CANADA Canada - Sharin Morningstar Keenan, 9, Toronto, 23 Jan 1983

Yes why can't Ryan and Toronto LE nail this one to the ground?

What's the issue?
Newspaper El Popular Spanish paper Toronto on Sharin I will add the others as well

l Popiiíar, Viernes 4 de Febrero de 1983 CANADÁ 3 ¡efugjado Argentino Habría Oído Asesinato de ñm tORONTO.— El periódico Toroñto Star informó ayer que el refugiado argentino Alberto Suárez podría haber oído los ruidos causados en relación al asesinato de la niña Sharin Keenan. En una entrevista con e! periodista Dale Brazao, Suárez indicó que había óido ruidos muy extraños en las primeras horas del lunes 24 de enero. El cadáver de Sharin, quien contaba sólo 9 años de edad, fue hallado en la refrigeradora de una habitación alquilada por un individuo en ¡a misma casa donde Suárez alquila su departamento. El sospechoso, de 39 años y llamado Michael Robert Byrne o Burns, ha desaparecido y la policía ha iniciado una redada a nivel nacional para hallarlo. Suárez vino de Argentina con su familia, compuesta por su esposa y dos niños pequeños hace dos años atrás, habiendo solicitado status de refugiado* A pesar de los ruidos, dijo que no quiso ir a reclamar porque deseaba evitarse problemas. La policía lo había entrevistado brevemente est,e Clmica de Dentaduras LUIS FUCHS D.T. eENTRO MEDICO DENTAL 800 BATHURST ST. OFICINA 501 (fronle a la estación del subierránoo de Balhursi} TEL. 534-6391-2 LUNES, MARTES, JUEVES. VIERNES: NUEVOS , 10 A.M. a 6.30 P.M. HORARIOS MIÉRCOLES: 10 A.-v', a 7:30 P.M. SÁBADO: 9 30 A.M. a 2 f.M. lunes como parte de §m pesquisa en búsqueda de Sharin, pero Suárez señaló que no había mencionado los ruidos porque los agentes le preguntaron tan sólo su nombre y quienes vivían con él en su departamento. Indicó que ■ si: la.' policía' hubiese siquiera mencionado la palabra "ruidos", él y.,: habría tratado de explicarles lo que oyó. •, Suárez no- habla inglés, por lo que cuando el Star notificó a la policía acerca . : de sus-declaraciones se en- . vio : a ■ un ' intérprete ■ en castellano para entrevistarlo. ; S|e@ú auíopsia^policial, \\ Sharin fue violada y ^ estrangulada concias manos, habiendo sufrido su calvario a pocas horas de su desaparición, ya sea en la ; misma noche o en las I primeras horas de la mañana siguiente. Sus restos se descubrieron en una refrigeradora de la habitación del segundo piso de la casa de 482 Brunswick Avenue que Byrnes BESTAJ.ABOL D.E.H. (Madrid) B.A., L.L.B., L. fOSTHUMUS & ABOLS ABOGADO Y NOTARIO EspeciaüzacÜo en casos civiles y derecho, comercial I 700 BAY ST. SUÍTE 1900. TELEFONO 598-0747 ' HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL Para mayor comodlááó hemos abierto una nueva sueursa 2065 Finch Ave. W. Suite 101, Tel. 745- alquilaba por $ semanales. ' ■ :'M edificio.::Se hallad a unos: 100 metros del Parque Sibelius, donde Sharin había ido a jugar en la noche de se desaparición. La policía había ido a la casa pocas horas después de la desaparidón y podría haberla vuelto a visitar en cuatro ocasiones antes d© descubrirse el cadáver de la pequeña, luego de que la ausencia de Byrnes durante vanos días- motivó una llamada a los agentes del or-den. 99>9SiT0R METRICQ EN mAyilHMeíOK CARLETON PLACE. Qntáriúr-^ Erex émieado públi^^ l^il Fraser^ Cjuien fuera despedido por oponerse abiertamente a la adopción del sistema rnetricodacinial. toma parte inauguración d® la gasolinera "Libertad de Medida'' (Freédóm to Measurelen las afueras da Ottawa. La estación es¿^ propiedad de 37 diputados federales del Partido^C^ ^ ' ÉMEL SILV/V D.T. ^ clínica de dentaduras 83t-AGÍ.ENCAIRN AVE. (a una cuadra ai peste de la estación del subway Glencairn , línea Spadi
Sobre Niña Desaparecida TORONTO-— La PoSicia Metropolitaiaa ■de Toronto pide la colaboración''de la comunidad para hallar a la niña Sharin Mor-ningstar Keenan,. .quien desapareció' el MRDAIR CARGO Y LAC AIRUNB ANUNCIA SU SERVIQO DE CARGA DESDE: TORONTO/MONTREAL lüDAME Se la vio por última vez alrededor de. las ..3 de la tarde en las cercanías: del Parque lean. Sibel ius, ubicado en Wells ■ Street y Brunswick Avenue. La descripción oficial de la pequeña es: sexo femenino, raza blanca, 9 años de edad, cuatro pies y nueve pulgadas de altura, 80 libras de peso, cabello marrón oscuro hasta los .hombros, ojos marrones,; tez mprena y buena dentadura. - Al desaparecer vestía un abrigo largo . acolchado color marrón, falda azul marino y verde- irlandés,.- blusa- - blanca ...'y botas marrones. - ■ Aquellas personas que -puedan .brindar cualquier tipo de información acerca de la niña deben ponerse en contacto con la Policía Metropolitana llamando al 967-2222, o enviando un telegrama
There is one more that won't copy and paste it has the best repro of the composite I will try to scan

