CA CA - Vernon 'Cody' Matthews, 23, Pollock Pines, 6 June 2014

IMO, the looting and his disappearance are no coincidence.
Does anyone know if this decision to stay at the cabin for the summer was a sudden decision?
This is certainly not boding all.
Prayers that answers are forthcoming. His family must be in agony. God Bless.
Cody's father posted on 11/3 about a possible sighting.

I hope it's true.

The other day we were told of a man who is sure he saw Cody up in Trinity County (Northern California). He said Cody was with a group of guys in a broken down car, and gave directions to him. Apparently the man reported it to the Local Sheriff’s department, but we haven’t heard anything or had a chance to follow up through them. So we are hoping that if any of you have connections in Trinity County (or surrounding areas), you will repost there. If you are already in the area, please keep your eyes open. Compared to our Son going missing, all this other stuff is just a bad case of the flu!
As always, thank you so very very much!
So if this young man is traveling around, there are three possibilities that I can think of:

1. He is being held against his will
2. He is on the run for some misdeed
3. He is "taking a break" from life and responsibilities, and not letting anyone know where he is

What do the rest of you think? What else could be added to this list...
Mental breakdown is another but I feel he's gone and that was a misidentified person reported. Hope I'm wrong.
Hope you are wrong too Topcat, but I agree that this beautiful young man does not fit the profile of someone who would take off. I do have the strong impression of foul play....meaning not sure if he is involved in something ill conceived, or that he met with foul play himself. Praying we are indeed wrong.
What a beautiful young man, and from what I have read, very gifted.
I am kind of leaning towards the bear theory, I hope not and I hope he is found safe soon.
Alright Cody, we need you to come home. Thanksgiving is upon us and this is no way for your parents to spend this holiday. If you can read this, get on home and let your parents help you unwind things and sort them out. There is always a way. Don't think, just do it.
Christmas is right around the corner, and still no sign of Cody. I am sending our prayers that this kid makes it home for Christmas. Regardless of the circumstances, I'm sure his family would be overwhelmed with joy to see him.

Cody, find your way home...
Sending prayers to Cody's family on what must be a difficult day. Praying that answers come soon. God Bless
I remember reading about his disapperance right after it happened. Kind of lost track over the last few months. So sad to see he still hasn't been located.

I know....this thread has been so quiet. It always amazes me how people can just "poof" in to thin air. I haven't seen anything about him on the wires either.
Totally agree. It's like they just stepped off the face of the earth. So many cases that way.
I understand that Cody's family cabin burned down. Was there an investigation to see if arson was involved? Was someone trying to cover up a crime? Wish we knew what happened to Cody. He seemed close to his folks; I don't think he would intentionally cause them this unbearable worry. A bear attack is certainly a possibility, but I think some kind of remnant of the attack would have been found-- a shoe, bits of fabric--something. I think the cabin break-in prior to Cody's arrival has more to do with his disappearance. Someone around there must know or have heard something. I hope the family gets answers soon.

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