Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#11

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Of course, if one chooses not to see it, then it's not there. If you read it, will it change your mind? I highly doubt it.

I would change my mind immediately. So far I believe Otto's unwillingness to read Amanda's blog made him fall prey to the mendacious propaganda websites again and he unwittingly repeated their lies again.

Please quote Amanda's words that Otto hadn't so far and do change my mind.
I don't believe you. You will never change your mind, even if she confesses.

And I also believe you are only pretending you have not seen it. You've seen it.

I've seen the blog comment Amanda wrote, yes. There is nothing about home invasion and it is not an admission of staging home invasion.

I think Otto didn't see it, since he refuses to read her blog.

Now give me a quote proving me wrong. If you can't, an apology would be accepted :)
Ok, they are either waiting for her in the cottage when she comes home, or they get there soon after and prank her. There. Now there is nothing to argue about time-wise.

I do not buy the computer activity story at such and such time and such and such time. That is just like trying to convince me over and over of the staged burglary - if I was listening to just one side, I would believe it too! But there is not one side.

What is your explanation for the computer evidence? If you not buy it, do you have some alternative?
We cannot isolate the gastric contents evidence from the rest of the case and just dismiss it.

We need to consider it globally, within the body of evidence.

There is evidence for the time and contents of Meredith's last meal. The fact that the whole meal was still in the stomach is meaningful and useful for determination of ToD, as the literature provided confirms.

There are precisely defined intervals when the crime could and couldn't happen:
9pm - Meredith comes home, 10:13pm her phones are no longer in the cottage. 23:25 - the broken car is towed away from the front gate.

It makes the empty duodenum a very useful clue, especially given that thanks to Mignini's preventing of proper body temperature measurement the time of death can't be determined by other means any more precisely.

Taken not in isolation, but together with this whole body evidence it is clear that the attack happened immediately after Meredith came home at 9pm.

I hear globally, globally, take this case as a whole........
Well, seeing as I know you could probably take the word "is" or "a" or "the" and tell me I am confused about the meaning of the word, and thus misunderstand the sentence - then I am hypothesizing that you would just tell me that I don't understanding the meaning of Amanda's comment. So, I already know where this is headed.

Do you know what home invasion is?
What is your explanation for the computer evidence? If you not buy it, do you have some alternative?

The window entry by Rudy is not real, and yet for 6 years it has been debated and debated. This computer evidence placing them conveniently at home at very convenient times is also to back-up the window entry by Rudy, which is not real.
And Amanda and Raffaele are at his place until at very least 9:26.

Ok, if you want to stick to the 9:26, I'll make it work for ya. They are there when Meredith gets home to prank her. Prank goes wrong, accidentally kill her. Takes 15 minutes. Five minutes or less to run back to Raffaele's.

Back at 9:26 to touch the computer keys.

I hear globally, globally, take this case as a whole........

Yes, looking at the large scale patterns of evidence we have an obvious burglary that ends up with opportunistic rape and murder. A crime too common.

We have another pattern of the investigators' tunnel vision, focusing on wrong suspect before the forensic evidence pointed to the correct one. This is typical in miscarriages of justice. David Camm's case, recently freed, is very similar.

Page 304 of the Massei Report states that the end of the film could be either that the film ended on its own, or someone ended the film.

"... the last interaction of the computer, irrespective of the physical presence of a user, occurred at 9:10"

It would make sense that when a movie on a computer stops playing, something happens.
Ok, if you want to stick to the 9:26, I'll make it work for ya. They are there when Meredith gets home to prank her. Prank goes wrong, accidentally kill her. Takes 15 minutes. Five minutes or less to run back to Raffaele's.

Back at 9:26 to touch the computer keys.


Setting apart that the joke is rather tasteless, they were still at Raffaele's at 21:10, watching Amelie. Meredith gets home at 21:00.
If you go to the Kercher wiki site and click primary sources and scroll down you'll see "Nencini Transcripts". Underneath that is a link "Transcript of Proceedings November 25, 2013 - Prosecution Closing Arguments".

Open that and you'll see it's the same as the one on Amanda's site which I gave you a link to. Go to page 66 and you'll see Crini acknowledge Naruto was opened at 9.26pm and that's when they're suppose to have left for the cottage. No reason why though is given.

Guede admitted being at the cottage when Meredith got home around 9pm.

So Guede says something and we have to believe it? He also said he didn't murder Meredith.
The window entry by Rudy is not real, and yet for 6 years it has been debated and debated. This computer evidence placing them conveniently at home at very convenient times is also to back-up the window entry by Rudy, which is not real.

Computer evidence is real, not disputed by anyone in court.
Setting apart that the joke is rather tasteless, they were still at Raffaele's at 21:10, watching Amelie. Meredith gets home at 21:00.

What's tasteless is what Amanda and Raffale and Rudy did to Meredith. And then lie about then. And then write books about it, making millions of her killing. And then host websites and blogs and facebook pages devoted to the killing. And then pester her family. Oh, also two doing the above while out free, and one in prison but about to go free.

What's tasteless is continuing to make excuses for the two to allow them to keep doing the above.

A movie stopped playing, someone didn't have to push a button to do that.
Thank you. I found a document in Italian, but I don't read Italian. Is there an official translation and I missed it, or has it not yet been officially translated? Additionally, I don't see any page numbers.