TORONTO. La Policía Metropolitana ha emitido una orden de. detención contra Dennis Melvin Howe, de 42 años, acusándolo del asesinato de Sharin Mor-ningstar Keenan, de 9 años de edad. Sharin^ fue halia& muerta dentro de la refrigeradora de una habitación de alquiler. Había sido estrangulada y presentaba indicios i de haber sido objeto de maltratos sexuales. Chrlstopher Smith. LANSING. Michigan.—^ El calmante Zomax- ha sido retirado temporariamente de la venta por su fabricante, Johnson & Johnson. Al medicamento se le atribuye la muerte de cinco personas desde su introducción -ai mercado en t El Sr. Howe es buscado intensamente en el Oeste del país. Había sido puesto en libertad de una cárcel de Regina, Saskat-ehewan, hace alrededor de^un.-año.-atrás luego de eumplir una condena por robo a mano armada. • Howe es origiiíario de Regina,. utilizando los nombres dé Miehael Robert Burns y Wayne Edward Estados Unidos mbargo Atunero I Estados Unidos procedió hoy a levantar los embargos contra las im^ port£^ciones de atún que pesaban sobre Ecuador y Perú. Ambos levantamientos fueron comunicados por el Departamento de Estado a los respectivos gobiernos. El embargo contra Ecuador' fue aplicado en noviembre de 1980 de acuerdo con las disposiciones de la Ley de Pesca de Estados Unidos, en represalia por el apresamiento de barcos atuneros estadounidenses en aguas que Ecuador reclama como jurisdiccionales. La medida contra Perú fue adoptada en noviembre de 197?, también por el apresamiento de pesqueros de Estados Unidos en aguas territoriales peruanas. Ecuador y Pem, al igual que otros países, reclaman 200 millas de aguas territoriales, lo cual rechaza Estados Unidos. Los barcos apresados carecían del. miso de pesca establecen las leyes de ambos países sudamericanos, en diversas o También se lo busca por haber violado las condiciones de su libertad bajo palabra al abandonar Saskatchewan. La V Policía Metropolitana reconoce que no sabe dónde podría hallarse el sospechoso. El sargento David Boothby dice que se han recibido numerosas llamadas telefónicas de gente que cree haber visto al hombre del dibujo efectuado en base a la descripción del sospechoso brindada por diversos testigos. "También nos han llamado muclíos ex presos y considero que seguirán haciéndolo", dijo d sargento. causo senos a los ingresos ecuatorianos que. en 1969 exportó a Estados Unidos 11.400.000 dólares de atúm. EL envase del atún es -una de las industrias alimenticias m ás importantes de Estados Unidos en la costa Pacífico. . a este tipo. Hay algunos crímenes que ellos simplemente no toleran,: y. éste es 59 TOROf^O.--- la f^^^^ de Toronto ha emitido una orden de arresto por el asesinato en primer grado de la niña Sharin Morningstar Keenan. EJ sospechoso se llama Dennis Melvin Howe.. tiene 42 años de edad, mide 5 pieé y- 9 pulgadas de altura, pesa 165 libras y se hacía llamar M^^^ También se lo busca por haber violado Jas condiciones de su libertad bajo palabra.
TOHONTQ— \La Policía Metropolitana ha hecho público, este bosquejo del rostro de Michael Burns. o Byrns, a quien se busca en relación al asesinato por estrangulamiento de Sharin Keenan. de 9 añosjie edad^ Burns alquilaba la habitación en que se halló el cadáver de la niña dentro de un refrigerador: El sospechoso es descripto como sigue. 40 a 45 años de edad. 5 pies y 8 o 9 pulgadas de>^ltura, y 150 libras de peso. Tiene cabello castaño oscuro. encanecido en las sienes y patillas y se lo hace recortar bien corto, al estilo de la década del Cincuenta Es delgado, muscular, bebe mucho y es de carácter cordial Podría presentar una separación entre sus dientes frontales, los que se hallan SUCIOS m Los investigadores hallaron que el efecto de ver a un patrullero en un sitio determinado continuaba por alrededor de tres días para los conductores que pasaban por el mismo sitio una vez más. Si el patrullero era visto en un sitio determinado por cinco días consecutivos, los conductores reducían la velocidad durante la mayor parte de la semana siguienie.

