Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #7 **ARREST**

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I keep telling myself I won't come back as I don't have the same level of knowledge as the profilers and legal experts that have guessed the motive, presumed guilt and already prepared for trial. I might as well skip the next year. But the accomplices are still out there. Rather than speculating over and over about evidence that LE has already in their possession, or making things up as we go, can some actually web sleuthing be done? I still want to know why the truck seller on the 6th was returned and TB was not. If there are 3+ people involved, then why would the seller's size matter? Does anyone have the specs of Tim's truck? Did he make any modifications? Has anyone found any likely matches for the first seller's ad? All I've read is that it was a newer model than TB's. If the truck was truly the target, why? Just facts please. We've heard the chop shop theory and at this point the police have released nothing suggesting stolen vehicles have been found in the hangar or anywhere else so I don't need to read about it again until that changes. I want to hear about similarities and differences between test drive #1 and test drive #2. If you have the info, please share. <modsnip>. Thanks.
Regardless of whether it happened or not, that was the plan in 2012.

I realize that was the plan, as I stated. Was looking to see if panned out or not.

I found my answer while sleuthing!
You are wrong. Sorry but the prosecution is there to win the case. They will attempt to find guilt, that is their job. They will twist anything or suggest things that may or may not be true. This is why the defense has to literally jump through hoops to prove innocence. Thats not to say that the prosecution doesn't get things right, they do. But once they have someone charged (regardless of whether innocent or not) their job is to CONVICT. Thats how they get paid. They get paid to win. The same as a defense lawyer, they too are paid to win. For you to believe that only the defense is capable of twisting truth is quite an eye opener. Because if thats what the majority of the population believes then no wonder so many have this guy DM already for the hangmans noose. Sorry but that is extremely naive

They get paid regardless of win or loss.

Well in the US they do.

But you are right both sides can twist "facts".
Some thoughts...
1. Wayne was an older father (late 40's when DM arrived). Then there was the divorce. I don't know when that happened but divorce happening at particular times in adolescence can be damaging. Plus, an only child, coddled and catered to - to make up for Wayne's own situation vis-à-vis Carl??? and perhaps for the divorce. This often results in a singularly self-centered, self-absorbed person that, in their mind, the world revolves around.
That said, this might shed some light on the personality of DM.
2. I do believe we are all starving for more news, more information here. We have (and I know it's my first post) chewed the little we do know to tiny crumbs and are picking at the scabs of whether or not DM is innocent. I believe that what we do know right now is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I'm new to sleuthing so I wouldn't really know where to start. (Yes I know there's info on-site to help but this being my introduction to this forum of Web Sleuthing I appreciate what you veterans have been doing.) There really hasn't been much new the last 2 days.
3. My heart goes out to the Bosma family & friends and the community he comes from.

Signed - a newbie from BC who once lived in SW On for 7 years (Elgin County) and am originally from NS.

Welcome cefair.
Some coddled children can become self centred and self absorbed but that still doesn't make them murderers. Also some coddled children often become very independent and that can be a positive thing. We cannot judge people by their parents or by how they were raised. I think the Millard divorce was actually more recent than DM's adolescence as I belive I read that MB was still working for the company in 2007. DM would have been around 21 at that time.
Anyway, so far as I can tell at this point, LE has arrested a fellow with two, not one rather indistinct tattoos that include the word "Ambition", neither of which are enclosed in a frame, and both positioned further up the arms than where a watch is customarily worn. These tattoos are positioned upside down relevant to the TIPS poster, not written in any of the font styles presented by the TIPS poster and actually bear no resemblance to the TIPS poster whatsoever except for the use of a particular word. I'm sure LE must have gathered lots of more compelling evidence by now and correctly feel no compulsion to share it with us.

I think you're missing the forest for the trees.

It's not uncommon for initial information communicated in situations like these to be (partly) wrong. Think fog of war.
They get paid regardless of win or loss.

Well in the US they do.

But you are right both sides can twist "facts".

yes of course they still get paid, but their job is to win and technically they are paid to win...just as a defense lawyer is. Neither always win , we know that. I guess I should have explained what I mean't a little clearer. My apologies.
A thousand thanks ExiledRed. I thought it was gone forever because your locations excepted the internet seems scrubbed of this image clean as whistle- even eased out of many people's FaceBook pages and replaced with another TIPS image presumably issued at the same early date but, frankly, not one I ever saw before today. This one has red arrows pointing to two blank, bare wrists where everyone was supposed to, I guess, somehow visualize the tattooed word "Ambition" whenever they looked at anybody else's arms.

