Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #2

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And it would fit with the profile of being a runner. Some competitive marathoners and triathletes do this. Or maybe he'd had radiation of some kind. This is a U.S. example, but all kinds of defence leftovers lurk in the Arctic:

Or ... it's just a simple case of male pattern baldness and he wants to avoid the dreaded comb-over. I believe it's part of military regulations for men to keep their hair fairly short.

I can't imagine what goes on in this type of person's mind (assuming he's the guilty one--although he is innocent until proven otherwise)

I think arrogance could be a trait and imagine how someone like this would feel if caught?
(How can less intelligent cops get me when I'm so smart and clever at hiding things from everyone including my family??) Imagine how clever he must have felt after trying to frame his neighbour? When police were looking for a hairless man--what made them overlook him? No remorse for the victim---but feeling wounded himself? And note to ourselves on this forum---the title is all about the victim and all we do is consume ourselves with this creep's motives!!!!

I'm beginning to feel creepy just thinking about him--and having nightmares too.
Sympathies to the victims and their families....
I added this same comment on the Toronto Cold Cases thread but thought that it might be of interest here as well...

Apparently Margaret McWilliam's family has contacted LE regarding the possibility that Russell Williams may have had something to do with her demise. Bernardo was a suspect in Margaret's death but he was discounted as he was not in the country when she was killed. Williams was quite possibly still in the area during this period as he had finished University (at the Scarborough Campus) the year earlier and was just entering official training at Base Borden. According to various articles, he officially changed his last name back to "Williams" in 1987. In a recently published article the McWilliams stated that they do not believe that their daughter knew RW but they were all living in Chalk River at some point and the McWilliams apparently did know RW's birth parents and occasionally encountered them at parties. I would think that these facts alone would make it worthwhile for LE to look further into this.


It's interesting to note that a boot/shoe print was found at the scene (it was from a "rare" shoe/boot) and also that someone had seen a man wearing a red cap and a composite had been done but I haven't been able to find much more about this. One other thing I wanted to add regarding the "Bata" shoe. Bata used to have a manufacturing plant near Trenton. RW was earning his Wings at Borden/Trenton during this time period.

Here is a link to the original Cold Case thread:

Unsolved Toronto Crimes - Page 4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Or ... it's just a simple case of male pattern baldness and he wants to avoid the dreaded comb-over. I believe it's part of military regulations for men to keep their hair fairly short.


I'm thinking male pattern baldness doesn't affect legs:

Note the cut on the hairless right leg from the September 23, 2009 photo. Isn't "bald" a term for heads, and "hairless" a term for the rest of the body?
I added this same comment on the Toronto Cold Cases thread but thought that it might be of interest here as well...

Apparently Margaret McWilliam's family has contacted LE regarding the possibility that Russell Williams may have had something to do with her demise. Bernardo was a suspect in Margaret's death but he was discounted as he was not in the country when she was killed. Williams was quite possibly still in the area during this period as he had finished University (at the Scarborough Campus) the year earlier and was just entering official training at Base Borden. According to various articles, he officially changed his last name back to "Williams" in 1987. In a recently published article the McWilliams stated that they do not believe that their daughter knew RW but they were all living in Chalk River at some point and the McWilliams apparently did know RW's birth parents and occasionally encountered them at parties. I would think that these facts alone would make it worthwhile for LE to look further into this.


It's interesting to note that a boot/shoe print was found at the scene (it was from a "rare" shoe/boot) and also that someone had seen a man wearing a red cap and a composite had been done but I haven't been able to find much more about this. One other thing I wanted to add regarding the "Bata" shoe. Bata used to have a manufacturing plant near Trenton. RW was earning his Wings at Borden/Trenton during this time period.

Here is a link to the original Cold Case thread:

Unsolved Toronto Crimes - Page 4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
-they went to the same campus, they were both into jogging,
RW lived in the past with his parents in Scarborough and went to HS at Birchmount CI which is not too far from Warden Woods Park where MM was found. JMO RW would know the area. Here is a map marking the 2 locations to Scarborough's Warden Woods Park
McWilliams was: raped and murdered in Scarborough, Ont., in 1987
RW: graduated from the U of T with a BA in 1986, was he still in the area or back for a visit in 1987, the year he joined the armed forces?
I'm thinking male pattern baldness doesn't affect legs:

Note the cut on the hairless right leg from the September 23, 2009 photo. Isn't "bald" a term for heads, and "hairless" a term for the rest of the body?

