GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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Orgona great post. I completely agree, it's critical to know what's normal between them, especially RECENTLY normal between them. It's not critical for us here, but I hope and assume that LE has looked into this as I think it's very important for them.
Crews in Southern California looking for Erin Corwin have narrowed their search to specific areas in the San Bernardino County desert.

Mondary said there are no official search efforts on base. He said the “target areas” are in Joshua Tree National Park and other parts of the Morongo Basin, but would not specify where.

The huge difference between Erin's situation and the ones described above is that she is 2-3 months pregnant and just prior to becoming pregnant this time, she went through a miscarriage. This is no ordinary situation with an adult being delayed without explanation, her medical status was fragile and her husband knew it. Miscarriage happens most often during the first 12 weeks.

I've had a miscarriage and it was extremely painful and scary. When it happened to me I was ten years older than Erin and knew what it was like to give birth. I was shocked to find that it was incredibly painful and traumatic, just like normal childbirth even though it was early in my pregnancy. Erin is so young and was going to be a first time mom. I'm sure that the possibility of another miscarriage was a concern for her.

I find it incredible that a loving husband who was aware of what his wife had experienced just a few months earlier would not be immediately concerned for her welfare when she did not show up, call or text. I believe it is very unlikely that he wouldn't expect to hear from her at all during the day that she was gone. Did she take food and water with her to the park? Pregnant ladies do not go all day from dawn to early evening without food or drink.

I think that police have probably looked at the normal text and phone activity and compared it to the day she went missing, keeping in mind that anyone can send a text if they are in possession of either phone.

I haven't heard much discussion of Erin's phone. I get the feeling that the search area is based on cell phone pings. They could have pings from her phone and/or pings from a suspect's phone. Also, if Erin actually went to that park and had time to explore, there ought to be a photo or two on her phone.
This is so up to the personality of the person and to the dynamics of the couple.

For example:
In my case if my hubby doesn't come home way past (like 2-3 hours) when I expected him to be here:
First I would call him. If I can't reach him, I would see it a possibility that his phone battery died and he met someone he knew somewhere and is enjoying a coffee and chat with that person. (None of us has a car charger and I know for a fact he doesn't have my phone number memorized to call me from another phone. The only number he knows is his mother's, because that number he knew way before mobile phone with memory existed.) I would feel uncomfortable but would still wait. An hour past my first worry time I would begin to call around to see if someone saw him today and knew of where exactly was he headed. Maybe he mentioned something to someone else which he didn't mention to me. I would try to call those places. I personally could not go to sleep without knowing he is safe. Later that evening I would call the police, because in our many years together he has never slept anywhere else without announcing it to me in advance. That would occur approximately 4-5 hours after I was expecting him home, I think. I would also drive around places he supposedly went to see if I can find at list his car somewhere.

I do have a friend who's boyfriend regularly "forgets" to go home without announcing it in advance and sometimes he doesn't go home for 2-3 days. That's normal in their relationship and she never called the police, not even the first time because she suspected what was going on. Boy, if God forbids he ends up somewhere in a ditch hurt where no one can see him, nobody will be looking for him for 3 days.

In my hubby's case:
If I didn't come home the time I told I would, he would not panic. I'm sure after awhile he would even proceed to make his own dinner of some kind. He would try to call me, but if I'm not available he would think my battery is dead. We do not have car chargers, because this only happens a 1 or 2 times a year, not more. I have a friend who lives a half an hour away from us by car and if I go visit her I sometimes come home late at night, because we can really talk deep into the night. He knows this, and although I never went and stayed at her's without letting my hubby know this, he would still think that's what is going on. He is just a very relaxed type of guy. He would go to sleep and he would realize I'm missing at 6 o'clock in the morning. I'm not sure he would be worried by then, either. He would figure my battery is still dead and when I get home and charged my phone I would call him immediately. I think he would begin to feel uncomfortable that day around noon.
Now I have to stress I never stayed anywhere overnight without telling him in advance, but sometimes if I had a drink with/at that girl friend of my and felt intoxicated, then I called, or -if I realized that very late and he could possibly in bed that time- I did send a message for him that I was staying there. This didn't happened very often (around four times in approximately 10 years) but still it would be on his mind.

