GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #4

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Remember the comment made many days ago, that when Jon "returned home" he realized the animals hadn't been tended to - hadn't received their "night care" or something like that? It seemed like an odd thing for someone to say who returns home in the afternoon.

BUT. It appears from googling that marines often have 24 hour duty. So if Jon returned home Sunday morning and discovered the animals hadn't been cared for over night - whatever that care would be - he would know immediately Erin hadn't returned home.

Hmmm. Thinking back through these clues is like studying biblical phrases. "Could it mean this?"

I believe a lot of that come from the sister, but it's impossible to know exactly how accurate her statement is. We don't know if she's there or hearing things 2nd or third hand.
I am not suggesting anything whatsoever, but while there are reputable news stations having good intentions and doing their utmost best at reporting the information as they receive it BUT there are individuals in this world that are not reputable whom can say whatever they want however they want and pass it off as being reputable information. Hope that clears this up for you. As I stated there are two sides to a coin each being different but the bottom line is the news station either way truth or untruth is going to make out with their visitor stats this month which in turn will look great on paper. I hope you are not suggesting that I am unreasonable because that is the furthest thing from the truth. I simply have my own opinion as everyone on here does if you prefer that I keep my opinions to myself if this is causing you to experience grief I shall just say the word.
Yes, I'm a female. I've had different avatars here at WS in the past, but once Mark's case became a thread, they seemed silly and irrelevant, so now Mark is my permanent avatar until he's found.
Here's one of my old avatars which is much closer to how I look:

What forum? I just searched the "missing" section but Mark's thread didn't come up? Where should I look?
Whatever we may think, I am pretty sure LE acts on evidence and not just on gossip. Jmo
What forum? I just searched the "missing" section but Mark's thread didn't come up? Where should I look?

His thread is in the Missing But Not Forgotten Forum, subforum- 1990's missing. The direct link is in my signature.
Yes, I'm always leery of possible agendas. Can't make sense of things around here at times.
I haven't done my homework as far as reading up on the mines, so maybe this is a dumb question, but can they just send cameras into these mines to look for her?

One would think so, and maybe they are. I suspect they are first looking for any clearly recently disturbed dirt (where not just rocks) for tire tracks, footprints, perhaps drag marks near mines and then looking into any that show signs of someone having been there. Sounds like not a real easy task if tracks hang around for years. On the other hand, IF they can match up the correct tracks….then they'll have some evidence for court.

Nobody would go into a mine to dump a body if they didn't have to, especially in the heat. But find a vertical drop and make it easy.

In which case it might only take shining some serious light down to see what's at the bottom. Or lower a camera with infrared. Who knows. I'm no mine expert. Just know LE stated that's where they are looking.

ETA: link with some info on the mine searches.
Why??? I hiked and jumped up and down in a protest march when I was pregnant. Neither activity dislodged the pregnancy. I think that's an old wives tale.

My daughter's OB told me she should not ride after 4 months because the jogging/jostling cause the placenta to tear away from the uterine wall. At least, that was her opinion.
His thread is in the Missing But Not Forgotten Forum, subforum- 1990's missing. The direct link is in my signature.

Thanks LinasK. Not too long ago, I eliminated signatures from showing on my pages.
I am not suggesting anything whatsoever, but while there are reputable news stations having good intentions and doing their utmost best at reporting the information as they receive it BUT there are individuals in this world that are not reputable whom can say whatever they want however they want and pass it off as being reputable information. Hope that clears this up for you. As I stated there are two sides to a coin each being different but the bottom line is the news station either way truth or untruth is going to make out with their visitor stats this month which in turn will look great on paper. I hope you are not suggesting that I am unreasonable because that is the furthest thing from the truth. I simply have my own opinion as everyone on here does if you prefer that I keep my opinions to myself if this is causing you to experience grief I shall just say the word.

No one is suggesting you're unreasonable. I only suggested that it is far less reasonable to believe the report to be a baseless lie than it is to believe that it is the truth. A bona fide news outlet is not going to report a story if a source isn't reliable and confirmed, regardless of whether they name the source in the article or not. Furthermore, if we insisted on named sources from our news stations, we wouldn't have much news. Lastly, law enforcement and the family have not denied the report nor refuted its sourcing. Their silence is deafening.
'Investigators are not clarifying how the disappearance can be both not voluntary and not criminal.'

"It's not voluntary, but we don't have any evidence yet that it's criminal," said San Bernadino sheriff's Capt. Dale Mondary on Friday. "We're just trying to find a missing person."

Police have to be careful not to alienate the public with answers like this, I think. It's really not a good idea when it could be a tip from a member of the public that caracks their homicide investigation (imo) wide open for them.
Wow, that first picture on your link looks like a road I've been on in the Old Dale Mining District!! I showed my husband and he agreed it might be the one (but there are probably lots of similar roads, so who knows). It was probably close to 20 years ago, and we didn't approach the mine since our kids were small. What I DO remember is being scared out of my wits because that road was so narrow and we had a Bronco which seemed too wide to make it in my opinion - I actually got out and walked for part of the way! lol We visited another mining area later in the day and let the kids play in some cool looking sand/dirt...only to later find out that it was "tailings" from the mine and probably had traces of cyanide in it. Not our finest parenting moment! lol

News a few days ago that the search was apparently concentrating on the old Dale Mining District and I think one other are was also mentioned. Oh, and thank you to Nora Charles for your videos? I was hearing something yesterday that I thought was (ahem) Sh** Hole Pass and the last video you posted that mentions it ends shortly before Sheep Hole Pass nicely clarified that for me!!

