GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #2


The next morning when she went to check on her eldest child, who slept alone in the modest two-bedroom unit, the sheets on her single bed were stripped, and the girl was gone. Pressed on details, Ms Abrahams becomes uncomfortable.

"I don't want to keep talking about this," she said.

Does this mean Kiesha's blanket was gone too in addition to her bedding?
After learning Kristi refused to talk about Kiesha's missing bed sheets, my hinky meter went into overdrive and I wonder if Kiesha was beaten to death by either Kristi or Robert in her bedroom. If Kiesha was attacked in her bedroom and her blood was on her bedding, they had no choice but to dispose of it. If this is the case, investigators should have found splatters of blood around her room. If an intruder took Kiesha out of her bed or the COD was strangulation, it is highly unlikely both sheets would be missing. I doubt Kristi and Robert would remove her bed sheets unless it was absolutely necessary because it draws attention to them. JMO
Great link! Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to view it ... I don't live in Australia.

Thanks for trying ~

As I said I video-taped it, but my battery cut out half-way through the discussion after the film.

I've had this video camera for about a year, and still haven't added the software to my PC yet....such a slacker....but I'll do it tonight, and try to upload it to youtube so you can watch.

Will let you know when it's up. But be warned, that because I was taping it from the TV it's a bit flickery.

Because I knew I might be uploading it, hubby and I had to be super quiet while we were watching. A video of our hands over our mouths and our shocked looks at each other would have made for interesting viewing
^ Legend Status.

BTW...on the folks moving out of the flat that day, I'm thinking Robert or Kristi thought the police may have placed listening devices within it ~ JMO.

The next morning when she went to check on her eldest child, who slept alone in the modest two-bedroom unit, the sheets on her single bed were stripped, and the girl was gone. Pressed on details, Ms Abrahams becomes uncomfortable.

"I don't want to keep talking about this," she said.

Does this mean Kiesha's blanket was gone too in addition to her bedding?
After learning Kristi refused to talk about Kiesha's missing bed sheets, my hinky meter went into overdrive and I wonder if Kiesha was beaten to death by either Kristi or Robert in her bedroom. If Kiesha was attacked in her bedroom and her blood was on her bedding, they had no choice but to dispose of it. If this is the case, investigators should have found splatters of blood around her room. If an intruder took Kiesha out of her bed or the COD was strangulation, it is highly unlikely both sheets would be missing. I doubt Kristi and Robert would remove her bed sheets unless it was absolutely necessary because it draws attention to them. JMO

Really who knows? I wish we did...but right now we can only theorise. I wonder if she had blankets at all? It was strange that they mentioned the sheets being stripped, but nothing about blankets. Maybe thats why she allegedly went to bed wearing a jacket?

'Stripped away' is a frustating term, because they don't actually say that they are missing from the unit, but it does imply that.

If they are 'missing', for all we know there might never have been sheets on that bed for kiesha, but saying they were stripped away (and taken) was a good way to point at an abductor, while covering their butts for not having the proper bedding a child should have.

As usual this interview has just raised more questions than answers. It gives great little details like she was definatley in her own room in that unit and that it was a single bed, yet other things are not quite so clear.

I wish the whole interview had've been done in quotes....but then it probabaly wouldn't have gotten the okay from Kristi and Rob and gone to press at all if they did it that way.

I just wanted to drop in again to say a sincere thank you for pointing this program out. I went and watched it this morning - the short film 'Polly and Me' was absolutely heartwrenching. I sat and sobbed for a good while, before realising I had to do something (no matter how small) to contribute to the fight against child abuse.

I have had my eye on a particular foundation for a few months now, after hearing a talk given by the organisations founder. True to form however, I haven't actually done anything about joining. However after watching 'Polly and Me' I have taken the concrete steps of joining as a member and registering to be a volunteer for the organisation. I am waiting for my membership pack to arrive in the mail now :)

So thanks again for pointing it out. As a result of your simple action (a post on a forum), an important foundation now has one more person to fight for such a worthy cause... the kids.

