Annette Sykes--Ron Cummings' Grandma

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OMG twall, Thank You So Much! I swear I was doubting my sanity! I just knew I had seen that (or sure thought I did anyway) because it just weighed so heavily on my heart. IDK maybe it is just a difference in people, but it bothers me so much. Jr needs all the stability he can get right now and holidays w/normal family traditions mean so much to children. Then again I suppose we have no way of knowing what their 'normal' is do we? O my goodness, I can't go 'round this circle again tonight, it's past my bedtime and I'm babbling again...but I'm not CRAZY! :crazy: ..well at least not off the deep end..yet!

Thanks again twall, I will sleep better at least knowing that my sanity is still somewhat intact.. Nite All.

Pondering Mind, I'd like to take this opportunity to say you are the nicest crazy I've ever seen. :dance:
This Thanksgiving, the family will not be together. Annette says she may stop by her daughter’s house. She says Haleigh’s father Ronald is spending the holiday with friends. She says it’s sometimes easier for him to cope with memorable days like Thanksgiving without family around because they remind him too much of Haleigh.

Dear Lord....I have now heard it all from rc. This is another press release. He'd rather spend Thanksgiving with his friends than his family.....okiedokiethen. Where was JR...seems like he must have been with gr Sykes?

H is spending the holiday with has NO friends. We heard though he has a certain dancer that he is smitten with though. Life has sure been hard on him, says rc to himself and yet he manages to just keep on making whoppie with the girls. All of his fond memories of his family are too much for him so he is staying away!!!..Good Grief! Gag me with a spoon, already. IOW, he is most likely living with his "friend"..speculation, on my part...I can do that can't I?

Totally disgusting. So he says his family reminds him of Haleigh, so he doesn't want to be around them. would someone please explain what the hezz he was doing living off his gma for the past 8 months? What a l@$#$w life he is. It is all about RC, isn't it? I wonder what all the supporteres of him have to say? Before they said they were glad he was moving on and that he deserves happiness. This is another vile act and ANOTHER attempt by Sykes to cover for her grandson. Would somebody put me out of my misery and arrest him already? This latest event and the words spoken by AS make me want to..
AS stated in this news article that RC spent Thanksgiving with friends.
She also mentions "Papa Jeff" which I assume is TN's manfriend.
So Pondering you are not crazy! lol

Thanks for the article. So they spent other Thanksgivings with papa jeff?

And jeff does all the cooking. Must be mighty crowded over there in that single wide (12ft) So TN's BF is called Papa Jeff...well, that sorta sums up what their relationship is. So do they all travel to fruitland park to be with Papa Jeff..?

....things that make you just giggle...
This Thanksgiving, the family will not be together. Annette says she may stop by her daughter’s house. She says Haleigh’s father Ronald is spending the holiday with friends. She says it’s sometimes easier for him to cope with memorable days like Thanksgiving without family around because they remind him too much of Haleigh.

She is just going to be stopping by her daughter's house, eh? I was wrong, doesn't sound like jr is with Sykes. Will DCF please do something?
This Thanksgiving, the family will not be together. Annette says she may stop by her daughter’s house. She says Haleigh’s father Ronald is spending the holiday with friends. She says it’s sometimes easier for him to cope with memorable days like Thanksgiving without family around because they remind him too much of Haleigh.

Friends? Didn't Ron say he only had three friends, his latest attys? Is that who he had Thanksgiving with?
Friends? Didn't Ron say he only had three friends, his latest attys? Is that who he had Thanksgiving with?

My money's on "friend" not "friends". Most likely female in nature if you know what I mean.

ron told us before his attorneys are now his friends....well....after all they may have been instrumental in getting rc a "friend".
Was Jr at least able to go with GGM to Papa Jeff's for FAMILY time? I mean, as an adult, Ronald can go wherever he wants to deal with things however he wants, but JR needs "normal" according to GGM and "normal" was going to Papa Jeff's.

Was GGM able to give JR normal, or did he have to go watch his dad not be able to deal, with friends?

Poor JR.
Annette Sykes has once again covereg for the grieving father. When he was living in the tent mourning for his daughter with a big screen tv hookep up, GMa told us he was beside himself and cries all the time...of course rc was not available...probably crying in the tent.

Now she tells us he can't be with his family because of the memories of Haleigh..BS.
He didn't have any problem living off GMA since Haleigh was gone, did he? What was GMA, if not a relative?

He sure know how to handle his grief...better than most of us for he has left amber, moved in with misty, lost his daughter, married misty, divorced misty and now may have somebody new to date.....All within 12 months...nope, rc doesn't let any grass grow under his feet.
Been trying to read through some earlier threads/articles etc...did we ever find out WHY TN sent family aka AS and _?_ to check on the aware were AS and TN of Misty's vacation weekend? Enough to send someone to check on the children?
HH, we've never heard why TN said she sent family over to check on the children. GGM's own statement was that she went over to bring laundry. I can't quite equate the two statements, since TN's was said as a defense after questions arose regarding Misty's age and relationship with Ronald and whether she was qualified to watch the children. GGM's statement seemed geared toward supplying an "all was well" alibi for a critical time period. At least, that is how I have come to view it all, given how it has played out over the past months.
HH, we've never heard why TN said she sent family over to check on the children. GGM's own statement was that she went over to bring laundry. I can't quite equate the two statements, since TN's was said as a defense after questions arose regarding Misty's age and relationship with Ronald and whether she was qualified to watch the children. GGM's statement seemed geared toward supplying an "all was well" alibi for a critical time period. At least, that is how I have come to view it all, given how it has played out over the past months.

