Can we tell when RC is lying now? Armchair eye analysis

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Too bad Cobra's tapes with Ron were not in video form. Would have been interesting to see Ron's twitches and facial expressions, eye contact or lack of, etc., as he spoke of how he thought his daughter was in that water...with gators that burrow...

I'm ill all over again just thinking about those statements and how casually he described that scenario. He was talking about his baby girl and I heard no emotion in his voice. How a father could describe something so horrific happening to his child without getting all choked up is beyond me! Video of that conversation would have been priceless.
I understand this thread is about if you can tell if RC is lying...
however i'm really NOT Getting the concept of how to read the eyes ....
this is off topic ...however you all seem to be excellent in the eye exercise theory....I was wondering if one of you when you had free time could maybe view this video ....of Jeff Hardy news conference and tell me what his eyes say when some of the many questions are asked I would truly appreciate it.....If you have to send it PM thats fine as I not really sure where else I could ask such a question ....appreciate all your help.....the link is below
I believe he is having a hard time emotionally giving out the information ...when the information being very very limited...and the majority of it has to be withheld...IMO...his eyes show sadness..

all in my own opinion
Ron's truths are also unintentional to some degree, IMO. In the few instances where he actually spoke in full sentences, he spoke the truth: "I'd give my life to have my child's life back" was said from the heart and without thinking. He meant this, but I believe he said it because for the moment he had let down his guard. IMO, the minute those words were out he regretted having said them. Too often when Ron was asked a question that required an extensive answer he would respond with, "I don't know. I was at work." TN used a similar tactic: She would scrunch up her face and squeeze out a tear--it was very effective in getting the interviewer to not push further.

ETA: Another example of Ron saying too much and tripping up in the process is his interview with Geraldo where he admits Haleigh had been spanked the way DCF says is the proper way to discipline a child. Way too much info had spewed forth from Ron in that instance, and I would bet he immediately regretted having said that! He basically told the world that DCF had had to instruct him on how to discipline...and I do not think ol' Ronnie ever intended for such info to be made public.

I think the reason his guard was down; was that he was obviously high. He was slurring his words, too. In my opinion this is a very telling interview, because Ron doesn't have a script ready. You also see his family trying to step in and talk for him or stop the interview.
Does anyone have saved the video Ron did from the first attorney, where he has that really long break of silence? (i think the attorney was Kimball & Sneider?) Does anyone know what i am talking about? I have looked for that video all over the place and can't seem to find it.

If someone can post it, i will do the analysis on it :) TIA
TN and Crystal's eye movements are nearly identical. Very strange. Something may be happening off to their left because they constantly glance over there. That sniffling of Teresa's, man...there are no tears to accompany it, and definitely no nose drippings which would seem to be nearly uncontrollable with all that sniffing. She never sticks her hand up there to wipe down the drips that can't be sniffed back up (sorry that's gross, but it's true. Y'all know it is.)

The inflection in their voices throughout is one of teary fear for what might be happening, but ....."Teresa, Crystal, thank you for coming on this morning." is hit with a very un-sniffled no teary fear, nothing inflection of "thank you." by both. Like they'd stopped the show. (These are my observations, not facts. Don't get all twisted.)

Ron and Misty's portion of this interview.....Ron is defiant, as is demonstrated from his stance. His responses are reflective of what he's asked and he responds snappishly, arrogantly, as though the reporter is just too stupid for words to have been asking him the questions at all. Once again I'm struck with the thought of why bother giving an interview if this is what he's going to do. Misty.....she bites the inside of her cheeks a couple times. As Ron is talking, her eyes glance away (as in, she goes somewhere in her thoughts). She doesn't nod in affirmation of any of Ron's comments, holds that picture up to hide herself from view. She is, as always, a blank slate.
Emeralgem prompted me to look an an old video of RC again - one I haven't viewed in a year, at least. Because I took a seminar in eye communication, I learned that eye movement can tell us something about what a person is thinking.

Bear in mind, this is not an exact science. However, maybe we can get some clues as to when RC is not being truthful since we have more information now that we did when we discussed a previous thread on this topic.

Here's the video:

Watch his eye movement when asked questions that we now believe were lies. Then watch that same eye movement when being asked questions that we aren't sure of whether he was lying or not.

There are variables to this test so we won't know for absolute certainty, but it is something to think about. Some variables are that maybe he was high during the interview and it is difficult to watch his eyes at times.

Here's a link to reading eye movement that might be helpful:

Feel free to add videos and other links about reading eye movement as well.

:dance: LOl, before I view the Ron video, has anyone noted if he is right handed or left handed? I wanted to state the obvious, "Because his lips are moving" but I see someone has already beat me to it.
Does anyone have saved the video Ron did from the first attorney, where he has that really long break of silence? (i think the attorney was Kimball & Sneider?) Does anyone know what i am talking about? I have looked for that video all over the place and can't seem to find it.

If someone can post it, i will do the analysis on it :) TIA

lil momma, here it is..
TN and Crystal's eye movements are nearly identical. Very strange. Something may be happening off to their left because they constantly glance over there. That sniffling of Teresa's, man...there are no tears to accompany it, and definitely no nose drippings which would seem to be nearly uncontrollable with all that sniffing. She never sticks her hand up there to wipe down the drips that can't be sniffed back up (sorry that's gross, but it's true. Y'all know it is.)