Was sort of trying to determine VERTICAL mines in Joshua Tree and of course anything super accessible from roads. Accessible that is relative to is to a good 4WD and close to road. If I were to dump a body out in monster hot desert, it would be dump. Not bury per se. 1) way too hot, and guessing 2) not exactly dirt that digs up easily.

So you either drop a live person known to have no sense of direction out in the middle of nowhere in 110 degree weather with no water. They aren't going to live long, however might get lucky to hang on long enough for air search to spot them.

Or out of sight, and where not likely anybody would happen across their body for a few months due to heat limiting activities.

How many old vertical mines out there? I saw some 3-digit figures on mines and have seen photos of both vertical and apparently old more horizontal entry.

Ivanhoe looks to me, not ever having been out there, like relatively easy access. East on Hwy 62 to Ironage Rd which goes south and then loops back west and slightly north to Ivanhoe.

Easy to understand why S&R out there is looking at mines.

Other thing occurred to me is monsoon season. I follow some live storm chasers and they were on one that caused flash flooding in Baker CA on July 5. Desert gets some serious rains and runoff. How might that impact recent tire tracks and foot prints, ability to search and could those heavy rains also cause some flooding in abandoned vertical mines?

This one just "struck" me in particular yesterday, although many others even deeper looking at their pictures.

The maps for relative position do help understand the areas that are being searched. Thank you to those who posted links. My brain was fried last night and initially couldn't even get Google Maps to find the dang mine but later pulled it up.

God speed to all the searchers, whether on the ground (ugh) or in the air.
I can explain why there is silence it is because Military protocol it is much different than secular protocol where the media is camped out and receiving updates day and night. That is not how the Military conducts business and when they request that the family refrain from speaking there is good reason behind that request. I am sure when the time comes and they are satisfied with their investigation and their conclusions they will hold a press conference with their Public Information Officer in charge and provide the information that they feel is proper to release. That is my best guess being a military spouse for a very long period of time and witnessing first hand when other events in military life have occurred. I know it can be frustrating and confusing. I feel very confident they have this situation in control and are doing whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this situation.
'Investigators are not clarifying how the disappearance can be both not voluntary and not criminal.'

"It's not voluntary, but we don't have any evidence yet that it's criminal," said San Bernadino sheriff's Capt. Dale Mondary on Friday. "We're just trying to find a missing person."

Police have to be careful not to alienate the public with answers like this, I think. It's really not a good idea when it could be a tip from a member of the public that caracks their homicide investigation (imo) wide open for them.

That is exactly what I was wondering. How do you disappear involuntarily and it isn't a crime?
Good questions! Maybe drones not sure I do not know the area at all to say yes or no. But with technology today a drone maybe a definite possibility I would think and with the military in on the situation who better to use a drone then them.

It is wonderful to have someone with your background and skill on this thread, thank you!
What about cadaver dogs? If she is indeed in one of these mines, would the dogs be able to alert? I'm thinking of a scenario where the human remains were quickly carried from a vehicle and dropped or left. It certainly sounds like a needle in haystack operation, but I have tremendous faith in LE combined with the additional support of the Marine Corp. I believe they will bring this Marine's wife home.
Wow, that first picture on your link looks like a road I've been on in the Old Dale Mining District!! I showed my husband and he agreed it might be the one (but there are probably lots of similar roads, so who knows). It was probably close to 20 years ago, and we didn't approach the mine since our kids were small. What I DO remember is being scared out of my wits because that road was so narrow and we had a Bronco which seemed too wide to make it in my opinion - I actually got out and walked for part of the way! lol We visited another mining area later in the day and let the kids play in some cool looking sand/dirt...only to later find out that it was "tailings" from the mine and probably had traces of cyanide in it. Not our finest parenting moment! lol

Interesting. Kids didn't grow up to glow I hope?

Appreciate the "eyes on ground" among us. I can look at photos and maps and not-clear aerials all day and try to imagine heat etc and never fully comprehend like somebody who has been here.

The maps links provided last night (or this morning?) really helped understand how much is out there (200 sq miles they are covering??) and how long they may be searching. If Erin was dropped into a mine, one way or another she will be found. Only a matter of time. If LE God forbid do not find her before Fall, one of those folks all crazy to go into deserted mines may be the one to do so.

That presumes she really did meet her end and was left in the Park. LE still seem to think so.

Job 1 is find Erin. I am not thinking this was a serial killer and LE has some ideas about who is responsible for her disappearance. Nor is there any "evidence" at this juncture that she walked away on her own. Thinking back to when I was 19 and the many stooooopid things I did!
I can explain why there is silence it is because Military protocol it is much different than secular protocol where the media is camped out and receiving updates day and night. That is not how the Military conducts business and when they request that the family refrain from speaking there is good reason behind that request. I am sure when the time comes and they are satisfied with their investigation and their conclusions they will hold a press conference with their Public Information Officer in charge and provide the information that they feel is proper to release. That is my best guess being a military spouse for a very long period of time and witnessing first hand when other events in military life have occurred. I know it can be frustrating and confusing. I feel very confident they have this situation in control and are doing whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this situation.

I definitely understand the military protocol being a military spouse myself however, the family's moderation of the Locate Erin fb site has been very strict. They have deleted all links that seem to indicate anything that they disagree with or aren't allowed to share, BUT they left the link regarding the affair on their page for all to see and never denied it. In my opinion, this solidified that there was in fact an affair. Obviously this is just my own thoughts and the way I choose to lean in regards to this case.
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