Bloated Lisa Marie is now the double of dad Elvis

The media can be a pain in the butt, I would hate to be hunted by the paparazzi 24/7 and half the stuff you read is false anyway. So Lisa Marie was out for dinner and didnt have any make up on.....whoopeeee, leave the poor girl alone.
I am not trying to start of fight here, but why is she being judged so harsley and the ex-bond girl in a bathing suit was applauded? I know I wear casual cloths and skip the makeup when I go to a farmers market.

*appauld* Kudos to you, girl..just the point i was going to make-----
It is no wonder that young girls and women battle eating disorders and self-esteem issues when there is so much focus on weight gain and loss in our society.

Right on! :clap: :clap:
I'm glad to see Lisa Marie out in public and being herself. I get so tired of these overly made up her Mom....yikes! :eek:

I saw a picture of Eva Longoria in People magazine where she was on vacation, in a cute bikini, her hair wet and no makeup. I barely recognized her...but she was still very pretty in my opinion.
It is no wonder that young girls and women battle eating disorders and self-esteem issues when there is so much focus on weight gain and loss in our society.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Exactly! That is what I was going to say.
What an unbelievable sexist world we live in. She is probably pregnant and as a mother of 4 I can tell ya, being pregnant and a little older is not easy. Hell being preggers is not easy no matter what your age!
I see a picture of a women not made up , dressed casually and cuaght at very unflattering angles. She looks no different to me , then I look when out when not made up or many of my friends. Maybe she is eating after a workout or maybe she is pregnant or maybe she just likes how she looks. I know I would hate it if the world was Gawking at an unflatteing photo of me. We have no right to Gawk and those who publish photos like this so that we can Gawk are pathetic. One is a human being before they are a celeberity. Human beings should have compassion for each other and not enjoy ridicule, which is what the publication of such photos encorages.


Team Humanity


I think she looks great!
Hormonal problems can wreak havoc on your system. I've been trying desperately to lose weight I put on after my system got out of whack and it's dang near impossible, even with 1600 calories a day and exercise. So until you have walked a mile in the other man's shoes...:croc:
I don't see the point in this article other than to make Lisa Marie feel bad (while pregnant) and to emphasis what the media thinks is 'perfect' or 'not perfect'.
I have no problem with the photos....everyone has bad days. It is a bad photo..So she has put on least she looks'real'.
I think her mothers poor botoxed and tucked face is much scarier..
I like Lisa and think she is down to earth.

Hormonal problems can wreak havoc on your system. I've been trying desperately to lose weight I put on after my system got out of whack and it's dang near impossible, even with 1600 calories a day and exercise. So until you have walked a mile in the other man's shoes...:croc:

Oh man my pregnancies were a life time ago (ok, 10 yrs) and the very first place I gained was in ther face!!!!
Hormones can cause you to gain ANYWHERE,,,,just imo....
I had to laugh because when I saw the picture of Prisilla, she looked like she was wearing a plastic mask. :0
Have you watched her talk on tv shows?
Prisilla's lips don't move. Sorry to sound so mean.
Lisa Marie looks like a normal 40 year old pregnant woman to me. She has more money than most people and seems much tougher, too. I'll bet she can eat what she wants while pregnant then get back to lighter weight if she wants. If she doesn't want to then I imagine she'd tell the media to kiss her rear end.
How can anyone tell how big LM is in the baggy clothes? I can say that I look like a hag on most days unless I am fixed up.
Have any of you ever noticed Scientology doesn't use Lisa Marie (or her mother, for that matter!) as a "spokesperson" like they do Tom Cruise, Kelly Preston etc etc.? They don't even claim her!
Have any of you ever noticed Scientology doesn't use Lisa Marie (or her mother, for that matter!) as a "spokesperson" like they do Tom Cruise, Kelly Preston etc etc.? They don't even claim her!

That's an interesting point OneLostGirl. Certainly Tom Cruise is the media darling for that religion. Become a Scientologist and you too can be the image of Tom Cruise.
From what I understand because of her age (40) Lisa is having a difficult time with this pregnancy.
Her mom is the poster girl for plastic surgery. Ugh.
Feeling very tacky today.
Have any of you ever noticed Scientology doesn't use Lisa Marie (or her mother, for that matter!) as a "spokesperson" like they do Tom Cruise, Kelly Preston etc etc.? They don't even claim her!

'SO true and so sad.
Have any of you ever noticed Scientology doesn't use Lisa Marie (or her mother, for that matter!) as a "spokesperson" like they do Tom Cruise, Kelly Preston etc etc.? They don't even claim her!

Why do you think they don't claim them? Do the Presley's not give enough money to the cult?
I find nothing wrong with LM's look... heaven forbid a woman have curves... and while pregnant. I have curves... and I know for a fact that life isn't all about the outside package... it's the internal plumbing that matters. Us curvacious ladies may look unhollywood, but I like to think I do have a good heart and a sexy intellectual brain. :D Like nan, I have the hag thing going, too, unless I am fixed up... but I can talk a mean streak of astrophysics, debate politics like no tomorrow, and design and sew my own clothes if need be. I may be nothing to look at... but I have substance.

Brainy curvy hags unite! :D

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