Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #4

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Has someone or even a mod created a timelime of factual information that can be shared or posted, there seems to be alot of speculation and assuption being made that are stretching out known facts.

IMHO, i like the train of thoughts people are having but with many directions of personal thoughts being shared we are all missing some key information that may have been over looked while we have been discussing our opinions and thoughts on this case.

You might find what you are looking for in the Media, Maps & Timeline thread*Media-Maps-amp-Timeline*
Why do you suppose he would use the names Matt1 and Matt2 as his username on two different chat forums AFTER he has already served time for using MKH's name for some fake ID?

He had his choice of thousands of other usernames and yet he uses Matt...

This is the first time I have heard of this, do you have a link? TIA
If the scene at the L home was indictactive of violence and the AL, KL, and NO not leaving on their own volition, I can't even begin to imagine what JO could/would have seen for LE to have said that. Is it possible that there was enough evidence outside the house for her to know something was wrong and she called the police without having gone in the house? Do we know if she had a key, was the door still unlocked? We know the sign was still on the door and the sale was over. Which door did she try and enter? The pictures made public of the L house show that either enterance is easily accessible.

Also, why would they have a new presser if they've said there isn't new information?
Two things:
The scene at the house indicated something bad happened there, enough clues for JO to contact the LE right away and for them to respond immediately, why was the Amber Alert not issued until 5:15pm that day? Many valuable hours were lost, no?
The other question I have is about AL's brother, CL and his response to AL not answering his phone.
Would it be that unusual for someone in the midst of moving not to pick up a phone? To warrant enough concern to the point of heading over to the house to check up on his brother in person?

Based on my family's behaviour, my guess is that CL and AL may have made arrangements to get together after the sale in order to pack up the "leftovers" for future drop offs at Sally Ann or other thrift shops, and just get rid of stuff they wouldn't be taking to Edmonton.
Like many people, AL may have always carried his cell phone and so CL thought that it was very unusual not to have a response.
He might have tried calling KL as well, and when she didn't respond, he made his own conclusions.
I too can't get past the fact of someone removing 3 bodies/harmed people from the home. And if the intention was to kill them, why not kill them and leave them there. People would already have the potential to recognize a vehicle there - why risk being seen removing bodies to the vehicle or cleaning up? Was the intention to kill? Obviously the person was in medical distress...why not just end it right there in the home vs potentially having blood, hair, and other DNA in a vehicle? Something does not add up.

I would love to know if any phone calls were made from the residence or either AL or KL cell phones.

And the side of the house where the drag marks were reported is awfully close to the neighbours property. Baffling.
To all of you: Explain why DG repeatedly used Matthew Kemper Hartley as his fake ID, if he could just go to library (per Stirner) to find a different one---one would think he didn't want to be associated with the former fake ID, no more than he would want to be associated with a car crash victim of his?

"In the early 1990s, Garland was convicted of stealing the identity of Matthew Kemper Hartley — a 14-year-old Alberta boy killed in a car crash in 1980. The charge laid against him this past weekend relates to another, more recent incident in which Garland allegedly used the boy's identity again."

Jul 08, 2014


I don't think DG necessarily obtained that ID on his own. He obtained the ID when he went on the lam for 7 years after LE found his meth lab. IMHO he may have had help obtaining it, and (paid for it) and felt he never needed to obtain another one. For all we know, the ID theft he is charged with now may be pieces of the original ID LE never found (or looked for) previously.

As to his usernames on websites, IMHO I think it was just a useful alias in his mind.
Here's an odd coincidence that struck me when I read about the vigil:

Same Church ...

"St. Michael Catholic Community Church held a special prayer service on Monday evening for Nathan and Kathy and Alvin Liknes. It was attended by the family of the three."

February 4, 2013
"Sandra Mykytiuk-Evans, 56, was last seen at her Strathcona residence at 6 p.m. on Dec. 29.

Her daughters are planning a massive search to take place starting at 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Michael Church, 800 85 St. S.W., and focusing mainly in the city’s southwest where Mykytiuk-Evans lived and frequented."

Her body was found downstream in the river in the Spring.

Probably just a coincidence and nothing more.

I researched a number of the companies that were set up by AL, where mergers were involved, companies were delisted, and couldn't find a connection with DG. That is, I couldn't connect him as an employee to any of the companies, but that doesn't mean he wasn't an investor.

Well who knows if things ever got far enough to leave a paper trail. The news just says "a business deal that ended badly". Maybe it was a verbal agreement they made and bridges were burned, or maybe it was more. Hard to say at this point.
More randomness:

1. I also hope LE is looking at the right man. Yes, he has a shady past. But as far as we know, it's been a non violent shady past.

