AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #1

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My half brother is a child molester, I've heard that after he abused his children, there was some sibling sexual abuse and that there were no charges brought against the kids. I have a 15 & 14 year old and because of my family history, I sometimes wonder what I would do if this happened with my kids. I mean after the initial shock/disgust/anger wears off. It's easy to judge the Duggars when we haven't been in their shoes. Any of you with adolescents... what would you do if you were hit with a situation like this ?

I think the first priority should be doing whatever needs to be done to make sure the siblings are protected from further victimization.

Counseling and other interventions, changes in the living arrangements, foster care, the police depending on the offender's age and actions...? Reality TV about my sex offender child's purity of heart would not be on the list. It seems like a bad idea to me to make the kids deal with abuse under cameras and spotlights.
Wow! Can't quote on this device- but the post about Josh and the suitcase story? That is ACTUALLY from The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. It was a conversation she had with her father before WWII when she innocently asked him what 'sex sin' was. (She was a child and did not understand the term)

“And so seated next to my father in the train compartment, I suddenly asked, "Father, what is sexsin?"
He turned to look at me, as he always did when answering a question, but to my surprise he said nothing. At last he stood up, lifted his traveling case off the floor and set it on the floor.
Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?" he said.
I stood up and tugged at it. It was crammed with the watches and spare parts he had purchased that morning.
It's too heavy," I said.
Yes," he said, "and it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. It's the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger, you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you.”
What does , "taking responsibility" mean? I hear people saying they take responsbility for all kinds of things. OK. Does that mean I did this horrible thing and because I say I take responsibility that the topic is now over?

Really, so what????

I think usually something like this: "I did something bad and attempted to hide it but I got caught and now I'm trying to save face. Guys, this is where you are all supposed to praise me for my bravery and honesty as I admitted everything that I had no choice but to admit. I take full responsibility for what I did. Now here are all the reasons why it's not so bad and why it wasn't my fault and why you shouldn't be mad at me for doing something horrible."
From a blog:
Another way that our culture allows abuse to flourish is that we refuse to really deal with what is actually happening. Rape is referred to as “non-consensual sex,” and Josh sexually assaulted five little girls by groping their breasts and genitalia but that’s not what the media is calling it, and it certainly isn’t what anyone connected to the Duggars is calling it. It’s not being described as child sexual assault, not as the felony it is, but as molestation. Over and over again I’ve seen Christians calling it a “mistake.” In the different announcements we’ve gotten from the Duggars, it’s been coated over with a thick layer of Christian Speak. Anna, his wife, called it an “offense,” as if the sexual assault of a five-year-old were the same thing as calling her carrots.

It’s not just the Duggars that do this. We see this every single time one of these “scandals” comes to light. Whoever was responsible “apologizes,” but they never admit to anything. Josh said he “behaved inexcusably,” which doesn’t mean anything. If Josh had gotten up in front of everyone and said the words “I committed a felony, I sexually assaulted five little girls, and I’m sorry,” it would make it obvious to every single last person on the planet that oh, I’m sorry isn’t going to cut it.

But, in our culture, abusers can “apologize,” and that becomes the headline. And, as Kathryn pointed out, it makes the victims look bad in Christian culture if they don’t immediately “forgive.” We saw this with Sovereign Grace, and we’re seeing it now.

Josh Duggar didn’t make a “mistake” — he’s going to get away with sexual assault

Just before the long weekend, Josh Duggar apologized for having “acted inexcusably” when he was a teenager. Because we have access to recently unearthed police reports and other accounts published by In Touch magazine, we know the connotation of Duggar’s phrasing: He is requesting forgiveness for sexually assaulting multiple young girls.

It is a crime for which Duggar will never be charged; which neither he nor his family will likely ever call by name; and which he’ll get away with committing. He admitted to something — ostensibly, to committing acts of violence against children, against his own sisters — but it doesn’t matter. Duggar might have resigned from his job, but otherwise, the whole situation has been set up to play out in his favor.
.....I'd be speed-dialing the kiddie shrinks! A round of counselling for all concerned MOO....