JMO but it is really sad that we are left to ponder the words and deeds and motivations of a relative of a missing child.

I realize the family and LE don't owe us anything, but... well..., I think I would be more "out there" with the full story ASAP. I cannot say with certainty how I would react since I have never been in such a position. (Thank heavens & PTL.)
Dear Lord....I have now heard it all from rc. This is another press release. He'd rather spend Thanksgiving with his friends than his family.....okiedokiethen. Where was JR...seems like he must have been with gr Sykes?

H is spending the holiday with has NO friends. We heard though he has a certain dancer that he is smitten with though. Life has sure been hard on him, says rc to himself and yet he manages to just keep on making whoppie with the girls. All of his fond memories of his family are too much for him so he is staying away!!!..Good Grief! Gag me with a spoon, already. IOW, he is most likely living with his "friend"..speculation, on my part...I can do that can't I?

Totally disgusting. So he says his family reminds him of Haleigh, so he doesn't want to be around them. would someone please explain what the hezz he was doing living off his gma for the past 8 months? What a l@$#$w life he is. It is all about RC, isn't it? I wonder what all the supporteres of him have to say? Before they said they were glad he was moving on and that he deserves happiness. This is another vile act and ANOTHER attempt by Sykes to cover for her grandson. Would somebody put me out of my misery and arrest him already? This latest event and the words spoken by AS make me want to..

Whisperer, get a hold of yourself. Take two Irish Coffees and call me in the morning.
Ron's plan to stay away from his family on special ocassions because they remind him too much of his missing daughter is very sad. It, however makes as much sense as his marrying Misty cause that's what Haleigh would have wanted.
I wonder if his reason for not finding a job lies within the same thoughts? The last time he held a job he came home and his daughter was missing. He might be afraid that could happen again if he went to work. JMO of course.
I doubt GGM Sykes was going to tell the news media where everyone was going to be on Thanksgiving.

Maybe they all did go to different places, but I wouldn't be surprised if GGS had no intention of releasing where everyone would be. Who wants news crews standing outside all day waiting to make a difficult day even more difficult. JMO
She didn't say where everyone was going. What she said was Ronald was going to be with friends because it's too hard for him, she might go to her daughter's, and Papa Jeff puts on a huge spread. If she didn't want the media or anyone else knowing, why did she give the interview at all?

"Thanks. Thanksgiving is going to be difficult for our family. thank you, and goodbye." would have sufficed.
HH, we've never heard why TN said she sent family over to check on the children. GGM's own statement was that she went over to bring laundry. I can't quite equate the two statements, since TN's was said as a defense after questions arose regarding Misty's age and relationship with Ronald and whether she was qualified to watch the children. GGM's statement seemed geared toward supplying an "all was well" alibi for a critical time period. At least, that is how I have come to view it all, given how it has played out over the past months.

IMHO.. GGMS needs to take a poly or an LVA test.. Questions as to WHY TN sent her over there that night needs to be addressed and the results revealed...IMHO.. Same should be done with TN..They should at least be willing to do what they, themsleves, expected Misty to do...JMO
She didn't say where everyone was going. What she said was Ronald was going to be with friends because it's too hard for him, she might go to her daughter's, and Papa Jeff puts on a huge spread. If she didn't want the media or anyone else knowing, why did she give the interview at all?

"Thanks. Thanksgiving is going to be difficult for our family. thank you, and goodbye." would have sufficed.

Bold by me...maybe she gave an interview to the media to be kind to people like us who keeps the families in their prayers. Not only that but maybe she did the interview when it was convenient for her, rather than having the media standing out side waiting for a statement about their first Thanksgiving without Haleigh.
Pondering Mind, I'd like to take this opportunity to say you are the nicest crazy I've ever seen. :dance:

oh az, that's one of the nicest things anyone has said to me in a long time. :smoochiesmilie: Crazy as a bedbug I feel I am sometimes! I've never lived under the illusion that I'm normal, nope, no sense in living in denial when I know that I'm not! How boring would that be anyway, lol. :biggrin:

Now between this case and RL, I may be tip-toeing too close to the edge though! :eek:
oh az, that's one of the nicest things anyone has said to me in a long time. :smoochiesmilie: Crazy as a bedbug I feel I am sometimes! I've never lived under the illusion that I'm normal, nope, no sense in living in denial when I know that I'm not! How boring would that be anyway, lol. :biggrin:

Now between this case and RL, I may be tip-toeing too close to the edge though! :eek:

Pondering, I speak from experience, I know crazy when I see it. I'm there myself and I make no excuses for it. I'm comfortable with it. When you're crazy and you show it, it keeps people away, especially those who you don't want around.
Comic, Steve Martin once advised that if you didn't want to get robbed when you're out in public, just wear a pair of pants that were wet in the front, push a grocery cart full of garbage and wear a Christmas wreath as a hat. You'll be safe cause no one will come near you.
There should be a special thread just for us crazies! :crazy:
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