Avian Flu in the U.S. - Roanoke VA

Scientific theory, about anything, usually has to be proven by several different sources and many different studies.

There is no such thing as ONE person who is THE authority on any important scientific theory or rule. Many persons have usually contributed to the result.

All the physicians in this town were required to go down and go through the motions and training, to be as ready as we can if Avian Flu or any other catastrophe occurs regarding a large number of people who can be quickly affected.

(that could be a chemical attack or disaster at at a plant.)

If we don't put smoke detectors up in our home; that 10% chance of fire could occur, unfortunately. We smile if it doesn't, but at least we're ready. It's only common sense.IMO
Here is an interview with Dr. Tenpenny, conducted by Investigative Journalist, Don Harkins, re: the avian bird flu issue:

Here's the link: http://www.laleva.org/eng/2006/03/bird_fluwhat_its_really_all_about.html -

And a snip:

...Tenpenny: "Because they travel over great distances and a few dead birds have tested positive for the H5N1 virus, migratory birds are being blamed as the vector for transmitting the virus far and wide. However, actual migratory patterns of bird species through the flyways are not known. The theory is not well supported as outbreaks have not coincided with the arrival of the migratory birds to specific areas. As stated succinctly by author Wendy Orent in The LA Times, "Sick birds don't fly far and dead birds don't fly at all."

"Most importantly, a growing number of scientists are coming forward stating that the spread of H5N1 by migratory birds is, essentially, nonsense. In fact, claims that the recent outbreak in Nigeria was caused by migratory birds has been refuted and is now said to be caused by illegally-imported day-old chickens."

Harkins: "Is the H5N1 virus a new virus or has it been around for a long time?"

Tenpenny: "H5N1 has been identified in domestic fowl before. The first outbreak of an H5N1 bird flu was recorded by the WHO in 1959 in Scotland and then in 1991 in England. More recent outbreaks were identified in Hong Kong in chickens in 1997 and 2002. All of the influenza A viruses are known to exist in the intestines of wild birds symbiotically and asymptomatically. This virus, which has been around a long time, is being used to advance political and mega-corporate agendas."

Harkins: "What are those "political and corporate" agendas?"

Tenpenny: "It appears that the lobbying power of pharmaceutical companies and the global poultry and egg-producing companies have influenced the development of the bird flu scare. The world is being convinced that the H5N1 virus will mutate so that it can spread from human-to-human. The corporate benefit to the pharmaceutical companies is selling billions of dollars worth of drugs and vaccines. The huge, multinational poultry producers will survive the costs associated with the mass killing of their factory-farmed, genetically-modified birds while most small poultry producers will be forced out of business and into servitude to multinational agribusiness. Politically, bird-flu hysteria will allow governments to grow as they develop new schemes to regulate entire industries, implement mass vaccination programs and put into operation police states as a consequence of the predicted pandemic."

Harkins: "If the truth about avian flu were known, how do you think the world would respond?"

Tenpenny: "That is an interesting question. If people understood how illness develops and what determines the severity of symptoms, they would not have an irrational fear of bird flu. They would know how to build their immunity through diet and lifestyle and be confident they could properly treat the flu if they got sick. They would also realize that vaccines do not prevent diseases. If the prevailing belief about health and disease were based upon the comments I just made, people would begin to wonder why both migratory and factory farmed birds in certain locations throughout the world are becoming so sick. They would begin to suspect that environmental exposures to chemicals and conditions within the vertically-integrated poultry production practices may be the root cause of the avian flu."

"If governments responded appropriately to the will of well-informed people, they would enforce policies intended to protect the people and birds from avian flu by placing strict regulations on the use and disposal of toxic chemicals. In addition, they would order the immediate reform of corporate poultry production practices."

Harkins: "What you are saying is that the underlying cause of birds becoming sick with H5N1 is the level of chemicals present in their bodies. If the world understood the relevance of this, we would not be faced with the task of euthanizing millions of birds and vaccinating millions of adults and children. The community of nations would instead be challenged to clean up the toxic chemicals in the environment and reform poultry farming practices."

Tenpenny: "That is correct."
Here is a link to Investigative Journalist, Jon Rappaport's website.

Link to one of his 'bird flu' articles: http://www.nomorefakenews.com/archives/archiveview.php?key=3039 --

And a snip:

..."The key phrase here is "very small samples." RFLP is another type of genetic analysis."

"So what does this all mean?"



"Now, believe me, this is a major problem for the medical bureaucrats at the FDA and the CDC and WHO. There are scientists there who know full well that PCR testing, in this situation, is totally ridiculous. They are keeping their mouths shut, but they know."

