Australia - Karlie Pearce-Stevenson, Belanglo State Forest NSW WhtFm Skeletal Aug'10

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I am not so sure it would be a match based on the limited information published. Found in 2010 would make her 16, yes but there are suggestions that Angels body had been there for up to 10 years in the forest. I think also it is the eyes for me. The spacing of them between the sketch & the age progressed photo doesn't really match up for me.I would love it to be for her mothers sake so that she has closure. I just have doubts (mind you, i am hardly an expert & probably totally wrong) :)
I am --100% convinced-- there were other family members involved.
I am sure I was picked up while hitching in late 1989, in northern NSW by a Milat. No inside handles on the doors. Unwilling to let me out of the car. Creepy as heck, in general. I sensed he was toying with me. Very scary. In the end, he let me out apparently because I'd amused him, and threw my pack into a cane field.

After Ivan was convicted years later, I was watching a TV interview and recognised the man who picked me up. I recall what a shock it was, seeing that face again.

If it was indeed the same man, I have NO doubt there's other bodies out there -- and perhaps not limited to Belanglo forest, as Ivan's seem to be. Also, a somewhat wider frame of time might be involved.

I had a similar experience and shock when Milats face was on tv. Hitchhiking in New Zealand in 1990, I got a lift outside of Dunedin, car was an older style Mercedes Benz in a very faded red/burgundy colour. the man who I would swear was Milat asked a lot of questions and asked me "Aren't you scared hitchhiking?" he kept trying to convince me to travel further south. I was petrified and bluffed that I had people on both islands as well as parents in Australia.

It's still a very clear memory.
Monika was Polish. The shirt that Monika wore was sold by the Chain Reaction clothing store, a store owned by a Polish immigrant.

I don't think the background nationality of the family who owned the company that made the shirt, would have anything to do with Angel's nationality. So many different nationalities living in Australia would have bought the same very brand.

Looking through the Wayback Machine, Chain Reaction had the following range:

Big Advantage
Girls 3-7
Girls 8-14
Boys 3-7
Boys 8-14

Looking at the measurements of another Chain Reaction for Girls Sz 10, such as this tracksuit top
bust is 38cm shoulder to shoulder, or 76cm all around, which is 29.9 inches.

That is very small. The Angel shirt may not be exactly the same - it could be a looser style or very stretchy - but if it is similar, I can't imagine anyone over 16 yrs fitting into it - unless they were very, very thin, or had not developed full breasts yet. Both are possible, particularly if she were malnourished, and don't rule anything out... I guess I'm just thinking out loud :blushing:

Here's another Chain Reaction for Girls size 10, but a dress.
height 140cm. chest 74cm. waist 62cm

ETA: This girl is wearing a Chain Reaction for Girls size 10 dress. She looks young, like under 12?

from the listing
Dress length is 76 cm, chest is 37 cm across, sleeves are approx 50 cm long
I do not think and have never for one second thought Ivan was innocent, just to be clear.

But no, I am sure it wasn't Ivan in that car that afternoon. It wasn't his face that floored me when I saw it on TV - similar features, but Ivan was much darker back then, mo and all..

As for how I could tell he was a killer - well, he didn't kill -me- so I can't be sure. But was he predatory? Hell yes. I got the distinct feeling that he got off on letting me go - like he'd done me a huge favour and was thoroughly enjoying my fear. Not a huge step to 'maybe this guy has really hurt people', you know?

It wasn't just the front passenger door handle missing, either - every handle BUT the driver's was missing.

Plus the strong resemblance, the family links to the victim's gear and stories about their behaviour.. I have read a lot on this family, in the years after that TV show. I remain convinced now as I was then that Ivan wasn't the only killer... and that while Ivan stuck to one particular territory there was people he associated with who may not have had the same preference..

Did you contact police about your experience?
Did you contact police about your experience?

I sure did. Pretty much a day or so after that TV show aired. eta: actually, might have been the same day. Dunno now, it was a long time ago. But yeah, soon after the show. I remember just sitting there screaming, "OMG OMG OMG" and my housemates being like, "WHAT!!!??" lol.

I didn't, prior to that. I don't know why.. I was young and dumb enough to hitchhike 2000km.. nuff said there. I think I just wanted to put it behind me, and then just forgot about it as time went on.
Both of my parents have told me terrifying hitch hiking stories. I'm pretty sure they didn't make these stories up. But if they did, it sure means I'll never hitch hike.

My Dad told me he and a girlfriend were hitch hiking in Victoria. They got a lift with a man who turned off onto a dirt track, not where they wanted to go, and wouldn't stop the truck when Dad asked. He and his girlfriend had to jump out and run into the bush. They spent the next few hours hiding while this man drove up and down looking for them. Now my Dad is the type to pick up hitch hikers just because he worries they will meet some weirdo like he did. My Mum only recently told me about a ride she got with a man in Tasmania. Can't remember the whole story but it basically ended with her jumping out at the lights or something with this man trying to grab hold of her. Both their stories were from the 70's.

