AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #3

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Hi! I'm not understanding either where EJ and baby Gabriel were travelling from back to AZ that the Smiths ran into them at the airport. At the time, IIRC, Gabriel was about a month old? Does EJ have family out of AZ? I apologize if this has already been covered here, but I couldn't be here the past couple of days. :waitasec:

It was said earlier that EJ (I think) was returning from a trip to Boston?
Thanks, Momtective. This confirms to me that they are in this right up their eyeballs. This is her own biological child making these statements.

Yes! Thank you Momtective!

Yes, seems like not many family members are standing up for these two either --

for instance, I wish H's bio mom would speak up
In regards to the deleted fb message on TPS fb wall (I know someone here had a screenshot of it) I can say with confident that it was probably NOT intented for LM at all simply because LM is NOT 'friends' with TPS and therefore has no visible access to reading posts on her wall.

I see that LM and EJ are also not 'friends' on fb and that many of LM friends have displayed pictures and messages in their profile in an attempt to help find this precious boy. A short e-mail to LM was answered rather fast keeping in mind that he is probably flooded with e-mails and prayers right now.

For the short time JS and TPS have had Gabriel, there are a LOT of pictures posted in her photoalbums! Once she claims she had only known EJ for '2 - 3 weeks', then she claims it's been 7 months.....however the pictures were uploaded TEN months ago. :waitasec:

I am friends with Logan (real life friends, known him for almost 19 years, my mom and his mom are best friends (well, were, his mom passed away a couple years ago). On Dec. 24th I asked him on FB what was going on with Gabe because he said something about still trying to find him (i no longer live in az so we arent in a lot of contact). At that time, he was FB friends with TPS, she left a comment on my post saying everything was logans fault. Then the day of the custody hearing, she left him a comment saying they tried to make elizabeth show up but elizabeth refused, and then post like 4 or 5 pics of Gabriel on logans page with the comment "Pray for Gabriel." They are no longer friends on there, but they were for a short time (I think they had just become FB friends a day or so before I posted my comment). Long story short, that message could have been intended for Logan.

Also....the story about them meeting at the airport. I have no idea if its true or not, but I do know that Boston is where EJ lived (and i think was born) before arizona. I never met her but I was kind of friends with her twin brother, and he told me that their mother was murdered so they moved to az to live with their grandfather. Just thought I would share since people are questioning her ties to boston. And i do NOT want to defend her in any way whatsoever, but it is possible that TPS would walk up to her and ask her if she needs help. When I was flying with my one month old son and he was crying I had quite a few people ask me "do you need help? would you like me to hold him for you?" nobody asked to adopt him, but maybe if I had met someone like TPS it would have lead to her asking that.

Logan has had a bad past but is a wonderful dad and deserves to have his son home with him. He would never do anything at all to harm gabriel in any way. thank you to everyone for digging and trying to find baby gabe!!
They lived in TX? left trip from Mexico and ended up in IND????
I don't understand the air lines route???
That's not what we call a direct flight. No how (unless they went on an auction website and that's what they got). A long layover? Just a a really dang long trip when Phoenix is so close. Doesn't make sense. I think they were trying to hide whatever was going on via the Internet...because the last time I checked buying a baby online was illegal. If there were postings there, I'm sure they can subpoena CL and get info...especially the ad.
If she didn't have any part in what happened to Gabriel, how would she be able to "brainstorm" anything?? She could think she knows something based on what EJ had told her, but was it true? By now she should know that EJ lies. MOO

To me, that whole 'body talk' thing is something she is going to use to now claim they just remembered some bit of information, e.g., we didn't withhold before, we just didn't remember or to give out some bit of info that isn't totally true but will still help the investigation, like "EJ said this" when she didn't
I am friends with Logan (real life friends, known him for almost 19 years, my mom and his mom are best friends (well, were, his mom passed away a couple years ago). On Dec. 24th I asked him on FB what was going on with Gabe because he said something about still trying to find him (i no longer live in az so we arent in a lot of contact). At that time, he was FB friends with TPS, she left a comment on my post saying everything was logans fault. Then the day of the custody hearing, she left him a comment saying they tried to make elizabeth show up but elizabeth refused, and then post like 4 or 5 pics of Gabriel on logans page with the comment "Pray for Gabriel." They are no longer friends on there, but they were for a short time (I think they had just become FB friends a day or so before I posted my comment). Long story short, that message could have been intended for Logan.

