Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #15 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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maybe Sierra put the bag there, after she willingly left from the driveway, with someone she some how knew...
maybe to make it look like an abduction
I dunno, throwing stuff out there

Oh and can anyone clarify? It might have been a rumor some where I was reading, but wasn't the person she was texting that morning about meeting, actually from the Fremont high school?

Just a rumor, as far as anything that has been made has not been released who she was in contact with that morning.
IMHO I am going to get blasted her but I really don't give a darn anymore. Everyone of you who think that our entire LE are nothing but liars and hiding the fact from John Q Public please do me a favor. Go To college get your degrees and become one . Every case I have been involved here in 9 years now there has been a darn good reason why John Q public does not know everything.
JMHO but in some ways the Internet is really the LE worse enemy. If they say to much and we hear about it . Then we have people jump all over them asking why did they say that?
If the don't reveal all they know band play it close to the vest. People gripe we need to know more. Guess what we can't have our cake and eat it to!!!!!

You could not pay me a enough to put my life on the line daily like everyone of our LE do across this nation. Every time they put a badge on. I have the utmost respect and honor for the. And however they want to handle a case guess what they know better than I do how to treat it.

This is so well said. LE are *people* who are trying their very best, despite the limited resources they have to work with. LE can only be as effective as the support and Partnership that they receive from the Community of Citizens. In the Lamar case, I think they have done an outstanding job thus far. Sure, there have been things that could have been done even better, but these are human beings who are trying their best. I remember a friend of mine (a homicide Detective, long since retired), who would agonize over his cases and work until he dropped.

Every day I watch the news of Sierra and pray for her. I also pray for those searching for her and the LE working on her case that they may be blessed with insight and guidance from above.

Keep sleuthing and keep praying!
Oh and can anyone clarify? It might have been a rumor some where I was reading, but wasn't the person she was texting that morning about meeting, actually from the Fremont high school?

If this is accurate, it's a critical piece of information. This all goes back to WHY this young girl had to move from her beloved high school in the first place? No one is revealing that information, but it's paramont to this case. What type of trouble was she in? Who did she p*ss off so badly she had to move from that town? Or, did she move over the embarrassment or harrassment related to her father's RSO status?

I'm still of the opinion that LE knows who did this, but are waiting for additional evidence before making an arrest.

I continue to pray for Sierra...
The same dogs who tracked SL's scent from the driveway would have picked it up at the shed if she had been there. The only other explanation for the bag I can think of is if it were composed at her home and then placed there (clothing taken out of her drawers, put in the bag, bag put next to the shed, etc.)

At this point I believe LE really has NOTHING, or they know everything and are trying to find either SL, or her body, to be able to prosecute.
80 different pieces of video evidence.. Some show the car<Jetta> near Sierra's home.. Some do not... But FORENSICS AND WITNESSES lead them to believe the car is tied to her disappearance..


I'll jump right into the meat of what I'm talking about rather than speaking of the smaller details and leading up to what is the main info of importance.. We learn outright what it is that has LE believing the car is in fact involved..

A) is the FORENSICS- we learn outright that there are FORENSICS which have yielded evidence that the car was involved in Sierra's abduction.. IMO with that major tidbit of info I would feel safe assuming that the FORENSICS of which she speaks quite likely.. IMO very likely are DNA FORENSICS of Sierra.. IMO I believe it's likely that Sierra's DNA in some shape or form was recovered from the red Jetta.. Hair, finger prints to name IMO the most common and the most definite FORENSICS that could be yielded from the vehicle that would definitely LEAD LE TO BELIEVE THAT THE CAR WAS INVOLVED IN HER ABDUCTION.. I've given my opinion of what I believe to be the most likeliest FORENSICS that would lead LE to be confident the car was involved.. But what is FACT is that LE does tell us there are FORENSICS that does lead them to believe the car is involved in Sierra's disappearance.. Others may have some different ideas or opinions on what they believe could be the FORENSICS of which LE is speaking of thats led them to believe the car is in fact involved..