The inflection in their voices throughout is one of teary fear for what might be happening, but ....."Teresa, Crystal, thank you for coming on this morning." is hit with a very un-sniffled no teary fear, nothing inflection of "thank you." by both. Like they'd stopped the show. (These are my observations, not facts. Don't get all twisted.)

Ron and Misty's portion of this interview.....Ron is defiant, as is demonstrated from his stance. His responses are reflective of what he's asked and he responds snappishly, arrogantly, as though the reporter is just too stupid for words to have been asking him the questions at all. Once again I'm struck with the thought of why bother giving an interview if this is what he's going to do. Misty.....she bites the inside of her cheeks a couple times. As Ron is talking, her eyes glance away (as in, she goes somewhere in her thoughts). She doesn't nod in affirmation of any of Ron's comments, holds that picture up to hide herself from view. She is, as always, a blank slate.

Just watched these two videos and noticed that Teresa's eyes immediately darted to the left when asked direct questions about any knowledge about what may have happened to Haleigh. With the Ron and Misty video, it is hard to tell due to Ron appearing to be hardly able to stand by himself. I have the feeling that if Misty were to walk away that he would immediately fall to the ground. He can hardly keep his eyes open. This could be total fatique or the effects of drugs or both. Misty has a blank stare during most of the video. :waitasec:

I'm glad you saved this video. I've wanted to see it again but couldn't find it. JMO, but Ron was speaking from script and I believe that the long pause in this video was written into the script and Ron was instructed to look as if he is trying very hard not to become emotional while talking about Haleigh. Ron's performance, I think, is a result of many rehearsals and is just him acting. He appears way too happy and looks as if he is making a commercial until he suddenly attempts to look sad and emotional and unable to speak about Haleigh without breaking up. Way too fake and practiced.
I'm glad you saved this video. I've wanted to see it again but couldn't find it. JMO, but Ron was speaking from script and I believe that the long pause in this video was written into the script and Ron was instructed to look as if he is trying very hard not to become emotional while talking about Haleigh. Ron's performance, I think, is a result of many rehearsals and is just him acting. He appears way too happy and looks as if he is making a commercial until he suddenly attempts to look sad and emotional and unable to speak about Haleigh without breaking up. Way too fake and practiced.

I agree with your opinion...

my opinion also...that Ron is speaking from script...If that was all Ron was going to say.......BEFORE THE LONG PAUSE....the camera would have panned away or shut off....But I agree....the long pause was intentional...

I noticed his eyes...fluttered..around a bit....during the long pause...He seemed awkward and unsure about his facial he was thinking about how he was being the camera.. ...his face and eyes kept changing ...and when he began speaking again...he was like when he first began speaking...

and yes....he seemed to be doing a commercial...and not convincing of a genuine...grieving dad...MOO.

IMO, Ronald is experiencing a roxy/oxy high in this video... the long pause is because he can't concentrate... he has to work for a minute to just keep his eyes open... he's in an extremely relaxed state, which is why he comes across almost happy... he feels too good for the subject matter he's supposed to be talking about... I see no true emotion... and any emotion he's pretending to have is just buried underneath his buzz. JMHO.

This is my first post but I've been a die hard reader in the forums for several months now... I've been following this case from day one... the whole thing has boggled my mind!
IMO, Ronald is experiencing a roxy/oxy high in this video... the long pause is because he can't concentrate... he has to work for a minute to just keep his eyes open... he's in an extremely relaxed state, which is why he comes across almost happy... he feels too good for the subject matter he's supposed to be talking about... I see no true emotion... and any emotion he's pretending to have is just buried underneath his buzz. JMHO.

This is my first post but I've been a die hard reader in the forums for several months now... I've been following this case from day one... the whole thing has boggled my mind!

Welcome DJ...

You know my first impression of him....actually was..that he was high..during the long pause...but then....after watching the video several more opinion changed...for the following reason....IF that was the case...and he was exhibiting a "high/rush...while making this video....his attorney would not have released this to the public..showing Ron in a high "buzzed" state...Apparently this video was made for Ron making a public plea for Haleigh...asking for tips and thanking LE, etc....and meant to be taken very seriously...

Now...that is not to say...that Ron wasn't on....something.......but to the degree that he was ...very highly buzzed... in this video.....not my opinion the moment....but it could change at any given moment...

and again.....WELCOME!!!
IF that particular camera man had zoomed in on his pupils like that other camera man did, we would have been able to tell.JMHO
Welcome DJ...

Now...that is not to say...that Ron was on....something.......but to the degree that he was ...very highly buzzed... in this video.....not my opinion the moment....but it could change at any given moment...

and again.....WELCOME!!!

Thank you for the warm welcome!... and this was the first time I've watched this video, so it's very much my first impression...

... thanks again!
Hmmm....I'm not very good with all this new eye test stuff, but is this saying he's imagining something or what?

IMO, Ronald is experiencing a roxy/oxy high in this video... the long pause is because he can't concentrate... he has to work for a minute to just keep his eyes open... he's in an extremely relaxed state, which is why he comes across almost happy... he feels too good for the subject matter he's supposed to be talking about... I see no true emotion... and any emotion he's pretending to have is just buried underneath his buzz. JMHO.

This is my first post but I've been a die hard reader in the forums for several months now... I've been following this case from day one... the whole thing has boggled my mind!

Welcome to the forum. Great first post! I agree with everything you posted. I can't figure out why his attorney would allow him to make this video when he is obviously stoned and appearing jubilant when this should have been a very emotional, serious plea to the public............shaking my head here.
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