AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #3

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I hope they stay hot on Janet because I think she placed Gabriel with adoptive parents. I hope LE has everything from her office, computers and phone records.

Like SuzieQ - I have been thinking these Smith folks are some kind of baby brokers. This lastest find by you just seems to give more substance to my broker thoughts.

This is of course just my opinion and speculation.

Wow - what a find on these court records!

Since I have seen pics of LM in what looks like the hospital with Gabe's who looks like a newborn on his sister's FB, I have to assume that he is named as the father on the BC -the many pics also show that he has been a very involved father throughout the 8 months -and he has a HUGE family of involvement -- I don't think there were any ads run in EJ's case -- I am actually confused by that question, and the question of hiding EJ's name lol

I'm not sure that's the case anymore if a couple isn't married. My daughter had a baby last year and dad was there and involved and wanted to sign the birth certificate, but wasn't allowed to. Paternity had to be established by a blood test.He won't be on the birth certificate without filing a petition to have change the baby's name.
Wasn't this right after the court case we have linked ?

Old Name:

Business Type:
Status: Inactive - Dissolved (Administrative) Initial Filing: 12/17/1998
Formed in: Davidson County Delayed Effective Date:
Fiscal Year Close: December AR Due Date: 04/01/2007
Term of Duration: Perpetual Inactive Date: 08/27/2007

Principal Office: 505 OAK FOREST CIR

Annual Report
Mailing Address: 2479 MURFREESBORO RD

AR Exempt: No
Public Benefit Corporation: Yes Religious Corporation: Yes


Funny, they 'dissolved' not long after the 2007 case ruling I posted.

I was just reading more of that:\TN\2007\20071205_0001730.TN.htm/qx

The issue of whether a name and address are reasonably ascertainable, or can be found with diligent inquiry, "is a question of fact and must be determined upon trial." Freeman, 926 S.W.2d at 250. The strangely identical affidavits of Lindee Vaught*fn7 and Janet Morris are more concerned with keeping the birth mother's name out of the notice than with detailing their efforts to identify the unknown father. The only information about identifying the father is contained in paragraphs 5 and 11 of both affidavits.

2 This affidavit is identical, including the same typographical errors, as the affidavit signed by Lindee Vaught
which supported the original Motion for Service by Publication."


We vacate the May 4, 2007 order and remand the case to the trial court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Costs of appeal are assessed against The Adoption Place, for which execution, if necessary, may issue.

The one partner of The Adoption Place has been doing this for a while

Quadruplet Boys Born In Nashville Doing Well
March 9, 1992
Quadruplet boys born to a Nashville couple were reported doing fine at Baptist Hospital's special care nursery. The mother, 35-year-old xxxxx xxxxx, is a self-employed social worker who specializes in adoptions.
I'm not sure that's the case anymore if a couple isn't married. My daughter had a baby last year and dad was there and involved and wanted to sign the birth certificate, but wasn't allowed to. Paternity had to be established by a blood test.He won't be on the birth certificate without filing a petition to have change the baby's name.

Laws vary by state. Here in Oregon my daughter's father signed an afidavit and is on her birth certificate. My daughter had a baby last year and the father was unable to sign the birth certificate because she was still legally married and the state persumes the husband to be the father even though they had been seperated for some time. If he wants to be on the birth certificate he needs a blood test and court order, I think. I don't know what the laws are in Arizona but there is a court order naming LM as the father of baby Gabriel in place now.
I'm not sure that's the case anymore if a couple isn't married. My daughter had a baby last year and dad was there and involved and wanted to sign the birth certificate, but wasn't allowed to. Paternity had to be established by a blood test.He won't be on the birth certificate without filing a petition to have change the baby's name.

He definitely wanted to be on the birth certificate as the father because the petition was filed and granted by the court per the minute entries of December 17.
In the minute entries to their court hearing on Dec 17, the judge ruled that Logan is the father of Gabriel, and if the BC didn't show his name then it could be changed to reflect that he is the baby's father.

(I don't know if I can post a link because the minute entries show mailing addresses.)

Marigold - you can post a link. If a link is not allowed at Websleuths, when you post it, the address will turn to ***** and then you know to delete it. If the link is a public access site - there should be no problem.