This should be the composite image see if it works it is much clearer than in other venues


Sorry doesn't work but if you google the site and search the site for Sharin Keenan (careful with spelling) you will get the four articles I posted one with the composite of Howe and one with what Ridgen called the "widely distributed picture of Howe". It is the composite that is important IMO I am not really sure if the photograph is even him. If I am right how did that happen?
It's approx 7 months since FBI started looking at RM .. what's the holdup?

As recently as 2 weeks ago, he is suggesting that LE turned DMH over to Sharin's mom to wreak her vengeance, and that her sculptures indicate what she might have done to him:

The Murder of Sharin Morningstar Keenan and two of the detective - YouTube

Whether dude is DMH or not, IMO this guy's sick. Pretty sad when one feels the need to get notoriety by riding on the coattails of a murdered child and verbally harassing her mother.

On social media now has pic of 1928 Fridgidare doors open pics of motor more taunting - now whether he is "riding on the coattails of a murdered child" or not that is the question.

Do we have an expert translator for the articles? If so thanks!
The articles are a bit confusing since ads on the page are mixed in with the info about Howe.

I guess the Spanish paper got interested cause of the issue of the illegal Hispanic tenant A.S. who heard the attack but was afraid to call LE. Note that Howe was going by Byrnes possibly as well as Burns. I read it as saying A.S. said LE had been to 482 Brunswick where Sharin was found 4 (possibly 5 times). Maybe my error though I can't read Spanish well.

I am a bit interested in the place Howe worked in Toronto 333 Spadina a hosiery wholesaler. For sale now or recently was:

Not a factory as reported in news. The owner supposedly fronted Howe money to get his teeth fixed and he took off with that money. The handwriting sample LE had had stock colours for hosiery written down.

The amount of money he fronted him after a short time working there would be around 500 dollars today I think it was 2 or 3 hundred then. Pretty nice boss. Fishy?

Anyone know how to find old Toronto Sun articles? I read around 15 years ago some articles saying people in Sharin's neighbourhood were unhappy with the released photo of Howe since they didn't think it looked like him - so how many people knew what he looked like? Just going from memory here.

I think the article cites Detective B. saying they had many different descriptions of "Burns" (Howe) and that they differed - I think the composite they originally took door to door looked very different than the eventual and more accurate one released sometime in February.
This should work for the image you are referring to. Sorry, it's the best I can do right now. I don't have a lot of time to spend messing with it. I tried opening it in Paint and enlarging, but it distorts. If you click on the "Attached Thumbnails" pic below, click it again, and then zoom in a bit with doing Ctrl + about 7 times, that's about as good as it gets.



  • Keenan suspect composite from multicultural Canada.jpg
    Keenan suspect composite from multicultural Canada.jpg
    4.3 KB · Views: 28
Chorley, you prolly already know this, but the hosiery" company owner, his last name is also spelled starting with a Z instead of S, and the first can be either Har** or Hen**. Probably doesn't mean much, but just something to keep in mind as you search.
The documentary didn't mention one part of the story that I remember vividly from the time of the search for Sharin'. The roominghouse on Brunswick, where Howe rented a room on the second floor, had a Vietnamese new immigrant family living on the first floor. Because they spoke no English, they did not know about the search for Sharin' or any of the media reports about Howe or the crime. However, when interviewed with a translator, they were able to give some horrific details: they had heard a lot of noise and thumping around and a child screaming on the night of Sharin's abduction. They had attributed it to a domestic dispute and didn't get involved (they did not know a crime was being committed). It was a chilling detail, to know that Sharin' had put up quite a fight and her ordeal had lasted for some hours.