Well, I can't tell anything from that picture. Neither of his legs appears hairy in it, nor do the legs of the other men in shorts. As it happens, my husband has male pattern baldness and he also has almost non-existent hair on his legs. There is also a condition called alopecia that causes partial or complete hair loss anywhere. Personally, I'm not really buying the theory that RW shaved his body to avoid leaving evidence, but that's JMO.

Well, I can't tell anything from that picture. Neither of his legs appears hairy in it, nor do the legs of the other men in shorts. As it happens, my husband has male pattern baldness and he also has almost non-existent hair on his legs. There is also a condition called alopecia that causes partial or complete hair loss anywhere. Personally, I'm not really buying the theory that RW shaved his body to avoid leaving evidence, but that's JMO.


His legs do look shaved in that photo and there is a scrape also. He wasn't trying to hide this or he would have worn long trousers.

Cyclists do shave their legs to avoid road burn when they fall. Some swimmers also. AND it makes sense that someone intelligent and meticulous about other aspects of the crime scene would also go out of his way to make sure no hairs were left behind for DNA testing. But did the hairless man wear a condom?
-they went to the same campus, they were both into jogging,
RW lived in the past with his parents in Scarborough and went to HS at Birchmount CI which is not too far from Warden Woods Park where MM was found. JMO RW would know the area. Here is a map marking the 2 locations to Scarborough's Warden Woods Park
McWilliams was: raped and murdered in Scarborough, Ont., in 1987
RW: graduated from the U of T with a BA in 1986, was he still in the area or back for a visit in 1987, the year he joined the armed forces?

Thanks so much for the map flipflop. You and I are definitely thinking along the same lines...
The first pic posted above is at the North Pole. According to a MaCleans article I read, that was taken a couple of days before he flew back to Trenton. Supposedly, on September 14th he visited the Canadian Forces Station in the Arctic and returned late afternoon of the 16th. Shortly after midnight (early 17th) he made the first home invasion assault that he has been accused of on Charles Street (walking distance from his own home on Cosy Cove Lane). The next morning, he was at work on the Base at 8:30 am.

ETA - The same article stated the the day after Jessica Lloyd was killed, he called in sick and then went to Ottawa to spend a long-week-end with his wife.


One more comment - I don't believe for a second that this guy started acting out a few short months ago. Lots more to come out. I trully hope that the military, RCMP, military are forced to work together to piece this all out! This guy has been on the loose for a long time now - flying solo under the radar!
In the above post from the Star, there were some other interesting facts that escaped me the first time. Jones mentioned that Williams would use a remote controlled camera to film birds. I wonder if that is what Williams used to be absolutely sure that the homes he broke into were empty or to be sure that the women were asleep and alone. He could have planted this camera in Jessica's home and waited nearby with a monitor to view when to enter the house.

I am not familiar with this type of technology at all or how it works but if Williams could do this then he may have used a video camera in the same way. JMO

Also, Jones states that the police were looking for a strong hairless man. This must mean that the women he assaulted were able to convey to police this valuable piece of disturbing information. :(

1) remote controlled camera = makes me think of a Tripod, but we don't if RW used a remote controlled camera on his victims. Also Mr. Jones doesn't specify if it was wireless or with cable.
Digital cameras remote controls are used to release the shutter on a camera rather than the photographer pressing the shutter button. There are two types of digital camera remote controls: cable or wireless systems.

To eliminate camera shake, remotes are used along with a tripod or other camera support.
But you are right, if it was wireless, he could have been spying on his victims. In his position he could have had access to the latest technology. I hope LE was able to find everything that RW was hiding.

2) strong hairless man This made me think that RW shaved his chest, and maybe some other body parts: arms? legs? Unless his victims were refering to his head :confused: I'm trying not to picture how they will know about this particular detail, if their eyes were covered and hands were tied up behind their backs :( RW reason for shaving could have been to not leave any DNA trace behind, which will obviously indicate premeditation.
He also sat down for a series of interrogations, during which he says he gleaned a few clues about who police were looking for: a strong, young, hairless man. Jones, married 43 years, is none of those things.

