Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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- Allison could have had gloves in the house for cleaning toilets and such things. I too think that she was unlikely to have confronted anyone let alone a mistress. What is the point? She knew of the affair and was doing couselling with GBC and there were three little girls in the house that were infinitely more important than a mistress.

Really the whole BC family appears to be narcissistic. After any length of time in living with a narcissist there would be characterisics that Allison showed. She had probably been verbally brow bashed at the very least and her life was probably very limited to what he deemed appropriate for his 'angel' and family to be doing. A two faced persona is fairly standard for these types of people - one for the home and one for the public.

The sister seems quite different from the grand standing other members of the family. Her demeanor is seemingly supportive as you would expect and she is probably struggling to come to terms with what is happening within the family and is being kept in the dark by GBC.
I think may not be too far from the truth. Scratches? Perhaps inflicted before Allison left the house or by the girlfriend, or perhaps climbing through bushland to hide the body!!
On an aside there is a symposium in Brissie today about people who kill their spouses. Info from interviews with 200 people who are spouse killers.
Where are people getting the idea that Allison, or someone who looked like her, could be driving a vehicle through the roundabout that night? My understanding is this is an assumption made from some edited news footage that went from saying Allison was murdered between 11.00 pm and 4 am to the Superintendent asking for anyone who was at the roundabout between those times to come forward?

Unless I've missed something, that (inaccurate) assumption now has people considering Allison was driving around town in a rage ready to confront someone, or that a person is dressing in drag and driving around pretending to be her? I think some investigators would be having a bit of a 'roll eyes' moment, and as Rove would say - "What the ... ?"

Unless I'm completely behind the times, I think police would like further proof of vehicle movements and detail of who was in charge of the vehicle/s they're interested in. I think the armchair investigations have been sent off on a wild goose chase assuming Allison was capable of driving a vehicle at the times mentioned. Anyone who expects to see footage of the scarlet mistress performing a dance of the seven veils on the Kenmore Roundabout is probably going to be sadly disappointed.

Happy to be proved wrong, I realise my desire for even vague facts doesn't sit well with everyone, and makes for a far less interesting read ;-)
I think he did the killing by himself. Much more likely. It is a clear case of domestic violence- i don't think the affair or other women made him do anything just as Allision didnt make him kill her , or money worries or stress. He needs to take responibilty for their actions. We all get angry , stressed , conered, desperate - but we all dont kill!

Women frequently dont tell police or family that there has been violence - although family often see her behviour as 'depressed'.
It all came to a head - maybe she 's trying to leave , he has money problems. He strangles her , panic's dumps body , then ring's possibly 'other women'. Kids probably witness some of this and past violence/controlling behaviour . He gets scratched, crashed car to cover .

His family not involved other than supporting him- sister looks very stressed, parents kissing , family background, country, hunting, do not make people gulity of any thing.

The very sad thing about all this is he recives light sentence gets on with his life - Allison's lief cut short , her family greive, her children have to live with fact their dad killed their mum. and that domstic violence continues .

Last night i attended a candle light vigil for wmen and children killed by their partners- one of many held around Queensland. On average 77 women are killed in Australia by their partners. Only yesterday another women was bashed to death. A sad sad situation.
I think all of what you have said is very tru.....none of his family are involved...they are just doing what all families would do....act on behalf of their son/brother .... I know of a cousin who committed a robbery....NONE of his family knew, none of us knew and none of us could believe he would do something like that....

and other times where the rapist has been a married man....and the wife knew of none of it....shocked to find her husband a cross dresser rapist etc.... I think he acted alone and the hiring of the criminal lawyer is possibly a suggestion of his family as they are seeing how the media seems to be suggesting he did it....which he propably did but .... I would stick by my son to the end - even when I sort of knew maybe he did do it.....
I find it interesting, even though it means nothing but evoking a feeling, the link to the Powell name - add to this the granny kiss and the alleged affair, tawdriness. Allison totally reminds me of Susan Cox Powell, I am glad she was found so quickly for her family's sake.

If it wasn't premeditated, he is nuts to have gone to this extent to cover up. Would a domestic gone bad been classed as a manslaughter? One blow too hard. A few years, under a decade, vs the mandated sentence of "life" (20 years before parole).
hahaha...driving in drag around a roundabout....its wine time here....I betta go cook hubby's dinner....

pls....let me know the moment more news comes to hand...

Ill leave you guys to it.!!!

If it wasn't premeditated, he is nuts to have gone to this extent to cover up. Would a domestic gone bad been classed as a manslaughter? One blow too hard. A few years, under a decade, vs the mandated sentence of "life" (20 years before parole).[/QUOTE]

Domestic gone bad ! Dv is always bad - it is horrific that our terms for murder are low , and disgusting that men who kills their partners often recive a lot less.
sorry my aboove messgae was quoting OZAZURE just didnt come out right :)
I wonder if her parents have been questioned - in the sense to find out what a & g's relationship was like, any history of how she has changed over the years (like prev posts on how she was once independant & strong, and now is under the thumb and would live life in fear) from his abusive years and the damage that has been caused.
i would say yes , and while they may not have been aware of the DV i bet they saw a chnage in her and were aware of their r/ship issues.
Just read on GBC sister's fb page that she is married to a pastor and they live in Townsville. If she dropped the children off on Friday the 20th, it is an interesting coincidence that she is in Brisbane at this time.

Her husband's fb page says that he "must warn that there may be more sensational details to come" and goes on to apologise to his friends...mmm interesting?
They would give the best impression on how they have noticed her change. I know my parents and my friends all noticed a change in me while I was giong through emotional/mental abuse.
Just read on GBC sister's fb page that she is married to a pastor and they live in Townsville. If she dropped the children off on Friday the 20th, it is an interesting coincidence that she is in Brisbane at this time.

Her husband's fb page says that he "must warn that there may be more sensational details to come" and goes on to apologise to his friends...mmm interesting?

His sister didn't arrive in Brisbane till after Allision went missing - she is not involved
Just saw Gerard's profile on fb - such cute little girls :(

Looks like the real estate page again - dad's on there, sister is ... oh and mum too but no Allison.

I checked fb after alicats post and the photos were there. Now they have been removed.
Can i post this here?

Well it has been confirmed. Our darling Allison has died. We love her so much and can scarcely believe that her gentle, loving life has come to an end! Our house is full of deep grief and abounding love. We are doing all that we can to support those around us, especially Gerard and their beautiful girls who are heartbroken. We are "struck down but not destroyed" (2 Cor 4:9).

Precious friends on ...another matter you need to be aware that the media are glorying in the most revolting and salacious gossip. They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy. They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! They have NO regard for Allison or her family - despite their "crocodile tears" for Allison. I warn you that there may be more and worse to come. Please do not put your trust in what you read and do not lose faith at this time. We have decided not to speak publicly to the media and to grieve in private. We may pay the price for this in the "court" of public opinion. We have been so blessed by the unconditional love, support and prayer of family, friends and loving strangers. We see you as God's hands and feet... We thank you from the depth of our hearts!
it is what you would expect ... they will have to continue their lives after all this is done with .. something that will be hard .. lets hope they have support and people dont judge them ... obviously they dont have any control over GBC..
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