Anthonys on GMA - Monday Nov 10

I am sorry but is she a lawyer now?Does she think we're in court and we're some stupid jurors?

There's no evidence that she's dead?She is your GRANDCHILD fgs,are you relieved that there is no evidence?Is this what this is all about?No evidence that sweet Casey did something?

God,I am so sorry I watched this bs!
how on EARTH can she spend as much time on the phone as she did and be ANY sort of mother much less a "great" mother. Oh please. Does a great mother allow the grandmother to FULLY provide for her daughter. Does this women ever just listen to herself. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I can't for the life of me understand why CA wasn't begging and pleading for the person in Gainesville to come forward and/or return Caylee. That's what I'd do.

I wonder if LE is involved in this tip? I would assume so, because what store would allow anyone outside of LE to view their videotapes? Unless it's their PI, but even then, I'd think LE would have to be involved or get a warrant to view videotapes? I mean, I dunno, but I'd assume that would be the case?


Btw, it looked to me as if she was sitting in a law office? All the filled bookshelves behind her.... And it kinda looked to me as if she was getting cues from someone? Not sure tho, just speculating on what I thought I saw...

I agree, I also thought CA looked like she was in a law office. More than likely it was Nejame's office.:rolleyes:
A great mother supports her child and is a role model for her child.

KC lies, cheats, steals, does not hold a job, does not finish school. What part of her was great??? That she didn't physically abuse her child??? Isn't the ultimate form of abuse the act of murder.
Maybe I am a bit mad right now but IMO Cindy is the troublemaker in that family.I know how such people can drive you mad.She can't shut up,she hates losing control,she can't sit still,she loves to tell people what to do,she always says that what others do is wrong.GMAB woman.
Do you all really believe that GA and CA went and watched video at the location of the "tip" that supposedly CA received? I sure don't, CA always has to be on the news to counteract any efforts to search for a deceased Caylee. Wouldn't anyone who thinks they saw Caylee "alive", notify either OCSO, or if they could not get through to anyone there, wouldn't they call their local LE? What makes CA think that anyone believes that people other than psychics, are calling her? :rolleyes: Honestly, I am just sick of this family.
She says there's no evidence that Caylee's dead,well is there any that she's alive and safe?
Do you all really believe that GA and CA went and watched video at the location of the "tip" that supposedly CA received? I sure don't, CA always has to be on the news to counteract any efforts to search for a deceased Caylee. Wouldn't anyone who thinks they saw Caylee "alive", notify either OCSO, or if they could not get through to anyone there, wouldn't they call their local LE? What makes CA think that anyone believes that people other than psychics, are calling her? :rolleyes: Honestly, I am just sick of this family.

You said it like I would...........sick of this sick family!!!
Indeed, who was "there" for Caylee? When did the anthony's any of them go after KC while she was gone running the streets with their granddaughter in tow? Hmmm, cindy where were the people (and by the that I mean YOU, George and Lee) where were you for those 31 days?

31 days!!!! 31 days your granddaughter had not been seen by those people who knew she existed and that her lunatic mother had NO WHERE to live, NO JOB (you knew that, deny all you want but you knew the truth). It is you and your family that failed your granddaughter, you should have been on the horn after 2-3 days, knocking down doors and hunting that crazy daughter of yours down, you should have called child services especially AFTER your crazy duaghter kept telling you idiotic stories about why you couldn't see or talk to your granddaughter....YOU KNEW CINDY, that your granddaughter was not being taking care of, that she was in the care of someone who was not rational, had been lying and stealing from you and other members of her family. Not just stealing, like out of your wallet, but major from knew that she was unstable, yet you did not alert the authorities to this out of control situation.

Stop this nonsense of blaming the public, LE, TES because they are trying to do what they can after the fact and that is to see if it is possible to find this poor baby, there is nothing anyone can do to help Caylee is too late, all anyone can do is prosecute her murderer (KC) and look in area's of interest to see if maybe, just maybe her little body is there so she can be given a proper resting place, not one of her murderer's (KC) choice.

This is so true.
Let your troublemaker daughter go but fight, do anything to keep that baby away from the lifestyle you know your daughter lives.
Cindy & George Knew she had no where to go.
Why did they wait so long?

Also, if they had a tip about Caylee being in Gainsville, wouldn't you GO to Gainsville?
You drove somewhere to see a video but that's it? If you had proof, you wouldn't be sitting on a TV show.
You'd be at the Gainsville police department with the proof in your hand.
This is so true.
Let your troublemaker daughter go but fight, do anything to keep that baby away from the lifestyle you know your daughter lives.
Cindy & George Knew she had no where to go.
Why did they wait so long?

Also, if they had a tip about Caylee being in Gainsville, wouldn't you GO to Gainsville?
You drove somewhere to see a video but that's it? If you had proof, you wouldn't be sitting on a TV show.You'd be at the Gainsville police department with the proof in your hand.

