Anthony Family Behaviors...

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I had originally posted this in the general thread, which was locked. But looking at it it probably better belongs here. My appologies if cross posting in this way violates any rules, and please delet it if it does.

Regarding Casey's actions when meeting TM or LP or her partying when Caylee was missing. This is part of what makes this case so incomprehensible to most people.

Casey is not like any of the rest of us. She lives 100% in the moment. Her mind is wired in such a way that the past is the past, and the future will be dealt with only when it arrives. She is happy and smiling because she is not in jail and has her computer. She was happy when Caylee was with her, but when she is not with her she is not with her. The past has no emotional ties, the future no emotional impact. She uses lies to deflect the concerns of others, but she does not register or comprehend those concerns. At best they simply annoy her.

I doubt that Caylee's death is premeditated, simply because I don't think Casey is capable of thinking more then 5 or 10 minutes ahead. Caylee either died via a gross act of negligence, such as being locked in the trunk, or she died in a fit of pique. Casey had a huge blowout with her mother on June 15. It may have come out then that Cindy and George were considering taking action to remove Caylee from her. Caylee was Caseys primary lever of control over her parents. She may have done something brutal and final to hurt her parents. But I still doubt if it was anything she planned. She obviously drove around with the body in the trunk until the smell became unbearable. Disposal of the body would not be somethingthat she gave alot of thought to. No digging deep holes, no deep thought. Either in a swamp or pond, or more likely, in the dumpster next to where the car was found.

LE will never get a completely straight story out of her because the only leverage they have over a person normally stems from emotional attachment to the past or threats of the future. The only thing that would work on her is something that deals in the immediate moment. ie waterboarding. LE had a brief breakthrough with this when they confronted her on the grounds of Universal, they physically caught her in a lie in the here and now. The only other thing that might actually get her to break regarding Caylee would be her being presented with the clearly identifiable body of the little girl. (as horrific as it sounds, a badly decomposed or unrecognizeable body probably would not work, as it is an element of the past and has no emotional ties to her, she would simply shrug it off as "that's not Caylee").

In some ways I do feel sorry for the Anthony's. Living with someone who functions like this is basically a living hell for all of those around them. As others have said, a person like this is highly skilled at playing others. Other people cannot mentally comprehend how and why these people operate, and tend to mentally twist things into a form that they understand. This always leads to unbelievable things being rationalized, and the Sociopath (lets call it what it is) gainig the upper hand.

Cindy called her daughter a “sociopath." She knows Casey killed her baby.

Ryan P. got a call from Cindy earlier this summer. He said she warned him against talking to Casey because “she’s been lying about a lot of stuff and . . . stole money from her and her grandmother.”

Cindy telling this to Ryan, IMO, says more about Cindy than it does about Casey. It sounds to me like a vindictive statement, since we know that Cindy will do a 180-degree and totally minimize Casey's behavior when someone actually starts to believe what Cindy has told them. I just think "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". JMHO.
My money is on when the remains are found that she will say the "nanny/kidnapper" killed Cayle.

I agree. I doubt the Anthony family will ever allow themselves to accept that Caylee is dead and Casey is responsible. I think the family is in a pathological state of denial. Initially the family seemed to be cooperating with LE even when cooperation was averse to Casey's legal interests. In contrast, now that Casey's lies have been revealed and the evidence against her is mounting, the family exhibits shocking denial and blame deflection strategies.

It's been mentioned in other threads that Casey Anthony's affect and behavior are very reminiscent of Diane Downs. While Casey Anthony claims Caylee was taken by the imaginary "Zanny the Nanny", Diane Downs insisted she and her three children were ambushed by a (non-existent) "Bushy Haired Stranger."

25 years after her conviction for the murder and attempted murder of her children, Diane Downs' father maintains this website:, which declares Downs' innocence and continues to advance Downs' absurd alternate explanations. Unfortunately, I worry the Anthony family is heading down a similar path and might continue to blame and search for the imaginary nanny for the rest of their lives.
I just read the 400 page document today for the 2nd time! Anyway I noticed 2 people Amy and I think TonE both mentioned in their interviews that Caylee was more friendly with men actually I think Amy even used the word flirty. I guess I just don't really know what to make of this. :confused:
I just read the 400 page document today for the 2nd time! Anyway I noticed 2 people Amy and I think TonE both mentioned in their interviews that Caylee was more friendly with men actually I think Amy even used the word flirty. I guess I just don't really know what to make of this. :confused:

A friend of mine is in the process of adopting a young girl who was given up by her mother. The little girl is very flirty with men. She learned it from watching her biological mother who is.....well, let's say very outgoing with the male population.
A friend of mine is in the process of adopting a young girl who was given up by her mother. The little girl is very flirty with men. She learned it from watching her biological mother who is.....well, let's say very outgoing with the male population.