A wee bit of funny biz going on with this tattoo thing, it might seem, or maybe just "olds" rather than "news".

Do we know the original source of either of those "ambition" posters/images? Is it possible neither came from the police, but rather private individuals trying to help? [[I recall in another case here on WS (Jessica Heeringa in MI), citizens Photoshopped the official police suspect sketch and it spread all over the internet. Police actually had to ask everyone to stop using it as it wasn't helping.]]
The box around the tattoo is one thing I'd like cleared up. The actual position on the wrist doesn't bother me so much (easy for a witness to not be exactly sure, within millimetres, where a tattoo is, and some people do in fact wear watches higher up). But LE really stressed the box around the word.

Someone on here posted some photos which, to them, showed that DM had the box added on or after September 2012, but I couldn't tell. I wonder if any of the reporters who were in the courtroom noticed a box around the word.

Thought I read that somewhere too. Frankly there's something altogether odd about these particular tattoos with their sometimes there and sometimes not frames. They don't look at all professionally rendered, as do all the rest of the "tats" DM has and they seem small, somewhat faded and indistinct (at least in the few pictures we've seen.) Had I not been told these were permanent tattoos I'd almost think they looked like somebody had written the words on their own arms with a felt pen, especially since the word would be right side up for you if you were writing on your own arm. I imagine it would be difficult to write a word, or scratch it into your own skin, on the arm opposite to the one with your preferred writing hand unless you were ambidextrous. Although tattoo parlours 'artists', I'm sure, can enscribe words upside down, sideways or any way you want, still it would probably be simpler to add the ink to somebody's arm wihen their arm is outstretched toward you so that you're creating the word right side up (as in the TIPS photographs). Anyway I don't know the social protocol for reading people's tattoos. That's probably because I'm old enough to recall that not long ago (I hope) 'body art' was the primary indicator for ex-sailors, ex-cons and biker gangs. Unless you were friend or fellow, you might not feel comfortable hanging around with any of them long enough to be reading their bodies.
It's been mentioned in the media that at least one photo shoot took place (2004) at the old hangar at Pearson, with DM given the photog credit. And in 2009, the Millardair office manager posted on a model site that she was hosting "her next shoot" at the Millardair hangar at PIA, with as many as 20 models in attendance.

I suspect I am dancing on the edges of inappropriate sleuthing, but it's not my intention. I'm thinking that at the time of the shoot in 2004/05, CM was still in charge, and in 2009, WM would have been running the show. To me it seems unlikely that these kind of events, and the raves that have been mentioned previously, could have gone unnoticed by DM's father and grandfather. It also seems unlikely that it was just a father and grandfather over-indulging their boy since the office manager was publicizing her event on the internet.

I'm not really going anywhere with this line of thought other than perhaps whatever non-airline type business that went on in the hangars was also part of the family business. And whatever situation DM now finds himself in, while he stands alone now, that may not always have been the case.
There's some interesting comments on the AvCanada website...Forum topic "New Hangars for Porter"..on Oct 17th/11 and Oct 19th/11, there's a discussion around Millardair not securing the Esso fuel dealership due to a financial backer backing out. Also makes reference to partners on the hangar. Hard to say how shrewd he was.

I come from a business family and I know that businesses do not like to use their own money when taking on new ventures. The business is what should be paying for the expense basically. The fact that he did not use his own money (apparently) indicates a good business move.
This is TIPS poster featuring the tattoo that was all over Google when I originally looked for it but today the internet is scrubbed clinically clean of every last vestige of it, so far as I can see.

there is one search result for the poster on the toronto sun's website via google, bing and yahoo image search for me, fwiw
I'm not going to apologize, whatsoever, for my comments made toward young women who choose to be photographed in vulgar, lewd poses on a website that is anything but "models." No idea why you would take such issue with (or take personally?) my opinion. Strange?