Having thought about it for a minute and not to trivialize the matter .... it's easy to put the fear into a kid when you point out that stealing from mom's purse is more than uncool but stealing could lead to jail in the big mean world....

consequences....counselling would help hammer that home if a parent would need help....Sexual assault needs to be discussed.

I am guessing the D Family would be paranoid they would ''lose'' their family if the big mean world found out that their son was molesting their daughters.

I am still dumbstruck that they sued the CPS.....
There were multiple this was not a one time event.


A "smidge" O/T but......that comment about "stealing" reminded me of the nonchalant manner of JILL when she & Derrick arrived @ the clan house during BIBLE study time to announce the pregnancy...................She & Derrick BOTH stated that she just the day before stole from Mom's bathroom...................a pregnancy test! Seems that the multiple ones "they" had used days previously had been negative!

Break one commandment, break them all??? To me, huge difference between "may I have" and just TAKING 'cause I want!

PS: yep, I know I'm being "picky & petty" but it just hit me as "weird" when I watched it!
Yet another excellent article written by a former Gothard follower:

This combination of zero sexual knowledge and deeply-ingrained submissiveness left many young girls in our church especially vulnerable to sexual abuse. As a teenager, I became aware that several of my friends were being molested by their older brothers or fathers. They would start stilted conversations with me about it, but none of us actually understood the concept of sex or rape or molestation enough to actually discuss it, so it stayed on the level of furtively whispered hints.
My half brother is a child molester, I've heard that after he abused his children, there was some sibling sexual abuse and that there were no charges brought against the kids. I have a 15 & 14 year old and because of my family history, I sometimes wonder what I would do if this happened with my kids. I mean after the initial shock/disgust/anger wears off. It's easy to judge the Duggars when we haven't been in their shoes. Any of you with adolescents... what would you do if you were hit with a situation like this ?

Its a good question. I believe that I wouldn't sacrifice protection of the innocent and more vulnerable of my children for the protection of the offender. But for some it could feel like a Sophie's choice.

I don't know what I would do, but I know FOR SURE I wouldn't put my family on national tv and I wouldn't preach about my version of parenting for years on end.

That's one of the major issues I have with the way this family dealt with this. No real help AND the commencement of massive hypocrisy and exposure. What message did that send the little girls when they saw their offender making statements about purity?

.....I'd be speed-dialing the kiddie shrinks! A round of counselling for all concerned MOO....

Having thought about it for a minute and not to trivialize the matter .... it's easy to put the fear into a kid when you point out that stealing from mom's purse is more than uncool but stealing could lead to jail in the big mean world....

consequences....counselling would help hammer that home if a parent would need help....Sexual assault needs to be discussed.

I am guessing the D Family would be paranoid they would ''lose'' their family if the big mean world found out that their son was molesting their daughters.

I am still dumbstruck that they sued the CPS.....
There were multiple this was not a one time event.

Counselors are mandatory reporters. IMO, that's why they sought counseling for no one.


A "smidge" O/T but......that comment about "stealing" reminded me of the nonchalant manner of JILL when she & Derrick arrived @ the clan house during BIBLE study time to announce the pregnancy...................She & Derrick BOTH stated that she just the day before stole from Mom's bathroom...................a pregnancy test! Seems that the multiple ones "they" had used days previously had been negative!

Break one commandment, break them all??? To me, huge difference between "may I have" and just TAKING 'cause I want!

PS: yep, I know I'm being "picky & petty" but it just hit me as "weird" when I watched it!

She was joking around there. She wasn't stealing from her mom by using a pregnancy test at the home.
Yes....the whole ''sophie's choice" -- she did chose her son in the movie too! She ended up losing both....IIRC

Yes the mandatory reporting issue -- I understand that one -- but I would rather do that than take the risk of further damage down the road.

I just find it galling that they sued the state when they knew there was more than one victim....MOO
So the family was on TV as early as 2004? OMGoodness, I kept wondering about that. So the Duggars had money to pay-off the non-family member victim?? Not saying it happened, but wonder why her parents didn't come forward seeking justice for their daughter. Like minds? And are we to believe there weren't any rumblings in their Church about the cop's proclivities?? For all we know, JB was sent to this cop because he knew the whole thing (crime) wouldn't go any further. I am really not one to believe in coincidences. This reeks of ungodly behavior all around.
I honestly hadn't read the details at the time I posted that. I thought it was only redirecting their behaviors. Who hits babies ? Or provokes them to do something so they can hit them ? That is twisted.