B)is the WITNESSES- LE tells us outright that there are in fact WITNESSES that have given LE information that this red Jetta is in fact involved in Sierra's disappearance.. While IMO not as strong as the FORENSICS due to the fact that DNA/FORENSICS are hold in your hand, and see with your eyes type of evidence that IMO directly ties Sierra to the vehicle in some form or fashion.. Whereas WITNESSES are not as solid and sure, but nonetheless important ESPECIALLY IN CONJUNCTION with the FORENSIC EVIDENCE that they have tying the vehicle to Sierra's abduction.. A WITNESS account on top of already having the FORENSICS pretty much proving the direct involvement of the car to Sierra's abduction.. IS JUST FURTHER SOLIDIFYING THAT THEY(LE) KNOW DUE TO THE FACT THAT EXCELLENT EVIDENCE IS INDICATING THIS RED JETTA WAS INVOLVED IN SIERRA's ABDUCTION..

IMO either A) or B) alone without the other is really good evidence in and of itself(especially the forensics of course being the more solid of the two).. But you combine A) and B) together and we're talking strong enough evidence that IMO very much is seen to hold up in a court of law as very substantial proof..

These details that We learn from Sheriff Smith are IMO extremely promising that this car is indeed involved and that THIS IS NOT A wild goose chase BASED MERELY UPON video from the areas around Morgan Hill and their having pieced together that this black hooded, red Jetta "may" or "may not" be involved and that's what we are presently waiting on..

No way, Jose is that what is going on here.. Much different is that the FACT is that LE is way ahead in this game of the black hooded, red Jetta.. They are not even questioning could it be related?.. Hell to the NO.. They(LE) have FORENSICS and WITNESSES THAT LEAD THEM(LE) TO BELIEVE THIS JETTA IS DIRECTLY NOT ONLY RELATED, BUT IT IS INVOLVED IN SIERRA's DISAPPEARANCE..

IMO that is HUGE, HUGE NEWS!!!.. IMO that is HUGE, HUGE INFORMATION that we hadn't a clue of prior to Sheriff Smith releasing these details.. Details that IMO are absolutely that they have actual evidence proving that the red Jetta is involved in Sierra's abduction.. THAT IS HUGE YOU GUYS!!
I don't get that no one is over the moon that it certainly appears as tho this case is having forward movement.. That IMO has great potential to lead to Sierra.. IT'S HUGE IMO!!!

One last thing I wanted to mention and someone please help refresh my memory(that or either tell me I'm totally off base and have obviously confused details of a different case).. Either way somebody help a sister Does anyone else recall quite early on in the case that it been stated or asked in the media that for anyone who may have seen, or possibly seen, or believed to have seen someone matching Sierra's description in a vehicle in any of the areas, highways, interstates in and/or around the greater area(for example..Morgan Hill, San Jose, Gilroy, etc, etc, etc.. )..<-- and the example is mine in my just giving a guesstimated area that includes wide sweeping areas of where Sierra could have been possibly seen in a vehicle in and/or around the day she was abducted(and my being in no way local I just listed some of the surrounding areas of MH)

It definitely is possible that some of us may have engaged in discussion about anyone seeing Sierra that day in a vehicle.. As in not as fact, but rather in hoping that maybe someone that would see her on the news, see her on a flier, or billboard, etc.. And that someone may recall having seen in her in a passing vehicle somewhere... I'll fully admit that could be what I am thinking of.. But not being certain I wanted to ask you guys if any of you recall early on that this was something asked in the PUBLICY..IN THE MEDIA..Like was it mentioned that for people to come forward if they thought they had possibly seen someone matching Sierras description..????????

The reason I'm so curious to know whether it was just discussion here about this particular issue or whether it was actually at some point mentioned in the media about anyone to call/come forward if they recalled seeing someone matching Sierras description in a passing vehicle.. Or a vehicle at a particular location.. Or Side of the road.. Or Red light.. Or Stop sign.. Etc.. Is because With that issue being in mind as possibly publicly asked about early on it just has me wondering if that description of this specific, unique black hooded, red Jetta was given very early on for instance by a witness who believed they saw Sierra in that car that day.. This IMO would make the Jetta Popping up on different surveillance video of the area ALL THE MORE IMPORTANT TO LE and all the more that LE has been working this angle for quite sometime and it's not just developed overnight.. KWIM??