Hmmmm....................sad, but it makes sense. Thanks for the response Chilly Willy!
Perhaps if these people behaved more like other people we might be able to relate to them and therefore have more sympathy.
We have not seen these people emote as we expect people to emote. Their behavior has been extremely peculiar.
What have these family members done to find this precious child?
What is truth in this sordid mess?
Why is the family protecting the one person who is responsible for this?
The people who were supposed to love Caylee and protect Caylee the most are oblivious. They are blaming LE for putting their daughter in a bad light and blaming the public for not helping find their grand daughter.
Denial? There has to be a different word for this behavior.
"People are leaking information" wow !

Cindy said: "Official public statement is not enough and not verified"..... woooow!!!

Now it's diaper urine that gave those results...... geez.

When does Cindy give up???

WHY does she do this to herself?

Goodness it makes no sense on her behalf to get on air and none the less with Nancy!
I used to think she was just grieving, but this statement is just mind-boggling. Casey LIED to LE repeatedly, yet they've managed to turn it into "she's being railroaded." Wow. I have no words.

I have words. In denial. Frustrated. Selfish. Unhinged. Disengaged.

"Railroaded", right. Who is railroading here? I think JB has managed to convince the entire A family they are right. I can't believe he's getting away with some of the things he's said, such as (to paraphrase) LE is not doing their jobs. He makes me want to scream. Actually, I do scream at the TV each time he comes on. Makes me realize why Elvis shot his TV with a gun.

Not that I would ever do that. I don't own any guns and I can't afford a new TV.

KATHYN2: regarding the argument they had: I doubt the neighbors heard word for word that was said. However I can tell you it was mostly about partying and taking responsibility of Caylee
1. LE found car seat in the car.
2. I don't know but I bet it has been tested or is being tested.
3. I don't know.
4. I don't know why her friends left town but that might have been the spur that made Casey kill her daughter. all her friends were single, free and easy. They could leave and do what they want. They all worked. Something is wrong with Casey mentally and she could not hold down a job. Her mother ruled her life and she was stuck with mom cos she could not support herself and her kid. Without the kid she might find some man to take her in. Most young men do not want to be saddled with someone else's child. Just another reason for Casey to go into some rage and kill her child. Even the boyfriend up and went to NYC about that time and Casey couldn't go because of caylee. All the fights with mom I am sure were about Caylee and Casey not working and taking responsibility for her.

Couldn't agree with you more, and I have posted as such! IMO Casey is playing a game with everyone now: you'll see I won't crack no matter what is said or done.
I used to think she was just grieving, but this statement is just mind-boggling. Casey LIED to LE repeatedly, yet they've managed to turn it into "she's being railroaded." Wow. I have no words.

I have tried extremely hard to have compassion for the Anthony family but I admit I do not understand them but they do remind me of parents of other suspects who later became convicted of their crimes.

When I see them I am very uncomfortable for some reason. The same discomfort I felt when seeing Scott Peterson's parents. They are both so much like Lee and Jackie Peterson, even though to this day, I think they too knew the truth instantly about what happened to Laci and Conner. But even Jackie slipped up when she said "even you couldn't be that stupid Scott" (paraphrasing) when talking about Laci being in the bay and her infamous words of wisdom to her son of "deny, deny, deny".

But with the Anthonys it is nothing but already made up excuses to cover every word that Casey has uttered and every action or inaction is dismissed. She lies and lies..........and they come along and rearrange all of it trying to make it sound innocent and benign, like Casey is the victim instead of Caylee. I wonder if they even know how they sound or how illogical their thoughts are?

I have always heard that denial is powerful. How that is achieved I will never understand. Yes, truth is brutal but truth is is what it is. I have no idea how they can change that in their minds to something totally unbelievable.