PS - please, noone take this the wrong way. This is NOT a post trying to show everyone 'how good I am'. Soooo not my intentions!

:clap: :clap: But you are soooooo good! And an angel. Please keep us updated on how it goes, and what it entails. Maybe your posts will encourage more of us to volunteer our time.
^ Legend Status.

BTW...on the folks moving out of the flat that day, I'm thinking Robert or Kristi thought the police may have placed listening devices within it ~ JMO.

Hmmmm, now what could make a couple that paranoid that soon? :lipssealed:
I agree that Kristi looks so much softer in the little picture of the three of them....she looks really hard in the main picture.....really does look like two different people doesnt it......and I think the redback spider tattoo on her neck has been obtained since the first photo.....

One thing, has it been confirmed that there was a party at the unit on the night before she went missing??? I know it has been mentioned here before but if it is true re the party, makes her statement look a bit silly....

also yes, like most of you, I think it totally odd that she slept in a room by means even when mum was pregnant the other little girl slept in the room with them......

No confirmation on the the party the night before...that came from my 'source'. But there's other online chatter about them having plans for that night in Rooty Hill.
And Robs statement in the 'exclusive' article yesterday about him and everyone being out there searching for Kiesha when Kristi made the 000 call, does make one wonder if there were more people at the unit that night/morning.

PS: Software is uploaded, just waiting for camera to charge now. Just hope I can figure out how to upload it to the net now.:crossfingers:
Uploading 'Polly and me' to you tube now....but it's gonna be a while. (227 mins atm)

I'll apologise in advance for the poor quality. You'll probably need to use head phones as the audio is pretty bad.

I need some TV-taping tips from Patty G I think.

In case it gets taken off You Tube is there anywhere else I can upload it?
Really who knows? I wish we did...but right now we can only theorise. I wonder if she had blankets at all? It was strange that they mentioned the sheets being stripped, but nothing about blankets. Maybe thats why she allegedly went to bed wearing a jacket?

'Stripped away' is a frustating term, because they don't actually say that they are missing from the unit, but it does imply that.

If they are 'missing', for all we know there might never have been sheets on that bed for kiesha, but saying they were stripped away (and taken) was a good way to point at an abductor, while covering their butts for not having the proper bedding a child should have.

As usual this interview has just raised more questions than answers. It gives great little details like she was definatley in her own room in that unit and that it was a single bed, yet other things are not quite so clear.

I wish the whole interview had've been done in quotes....but then it probabaly wouldn't have gotten the okay from Kristi and Rob and gone to press at all if they did it that way.


FWIW, when Psychic Karamia Folaumoeloa met with Kiesha's grandmother, Liz Wieppeart, she said Kiesha had a favorite pink blanket that belonged to her.

Parents normally strip the bed after a child has an “accident” and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kiesha was a bed wetter.

I imagine Kristi refused to discuss the missing bed sheets when she was questioned by the reporter because she realized she had given away "too much information."

Ms. Abrahams’ description of the last time she saw her daughter Kiesha is eerily similar to Casey Anthony's alibi. When LE questioned Casey about the last time she saw her daughter, Casey tried to cover up what she had done to Caylee by spinning the lie that it was a normal day like any other day, she dropped Caylee off at the babysitter’s and went to work at Universal Studios where we later discovered she hadn’t worked for about 2 years. Casey's mother Cindy Anthony, called 911 to report she hadn’t seen her granddaughter for almost a month and Casey came up with the theory that her daughter had been abducted by "Zanny the Nanny".

It was Ms Abrahams who put Kiesha to bed that Saturday night. Everything seemed normal, Kiesha was happy, her mother said, just another night at home. I read her a book, we have a whole variety of books she likes," her mother said.
If I were discussing the very last night I had ever laid eyes on my daughter who had mysteriously gone missing, I would be able to recite every last detail of that night--including, but not limited to, knowing the exact name of the book that I had read to her.

