GUILTY Canada - Qian 'Necole' Liu, 23, murdered during webcam chat, Toronto, April 2011

It looks like Chipotle is responding to DJ Jake The Snake's 'bi' comment, so I don't think they're the same person. He must be 'Jose' or whoever it is the thread is about.

Chipotle does clear things up when someone commented on how that 'rape' thing came out sounding badly

Yea, he was REALLY drunk...and we were REALLY young and didn't know how to handle our alcohol. Well, actually I never said stupid **** like that to any females. But alas, that quote is one for the books.

I would not read too much into it either. We weren't there when he said it, and we don't know what kind of kid he was. Sometimes people just say really inappropriate things, maybe even making a joke about someone's race that could be construed as offensive, but I don't think they should be ostracized for putting their foot in their mouth.

Very true. I wonder though, if BD was drunk that night when Qian was killed? I forget to clarify that it was in other threads where BD was posting as Chipotle, the friend. It wasn't in the "Jose"/rape thread.
There is a thread where BD asks for ideas for fun summer camp field trips for kids. I hope the posts described in the most recent Toronto Sun article from a pro-pedophile are a troll and not him becaue that will definitely make me very worried. :(

Dunno if anyone's been following this but there's been a lot of information leaking out on forums about the alleged killer, Brian Dickson. Initially the media was trying to paint a positive image by highlighting his extracurriculars but it backfired and the truth is starting to come out.

Brian Dickson's Tribe Magazine Forum Account:
To see his posts, click the Statistics tab and then "Find all posts/threads by dj_jake_the_snake".

If you read all his posts you would notice that many forum members know him, grew up with him or went to high school/college with him. According to posts there, he organized's Ultimate Frisbee Team. In one of his posts he lists his email address,, regarding the Team: This post was made in 2002.

This exact email address is linked to a poster in the pedo nudist forum that sun article mentioned today. You can find the pedo forum member linked to this by searching his email. Or you can visit this link to see all posts made by him. All posts have date stamps and the posts were made over the last 2 years.

Therefore, it is safe to conclude it is the same person.

All said, we cannot assume he is the murderer until there is proof. Many mystery surrounds the death of the Chinese girl. There are conspiracies that this might be an espionage because of the fact that her dad trains communist party members in China and the only eyewitness is some Chinese boy friend from china.

This Brian Dickson sounds like a dirt bag but if the police pin the murder on him without proper evidence because of his shady character, the real killer would be laughing while committing the next murder.
Thanks sleuthseal and welcome. I found the account info on Tribe and didn't know the email address refered to in the Toronto Sun article. Thanks for that! I agree that the evidence isn't out yet on this guy, whether it will ever be released to the public is doubtful. The cops were pretty quick with an arrest, though. I know that people are wondering about the gap in time when the police received info about Qian from the boyfriend. My understanding is (and it's just speculation) that Chinese people have a lack of trust for police in general. I may be completely wrong on this but this could explain why the Consulate was contacted and friends in Canada first, before any LE was contacted directly. I don't believe this is a political killing to get at the father. I think it's a killing that was motivated by sexual desires and that this guy was into overpowering females and my guess is that Qian was a tiny woman that he felt he could easily overpower. He asked to hug her, according to the boyfriend who witnessed it online. Hug her??? What did he end up really doing to her? Still waiting for the toxicology reports to come in. I have a feeling that if those are inconclusive that there will be a second autopsy needed.
I really find it weird that he would use his REAL email i.e. his REAL NAME in the email to post about these topics including pedophilia. That screams troll to me or someone who knows his personal email and password. I think the cops have the right person but that is really suspicious to me. Who is that dumb?
I really find it weird that he would use his REAL email i.e. his REAL NAME in the email to post about these topics including pedophilia. That screams troll to me or someone who knows his personal email and password. I think the cops have the right person but that is really suspicious to me. Who is that dumb?

maybe he was drunk. he might be an alcoholic. in his most recent posts at tribe he was inquiring about late night/after hours alcohol delivery.

i am sure police will trace the posts' origin through ip address. we shall wait and see.
I really find it weird that he would use his REAL email i.e. his REAL NAME in the email to post about these topics including pedophilia. That screams troll to me or someone who knows his personal email and password. I think the cops have the right person but that is really suspicious to me. Who is that dumb?

maybe he was drunk. he might be an alcoholic. in his most recent posts at tribe he was inquiring about late night/after hours alcohol delivery.

i am sure police will trace the posts' origin through ip address. we shall wait and see.
Dunno if anyone's been following this but there's been a lot of information leaking out on forums about the alleged killer, Brian Dickson. Initially the media was trying to paint a positive image by highlighting his extracurriculars but it backfired and the truth is starting to come out.