The provoking them off the blanket is 10x worse than just hitting them to keep them there. That teaches a child from day one ' you cannot trust me'.
“And so seated next to my father in the train compartment, I suddenly asked, "Father, what is sexsin?"
He turned to look at me, as he always did when answering a question, but to my surprise he said nothing. At last he stood up, lifted his traveling case off the floor and set it on the floor.
Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?" he said.
I stood up and tugged at it. It was crammed with the watches and spare parts he had purchased that morning.
It's too heavy," I said.
Yes," he said, "and it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. It's the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger, you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you.”

I think I missed the OP on this. How does Josh play into all this? I thought I'd read all the pages of this thread...but apparently I missed a few posts, somewhere. TIA if you can answer this without much trouble. If it is too involved, don't worry about it!
So the family was on TV as early as 2004? OMGoodness, I kept wondering about that. So the Duggars had money to pay-off the non-family member victim?? Not saying it happened, but wonder why her parents didn't come forward seeking justice for their daughter. Like minds? And are we to believe there weren't any rumblings in their Church about the cop's proclivities?? For all we know, JB was sent to this cop because he knew the whole thing (crime) wouldn't go any further. I am really not one to believe in coincidences. This reeks of ungodly behavior all around.
14 Kids and Pregnant Again. This is when they lived in the small house that the abuse took place in.

Then Raising 16 Kids and then 16 Kids and Moving In. This is when they moved into their current house, that TLC completed for them including furnishings.

Then a couple more specials, one where they travel across some states.

And then they got their series.

You can watch them all on you tube. ...if you really want to.

I used to watch them a lot. Just to have my jaw hang open at the things they did and said. I remember way back they didn't celebrate each kids birthday. They had one day in the summer that they celebrated everyone. I remember thinking how wrong that was and thought those kids would have issues.

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I think I missed the OP on this. How does Josh play into all this? I thought I'd read all the pages of this thread...but apparently I missed a few posts, somewhere. TIA if you can answer this without much trouble. If it is too involved, don't worry about it!

Wow! Can't quote on this device- but the post about Josh and the suitcase story? That is ACTUALLY from The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. It was a conversation she had with her father before WWII when she innocently asked him what 'sex sin' was. (She was a child and did not understand the term)

From Josh and Anna's website, under "Our Story" which describes how the two met and began courting.

"Josh: As I grew older, I began to realize that there were two different kinds of people in this world – men & women. My parents shared with me a story of a young girl who asked her father a question about ‘that’ subject. Her father replied by handing her his suitcase and asking her to carry it. As the little girl tried to pick up the suitcase she quickly said, ‘I’m not big enough to carry it, its too heavy for me!’ Her father had illustrated his point. He then told his daughter, ‘Some things are too heavy for you to carry right now, but when you are older you will be able to handle them.’ It was that father’s hope, and my parent’s desire that inspired them to train their children to guard their hearts and keep them pure – knowing that the day would come when they would be able to carry that ‘suitcase.’"
No doubt she wouldn't think of all that on her own but I also have no doubt these victims are mortified by their abuse becoming public.

I recall a commenter with a small baby, on a site about blanket training, saying, "I can't wait to start this. I'll be able to watch the game this Sunday in peace!"

This post omitted quite a bit from how it works. First of all, the Duggars have been quite smart not to include the more unsavory parts of child training from their statements. But just google To Train Up a Child by the Pearls, which the Duggars follow and have promoted for years, and you'll see.

Second, for some reason the main part of blanket training Duggar style per their books was left out. Happily, those of us who've researched the Duggars are not making allegations without being able to support them.

Importantly, the benign quote posted here is from after their first book. This was after they received backlash from describing blanket training in their first book, which included placing a baby on a blanket, with toys, and then "tapping" the edges of the blanket with a spoon or something. When the baby crawls off the blanket, Michelle would "correct" the baby and place it back on the blanket.