Kristi's blanket statement that they have "a whole variety of books she likes" sounds to me like a bunch of hogwash.
Did the proxy work?

The video finished uploading and processing at 12:30am, only for you tube to then tell me the video was too long. ARRRGGHHH!
Couldn't it have told me that earlier? :banghead:
And the new software has really pathetic editing functions....So I'll have another go today at putting the film into two parts and uploading again.

So sorry...was doing a million things at once yesterday, with family arriving in town last night, so the editing slipped my mind.
Did the proxy work?

The video finished uploading and processing at 12:30am, only for you tube to then tell me the video was too long. ARRRGGHHH!
Couldn't it have told me that earlier? :banghead:
And the new software has really pathetic editing functions....So I'll have another go today at putting the film into two parts and uploading again.

So sorry...was doing a million things at once yesterday, with family arriving in town last night, so the editing slipped my mind.

The longest video YouTube will let you load as a single file is 10 minutes. Most people break them down into parts.
FWIW, when Psychic Karamia Folaumoeloa met with Kiesha's grandmother, Liz Wieppeart, she said Kiesha had a favorite pink blanket that belonged to her.

Parents normally strip the bed after a child has an “accident” and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kiesha was a bed wetter.

I imagine Kristi refused to discuss the missing bed sheets when she was questioned by the reporter because she realized she had given away "too much information."

Respectfully snipped...

This is sounding more and more similar to the Haleigh Cummings case... (RE: the bedsheets) :curses:
The longest video YouTube will let you load as a single file is 10 minutes. Most people break them down into parts.

Sorry for all the OT's....

The problem I'm having is getting my video camera software to edit it into several parts. Each time I try, it tells me that's it's encountered a problem and needs to close. Might have to uninstall and re-install. Then re-upload the file to PC... and hope that it will let me edit into smaller segments then.

I'm just so used to my old sony software and windows movie maker which is soooo much easier to use, and gives more editing options.
I did try using windows movie maker, but the file's not compatible.
If I were discussing the very last night I had ever laid eyes on my daughter who had mysteriously gone missing, I would be able to recite every last detail of that night--including, but not limited to, knowing the exact name of the book that I had read to her.

Kristi's blanket statement that they have "a whole variety of books she likes" sounds to me like a bunch of hogwash.

Not necessarily. It's very possible Kristi bought Kiesha a variety of books so she could home school her. Kristi likely relied on Kiesha, her eldest daughter, for emotional support while Robert was at work. Therefore, to make up for what Kiesha was not learning in school, Kristi compensated by reading a variety of books to her. JMO
Not necessarily. It's very possible Kristi bought Kiesha a variety of books so she could home school her. Kristi likely relied on Kiesha, her eldest daughter, for emotional support while Robert was at work. Therefore, to make up for what Kiesha was not learning in school, Kristi compensated by reading a variety of books to her. JMO

There has been no mention of home schooling and permission from the education dept is required if you want to home school (with pretty strict guidlines, which I don't think they would pass). So if that was the case I think that would have been mentioned. JMO:beagle::detective:
I have done a fairly comprehensive search and compilation of articles (11 pages in word) to which I have added some footnotes.

I did this to get all the information in place in date order (to the best that I can) and removed the repetitive information.

Can someone let me know the best way to post it.

Thanks everyone!
The uninstall and reinstall didn't work, so I used the easiest method I could think of. (I'm a simple gal lol)

It's going to be even poorer quality now because I re-taped it from my PC to my VC into 3 ten min segments, then re-uploaded them to the PC...but didn't have time to re-tape the rest of the discussion. (Busy, busy day today).

Sorry about how dodgy it is, but I guess it's better than nothing.
Should have just taped directly from the Polly and me link (doh!)...but too late for that now. LOL


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