Sorry to be so off topic. Ausgirl, you were lucky!!
There were 42 Chain Reaction sites owned by the Liberman family. "Run by" sounds like the old guy was hands on in the store, but they were not just a small family business in a couple of locations, being managed by family members. They were a large chain spread across the country.

If what you're trying to say is that there are quite a few Polish coincidences in this case, then I agree that there well might be. If you're saying there's a significance to the owner of the Chain Reaction clothing being Polish, then I respectfully disagree. Coincidences happen, but it doesn't make them of any significance, and if Angel is Polish I don't see anything significant about the fact that she once bought a shirt in a shop owned by a company headed by a man whose father emigrated from Poland.
Does anyone know specifics on if angel was actually Caucasian? Do they test for nationalities with dna?
Myself being Croatian and living among Slavic people, I have to say that she looks like someone from either Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia

Why? Because of the broader face, that is a prominent feature among us. Even my sister looks a bit like Angel. Just have that gut feeling that she is Slavic, being familiar with all these languages I will do some search on the Internet starting from Croatia, which is the easiest one for me. Doenetwork would make you think that nobody is missing in Croatia since the War of Independence, :) I will say somethjng about it tomorrow, because It's 2 a.m. here now.
I've just reviewed Croatian missing persons register and there is nothing there. Most of the persons there went missing during the war, just a few young females here and there, thankfully. You can see it for yourself here: Also

Still, I'm of firm belief that she has been reported missing somewhere in the Europe and I will continue my search.

I have written down on the piece of paper names of some womens, just in case so I can check them out in more detailed manner afterwards. Their age is adding up, and many of us Croatians, as Bosnians and Serbs, we have relatives Down Under, so maybe some of them escaped there in search for better life. I didn't overlook any young female on the list!

Bosnian missing persons:

Checked! Found only one female - Inga Perković, went missing in 2001 at the age of fifteen. I'm not saying that she looks like the photo of that women. I want to make my own database of girls who were 13-25 years old in the time of dissapearance between 1998 and 2008/09.
Went through Serbia:

One interesting entry: Iva Veljković, went missing at the age of 17 in 2000. Wanted to be babysitter in foreign countries and has actually made some telephone calls prior her dissapearance about babysitting.
I just got goosebumps when reviewing Polish missing persons register! I don't know why, but that face!


Iwona Kamińska
Missing from London since 13th of July 2000 at the age of 20
Height: 157 cm
Color of eyes: Blue


Actually, there are many young females on that site. I will share it with you later when I scan them all!
Have few questions, so I can narrow my search. Was that brand (Chain Reaction for girls) available exclusively in Australia from 2003 to 2006 or it was available before? Also, was it ever available in Europe? I have found about 40 young females on Polish missing person register and would like to eliminate at least few of them. If you want I can show some of them! Just to make things clear, thus far I've searched through Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Poland. Tomorrow I will check out Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Have few questions, so I can narrow my search. Was that brand (Chain Reaction for girls) available exclusively in Australia from 2003 to 2006 or it was available before? Also, was it ever available in Europe? I have found about 40 young females on Polish missing person register and would like to eliminate at least few of them. If you want I can show some of them! Just to make things clear, thus far I've searched through Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Poland. Tomorrow I will check out Slovakia and Czech Republic.

I remember shopping in a Chain Reaction store in the late 90's (circa 1998) but I don't know anything about their Chain Reaction for Girls line specifically. There are plenty of business articles that confirm Chain Reaction was sold in 2006 to a retail group that intended to absorb it into their existing brands so I think it's pretty clear that the label would have ceased production that year.

As to whether or not it was ever available in Europe, I simply don't know, but it seems unlikely. As the girl was in Australia, Occam's Razor would suggest it was more likely that she'd acquired the shirt in Australia than somehow finding an Australian shirt in Europe and then coming to Australia.
Could someone remind me why, exactly, they think this victim could have been Polish? I'm a bit lost.
From what I understand it is because the top that was found with her was from the store chain reaction and the owners of that chain of stores were polish... Go figure.
Kraki while she does have similar features for those countries there has to be a reason she was in Australia. It is a very multicultural country here but also a lot of people who overstay their visas. I would think that would be a more likely event than being kidnapped and brought to australia but that's just my opinion. If that is the case it would have been before the security systems were out into place at airports etc. If you could look into possibilities such as young women who went backpacking/traveling and then went missing that would be great :) there is only so much google translate helps with :/
Yeah, but I still think that they can report her missing somewhere in Europe. Despite the fact that she stayed at Australia for some time, let's say! Have checked Netherlands and Germany today! Than I will try to do some search in newspapers about girls who went traveling and then went missing!
First article in German and guess what, Angel is there:

They state that police believes Angel is from Europe because of their teeths, signs of Western dentistry are visible! They suspect she is from Western Europe. They were not able to find any dental records or charts similar to that of Angel, anywhere in Australia. It was published in die Welt (the World), which is huge in Germany so many people probably saw it!
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