"The solution to the problem is provided solely by PR and propaganda. The press floods the airwaves and the print pages with assurances that we are on the verge of a pandemic. The cause is a virus, H5N1. It's deadly. It's out of control. It's on the cusp of mutating into something that will kill 50-200 million people."

"In other words, you ASSUME what you should be trying to PROVE. Once you convince everybody that H5N1 is terribly deadly, THEN you can say, "It's so deadly that, even if we can only find a mere tiny genetic fragment in a patient, that's enough. That's enough for us to know that H5N1 can kill him."

"It's case of WILLING the PCR test to be the gold standard of proof. That's all it is."

"We were treated to the same kind of bogus analysis in the SARS situation a few years ago. Patients tested for the coronavirus in Canada were found to have so little virus in their bodies that Frank Plummer, WHO's microbiologist on the scene, remarked that it was a complete mystery as to how and and why these patients were sick at all."

"Of course, the reason was clear. They were suffering from other factors that had nothing to do with the coronavirus, the germ that was arbitrarily called the cause of a "new epidemic."

"This is science turned on its head. Any sane researcher would say, "Look, we've found so little of the virus in question in the patient, we know the virus is NOT causing the patient to be ill."

"In fact, we can move this a step further. Take the 100 or so people, globally, that have been labeled as bird-flu deaths. Once we unhook the H5N1 virus from having a causative role in these deaths, we have NO reason to believe that the people died from the same cause at all."

"They were sick, yes. They died, yes. But why? The actual reasons have been obscured by the naked and false assumption that H5N1 was the killer."
Here is an interview with Dr. Tenpenny, conducted by Investigative Journalist, Don Harkins, re: the avian bird flu issue:

Here's the link: http://www.laleva.org/eng/2006/03/bird_fluwhat_its_really_all_about.html -

And a snip:

...Tenpenny: "Because they travel over great distances and a few dead birds have tested positive for the H5N1 virus, migratory birds are being blamed as the vector for transmitting the virus far and wide. However, actual migratory patterns of bird species through the flyways are not known. The theory is not well supported as outbreaks have not coincided with the arrival of the migratory birds to specific areas. As stated succinctly by author Wendy Orent in The LA Times, "Sick birds don't fly far and dead birds don't fly at all."

"Most importantly, a growing number of scientists are coming forward stating that the spread of H5N1 by migratory birds is, essentially, nonsense. In fact, claims that the recent outbreak in Nigeria was caused by migratory birds has been refuted and is now said to be caused by illegally-imported day-old chickens."

Harkins: "Is the H5N1 virus a new virus or has it been around for a long time?"

Tenpenny: "H5N1 has been identified in domestic fowl before. The first outbreak of an H5N1 bird flu was recorded by the WHO in 1959 in Scotland and then in 1991 in England. More recent outbreaks were identified in Hong Kong in chickens in 1997 and 2002. All of the influenza A viruses are known to exist in the intestines of wild birds symbiotically and asymptomatically. This virus, which has been around a long time, is being used to advance political and mega-corporate agendas."

Harkins: "What are those "political and corporate" agendas?"

Tenpenny: "It appears that the lobbying power of pharmaceutical companies and the global poultry and egg-producing companies have influenced the development of the bird flu scare. The world is being convinced that the H5N1 virus will mutate so that it can spread from human-to-human. The corporate benefit to the pharmaceutical companies is selling billions of dollars worth of drugs and vaccines. The huge, multinational poultry producers will survive the costs associated with the mass killing of their factory-farmed, genetically-modified birds while most small poultry producers will be forced out of business and into servitude to multinational agribusiness. Politically, bird-flu hysteria will allow governments to grow as they develop new schemes to regulate entire industries, implement mass vaccination programs and put into operation police states as a consequence of the predicted pandemic."
Harkins: "If the truth about avian flu were known, how do you think the world would respond?"

Tenpenny: "That is an interesting question. If people understood how illness develops and what determines the severity of symptoms, they would not have an irrational fear of bird flu. They would know how to build their immunity through diet and lifestyle and be confident they could properly treat the flu if they got sick. They would also realize that vaccines do not prevent diseases. If the prevailing belief about health and disease were based upon the comments I just made, people would begin to wonder why both migratory and factory farmed birds in certain locations throughout the world are becoming so sick. They would begin to suspect that environmental exposures to chemicals and conditions within the vertically-integrated poultry production practices may be the root cause of the avian flu."

"If governments responded appropriately to the will of well-informed people, they would enforce policies intended to protect the people and birds from avian flu by placing strict regulations on the use and disposal of toxic chemicals. In addition, they would order the immediate reform of corporate poultry production practices."