I am not going to beat up on the Anthonys. I dont know if they had any involvement in the cover up or not. I wouldn't want to experience what they have gone through but why they have chosen this road to travel down.......and take up for this woman.....who seems to have done nothing but use them all of her life, will mostly likely remain a mystery to me.

The nagging thought for me is they seem to have given Caylee up in order to save Casey. Is it because they really know Caylee won't be coming back home? Is it that this relationship is held together by each being a crutch for each other? If they were to admit that Casey murdered Caylee are they thinking that would be a reflection on them as parents and can't stand the thought of knowing that maybe perhaps they failed in someway?

At first I could understand how they may have believed Casey was innocent but after this long and the information that is now in the world can they continue to deny, deny, deny?:confused:

I don't know what makes this entire family tick but I do think that all of this started coming to ahead gradually through the years and erupted in the most horrible way and poor Caylee got caught in the middle of the firestorm brewing in the Anthony home.

IMO, Casey thinks she can hold out forever; no one will be able to break her silence she feels.
The Kübler-Ross model describes, in five discrete stages, a process by which people allegedly deal with grief and tragedy, especially when diagnosed with a terminal illness. The model was introduced by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book "On Death and Dying". The stages are known as the "Five Stages of Grief".

The stages are:

Example - "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening."
Example - "Why me? It's not fair!" "NO! NO! How can you accept this!"
Example - "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything, can't you stretch it out? A few more years."
Example - "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"
Example - "It's going to be OK."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

Kübler-Ross originally applied these stages to any form of catastrophic personal loss (job, income, freedom). This also includes the death of a loved one, divorce, drug addiction, or infertility. Kübler-Ross also claimed these steps do not necessarily come in the order noted above, nor are all steps experienced by all patients, though she stated a person will always experience at least two.

Others have noticed that any significant personal change can elicit these stages. For example, experienced criminal defense attorneys are aware that defendants who are facing stiff sentences, yet have no defenses or mitigating factors to lessen their sentences, often experience the stages. Accordingly, they must get to the acceptance stage before they are prepared to plead guilty.

Additionally, the change in circumstances does not always have to be a negative one, just significant enough to cause a grief response to the loss (Scire, 2007). Accepting a new work position, for example, causes one to lose their routine, workplace friendships, familiar drive to work, or even customary lunch sources.

The most common factor is when the person doesn't have the capacity to change their situation, at least not without considerable loss to themself, thus a person who would go through these stages would not need to continue if they found a way out of the situation.übler-Ross_model
We could discuss from here to forever exactly what the A's are "experiencing."

If you want a quick indicator, though, watch Tim Miller. He's dealt with a lot of worried, fearful families and I think this bunch is a new one for him. Not just strange, they are actually doing what they can to impede the return of a tiny child. Thank heaven Tim doesn't need their "help" to continue the search for little Caylee.

It's possible they are experiencing some slight stages of loss, it's more likely they are playing CYA.
I, like many, have had sympathy for George and Cindy, assuming they're having a difficult time taking all of this in while wanting to hope for the best, all while dealing with intense media scrutiny.

As this situation unfolds, it becomes sadder that Caylee didn't have a father. Who will be her familial advocate if this goes to trial? There's usually family mourning and sitting on the plaintiff's side, representing the victim. At this point, it looks as if Cindy and George will be Casey's advocate, hoping for a not-guilty verdict. It's frustrating to watch it seemingly going in this direction.
I dunno what game she was playing online but did you happen to see what movie she was watching (or had watched) that she had posted on her myspace? It was called American Phycho. or something like that!

Yup, there was an image of it. Did anyone else see it?

I remember reading that. Thought it was very creepy. That movie is very disturbing. A seemingly normal 20-something party-boy kills women he brings home for fun. It's several years old...funny Casey was watching this right before the disappearance.
One thing that has really bothered me is George saying "That was not my granddaughter's body in the gd trunk!"

So..he was not denying there was a body in there? Then whose was it? Was he trying to imply there was another dead body in there or is he just in deep denial that Caylee might be dead.

And now Casey gave Caylee to a family. How nice of her. If Caylee were with someone and with the reward being so high, I'd think someone would've come forward by now. And no one has. Cindy's stories keep changing and changing...maybe Caylee was abducted by Aliens? And Casey is afraid of aliens coming back for her? LOL As far-fetched as their stories get, I would not be suprised with some whacked out explanation to come next.
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