There is this mention of Naruto

"E quindi, diciamo, perché – ripeto - è rilevante questo argomento? E’ rilevante perché questo approfondimento fatto dal consulente D’Ambrosio, dove poi a confutazione si chiarisce anche come l’interazione Naruto delle 21:26 e qualche cosa, mi pare, che praticamente si sostanzia in nulla sul piano dei tempi, e quindi evidentemente non esclude niente dal punto di vista della tempistica, ecco, questa produzione, diciamo così, questo approfondimento di consulenza è l’importante lavoro, l’importante integrazione rispetto a che cosa?",_2013

This is what Google Translate does with it:

"And then, let's say, because - I repeat - this topic is relevant? It 'important because this study done by the consultant D'Ambrosio, where he is a refutation also clarifies how the interaction of Naruto 21:26 and something, I think, that pretty much takes the form of anything in terms of time, and then obviously does not exclude anything from the point of view of timing, behold, this production, so to speak, this study is the important advisory work, the important integration with respect to what?"

I have no idea what meaning this is supposed to have.
Crini is attacking the work of the defense consultant D'Ambrosio who claimed there was human interaction at 9:26. That is not exactly acknowledging it. It is the opposite. No judge has ever acknowledged this timing for the last interaction on the computer, so I don't see why suddenly this would come into play.
An argument about the lack of contents in the duodenum is not the same thing as an argument about the contents of the stomach. Blanket assertions about what one can or cannot use to narrow down the TOD need to be examined with the specifics of this case in mind (even the abstract quoted above acknowledges this implicitly). If one does not know the time at which Meredith ate, then that would be a problem. But we know that, and we know that she was alive until shortly before 9 at least. We also know what she ate.

I provided citations to journal articles in the link. I suggest people read them and decide for themselves what is a reasonable vs. an unreasonable amount of time for food to stay in the stomach without beginning to empty into the duodenum.
3 Hours is certainly not a reasonable amount of time for food to stay in your stomach without even a little bit entering your duodenum. Everybody knows that. If you eat you feel full for awhile but soon enough you be good to go. 15 Minutes is about a reasonable amount of time for food to enter the duodenum. 3 Hours is just a big joke, and the reason why this is just an internet theory that nobody in court takes serious. JMO.
btw if the innocent side really wanted to keep an open mind, they would have, upon hearing about the Seattle burglary prank, said, yes, it's strange BUT we still don't think it says anything about Meredith's murder.

Or, we admit that it was not a very nice thing to do. But we don't think it says anything about Meredith's murder.

Or, we admit that there is a bit of similarity in that that was a staged burglary, and this is also considered by some to be a staged burglary, but we don't think it says anything about Meredith's murder.

But no, instead what happens is deny the whole thing, label the ones who look at it as believing nonsense, and continue to solely look at and debate lone-wolf.

The mental gymnastics being performed here is incredible. Strange to me is someone getting a sex change operation not a teenager doing a harmless prank.

Rudy Guede was a burglar and unemployed criminal lowlife known for bothering girls and stealing their purses and was on a 6 week crime spree leading up to the murder including a b&e via second story window breaking it with a rock just like at the cottage.

That's ignored or excuses made for years and it's all irrelevant and him murdering Meredith on his own is just a "theory" even though his DNA was inside her, on her bra, bag, and clothes and his foot and handprints in her blood. When caught he said Amanda wasn't involved and some mystery Italian dude he could barely describe did it while he sat on the toilet.

But Amanda admits doing a prank with some friends like god knows how many school and college kids do growing up and hey absurd conspiracy theory has been proven and they teamed up with the virtual stranger to play a prank on a friend which somehow lead to her getting slaughtered and raped and then incredibly, staged as well to look exactly like Guede's MO while he went out dancing.

Good grief!
Crini is attacking the work of the defense consultant D'Ambrosio who claimed there was human interaction at 9:26. That is not exactly acknowledging it. It is the opposite. No judge has ever acknowledged this timing for the last interaction on the computer, so I don't see why suddenly this would come into play.

No judge has ever heard it before so how could they acknowledge it? Hellmann rejected the defence request to have this evidence considered.

Would you like me to cut & paste the paragraph where he says they ran off to the cottage when the cartoon crashed and arrived at 9.30pm?
What's tasteless is what Amanda and Raffale and Rudy did to Meredith. And then lie about then. And then write books about it, making millions of her killing. And then host websites and blogs and facebook pages devoted to the killing. And then pester her family. Oh, also two doing the above while out free, and one in prison but about to go free.

What's tasteless is continuing to make excuses for the two to allow them to keep doing the above.
I think they are absolutely innocent and have the right to pronounce their innocence and make millions from the horrific ordeal they lived through.

A movie stopped playing, someone didn't have to push a button to do that.
Well it is highly unlikely they weren't there to watch it, given that there is another interaction just minutes later at 21:26.

Were not operating in vacuum here, where any, even remote and unlikely possibility will do. The context here is that Guede apparently broke in, raped and killed Meredith. A crime which is common, matches Guede's profile and the evidence. If we want an alternative theory it needs to be competitive and not defy common sense.
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