Harkins: "What you are saying is that the underlying cause of birds becoming sick with H5N1 is the level of chemicals present in their bodies. If the world understood the relevance of this, we would not be faced with the task of euthanizing millions of birds and vaccinating millions of adults and children. The community of nations would instead be challenged to clean up the toxic chemicals in the environment and reform poultry farming practices."

Tenpenny: "That is correct."

Vaccines do not prevent diseases?????

Well, in my lifetime, I remember staying inside all summer as the result of a Polio epidemic, of hearing of "so and so's" wife or child being crippled or in an iron lung.

Personally, I'm glad I and my children had the polio vaccine (and we have seen the disease pretty much eradicated in the U.S.), the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines; which can be very serious in children and even adults (mumps); I'm glad I get the tetanus shot and update it every 10 years, and I and my children are free from diptheria/whooping cough; all serious diseases in childhood.

Alot of us, who didn't live during the time of polio or serious flu epidemics probably take for granted our relative freedom from disease each winter. How fortunate we are in many ways, these days. Antibiotics to treat serious bacterial illnesses, and many of us would be dead by now.

I don't for one minute think that flu preparedness and vaccine is a hoax to help governments take over and form a police state. Companies make very little off the flu vaccine.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny received her medical training at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri.

Don't know much about those credentials, but it's a dangerous game to be telling folks that mutation of a deadly flu virus to human form is just "hype". Maybe it is, maybe not. It's already made it half way. Deadly flu epidemics in the past are a FACT. The flu virus is not something you can just "eat right and prepare your body for". Especially if you're high risk - like the elderly.
I don't think there is any problem with the DO school in Kirksville from what I have heard - I'm from MO. So that is funny that that school was brought up in that thread. I don't want to start to the DO vs. MD debate on this thread. I personally think it is the doctor that makes the difference, not if they have MD or DO behind his or her name. Osteopaths and MD's work side by side without any problems and offer quality care. It really depends on the doctor and his or her beliefs and personal practice. Some doctors can be... well, quacks, and some can be really good.

I agree that it could be very dangerous to tell people that vaccines don't prevent disease. You could agrue that yes, some people don't RESPOND to vaccines... some people have quirky immune systems (for instance, I had to be immunized multiple times against one disease to get an immune response). But to say that vaccines have not made a huge difference in limiting the spread of disease and in helping preserve so many people's health and saving lives in the US today... would just be dumb! They don't completely prevent disease occurance in a population of course... but they can prevent a disease from occuring in an individual. I agree that the government is truely trying to save lives with this one... and that it is truely a reach that there is some sort of "hoax" going on! Wouldn't they have bigger fish to fry?
I don't think there is any problem with the DO school in Kirksville from what I have heard - I'm from MO. So that is funny that that school was brought up in that thread. I don't want to start to the DO vs. MD debate on this thread. I personally think it is the doctor that makes the difference, not if they have MD or DO behind his or her name. Osteopaths and MD's work side by side without any problems and offer quality care. It really depends on the doctor and his or her beliefs and personal practice. Some doctors can be... well, quacks, and some can be really good.

I agree that it could be very dangerous to tell people that vaccines don't prevent disease. You could agrue that yes, some people don't RESPOND to vaccines... some people have quirky immune systems (for instance, I had to be immunized multiple times against one disease to get an immune response). But to say that vaccines have not made a huge difference in limiting the spread of disease and in helping preserve so many people's health and saving lives in the US today... would just be dumb! They don't completely prevent disease occurance in a population of course... but they can prevent a disease from occuring in an individual. I agree that the government is truely trying to save lives with this one... and that it is truely a reach that there is some sort of "hoax" going on! Wouldn't they have bigger fish to fry?

Well put. It worries me that this Dr. claims that immunizations don't work, and the Avian Flu thing is some kind of conspiracy.

If so, the World Health Organization as well as the CDC are involved.
Well put. It worries me that this Dr. claims that immunizations don't work, and the Avian Flu thing is some kind of conspiracy.

If so, the World Health Organization as well as the CDC are involved.

I agree, Martha. I think it is totally irresponsible to make a blanket satement that vaccines do not prevent diseases.

The drop in cases of vaccine-preventable diseases after the routine use of vaccines has been well documented.
I agree, Martha. I think it is totally irresponsible to make a blanket satement that vaccines do not prevent diseases.

The drop in cases of vaccine-preventable diseases after the routine use of vaccines has been well documented.

Indeed. I remember Jonas Salk was regarded as a miracle worker, the way his vaccine was able to stop Polio in its tracks.

Also AIDS - was that a hoax -nope. Education helps stop the spread of that also, tho there's no vaccine there are medicines to fight it.

Indeed, I'm sure the Condom Companies did Profit - LOL; nobody's complainin'

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