MISTRIAL Bill Cosby -- Charged W/Aggravated Sexual Assault/Other Rape Allegations #5

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Deadlocked per FOX reporting on TV 10:44am CT June 15, 2017 Judge sent jurors back and said 4 days is nothing to decide and they need to go back and deliberate. BC has 3 charges against him and the jurors could not decide on any of them.
Jun 15 2017, 11:35 am ET

Cosby Trial: Judge Orders Deadlocked Jury to Try Again

by Hannah Rappleye and Tracy Connor

The jury in the Bill Cosby trial said Thursday it’s deadlocked, but the judge ordered them to continue trying to reach a verdict.

“We can not come to a unanimous consensus on any of these counts,” the panel said in a note to the judge sent out at 11:06 a.m. after more than 30 hours of deliberations...

Deadlocked per FOX reporting on TV 10:44am CT June 15, 2017 Judge sent jurors back and said 4 days is nothing to decide and they need to go back and deliberate. BC has 3 charges against him and the jurors could not decide on any of them.

Darn. I was afraid of this. I think this is telling us that there is at least 1 person on the jury that does not want to convict him regardless of the evidence. I suspect him/her/them are huge fans of him and they are not going to budge.

I think they are purposely ignoring the evidence that clearly showed them that the defendent filled prescriptions to give to woman for devious sexual motives.

I hope they surprise me but I think this is now a hopeless situation because of certain juror(s). Evidence be dammed. Its their childhood TV hero.
Does anyone think that BC' only witness for the defense (cop) was paid off?
Im glad the judge is making them go back. I hope the judge makes them keep going for weeks. That way if there is some people on the jury that are unreasonable about the evidence then it makes them have to keep defending their unreasonable position. Unfortunately it penalizes others on the jury too but we need to start making juries do their job and not give an easy out to unreasonable jurors.

Result may be the same hung jury but make them work at it and the unreasonable ones will be called out by the others.
Does anyone think that BC' only witness for the defense (cop) was paid off?

Im not sure but I think both sides can legally pay witnesses for their "services" and time so it would not surprise me.

Its fairly common for certain professional witnesses to be paid for their services to give their professional opinion. Some make a career out of it. I dont think its right but it is what it is.

Not sure if that happened in this case.
Im not sure but I think both sides can legally pay witnesses for their "services" and time so it would not surprise me.

Its fairly common for certain professional witnesses to be paid for their services to give their professional opinion. Some make a career out of it. I dont think its right but it is what it is.

Not sure if that happened in this case.

I meant, paid off (secretly) to bias his opinion?
Darn. I was afraid of this. I think this is telling us that there is at least 1 person on the jury that does not want to convict him regardless of the evidence. I suspect him/her/them are huge fans of him and they are not going to budge.

I think they are purposely ignoring the evidence that clearly showed them that the defendent filled prescriptions to give to woman for devious sexual motives.

I hope they surprise me but I think this is now a hopeless situation because of certain juror(s). Evidence be dammed. Its their childhood TV hero.
I agree Hatfield, it's not looking very good for a guilty verdict. One or more jurors maybe are thinking they would be giving BC a life sentence due to his age if they go for a guilty verdict. Jmo

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If he's acquitted, Cosby will gloat for the rest of his life. It wouldn't surprise me if he sues all the accusers for defamation.
If he's acquitted, Cosby will gloat for the rest of his life. It wouldn't surprise me if he sues all the accusers for defamation.

BetteDavisEyes: Yes, I suspect he will gloat, but I'm also thinking his career is toast. JMVHO.
If he's acquitted, Cosby will gloat for the rest of his life. It wouldn't surprise me if he sues all the accusers for defamation.

That wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Isn't it possible to get a majority verdict ? It is allowed here at the discretion of the judge if the jury become deadlocked like this. Here it is allowed to be 11 - 1, or 10 - 2 agreeing, but no less than that.
Getting all 12 to agree in this type of case is so often just not possible.
The three charges against BC are:

"Count 1 alleges that Cosby didn't have consent when he penetrated Constand's genitals with his fingers.

Count 2 alleges she was unconscious or semi-conscious at the time and could not give consent.

Count 3 alleges all this happened after he gave her an intoxicant that substantially impaired her and stopped her from resisting."

The sentence could be

"Each of the three counts carries a standard sentence range of five to 10 years in prison.

IF found guilty on any or all charges, BC "attorneys would be able to successfully argue the charges be combined for sentencing purposes, since they cover the same encounter and conduct."

"If the judge follows state sentencing guidelines, a conviction would put Cosby, 79, in prison at least until he is 84."

However the Judge can impose a different sentence.

IF found guilty BC would remain on bail and free until the Judge revokes it.

BC would have to register as a sex offender.

IF the jurors know all this I would think they would find BC guilty and believe the Judge will let BC go free. That is what the hang up is IMO.....someone does not want to see an old man who entertained the world go to prison for a "mistake''.

IMOO the Judge would give BC community service of some sort, but being "blind" who knows what he could do plus a hefty fine, which BC will say he is broke.

I do not see the Judge sending BC to prison for any time but maybe ONE DAY. I do see the Judge making him register as a sex offender.

Here is the link

If Bill Cosby is Aquitted and leaves the courthouse doing "Fat Albert" I think I'll probably implode.

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BetteDavisEyes: Yes, I suspect he will gloat, but I'm also thinking his career is toast. JMVHO.

I wish. If he does walk, he will do the talk show rounds. And gloat like the creep he is. Remember OJ, Michael Vick, list goes on...
I agree Hatfield, it's not looking very good for a guilty verdict. One or more jurors maybe are thinking they would be giving BC a life sentence due to his age if they go for a guilty verdict. Jmo

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Sadly, I think you may be right and the thought of that infuriates me to no end. Jurors are not to consider punishment when deciding the verdict in the guilt phase of the trial.

If they want to think that way then they should think about the decade of freedom he has been given before this trial began.

Like I mentioned the other day there have been many criminal defendants over the years brought to trial in their 70s and 80s. Thank goodness those juries looked only at the criminal acts and the evidence that showed them to be guilty and they were sentenced appropriately.

But after all this is BC and he has really played up his act to the hilt of being old and fragile. Yet according to him he is sure well enough to return to comedy. I guess if he skates he can make fun of rape victims.

It does make me wonder if he knew all along there were stealth jurors since he was arrogantly convinced he would skate all along.
If Bill Cosby is Aquitted and leaves the courthouse doing "Fat Albert" I think I'll probably implode.

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YES. This will make me stabby and I will elvis the tv.
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