Also....the story about them meeting at the airport. I have no idea if its true or not, but I do know that Boston is where EJ lived (and i think was born) before arizona. I never met her but I was kind of friends with her twin brother, and he told me that their mother was murdered so they moved to az to live with their grandfather. Just thought I would share since people are questioning her ties to boston. And i do NOT want to defend her in any way whatsoever, but it is possible that TPS would walk up to her and ask her if she needs help. When I was flying with my one month old son and he was crying I had quite a few people ask me "do you need help? would you like me to hold him for you?" nobody asked to adopt him, but maybe if I had met someone like TPS it would have lead to her asking that.

Logan has had a bad past but is a wonderful dad and deserves to have his son home with him. He would never do anything at all to harm gabriel in any way. thank you to everyone for digging and trying to find baby gabe!!

eitak03 WELCOME to WS !!! :)
I am friends with Logan (real life friends, known him for almost 19 years, my mom and his mom are best friends (well, were, his mom passed away a couple years ago). On Dec. 24th I asked him on FB what was going on with Gabe because he said something about still trying to find him (i no longer live in az so we arent in a lot of contact). At that time, he was FB friends with TPS, she left a comment on my post saying everything was logans fault. Then the day of the custody hearing, she left him a comment saying they tried to make elizabeth show up but elizabeth refused, and then post like 4 or 5 pics of Gabriel on logans page with the comment "Pray for Gabriel." They are no longer friends on there, but they were for a short time (I think they had just become FB friends a day or so before I posted my comment). Long story short, that message could have been intended for Logan.

Also....the story about them meeting at the airport. I have no idea if its true or not, but I do know that Boston is where EJ lived (and i think was born) before arizona. I never met her but I was kind of friends with her twin brother, and he told me that their mother was murdered so they moved to az to live with their grandfather. Just thought I would share since people are questioning her ties to boston. And i do NOT want to defend her in any way whatsoever, but it is possible that TPS would walk up to her and ask her if she needs help. When I was flying with my one month old son and he was crying I had quite a few people ask me "do you need help? would you like me to hold him for you?" nobody asked to adopt him, but maybe if I had met someone like TPS it would have lead to her asking that.

Logan has had a bad past but is a wonderful dad and deserves to have his son home with him. He would never do anything at all to harm gabriel in any way. thank you to everyone for digging and trying to find baby gabe!!
So then Logan has spent a lot of time with Gabriel all along?

Thanks for coming on and answering questions. Do you know how old EJ was when she was in foster care? I read a statement of her grandfather's that she was in quite a few different homes.

WELCOME!! Hope you stick aroung for the long haul.
I am friends with Logan (real life friends, known him for almost 19 years, my mom and his mom are best friends (well, were, his mom passed away a couple years ago). On Dec. 24th I asked him on FB what was going on with Gabe because he said something about still trying to find him (i no longer live in az so we arent in a lot of contact). At that time, he was FB friends with TPS, she left a comment on my post saying everything was logans fault. Then the day of the custody hearing, she left him a comment saying they tried to make elizabeth show up but elizabeth refused, and then post like 4 or 5 pics of Gabriel on logans page with the comment "Pray for Gabriel." They are no longer friends on there, but they were for a short time (I think they had just become FB friends a day or so before I posted my comment). Long story short, that message could have been intended for Logan.

Also....the story about them meeting at the airport. I have no idea if its true or not, but I do know that Boston is where EJ lived (and i think was born) before arizona. I never met her but I was kind of friends with her twin brother, and he told me that their mother was murdered so they moved to az to live with their grandfather. Just thought I would share since people are questioning her ties to boston. And i do NOT want to defend her in any way whatsoever, but it is possible that TPS would walk up to her and ask her if she needs help. When I was flying with my one month old son and he was crying I had quite a few people ask me "do you need help? would you like me to hold him for you?" nobody asked to adopt him, but maybe if I had met someone like TPS it would have lead to her asking that.