Now if Erin happened to stay at the ranch overnight before and hubby knows that, I see it possible that he wasn't worried. I would have called the ranch to check it to be on the safe side, but I can see him not doing it to don't look like a controlling partner. My hubby would not call there either, he would not want to be seen as a jealous husband. Some people wouldn't call because would be afraid to find out he/she is cheated on.

It would be important to know what was normal to them/between them. Without that is difficult to tell if his reaction was strange or not.
My hubby and I were just sitting here talking about the same thing and how we wouldn't even be able to give LE an accurate description of what we were wearing if we went missing. Hubby also said that out of the 4 vehicles we own he wouldn't be able to tell them what the license plate number was on 2 of them and they're HIS vehicles (mine have personalized plates) but sometimes we drive each others vehicles. I asked him if he'd be able to tell LE what I was wearing and he said probably not unless it was something really noticeable.

As for keeping up with where each other is, I do a lot of cemetery hunting and ride around the mountain quite often but I always tell him which direction I'm going in and all the areas I plan to explore so he knows where l'll be. I always remind him that if I'm not back by such and such time, he'd better come looking for me. I'm a tough country girl and I can pretty much hold my own in any situation ,and there isn't much in this world that scares me but things do happen. But I also trust my gut instinct and won't go places where I don't feel comfortable. Most places I go don't have cell service but I always send hubby a text as soon as I do.
I really doubt LE would be searching at the park all of this time, based only on Erin supposedly saying she was going there. They must have some evidence that she was there, or that her phone was, at least.
I really doubt LE would be searching at the park all of this time, based only on Erin supposedly saying she was going there. They must have some evidence that she was there, or that her phone was, at least.

They could be searching based on the belief she was going there, and a "sighting" by rangers. Pretty solid stuff.
Cars.JPG (Off topic) I was looking at google maps and there is this area where cars are parked but it looks like it's just out in the dirt and not an actual parking lot. There is nothing near it either so I was wondering why people would park their cars here? Any ideas? Just seems weird.
She was only a few months pregnant. What if she were having another miscarriage? Would that cause her to take off?
View attachment 54573 (Off topic) I was looking at google maps and there is this area where cars are parked but it looks like it's just out in the dirt and not an actual parking lot. There is nothing near it either so I was wondering why people would park their cars here? Any ideas? Just seems weird.

Looks like they go ATVing there based on markings.
Just out of curiosity, as a newbie, why is that?


It's in the members only forum. What is discussed there cannot be posted in the public forums. Also, breaking scanner news can be quick and crazy. It's not a good idea to publicly post what's going on until there is confirmation from LE or MSM.

But but but...if there is breaking scanner news, you can post here for peeps to check out the scanner thread. (Mods, correct me if I am wrong)
The huge difference between Erin's situation and the ones described above is that she is 2-3 months pregnant and just prior to becoming pregnant this time, she went through a miscarriage. This is no ordinary situation with an adult being delayed without explanation, her medical status was fragile and her husband knew it. Miscarriage happens most often during the first 12 weeks.

I've had a miscarriage and it was extremely painful and scary. When it happened to me I was ten years older than Erin and knew what it was like to give birth. I was shocked to find that it was incredibly painful and traumatic, just like normal childbirth even though it was early in my pregnancy. Erin is so young and was going to be a first time mom. I'm sure that the possibility of another miscarriage was a concern for her.

I find it incredible that a loving husband who was aware of what his wife had experienced just a few months earlier would not be immediately concerned for her welfare when she did not show up, call or text. I believe it is very unlikely that he wouldn't expect to hear from her at all during the day that she was gone. Did she take food and water with her to the park? Pregnant ladies do not go all day from dawn to early evening without food or drink.

I think that police have probably looked at the normal text and phone activity and compared it to the day she went missing, keeping in mind that anyone can send a text if they are in possession of either phone.


