses to belive my other halfs buxxxx.

Would it be legal to videotape what goes on in your home and take those to the doc?
Anti-seizure medications, like Trileptal, are being prescribed more and more as mood stabilizers, and with very good effectiveness. And there is a new medication now specifically for bi-polar/manic-depression. In the old days, it used to just be Lithium, along with all the blood tests that followed.

I was just reading about that DK. You're right about anti-convulsants being tried.

The one kernal of useful info in Lufti's remarks is that she has "Bipolar Mixed State":

Bipolar "Mixed" State

Symptoms of mania and depression are present at the same time. The symptom picture frequently includes agitation, trouble sleeping, significant change in appetite, psychosis, and suicidal thinking. Depressed mood accompanies manic activation.

Sometimes severe mania or depression is accompanied by periods of psychosis. Psychotic symptoms include hallucinations (hearing, seeing, or otherwise sensing the presence of stimuli that are not actually there) and delusions (false fixed beliefs that are not subject to reason or contradictory evidence and are not explained by a person's usual cultural concepts). Psychotic symptoms associated with bipolar disorder typically reflect the extreme mood state at the time (e.g., grandiosity during mania, worthlessness during depression).

Bipolar disorder with rapid cycling is defined as four or more episodes of illness within a 12-month period. This form of the illness tends to be more resistant to treatment than non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder.

Much information here:
My gosh, I can't get over the british accent thing. Picked it up from Adnan, lol.......I could never understand Madonna when she took one on many, many years ago, way before she married Guy father is from Scotland and my mother (bless her soul) was from Ireland. Thick, thick accents. My siblings and I never grew up with either accents. We're as American as it gets!
Did you read Jeana DP's post about picking up the accent from him?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Check out post 235!
5150 Hold Expires tonight.

"As the initial 72-hour hold period Britney Spears had to stay in the hospital, is reaching an end shortly after midnight tonight, UCLA Medical Center is reportedly getting ready for the pop star’s release, X17online reported.

Almost three days after Britney was checked into UCLA Medical Center's psychiatric ward, the hospital security strengthened while paparazzi have been forced out of the parking area, in anticipation to the singer’s possible discharge.

A conclusion regarding Britney’s condition, as well as recommendations to the court as to whether her 5150 hold should be extended or not, was expected to be reached by doctors today."

IMO, she should not be released. Oh, I hope for her they don't.
5150 Hold Expires tonight.

"As the initial 72-hour hold period Britney Spears had to stay in the hospital, is reaching an end shortly after midnight tonight, UCLA Medical Center is reportedly getting ready for the pop star’s release, X17online reported.

Almost three days after Britney was checked into UCLA Medical Center's psychiatric ward, the hospital security strengthened while paparazzi have been forced out of the parking area, in anticipation to the singer’s possible discharge.

A conclusion regarding Britney’s condition, as well as recommendations to the court as to whether her 5150 hold should be extended or not, was expected to be reached by doctors today."

IMO, she should not be released. Oh, I hope for her they don't.

If she's been as disruptive as TMZ has been reporting and if the court is still not clear on whom should be appointed with the conservatorship, then I believe the 5250 should be put into place and she should be kept up to 14 days.
Is it going to cost another $25,000 when she gets out of the hospital to return home? Thats ridiculous. She should stay in the hospital for the rest of her life, imo.
5150 Hold Expires tonight.

"As the initial 72-hour hold period Britney Spears had to stay in the hospital, is reaching an end shortly after midnight tonight, UCLA Medical Center is reportedly getting ready for the pop star’s release, reported.

Almost three days after Britney was checked into UCLA Medical Center's psychiatric ward, the hospital security strengthened while paparazzi have been forced out of the parking area, in anticipation to the singer’s possible discharge.

A conclusion regarding Britney’s condition, as well as recommendations to the court as to whether her 5150 hold should be extended or not, was expected to be reached by doctors today."

IMO, she should not be released. Oh, I hope for her they don't.

That would be a disaster IMO. I agree. I think her father has conservatorship until Sunday night? So if she gets out she won't have access to her money right away. I hope they decide to keep her too. tnx for the update.
That would be a disaster IMO. I agree. I think her father has conservatorship until Sunday night? So if she gets out she won't have access to her money right away. I hope they decide to keep her too. tnx for the update.

You're right, her credit cards were seized too. And, the locks on her house changed. She would also have to show proof someone on the outside would take her/help her. With Lufti out of the way with a restraining order, he hopefully won't help her. Adnan seems on board with the parents wishes.

I don't see her getting out yet.
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