"I'm as hairy as they come, eh," says Jones, opening his shirt.
I am just wondering why nobody else has commented of this Commander’s photo’s of his younger years as Russ…he is showed in the picture as a man who seems to have brown eyes and wears glasses playing a trumpet…Isn’t it a law that you cannot be a Pilot if you do not have perfect vision? How do you get hired as a pilot under the obvious photos showing him with glasses. Is this the same man or not?
I am just wondering why nobody else has commented of this Commander’s photo’s of his younger years as Russ…he is showed in the picture as a man who seems to have brown eyes and wears glasses playing a trumpet…Isn’t it a law that you cannot be a Pilot if you do not have perfect vision? How do you get hired as a pilot under the obvious photos showing him with glasses. Is this the same man or not?

I don't know for sure what the ruling is with eyesight and pilots, though my own opinion is that he could have had laser eye surgery to correct his vision problem.
suppose that is a possibility but he started flying in the 80's so I dunno if they did that much laser eye correction at that point.
I am just wondering why nobody else has commented of this Commander’s photo’s of his younger years as Russ…he is showed in the picture as a man who seems to have brown eyes and wears glasses playing a trumpet…Isn’t it a law that you cannot be a Pilot if you do not have perfect vision? How do you get hired as a pilot under the obvious photos showing him with glasses. Is this the same man or not?

It is the same guy---I think the rules for Pilots are different now. Have a friend who wears glasses and flies commercial airlines.
1) remote controlled camera = makes me think of a Tripod, but we don't if RW used a remote controlled camera on his victims. Also Mr. Jones doesn't specify if it was wireless or with cable.

But you are right, if it was wireless, he could have been spying on his victims. In his position he could have had access to the latest technology. I hope LE was able to find everything that RW was hiding.

2) strong hairless man This made me think that RW shaved his chest, and maybe some other body parts: arms? legs? Unless his victims were refering to his head :confused: I'm trying not to picture how they will know about this particular detail, if their eyes were covered and hands were tied up behind their backs :( RW reason for shaving could have been to not leave any DNA trace behind, which will obviously indicate premeditation.

"Bald" is the word for heads. "Hairless" is a word commonly used to describe other parts of the body. Men themselves talk about "going bald", not "going hairless".
"Bald" is the word for heads. "Hairless" is a word commonly used to describe other parts of the body. Men themselves talk about "going bald", not "going hairless".

You may all be right and I have no idea whether or not RW shaved any part of his body.

Not to be splitting hairs here (heheh), but defines "hairless" as synonymous with "bald".


without hair; bald: his pink hairless pate. lists various synonyms for "bald", including the word "hairless".


Main Entry: bald
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: having no covering
Synonyms: baldheaded, bare, barren, depilated, exposed, glabrous, hairless, head*, naked, shaven, skin head, smooth, stark, uncovered

Merriam-Webster and Oxford online dictionaries have no separate definition for the adjective - it being understood that the suffix "less" means "without; lacking".

It also has to be considered that that particular word was merely the arbitrary choice of the witness, or the reporter's source, or the reporter him/herself.

As for premeditation, whoever perpetrated these crimes obviously premeditated them, whether or not he shaved his body. These were not crimes of sudden passion. From what we've read (i.e. duct tape, photography, etc.) extensive
planning had to go into all of them.

I noted a few posters here were discussing DNA and the obtaining and use of it in criminal proceedings.

I would like to point out that items that are disposed of (and are therefore not deemed as 'property' of the individual) are collected by LE and private investigators as they see fit. Once a person has discarded something - they hold no ownership to it.
One of the posters mentioned a Cdn criminal case whereby a 'person of interest' was followed by LE - and that individual had discarded a cigarette butt, which LE then obtained, acquired the DNA profile of - and used against that individual in his subsequent arrest, committal to trial and eventual guilt. This is perfectly legal.

I provide a link which outlines in part a case wherein curbside garbage was sifted through and where evidence was found and used against the accused.