2. It seems that many many people could have a grudge against AL based on business dealings.

3. I agree with others, why move the bodies? Stage a robbery, kill them, leave. This is the part that makes me think something went wrong between AL and KL that night. No murder was planned, but in a fit of rage something bad happened. This would make me say one person is dead, the other is on the run with NO.

In the above scenario, how would you factor in the truck (and presumably/possibly DG who is an extended family member who had prior business dealings with AL) being seen several times in the stated timeframe?
I keep thinking though if any of them were alive and on the run,wouldn't someone somewhere have seen them? Even a camera pick them up somewhere? They would have to eventually get food, or gas, or stay somewhere. All of AL, and KL's vehicles are accounted for and do they not have the green truck in custody? I don't know just some thoughts.
(Bold mine)

I have that same question. According to reports they weren't moving until the end of July. Had AL talked with CL the night before about a meeting with DG? Did CL have any business dealing with his brother? With DG?

I agree about CL; these are an active travelling couple.......they dont answer their phone so you head round as you suspect something is up. That doesn't add up to me. Also CL was mentioned to be his brother by the press early on but when I saw his facebook he is MUCH younger than i expected. [modsnip]
In the above scenario, how would you factor in the truck (and presumably/possibly DG who is an extended family member who had prior business dealings with AL) being seen several times in the stated timeframe?

1. Do we even know 100% that the green truck is DGs truck? Do they have the license plate or photo of him driving...all I've seen is a rear side view
2. Could he have a relationship with the family and stopped by or purchased items? Why so many drivebys??? No idea.
Still, we have nothing so far that indicates the possibility that DG caused the crash that killed MKH can be dismissed now.

(Side comment: speculations about the possible relationship between DG and MKH can inspire a great movie that will explore the emotional and psychological impact of a traumatizing event on someone who later commits crimes using the his (non-crime) victim's ID)
In the 1990s it was not hard to obtain ID in someone elses name. You would write away for a birth certificate, obtain a SIN # ,with MKH being 14 he probably did not have 1, obtain a provincial health card and then a drivers license. The only ID with a picture would be the license. With DG being in another province it would of been easier. Now provincial gov and the feds have made it tougher for example you have to prove you are related as in the parent or the person has to be dead 50 years before you can obtain someone else's birth certificate. At that time all the info he would of needed to obtain MKH's birth certificate he would of found in the obit.
(Bold is mine)
Again I go back to the company DG kept. Having a meth lab could have put him in touch with unsavoury characters who knew how to obtain fake ID.
Based on my family's behaviour, my guess is that CL and AL may have made arrangements to get together after the sale in order to pack up the "leftovers" for future drop offs at Sally Ann or other thrift shops, and just get rid of stuff they wouldn't be taking to Edmonton.
Like many people, AL may have always carried his cell phone and so CL thought that it was very unusual not to have a response.
He might have tried calling KL as well, and when she didn't respond, he made his own conclusions.

And possibly made some calls that evening to ask if other family members may be interested in any of the leftover items before donating them...
Based on my family's behaviour, my guess is that CL and AL may have made arrangements to get together after the sale in order to pack up the "leftovers" for future drop offs at Sally Ann or other thrift shops, and just get rid of stuff they wouldn't be taking to Edmonton.
Like many people, AL may have always carried his cell phone and so CL thought that it was very unusual not to have a response.
He might have tried calling KL as well, and when she didn't respond, he made his own conclusions.

Had I heard "my brother and I were supposed to get together that morning and I got concerned when he didn't answer his phone", I would never question CL's reaction to AL not answering his phone.
In my experience, people who carry cell phones don't always answer.
This is the first time I have heard of this, do you have a link? TIA

please check my post #942 in the previous thread for the links. it was mentioned in a previous thread by another member as well. Sorry for not providing links in this post but I am on my phone and it is near impossible for me to c/p links.
Guys, please stop speculating that either of the grand parents may nefariously be involved. They are victims and Websleuth's is a victim friendly forum. Law Enforcement has said they are not involved. That discussion is off limits unless LE changes their stance and a statement is made via MSM.

Thank you,

At the time of the crash of MKH, DG was at the U of A in Edmonton, AB supposedly. Cardston is about a 3 hour drive from Airdrie, about 5 hours from Edmonton.

I agree that DG possibly may suffer from more than ADD, his age at the time of his breakdown at University leads me to think in that direction.

Do we know what day/date the crash occurred? If it was a weekend, DG may have been home for a visit, and the crash could have been the cause of his breakdown.

Re the "more than ADD" .. I agree, as ADD can be comorbid with other disorders that frequently manifest in young adults.
I keep thinking though if any of them were alive and on the run,wouldn't someone somewhere have seen them? Even a camera pick them up somewhere? They would have to eventually get food, or gas, or stay somewhere. All of AL, and KL's vehicles are accounted for and do they not have the green truck in custody? I don't know just some thoughts.

I thought the same thing, peony27.
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