Michelle describes leaving the baby and hiding around the corner, peeking. When the baby climbs off the blanket, she ran quickly back there and "corrected" the baby. She describes training her twin boys. She describes one baby witnessing the other being corrected and thus not moving off the blanket himself because he learned from his twin's "correction".

That's how it actually works.

The Duggars can call it whatever they want what, it actually is many forms of abuse. At what age did this start? Has Michelle ever really honestly mothered the children(besides birthing them).

If Michelle went through marital life never refusing Jim Bobs sexual demands even if she was exhausted, not in the mood, had a sick child, or sick herself IMO she has serious problems, and if Jim Bob didn't care how she felt when he wanted it, well he's a <modsnip> and <modsnip> and they have done the kids (mostly the girls) an injustice.

What happens if 1 of the girls ever wanted a divorce?
I think I've watched the show maybe 1 time.

Yes....the whole ''sophie's choice" -- she did chose her son in the movie too! She ended up losing both....IIRC

Yes the mandatory reporting issue -- I understand that one -- but I would rather do that than take the risk of further damage down the road.

I just find it galling that they sued the state when they knew there was more than one victim....MOO

Suing the state doesn't mean they were trying to say the state did something wrong and they should be compensated. It likely means they were trying to protest or modify juvenile dependency court strictures. He and his family likely felt that matter had been resolved and wanted to be free in certain areas so they could do things like shoot the show, with Josh around. Or maybe they objected to counseling demands or on-going monitoring.

No matter, they do have a lot of gall. A LOT.
Regarding my post #1002 above:

Just to be clear, I did not intend this as an insult to Christians generally.

I grew up in the Bible Belt, and this guy's words just reminded me of a bumper sticker I used to see: "Christians Aren't Perfect, Just Forgiven" which I observed many people interpret to mean they could commit any mayhem they chose because hey, they were saved and forgiven so they'd be going to heaven no matter what they did.
BBM. I had a smiliar type of roommate when I started college, living in the dorms- they assigned us, wasn't given a choice. She lied and said she was a non-smoker. She was 18, Catholic and religious- but looked at me like I had horns & a tail because I was Jewish. She took up smoking and immediately became a chain-smoker. (think she had only quit over the summer before when she lived at her parents). She would also drink heavilly during the school week. But every Sunday morning she went to confession- so in her eyes that made it okay to smoke and drink.
Tonight at a few minutes past 8 PM Eastern go to and click on the "Listen Now" at the top of the page. This will take you to iHeart and the True Crime Radio Show tonight with Dr. Lillian Glass and Websleuths Member CarlK
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Everyone is talking about them...the Duggar family or to be more exact the Duggar Family sexual abuse scandal.

One of the top experts in the world on body language, Dr. Lillian Glass will be with us tonight 8 PM Eastern. Dr. Glass has a lot to say about this sickening case.

Later in the show one of our most beloved members, CarlK joins us to update us on the tragic case of Aundria Michelle Bowman and about attending the Missing in Michigan gathering.

Don't forget every Thursday night at a few minutes past 8 PM Eastern True Crime Radio starts broadcasting.

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My half brother is a child molester, I've heard that after he abused his children, there was some sibling sexual abuse and that there were no charges brought against the kids. I have a 15 & 14 year old and because of my family history, I sometimes wonder what I would do if this happened with my kids. I mean after the initial shock/disgust/anger wears off. It's easy to judge the Duggars when we haven't been in their shoes. Any of you with adolescents... what would you do if you were hit with a situation like this ?

I'd be ballistic if it ever happened to my daughter because it happened to me when I was 13. I always kept her away from my molester uncle. I'd be the first one reporting it to the police!!! So yes I have in a way been in the Duggar girls shoes. Just not having the repressive background, but when I finally did tell my mother what her brother did, she still couldn't believe it! So I will judge the Duggars, I didn't ever forgive my molester and don't plan to, and I think the idea of blanket training is horrible and having 19 kids, especially when you can't support them is selfish. Look how many couples can't have kids and people all over the world are starving!
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