Logan has had a bad past but is a wonderful dad and deserves to have his son home with him. He would never do anything at all to harm gabriel in any way. thank you to everyone for digging and trying to find baby gabe!!


We are so happy to have you here and thanks for sharing some background and your insight. Most if not all on this thread support Logan. I personally think he's a great kid and I hope Gabriel is returned to him soon and that he sues the pants off of TPS.
I heard on some news clip that one set of Grandparents live in the north east, not sure where exactly. I don't have a link though.
That could explain it, because if my memory is right I thought I heard TS say the flight was from the east going back home to AZ. I couldn't figure out why EJ and the baby would be travelling though ~ or if the story was even true that they met at the airport. MOO
Something is very off about the Smith couple. Desperate to insert themselves into the investigation, practically begging for a lie detector test, even happy about being named persons of interest, on NG show 3 times last week and probably every night next week (we all know how NG cannot let go of a story). I'm thinking that these two are making up a lot of what they are saying. They are just too glib and are thrilled to have their faces on television. Has anyone checked if they have any type of criminal record?

All I have found so far is a driving record in AZ for TS -- I have only done a cursory search, though, but others have stated that they haven't found anything

We do know TS bd as it is posted on her FB page

The trouble I am having is that she has a long list of different names she has use IMO more than average, and so does her hubby
-- plus at least 3 states involved

(I did find the son in laws record)
That could explain it, because if my memory is right I thought I heard TS say the flight was from the east going back home to AZ. I couldn't figure out why EJ and the baby would be travelling though ~ or if the story was even true that they met at the airport. MOO
Well, it doesn't make sense if they were coming back from Mexico...unless they both had layovers somewhere together...but even then this all stinks to me.
All I have found so far is a driving record in AZ for TS -- I have only done a cursory search, though, but others have stated that they haven't found anything

We do know TS bd as it is posted on her FB page

The trouble I am having is that she has a long list of different names she has use IMO more than average, and so does her hubby
-- plus at least 3 states involved

(I did find the son in laws record)
Different "known as" names? Could be because of all their real estate dealings...but the names should be "basically" the same.
I am friends with Logan (real life friends, known him for almost 19 years, my mom and his mom are best friends (well, were, his mom passed away a couple years ago).

(respectfully snipped for space)

Also....the story about them meeting at the airport. I have no idea if its true or not, but I do know that Boston is where EJ lived (and i think was born) before arizona. I never met her but I was kind of friends with her twin brother, and he told me that their mother was murdered so they moved to az to live with their grandfather. Just thought I would share since people are questioning her ties to boston. And i do NOT want to defend her in any way whatsoever, but it is possible that TPS would walk up to her and ask her if she needs help. When I was flying with my one month old son and he was crying I had quite a few people ask me "do you need help? would you like me to hold him for you?" nobody asked to adopt him, but maybe if I had met someone like TPS it would have lead to her asking that.

Logan has had a bad past but is a wonderful dad and deserves to have his son home with him. He would never do anything at all to harm gabriel in any way. thank you to everyone for digging and trying to find baby gabe!!
Thank you so much and WELCOME! :) You just answered my main question about the supposed meeting at the airport, and why EJ would've been there. My prayers are for Logan that his baby son is found alive and returned to him soon ~ where he belongs.
Yep, when she pulled out the King Solomon story to give her daughter a reason for not being a mother to her, I just about lost it ! What a self serving hypocrite ! :furious:
Yes she is and she is in her own reality, the husband too. The judges who decide custody issues do not rely on bible quotes to render rulings. She is justifying her abandonment of the kids for her own crazy way of thinking. Slow torture wouldn't be enough to give up custody of my girls. And there is nothing that ever would, NEVER, EVER.
(Tammy, See I have an appropriate bible verse, it's about Christmas)
All I have found so far is a driving record in AZ for TS -- I have only done a cursory search, though, but others have stated that they haven't found anything

We do know TS bd as it is posted on her FB page

The trouble I am having is that she has a long list of different names she has use IMO more than average, and so does her hubby
-- plus at least 3 states involved