So TIA to anyone who can answer or shed some light on was this particular issue brought up PUBLICLY IN THE MEDIA early on....OR .... Is it just that some of us here had discussed this issue and there wasn't any PUBLIC STATEMENTS OR PLEAS for people who possibly had seen Sierra in a vehicle that day..???


** and my apologies for this being one of my rather more long winded posts..:blushing:.. Please forgive me as I'm just thrilled to see actual forward movement:)

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
When they talk about forensic evidence, I thought they were talking about video footage, which would not be such a strong evidence unless Sierra was shown being abducted. MOO
maybe Sierra put the bag there, after she willingly left from the driveway, with someone she some how knew...
maybe to make it look like an abduction
I dunno, throwing stuff out there

Oh and can anyone clarify? It might have been a rumor some where I was reading, but wasn't the person she was texting that morning about meeting, actually from the Fremont high school?

Hi sreshowtime! Regarding your last inquiry in the above post here's a snipped quote from a transcript<linked below> of Sheriff Laurie Smith.. what she says IMO lends more credence to it having been someone she was presently attending school with(at Sobrato) to whom she was texting that last known communication at 7:11am on 4/16
SMITH: The photo is actually separate from the text. There was a text message to one of her friends, and her friend answered the text. It was nothing that was critical to the investigation. I think she was just asking her to bring something to school.

IMO specifically the last sentence is of importance in that the sheriff states that the last text to the friend was asking this friend to bbring something to school.. IMO its indicating the friend is someone from Sobrato it becomes nonsensical if it were a classmate that was attending Sierra's old school in Fremont ..she wouldn't be asking a friend from Fremont to "bring something to school" due to the fact Sierra was no longer attending the school in Fremont but rather was attending Sobrato high school near her Morgan Hill home...

Atleast thats the impression I had based upon Sheriff Smith's above quote.. jmo, tho! HTH:)

<quote snipped from the following link>
It's so difficult to make all the pieces of this case fit.

Just throwing this out there and sorry if it has already been discussed- on the day of her disappearance a car was stolen about a block or two away from her home ( I have seen this posted on a different forum ) and this car was returned/ found about a block away a week later ( who does that? ). There was no description of the car- lke the colour or make etc that I could find.

Could this car have been the infamous Jetta? And LE knows who owns it but if it was stolen they wouldn't know who was driving it? And a big coincidence that the car was stolen the same day ( although I believe it was reported stolen later in the morning so this could just be a weird coincidence ).

As for forensics linking the Jetta to her disappearance, I presumed they were referring to video evidence as well ie the car was seen in all of the key areas in a time frame that was applicable? Did I miss something Smooth???
:seeya: Good Post !

BBM: I totally agree ... JMO, but in many of the cases I follow where LE keeps everything "secret" from the public, the case is going "cold", or unfortunatley, will probably never be solved ...

And no disrespect for LE here, but what good does it do to "sit on" info -- especially when you have a community of people out there willing to help ? You have to TELL them what you need !

And I too, will be "surprised" IF this car is connected ... if it was that important in helping find Sierra, the info should have blasted on the news immediately ...

All JMO and MOO ...

Maybe that's why they got it so quickly - the owner had nothing to do with the case and was fully cooperating. Maybe?
IF the car was stolen that particular morning,would this not indicate that this was a planned abduction and not a random act? I wonder where it was stolen from? Maybe Le has video of it elsewhere from the are it was stolen from, if the car was stolen that is.
IF the car was stolen that particular morning,would this not indicate that this was a planned abduction and not a random act? I wonder where it was stolen from? Maybe Le has video of it elsewhere from the are it was stolen from, if the car was stolen that is.