The documentary mentioned Howe's half-brother Eugene (forget the last name), who was known to have given him money from time to time, and was the only family member who had regularly been in contact with Howe before the crime (and likely afterwards, too). He was the one who had made at least a dozen trips to the US but these trips stopped suddenly as soon as he learned the police were watching him. That strongly suggests that they were linked to getting money, supplies or whatnot to his brother. Of course, he could then have arranged other ways of getting money to Howe -- through a third party, a bank account in another name, even cash in the mail or via a courier. I wonder if anyone audited his financial affairs, to see if he made regular withdrawals of cash, or turned money into US funds, or had a US dollar account in a Montana bank, or anything of the sort -- or a credit card in his name that was used on the south side of the border. Lots of possibilities there -- and also what about his estate when he died. He might have arranged for money to go to Howe through a trust or bequest to a third party.

It does make you wonder. Howe could have obtained fake ID, and with his skills as mechanic and carpenter he could have worked cash jobs easily and stayed off the radar. He could easily still be alive. If smart, he would have kept his weight down, changed his hair colour, switched cigarette brands, and made sure he never used the word "turkey." Maybe AMW could profile him again , with drawings showing him as a thinner older man, with different hairstyles and with teeth fixed. He might even be incarcerated under another name -- men who commit sex crimes usually continue to do so.

I often see comments from Sharin's father ( now living in Vancouver), as he frequently sends letters to the editor to the online Globe and Mail. I wonder how her brother and sister turned out. They would be in their late 20's now.

Wonder if the Howe brothers had any association with this character, who went by many guises and names, including Dan Therrien and Jackson. He has a cleft in his chin...died in 2008;400;225

Also wonder if the Vietnamese family have ever told their story directly to press, maybe they would now?

"The last two people known to have seen Kevin alive said the boy with the gap-toothed smile had been talking to a blond, 6-foot-tall man with a large dog.

Jackson, who listed his birth date as between 1947 and 1956, fit the description and had a dog like the one the witnesses described. Police also learned then that he had been arrested in 1981 for kidnapping a 7-year-old boy and attempting a sex act with the child. After skipping bail, Jackson was re-arrested and ended up serving six months in jail, police said.

After Kevin's disappearance, police searched Jackson's home but found nothing. The two witnesses who reported seeing Kevin talking with a tall blond man failed to identify Jackson in a photo lineup, and the lead seemed to die there -- until last month.

A new group of cold-case detectives decided in recent days to try turning up fresh clues with cadaver dogs, and two dogs were brought in for a first-ever search of the basement and garage of Jackson's old home last week.

Both dogs independently responded to the same spot in the garage, and a city crew jack-hammered through the concrete and unearthed fragmentary skeletal remains last Tuesday. So far, however, the bones appear to be from an animal. Additional tests are continuing in a state crime lab.

Meanwhile, investigators recently learned that Jackson had been arrested in 1973 in Canada on charges he kidnapped two 13 year olds but fled Canada before that case could be resolved, police said"
I am not experienced in cutting and posting. Here is an article that maybe of interest. It provides photos related to the child's murder. Canadian National Post July 20/13 Sharin' Morningstar Keenan alleged murderer. Hope this is useful to everyone,
In Chinese medicine certain physical appearance of certain attributes to the body equates with illness. The description of Howe's crooked fingers may suggest illness that he could have or had. Arthritis being the cost obvious also Dupuytren's Contractere syndrome or other illness maybe a clue. He may have required help with illness related to the condition of his finger's. Heart problems ( I read) also are a trait of twisted fingers. Thus, he may hopefully be dead. If he is dead. I pray it was soon after he took the life of this innocent child. I lived in Toronto when this child was murdered. When these murders happen your community it stays with you.
Sillybilly's "switcheroo" thesis needs to be examined for various possible scenarios.

Most crimes aren't that complicated some are.

Does anyone now if anyone archives Toronto Sun papers (maybe the Toronto Sun itself).