Brian Dickson's Tribe Magazine Forum Account:
To see his posts, click the Statistics tab and then "Find all posts/threads by dj_jake_the_snake".

If you read all his posts you would notice that many forum members know him, grew up with him or went to high school/college with him. According to posts there, he organized's Ultimate Frisbee Team. In one of his posts he lists his email address,, regarding the Team: This post was made in 2002.

This exact email address is linked to a poster in the pedo nudist forum that sun article mentioned today. You can find the pedo forum member linked to this by searching his email. Or you can visit this link to see all posts made by him. All posts have date stamps and the posts were made over the last 2 years.

Therefore, it is safe to conclude it is the same person.

All said, we cannot assume he is the murderer until there is proof. Many mystery surrounds the death of the Chinese girl. There are conspiracies that this might be an espionage because of the fact that her dad trains communist party members in China and the only eyewitness is some Chinese boy friend from china.

This Brian Dickson sounds like a dirt bag but if the police pin the murder on him without proper evidence because of his shady character, the real killer would be laughing while committing the next murder.

I only read a small portion of stuff there, is anyone else as shocked at me?? Am I reading it right? People are giving their children to other people to have sex with? They're having sex with their own children? WTF????

I guess I'm not so much shocked by what they're doing as much as I am by how nonchalant their postings are. WOW, just sick and disgusting! :eek:
I'm too chicken to go on that nudist site and read. I'm just worried about the past references to kid summer camps being possibly organized and or led by BD who could be the poster with the name charmanestar (the name of a Filipino *advertiser censored* star).
I'm too chicken to go on that nudist site and read. I'm just worried about the past references to kid summer camps being possibly organized and or led by BD who could be the poster with the name charmanestar (the name of a Filipino *advertiser censored* star).

I was hesitant at first, but my curiosity got the best of me. The only positive I see from it is it makes me glad I never sent my kid to summer camp!
One more thing, I was always under the impression that nudist camps were about being one with nature, communing without the barrier of clothes, but that site makes it all about sex, and deviant sex at that! Quite an eye opener for me.
Here's his myspace, by using the email address you provided:

He does love his asians. The only girl who commented on his myspace page is an asian. The only girl in his photos is asian. I hope those 2 girls are alive and well. If they are alive, I wonder if they realize they have photos of them with a suspected killer available online for the public.
Article from the Toronto Sun and I think the reporters are lurking on forum boards to get info.

I get the feeling that this guy didn't have trouble getting dates, at least he didn't according to his friends. But maybe had more of a problem getting 'relationships' that is anything more than one or two dates. I also get the idea that he didn't like to be told "no." Esp. from a woman.
I only read a small portion of stuff there, is anyone else as shocked at me?? Am I reading it right? People are giving their children to other people to have sex with? They're having sex with their own children? WTF????

I guess I'm not so much shocked by what they're doing as much as I am by how nonchalant their postings are. WOW, just sick and disgusting! :eek:

It is EXTREMELY disguisting and I almost puked when I clicked on those messages. I knew I shouldn't have. Some people really should just be shot.
One more thing, I was always under the impression that nudist camps were about being one with nature, communing without the barrier of clothes, but that site makes it all about sex, and deviant sex at that! Quite an eye opener for me.

IMO, many of those self professed nudists are sexually deviant in one way or another.
From the UK paper noted above, this caught my eye:

In another post under the theme ‘6 years jail sentence? Beating someone to death with baseball bats and pool cues’ he rails against ‘Canada's lax criminal justice system’.

Read more:

If he's convicted, wonder if he will still think we have a lax criminal justice system. He's going to be sitting in prison for awhile awaiting his trial, so I'm sure he'll have a lot of time to think about it.

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