Hope that helps,

Oops!! I guess my thoughts were flowing faster then I can type!! ;-) I was referring to that court case that was posted on how a fathers rights can be severed.....the mother was a minor so her name was being withheld, so when they ran the ad in the paper the father really had no way of knowing that it was his child being placed for adoption. So I was wondering how that would work if that is indeed what EJ was trying to do. Since 1. EJ is not a minor and 2. it looks like LM is on the birth cert.

Hope that makes more sense!! However if it is still not really connecting, I blame it on my migraine medicine!!

Yes, that makes more sense; and I could blame not understanding the question on my headache from trying to decipher TS speak

I am sorry that don't have an answer to your question, but I am not sure that EJ was trying to give up parental rights in court like the case we read here tonight, either
Marigold - you can post a link. If a link is not allowed at Websleuths, when you post it, the address will turn to ***** and then you know to delete it. If the link is a public access site - there should be no problem.

Hope that helps,


Thanks, Salem! I wasn't sure because the minute entries actually show the participants' mailing addresses, I didn't know if that was a violation of privacy or not.
I just did a google and came up with quite a few women shelters however I have a feeling that EJ did not use one that was doing things on the up and up. And unfortunately I have no clue how to find the underground ones that will perform illegal services.

I think many times the places that appear to be on the "up and up" have little side "down and dark" activities going on.

Thanks for taking a look. Did you see anything interesting?

He definitely wanted to be on the birth certificate as the father because the petition was filed and granted by the court per the minute entries of December 17.

Quoting myself because I am hoping my post doesn't sound as rude to anyone else as it does to me. If so, I apologize, I didn't want to be rude, I was just trying to emphasize that the father wants to be a real father and have an active role in his son's life.
Thanks, Salem! I wasn't sure because the minute entries actually show the participants' mailing addresses, I didn't know if that was a violation of privacy or not.

It is not a violation if it is on a public website. All County Assessors show addresses too and court sites. As long as you are just posting the link to the site, you are fine :)

FifthE.... Hello, I see you are lurking too!!! I was just going to see if you all have any thoughts on this case. What do you think?
It's late. I'm calling it a night.

Prayers for baby Gabe. I hope he is home soon!

I'm not sure that's the case anymore if a couple isn't married. My daughter had a baby last year and dad was there and involved and wanted to sign the birth certificate, but wasn't allowed to. Paternity had to be established by a blood test.He won't be on the birth certificate without filing a petition to have change the baby's name.

I guess I assumed from the many pics throughout Gabe's 8 months of LM with the baby, plus the fact that TS and the bio mom asked him to give up parental rights, he would naturally be on the BC

Would he need to sign papers to give up parental rights if he was not on the BC?

Anyway, as has been pointed out, he is at least now recognized as the legal father, and I hope he gets a chance to fulfill that role :(
I guess I assumed from the many pics throughout Gabe's 8 months of LM with the baby, plus the fact that TS and the bio mom asked him to give up parental rights, he would naturally be on the BC

Would he need to sign papers to give up parental rights if he was not on the BC?

Anyway, as has been pointed out, he is at least now recognized as the legal father, and I hope he gets a chance to fulfill that role :(

Whether or not a man is on a childs birth certificate, they have legal rights to contest an adoption. In order for a child to be released to adoption the parents must give up their parental rights. If the father is unknown, then there must be a reasonable search for him. Otherwise a couple can go ahead an adopt a child and the birth father can show un, even years later, and contest the adoption and possibly get custody of the child.
Has everyone heard all this before?

Johnson, who was last seen with Gabriel in San Antonio, Texas on Dec. 26, was arrested in Miami Beach, Fla., on Dec. 30 without the child. Johnson had called and text messaged McQueary on Dec. 27 and told him she had killed the baby and left its body in a dumpster inside a baby bag. She is not cooperating with authorities in the search of the child, according to police.

Johnson told McQueary in the messages that she was leaving the country and would tell McQueary where the body of the baby was when she did, according to a Maricopa County Superior Court document.

Authorities are investigating whether Johnson gave the baby away. The Smiths had expressed interest in adopting Gabriel, but McQueary said he wanted to keep his son and did not sign any adoption papers.

Johnson had placed an ad on craigslist seeking a nanny to take the baby, according to the police report taken when she left the baby with the Smiths. Charges are pending from Tempe city prosecutors, according to the report.
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