Way back maybe 17 years ago I read I think in the Sun that quite a number of people around Brunswick were not happy with the photo that was released of Howe what Ridgen calls the "heavy'set" photo. But hold on Howe (under his alias) could surely not have been known to many people. Was there any contact between Howe (under any alias including Burns) and Sharin or her family before the fateful day of her abduction?

By the way where was THAT photo take? It doesn't look like a prison photo to me. Why use it? Was it even him?

Does Idaho guy's interest/obsession rest on some other time of knowledge of Sharin's family? Why does he attack her Mom in his comments page? It could hardly be her fault. Why he is worried about the hatred in her eyes? Not that I myself really see hatred in her eyes.

He claims Boothby and another detective came down there to kill Tommy Ross. Now they are no doubt smarter than me when it comes to crime so surely if they had gone down there they would notice that BM could plausibly look like Howe. So this would have all been checked out years ago. Which I doubt.

It is strange that the Ridgen film opens with Sharin's mom talking about Idaho guy's art gallery fable.

Idaho guy's partner is from Toronto and was a nurse of some type supposedly though he says he met her in California in the 60s.

Will try to find the link Sharin's dad said at some point she was missing "she will probably be found in a fridge somewhere". Odd or preminatory unless he thought she had climbed into a fridge on her own and children used to sometimes do - but nothing that we know about Sharin would suggest she would do something that stupid. So why did he say that?

Idaho guy's brother recenlty died so he BM does seem to have a full fledged bio in Boise area. Was in the army and went to high school there he says. Oddly the deceased brother has children named Star and Sky (Sharin's brother's name) and of course her middle name was Morningstar).

In Idaho guy's quite interesting art pages he somehow seems to photoshop red blotches onto the bodies and faces of people. In one pic of a young blondish girl there are what what looks like dried clumps of blood in her hair (obviously added somehow).

The Post article says he blogs only on the Sharin case but that is not true he also blogs on the case of Jon Benet for example. There he drew the wrath of other posters (as in "how insensitive")by saying something "talking about being shocked Jon Benet got shocked" also he says that the solution to that case is in a British doc. on the case where a mysterious man living in Colorado is mentioned they know his identity but did not release it. He cut off his wife's ear apparently (note Idaho guy's obsession with Van Gogh cutting of his ear). Maybe I will link that doc maybe it will seem to off topic here though. Idaho guy seems to be saying that the the guy forget his name who was found dead and was a suspect in Jon Benet case was murdered and it almost sounds like he is trying to involve HIMSELF as at least having knowledge though maybe he just means from his reading of the doc.

Of course all of this could be trolling and flaming I don't know.

Someone suggested to me: is "fools and idiots" (what he calls on WSleuthers and which he uses liberally a substitute for "turkeys"?

But back to the facts he does seem to have a Boise area ID and surely his family if was living there would know he can't be Howe.

Back to thinking through the switcheroo ideas.

Idaho guy's poems online speak of "cold spots" and "headlines" and the dead who keep harrassing him.

To repeat: Does Idaho guy's interest/obsession rest on some other time of knowledge of Sharin's family? We need to think through the idea that this was not some chance encounter in the park. Did he find out about her through the CBC film on the dried food business that she appeared in? Or through some pedo network of knowledge?
Just to explain why I think this is not off-topic. In on-line discussions BM argues that this documentary has everything LE needs to solve the case and by implication that the man the doc makers know the name off but do not name for legal reasons (seems strange) is the killer early in this episode "a man who frightens everyone who knew him and who has since disappeared".

Now that BM would have info about the Sharin case and the Jon Benet case seems implausible at first blush. But I am not really rejecting the idea.
Maybe the nurse / wife worked with psychiatric patients or newly released prisoners and gleaned some info from them and passed it on?
Dotr yes that is interesting. He worked very close to the then Clarke Institute.

Some years ago there was a Facebook page 'Sharin Keenan find my killer' with a few members. Does anyone know how to access this on the Way Back Machine or any other way?

There were a few interesting posts by someone who seemed less than articulate (like me LOL) but claimed Sharin had been treated at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry and was giving or recovering memories of being attacked by a group something a bit like ritual abuse as I understand it. The FB poster then said that the attack on Sharin was a "hit".

I know I know and yes I take this with a MAJOR grain of salt but still.....I would like to see that FB page again if anyone knows how to restore it.

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