First of all TGI, I'm truly sorry for your loss and suffering. I understand why you feel this way.

On the other thread there was someone who said after her miscarriage when she got pregnant again, she wasn't more careful then at the first time, because she felt like she did nothing wrong the first time. I have a friend who said exactly the same after her miscarriage. She said she won't let fear poison her life and will do just as she did the first time, because she didn't do anything wrong and she can't do anything more than that. She wasn't going to let others worry for her either and always said she is pregnant not handicapped.

What I mean to say is I know miscarriage is painful mentally and physically and is a very traumatic experience. I say again I'm very very sorry it happened to you.
But like to everything else in life different people react different to the exact same life event.

I too assume police is looking into their phone records to determine what was normal for them for daytime communication and to see how many times her husband was trying to reach Erin that night. It would also give a clue if she met up with someone else that day for whatever reason.
Again looking at the map and where the car was found on Valle Vista (if that is still true) I marked with the red arrow what looks to be where a bus runs for trips. If the car was abandoned out in the middle of no where, maybe the person walked back to the transit center where he started because this is pretty close to that road. JMO I thought this was interesting.

My hubby and I were just sitting here talking about the same thing and how we wouldn't even be able to give LE an accurate description of what we were wearing if we went missing. Hubby also said that out of the 4 vehicles we own he wouldn't be able to tell them what the license plate number was on 2 of them and they're HIS vehicles (mine have personalized plates) but sometimes we drive each others vehicles. I asked him if he'd be able to tell LE what I was wearing and he said probably not unless it was something really noticeable.

As for keeping up with where each other is, I do a lot of cemetery hunting and ride around the mountain quite often but I always tell him which direction I'm going in and all the areas I plan to explore so he knows where l'll be. I always remind him that if I'm not back by such and such time, he'd better come looking for me. I'm a tough country girl and I can pretty much hold my own in any situation ,and there isn't much in this world that scares me but things do happen. But I also trust my gut instinct and won't go places where I don't feel comfortable. Most places I go don't have cell service but I always send hubby a text as soon as I do.

I think most people would come up dry on what their mate was wearing, if they are honest with themselves. I could do pretty well with my hubby because he wears pretty much the same thing every day but he would have no clue at all about me. He could tell the cops the make and model of my truck and he could describe my personalized plate, but even I can't remember the actual plate number.

From the outside, the delay in becoming concerned seems very wrong but that sort of assumes he was at home in a very quiet house all day and failing to wonder why she had been gone so long. In reality, he might have been on duty and thinking she was already back, and only realized something wasn't right when he returned home himself. I also think the amount of time someone would let go by would vary according to the situation. If I'm out shopping, after 30 years, hubby kind of knows my tolerance for crowds and shopping, and when to expect me home.

If I told him I was going pregnant, to a rugged, blistering hot park to look for a scenic place to take my mom, he probably would insist on tagging along. If he really couldn't go, he certainly would want some details, a call or two, something, so he could be sure I didn't have a flat tire, an over-heated car, or tumble down a hill and break a leg.

Still, I have to remind myself, we have no idea what they said to each other before she left the house, exactly when he realized/decided something was wrong, or exactly what he did before calling the police. Do we know whether he was on duty that day or not?

I really agree that it is up to family dynamics and individual personalities on what would happen in similar situations. I met a lot of people while working in a care facility that their last resort is to call 9-1-1, even while someone is choking. There is some sort of block in some people's minds against getting help. It is sort of like, if I just wait one more second they will stop choking... He may have just been worried sick and trying to remain his cool, thinking she would be back any moment. Before you know it, time just slipped on by further than he expected. It isn't that unlikely. There are billions of assorted personalities on the planet and just because we may have one of those personalities we would never know what another person would say or do. And then you have the added bonus of family dynamic which is also unique to just them.

More things we don't know: If the seat in her car was positioned for her stature? If the keys were in the vehicle? If the car was in normal array? If the doors were left open or closed?

I am really feeling for the family, and her of course. Hoping for a good outcome :(
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