I think KB is trying to say we are here to sleuth a crime not badmouth people. We are not here to give opinions on someones promiscuity or morals as I see it. Can you imagine if everyone here started giving personal opinions of someones perceived views of vulgarity, morality, fashion sense, hairstyles and the like. I say we should be sticking with the potential lines of investigation and possible suspects. (even though we cannot post names) jmo
Occam's basic rule was "Thou shalt not multiply extra entities unnecessarily," or to phrase it in modern terms, "Don't speculate about extra hypothetical components if you can find an explanation that is equally plausible without them." All things being equal, the simpler theory is more likely to be correct, rather than one that relies upon many hypothetical additions to the evidence already collected ...

May I ask what the simplest explanation is if you apply the process?

Occam's might work at times, but it can't be applied at all times. If it was all that simple, i'm sure we'd have a higher rate of solved cases.

In the investigation into Audrey Gleave's vicious murder, it seems LE and prosecutor ran with Occam's, charged DLS with first degree, and a few months later, charges were withdrawn when forensic evidence didn't match to him. They are still looking for her killer.

I keep telling myself I won't come back as I don't have the same level of knowledge as the profilers and legal experts that have guessed the motive, presumed guilt and already prepared for trial. I might as well skip the next year. But the accomplices are still out there. Rather than speculating over and over about evidence that LE has already in their possession, or making things up as we go, can some actually web sleuthing be done? I still want to know why the truck seller on the 6th was returned and TB was not. If there are 3+ people involved, then why would the seller's size matter? Does anyone have the specs of Tim's truck? Did he make any modifications? Has anyone found any likely matches for the first seller's ad? All I've read is that it was a newer model than TB's. If the truck was truly the target, why? Just facts please. We've heard the chop shop theory and at this point the police have released nothing suggesting stolen vehicles have been found in the hangar or anywhere else so I don't need to read about it again until that changes. I want to hear about similarities and differences between test drive #1 and test drive #2. If you have the info, please share. If you have a theory - please don't reference my post. Thanks.

I think the only 100% solid fact in this case is that Dellen Millard was charged with murdering Tim and that Tims body has been burned. That's it for concrete evidence.

We know other facts such as where the body was found, where the truck was found, where the cell was ect ect.. But we do not know with 100% certainity that these facts involve Dellen or if he was set up ect ect.
About the location of that tattoo... "where one would wear a watch"

Some people prefer a loose fitting watch verses a tighter fit. His tattoo looks about where a looser watch would land if you raised you hand.

**i made my husband put on his watch for this experiment**

As far as the box around it...I don't think we have seen many recent pics of that tattoo. He could have had it "freshened up" since it did look faded. THIS IS JUST MY THOUGHTS NOT FACTS.
I'm not sure if anyone's interested, but there is an online book that outlines the family business. I found it while trying to find pictures that might answer the question "was WM left-handed". I can't answer that, sorry. But lots of old family photos, as well as the old Derry Road hangar. I don't know how to get the link as my iPhone browser just takes me there, but I did find it again by googling "malton farms to flying 1900 - 1950". It is in part 3 which is 2nd from the top on my google list. Coverage of the family begins on page 58.
You are wrong. Sorry but the prosecution is there to win the case. They will attempt to find guilt, that is their job. They will twist anything or suggest things that may or may not be true. This is why the defense has to literally jump through hoops to prove innocence. Thats not to say that the prosecution doesn't get things right, they do. But once they have someone charged (regardless of whether innocent or not) their job is to CONVICT. Thats how they get paid. They get paid to win. The same as a defense lawyer, they too are paid to win. For you to believe that only the defense is capable of twisting truth is quite an eye opener. Because if thats what the majority of the population believes then no wonder so many have this guy DM already for the hangmans noose. Sorry but that is extremely naive

Wow. What a skewed version of our justice system. I have no words. :thud:
If DM grew up in Etobicoke and attended Toronto French School, that's a pretty long commute both ways. Toronto French School is a day school (no boarding). The drive across the 401 would be at least 30 minutes each way (28 km on Google maps) (longer in traffic).

It unusual he would have gone to TFS. There are private schools in the West end of Toronto. Why Toronto French School of all places?
It's located at Bayview and Lawrence.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned; but just curious if this is the same WM and if this property is now owned by DM?
11509 Rondeau Dr Morpeth ON N0P1X0
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