GUILTY Australia - Shellay Ward, 7, starved to death, Hawks Nest, NSW, 13 Nov 2007

Theyre proberly as fat as mud Taximom as is sometimes the case with these crimes..Ill see if I can find a pic of them.

LOL, dingo, I've seen those cases too!

Is it possible the parents are somehow "slow"?
He looks healthy enough and he had to know the little girl wasnt well..I remember other cases where the parents were into strange diets for their kids..I wonder if thats the case here....we,ll find out soon enough I suppose.
This happened not far from me and Hawks Nest is a very small coastal town that is a major tourist destination for our area...they must have lead a very sheltered life for noone to realise what was happening brhind the closed doors:( .
On doing a search I found that Hawks Nest has a population of 1100 people .
That last article says 115 children have died in the last 12 months that have been in the custody of their childrens services program:

The girl is one of 115 children to have died in NSW in the past 12 months while under the watch of the department. The Ombudsman, Bruce Barbour, said he had immediately begun investigating the case. "We will pursue all necessary avenues of inquiry to ensure a thorough and proper examination of the circumstances leading to the tragic death of this child," Mr Barbour said.
The Opposition community services spokeswoman, Katrina Hodgkinson, said that on average a child known to DoCs died every three days, indicating systemic failures in child protection.
"Since 2003, 440 children known to DoCs have died in circumstances of neglect or abuse or in suspicious circumstances and every year the NSW Ombudsman has urged improvements," she said. "Yet the number of children who die following child protection reports being made about them to DOCS is continuing to increase."

I know..these are shocking numbers and I discovered them aswell on another thread I started involving a childs death here in NSW....I must say that I am disgusted ....NSW is a very rich state where alot of money is being spent on lesser matters..we are having an election next month and the same government has been in for the last 10 years here...this time it looks like the liberals will loose the election and labor will take over..lets hope something changes for these children although I doubt it.
Poor thing, I cant believe the parents are shocked they are being blamed how could they not realize something was wrong.

Taxi- I hope they can figure out what is going on with your daughter. Have they checked her for gluten intolerance/celiac disease?
This makes it even worse, if that is possible.
That is absolutely horrid, It just makes me sick to read it. Lord knows what else they did to her. How can you do that to a child, especially when its your own baby?? Its so sad they didnt get her out of there before this happened.
OMG, when is it going to stop? I mean, neighbors called repeatedly????Some official actually walked into that house and took away one child, but left the others? There was complicity in her death...the magic bullet is going to be prosecute parents who don't make their children attend school...there's a bandaid on an arterial bleed. How about if they demand proof that this child has ever seen a physician much less been allowed outside of the house-something that shows some kind of attempt at treatment, care anything before they just turn their backs and walk away at that poor child's only chance at freedom.
Poor thing, I cant believe the parents are shocked they are being blamed how could they not realize something was wrong.

Taxi- I hope they can figure out what is going on with your daughter. Have they checked her for gluten intolerance/celiac disease?

Autumn, what's involved in that testing? I have asked about this and other allergies over the years and I seem to get the brush off. I've tried figuring it out on my own (removing certain foods from the diet) but with her it's hard to see changes. I know sometimes you can't see physical changes, since the problems might be internal, so I feel stuck. I'm going to approach it again with her pediatrician this time. You can PM/email me if you'd like, instead of posting it here! TIA :blowkiss:
Thank for fixing that for me SewingDeb:blowkiss: ..the link I had was from another big story from today:doh: .

The dad in the starving case shouldnt be to hard to find.....he has EVIL tattooed across one hand and DEATH tattooed across the other:loser:that and the fact that he looks like RiffRaff from the Rocky Horror show.
Thank for fixing that for me SewingDeb:blowkiss: ..the link I had was from another big story from today:doh: .

The dad in the starving case shouldnt be to hard to find.....he has EVIL tattooed across one hand and DEATH tattooed across the other:loser:that and the fact that he looks like RiffRaff from the Rocky Horror show.

I cannot believe when Shellay first died, how her father was pleading to the press that he was not guilty of her death, what an absolute waste of space is he and his wife for their child to be living in the conditions she was and the ultimate price of life. I hope they find these scum and do what you normally say Dingo, "Shoot them".
Yep ..bullets are cheap and effective for problems like this....theres a saying I like that goes.....some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them and I think that applies nicely to this charming neglectful child abusing couple.:mad:
Yep ..bullets are cheap and effective for problems like this....theres a saying I like that goes.....some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them and I think that applies nicely to this charming neglectful child abusing couple.:mad:
They are deadset losers and I hope the police catch up with them soon, they will be joining the father who killed his three boys by driving into a dam in jail, never to be released, which imo is still to good for them, a bullet is definitely the way to go.
Ill have to stop wanting to shoot people..posters will start to think Im trigger happy:)
Ill have to stop wanting to shoot people..posters will start to think Im trigger happy:)

We dont have guns here Dingo, your a good shot with a slingshot, or bow and arrow. Oops got O?T, sorry.
We do have guns but you must meet a nearly impossible critera to own one.

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