IF the car that was stolen that morning WAS the Jetta as we have no confirmation that it was- just coincidental. I just went back to the Hinky Meter to get the info of the stolen car case and discovered that it no longer exists :what: The Hinky Meter that is... not the case...
IF the car that was stolen that morning WAS the Jetta as we have no confirmation that it was- just coincidental. I just went back to the Hinky Meter to get the info of the stolen car case and discovered that it no longer exists :what: The Hinky Meter that is... not the case...

Hmm I also went to the site ,nothing there, says Go daddy
I was trying to buy a honda del sol a while back. Long story short they had them with black hoods, and from my experience they usually belonged to a gangster type or a teenager. If the car was stolen then I guess anyone could have stolen it. I never say a female own a car with a painted hood like that, unless she drove her boyfriends car.

What good does it do to sit on information? Plenty!

If you're playing cat and mouse with a perp, the last thing you want is for that perp to have a good idea of what you know or don't know.

You keep some information in the deep dark so that if someone comes out with that information, you've got a suspect (or trail to a suspect).

:seeya: Good Morning,

Snipped : I totally understand your point and do I agree ... and I have no problem when LE wants to play it "close to the vest" ... but sometimes, that does NOT always work ...

However ... JMO and MOO, but I think that LE and DA's are more concerned when perps "lawyer up" ... and with that, they "shut up" as well ... The last thing LE wants to see is someone they have their "eye on" obtain a Defense Attorney -- THAT IMO is more of a problem than releasing info ... a Defense Attorney knows how to put a halt to the things ...

LE putting info out there does NOT always hinder a case : it's when the perp "lawyer's up" when the case can come to a "standstill" ...

And that is when LE needs to change their "game plan" ... what can it hurt ?

All JMO and MOO ...
IF the car that was stolen that morning WAS the Jetta as we have no confirmation that it was- just coincidental. I just went back to the Hinky Meter to get the info of the stolen car case and discovered that it no longer exists :what: The Hinky Meter that is... not the case...

It was determined that the "vehicle" in question was a trailer.
Whether a semi trailer or a smaller type which can be towed behind a standard 4 wheel truck or dually, was not determined.
:seeya: Does anyone have the link or a transcript for AMW Show that aired Friday night ?

I looked but cannot find it ... maybe I am looking in the wrong place.

From the quote you have at the of your posts ("Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see" ~ Benjamin Franklin) it appears that you don't believe or trust anyone, not just the media and law enforcement.

Why would you assume that?

Benjamin Franklin owned the printing press.
:seeya: Does anyone have the link or a transcript for AMW Show that aired Friday night ?

I looked but cannot find it ... maybe I am looking in the wrong place.


Kimi transcribed it and posted it at another site.
Complete with demeanor of each speaker.

It may be posted as a clip later upon approval.
She did a great job.

(JDB, there was no mention of "Monday" in regards to the Jetta information
in her transcript.)
I've said it before, but I don't think we will ever know why and how the bag ended up there. That would mean someone confessed and I don't believe that will happen in this case. We may see a conviction someday, but I don't think we will learn why this bag was placed, tossed, hidden, etc...not unless the suspect talks, which is why I am so doubtful.


:seeya: JMO, but we MIGHT hear about that Handbag one day ... I sure hope so ...

New info about the Handbag was revealed by Marlene in the AMW Episode Friday night ... I looked for a link and "official transcript" but it is not up yet.

Anyway, Marlene said that she put "lunch money" in Sierra's Handbag and zipped it up.

So ... was there $$$$$ found inside the Handbag, near or around the Handbag -- or -- did the "perp" steal the $$$$$ that was in the Handbag and LE never found any money there ? Or, could it be that Marlene got confused and did not put money in the Handbag on the day that Sierra went "missing", and maybe got her days mixed up ?

So many possibilities ... sure would like to know if LE found any $$$$$ in or around that Handbag ...

JMO and MOO ...
Kimi transcribed it and posted it at another site.
Complete with demeanor of each speaker.

It may be posted as a clip later upon approval.
She did a great job.

(JDB, there was no mention of "Monday" in regards to the Jetta information
in her transcript.)

Like I said I was going on Memory . But it was also not part of the orginal story they had put together. You could tell it was added after the filmed the interviews.
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