Spot on.
Did I spy new video of Caylee laughing with George? I have to question who is allowing Cindy to continue with this charade, does Najame actually believe this is benefiting his client in any way, publicly or privately? Still casting blame on anyone but KC I see, typical. No one giving 100% effort for Caylee.. blech! I will not say what I am thinking, but this woman is a piece of work.
A great mother supports her child and is a role model for her child.

KC lies, cheats, steals, does not hold a job, does not finish school. What part of her was great??? That she didn't physically abuse her child??? Isn't the ultimate form of abuse the act of murder.

alas you forget...."kc is a victim" :furious::furious::bang:

I was hoping that they would ask about the tapes and GA comments...but no same bs each time....they blame the LE all the time...yet have they found anything in each of their "investigations"????? They all were doing them BEFORE LE involved...they make no sense...jmo :chicken:
She says there's no evidence that Caylee's dead,well is there any that she's alive and safe?

No evidence that she is dead?

  1. She has not been seen alive on Earth since June 16th.
    [*]The car that was abandoned smelled like a human corpse.
    [*]After 31 days Casey had not reported that she was "missing".
    [*]Every location where Casey said she was has been proven to be a falsehood-a lie.
    [*]A hair was recovered with the death band and the mitochondrial DNA of Casey/Caylee/Cindy. Two are alive, so that leaves Caylee as the corpse that the hair was recovered from.
    [*]George knows what human decom smells like and has said that once you smell it you do not forget it. He has stated that when he smelled the car, his only thought was "Please don't let it be my Caylee".
    [*]There was a basketball size stain in the trunk that the "odor" was eminating from. This stain tested positive for human decomposition.
    [*]In the 31 days that Casey AND Caylee were missing none of Casey's purchases made were items that Caylee would have needed.
    [*]Caylee's favorite toy in the world was left in the backseat of the car, indicating that she will not be needing it any longer.
    [*]There IS no Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales.
    [*]There were searches for the dangerous chemical CHLOROFORM before Caylee went missing.
I am absolutely convinced GA went to that site where the search ocurred to purposefully throw off TES. If so, I hope he and his darling bride are brought up on charges and jailed.
I don't know who she's trying to fool,maybe she thinks that if she says it all over again someone out there will actually buy it.
And how dare she comment on the searchers,she has no right,absolutely none IMO
Do you all really believe that GA and CA went and watched video at the location of the "tip" that supposedly CA received? I sure don't, CA always has to be on the news to counteract any efforts to search for a deceased Caylee. Wouldn't anyone who thinks they saw Caylee "alive", notify either OCSO, or if they could not get through to anyone there, wouldn't they call their local LE? What makes CA think that anyone believes that people other than psychics, are calling her? :rolleyes: Honestly, I am just sick of this family.

I'm thinking that a store doesn't just hand over their videos for just anyone to watch. I'm thinking LE would have to get a warrant or cooperation of some sort? I don't know for sure, but that's what I thought.

Btw....Fox is reporting the hearing for the gag order is cancelled. :mad:

Gag order hearing canceled

Prosecutors are seeking a gag order in Casey Anthony's murder case. A hearing was scheduled to take place at 1:30 p.m. Monday but due to a scheduling conflict it was canceled. A new hearing date will take place at a later date
I am absolutely convinced GA went to that site where the search ocurred to purposefully throw off TES. If so, I hope he and his darling bride are brought up on charges and jailed.

IMO he went there because Cindy told him so.:chicken:
This is so true.
Let your troublemaker daughter go but fight, do anything to keep that baby away from the lifestyle you know your daughter lives.
Cindy & George Knew she had no where to go.
Why did they wait so long?

Also, if they had a tip about Caylee being in Gainsville, wouldn't you GO to Gainsville?
You drove somewhere to see a video but that's it? If you had proof, you wouldn't be sitting on a TV show.
You'd be at the Gainsville police department with the proof in your hand.

IF the Anthonys really believed Caylee might be in Gainsville why aren't they planted there LOOKING FOR ANY LEADS?

They have no problem whining that nobody else is searching for a live Caylee & THEY'RE too busy doing interviews to bother looking when they have this hot lead??????

I bet the Anthonys celebrated when they heard TES would stop looking for Caylee..... their precious killer Casey is safe for one more day. :furious:
I'm thinking that a store doesn't just hand over their videos for just anyone to watch. I'm thinking LE would have to get a warrant or cooperation of some sort? I don't know for sure, but that's what I thought.

Btw....Fox is reporting the hearing for the gag order is cancelled. :mad:

there was also something that even though JB requested a hearing he couldn't make it..thought I read that somewhere...
Oddly it may be better since everyone keeps saying they are talking so much due to possible "gag" order... (I personally am gagging myself after the GMA interview) jmo

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