(I did find the son in laws record)

MB This sounds more than a little suspicious to me. They could be engaged in some sort of illegal activities.
I am friends with Logan (real life friends, known him for almost 19 years, my mom and his mom are best friends (well, were, his mom passed away a couple years ago). On Dec. 24th I asked him on FB what was going on with Gabe because he said something about still trying to find him (i no longer live in az so we arent in a lot of contact). At that time, he was FB friends with TPS, she left a comment on my post saying everything was logans fault. Then the day of the custody hearing, she left him a comment saying they tried to make elizabeth show up but elizabeth refused, and then post like 4 or 5 pics of Gabriel on logans page with the comment "Pray for Gabriel." They are no longer friends on there, but they were for a short time (I think they had just become FB friends a day or so before I posted my comment). Long story short, that message could have been intended for Logan.

Also....the story about them meeting at the airport. I have no idea if its true or not, but I do know that Boston is where EJ lived (and i think was born) before arizona. I never met her but I was kind of friends with her twin brother, and he told me that their mother was murdered so they moved to az to live with their grandfather. Just thought I would share since people are questioning her ties to boston. And i do NOT want to defend her in any way whatsoever, but it is possible that TPS would walk up to her and ask her if she needs help. When I was flying with my one month old son and he was crying I had quite a few people ask me "do you need help? would you like me to hold him for you?" nobody asked to adopt him, but maybe if I had met someone like TPS it would have lead to her asking that.

Logan has had a bad past but is a wonderful dad and deserves to have his son home with him. He would never do anything at all to harm gabriel in any way. thank you to everyone for digging and trying to find baby gabe!!

Welcome to WS! Thank you for your help, you've cleared up a lot of my confusion about EJ with your post. Logan seems like a very decent young man that only wants the best for his son and I pray that Gabriel is returned to him safely very soon.
EitaK Welcome to WS!!!!!! Your input is very much appreciated!!! Please hang around! Praying they find baby Gabriel and bring him home to his daddy ASAP!
Did you guys see the latest comment made by TS's son on his FB ? If not, it basically says... I would be questioned by the FBI because of my biological mom (not sure what question/comment this response is directed at).
I am friends with Logan (real life friends, known him for almost 19 years, my mom and his mom are best friends (well, were, his mom passed away a couple years ago). On Dec. 24th I asked him on FB what was going on with Gabe because he said something about still trying to find him (i no longer live in az so we arent in a lot of contact). At that time, he was FB friends with TPS, she left a comment on my post saying everything was logans fault. Then the day of the custody hearing, she left him a comment saying they tried to make elizabeth show up but elizabeth refused, and then post like 4 or 5 pics of Gabriel on logans page with the comment "Pray for Gabriel." They are no longer friends on there, but they were for a short time (I think they had just become FB friends a day or so before I posted my comment). Long story short, that message could have been intended for Logan.

Also....the story about them meeting at the airport. I have no idea if its true or not, but I do know that Boston is where EJ lived (and i think was born) before arizona. I never met her but I was kind of friends with her twin brother, and he told me that their mother was murdered so they moved to az to live with their grandfather. Just thought I would share since people are questioning her ties to boston. And i do NOT want to defend her in any way whatsoever, but it is possible that TPS would walk up to her and ask her if she needs help. When I was flying with my one month old son and he was crying I had quite a few people ask me "do you need help? would you like me to hold him for you?" nobody asked to adopt him, but maybe if I had met someone like TPS it would have lead to her asking that.

Logan has had a bad past but is a wonderful dad and deserves to have his son home with him. He would never do anything at all to harm gabriel in any way. thank you to everyone for digging and trying to find baby gabe!!


First of all - Welcome! Thanks for sharing all of this -

Can I ask a question - you might not know, but I read earlier that Logan just set up his FB page in early December -- did TPS approach him and ask to be his "friend"? And does it look to you like she did it to gain access, and then to vilify him to his other friends? Because it sure sounds like that -- OMG!

Did she ever do that again that you know of?

TIA! And once again, Welcome!
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