This practice (of obtaining DNA-laden items and other evidence) of ''warrant-less" search and seizure is often used by LE and private investigators. No Warrant required!!

We're often told to ensure our personal information (with addresses, bank info etc) should be shredded before being thrown out - but all too often people forget about other types of discarded items (much to the delight of LE!) and believe that no one is watching their treasure-trove-of-garbage output. Well, if you're in a "bad" line of work - you should re-think that strategy!

Here's an excerpt from that link:

The Court unanimously agreed that it had not.

The central issue in the case was whether Patrick, by placing his garbage bags outside to be picked up by municipal garbage collection, had abandoned any interest in those bags.

Thus, the case was was essentially resolved as a property law question.

The majority cited R. v. Dyment, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 417 for the proposition that abandonment of an item automatically disposes of one’s privacy interest in that item:

In R. v. Dyment, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 417, La Forest J. treated abandonment as fatal to a reasonable expectation of privacy. He held that when an accused abandons something, it is “best to put it in Charter terms by saying that he [has] ceased to have a reasonable expectation of privacy with regard to it.”


The links provided in earlier posts were regarding the lawful extraction of bodily fluids/hair samples that were for the purposes of those charged and subsequently convicted of a crime and thereby requiring them by Court Order to provide said sample(s) for the national DNA bank. In the case of someone that has been charged only, but not convicted or having had plead guilty - then that would require consent on behalf of the individual in order for LE to obtain the sample. (Joe Crook: I don't want to provide a sample..... LE: No problem, buddy - you have the right to refuse to provide the sample .... would you like a can of Coke or have a smoke while we finish up on the paperwork???) :doh:
I noted a few posters here were discussing DNA and the obtaining and use of it in criminal proceedings.

I would like to point out that items that are disposed of (and are therefore not deemed as 'property' of the individual) are collected by LE and private investigators as they see fit. Once a person has discarded something - they hold no ownership to it.
One of the posters mentioned a Cdn criminal case whereby a 'person of interest' was followed by LE - and that individual had discarded a cigarette butt, which LE then obtained, acquired the DNA profile of - and used against that individual in his subsequent arrest, committal to trial and eventual guilt. This is perfectly legal.

I provide a link which outlines in part a case wherein curbside garbage was sifted through and where evidence was found and used against the accused.

This practice (of obtaining DNA-laden items and other evidence) of ''warrant-less" search and seizure is often used by LE and private investigators. No Warrant required!!

We're often told to ensure our personal information (with addresses, bank info etc) should be shredded before being thrown out - but all too often people forget about other types of discarded items (much to the delight of LE!) and believe that no one is watching their treasure-trove-of-garbage output. Well, if you're in a "bad" line of work - you should re-think that strategy!

Here's an excerpt from that link:

The Court unanimously agreed that it had not.

The central issue in the case was whether Patrick, by placing his garbage bags outside to be picked up by municipal garbage collection, had abandoned any interest in those bags.

Thus, the case was was essentially resolved as a property law question.

The majority cited R. v. Dyment, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 417 for the proposition that abandonment of an item automatically disposes of one’s privacy interest in that item:

In R. v. Dyment, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 417, La Forest J. treated abandonment as fatal to a reasonable expectation of privacy. He held that when an accused abandons something, it is “best to put it in Charter terms by saying that he [has] ceased to have a reasonable expectation of privacy with regard to it.”


The links provided in earlier posts were regarding the lawful extraction of bodily fluids/hair samples that were for the purposes of those charged and subsequently convicted of a crime and thereby requiring them by Court Order to provide said sample(s) for the national DNA bank. In the case of someone that has been charged only, but not convicted or having had plead guilty - then that would require consent on behalf of the individual in order for LE to obtain the sample. (Joe Crook: I don't want to provide a sample..... LE: No problem, buddy - you have the right to refuse to provide the sample .... would you like a can of Coke or have a smoke while we finish up on the paperwork???) :doh:

Definitely a precedent setting case considering the new bills introduced in Parliament. Will be interesting to see if the case did have dna evidence as well as the "good old fashioned" evidence. Will also be interesting to see if there is any defense built- and if the statement was as all encompassing as the press has suggested. I suppose I will be sitting here going gray as I wait for all of the answers.....
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