Casey Anthony’s Defense Misses Deadline-Blames prosecution

Soju, Congrats Gal! Welcome to the most beautiful sorority in the world -- motherhood! It's the hardest job you'll ever love!

You know, this foolishness needs to really stop! It's time for Strickland to set a trial date and make these idiots put up or shut up already!
They are kidding right? :waitasec:

The defense recently blamed prosecutors for the delay, claiming it still needs more information from the FBI?????

That article says the defense missed turning over the witness list and blamed that on the prosecutors. I thought the Feb 1 deadline was for producing the proof that Caylee's body was placed in the woods after Casey was incarcerated, thereby exonerating her of Caylee's murder?

The defense's witness list is a totally different thing altoghether. Is WFTV confused about this issue? Or is it me that's confused??
This defense is going to fail to meet deadlines many, many more times before a trial ever takes place. JMO

You are no doubt right. If possible the Judge should set a date and tell them ~ here it comes,ready or not! :croc:
Someone please correct me if I am wrong..

Speaking as a lay person who has watched only clips of the most recent hearings.. but from what I have heard and read..The defense is wanting *the results* of some test from the prosecution...To which the SA has said repeatedly that they either don't have them or are not able to/at liberty to give the defense for a specific reason. As cyber pointed out.. Judge Strickland has no authority to order Tenn. or the Body Farm, in particular to do or handover anything without a Court Order (or whatever it's called) from a Higher Court?..Federal Court.?.not sure..and JB has been told by Judge S several times what he needed to do to get that information..yet JB keeps falling back on that same old excuse...Is that about right?

Cuz if it is, and I even half-way understand it ond JB does not, either he is a complete idiot or KC's in deep doo-doo..Just sayin..

Just as an aside, I just realized the other day while re-reading the CA-DC emails that JB's real email addy is J*seBG**d..(I don't know if I'm allowed to type it out..all this time I thought when peeps said that, they were getting in trouble for name calling! I never thought it was for real! How professional does that sound? :sick: He leaves me at a loss for words and of course KC just leaves me speechless. (and anybody that knows me would tell you that's next to impossible to do..:crazy:) S I guess they are a match made in he!! the devil himself..:furious:..imho..
Are we sure they are attorneys?:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Well, apparently they have the "degree", lol. Just like Doctors though, that dang sure doesn't mean that they know what they're doing!

I have really thought about that since the beginning though. I'm glad AL is there and Judge Strickland asks KC those questions for that reason, otherwise I would be worried that KC could get off on some technicality or en/un(?) effective council (if that's what it's called :crazy:) because JB IS such a dufus! I'm kinda surprised AL doesn't try to take the reigns a little more...I don't know if that's something she can do without JB getting his panties in a twist..:innocent:
If they really had evidence of Casey's innocence then they wouldn't need anything from the prosecution or anyone else.

JS better lay the hammer down now or he'll lose control of the courtroom just like Judge Ito in the OJ case.
If they really had evidence of Casey's innocence then they wouldn't need anything from the prosecution or anyone else.

JS better lay the hammer down now or he'll lose control of the courtroom just like Judge Ito in the OJ case.

Actually, I think in this situation, I prefer his approach. Allow them enough leeway so there are no appealable issues after the trial, and in the meantime, give JB and AL enough rope to hang themselves (and their client).

It would be infuriating if it appeared defense was actually getting away with anything, but their desperation is obvious, they aren't making any headway towards a coherent defense strategy, and KC remains in jail.
You're right, Rlaub44. I'd just like to see her get the death penalty or LWOP before I'm 80 years old. (At this time, I'm only 33, lol). This whole ordeal is taking FOREVER!!!!!

And I love how the news outlets played down a missed deadline like it's nothing, just some news in passing. I wonder if this means they're getting as bored with the defense as I am?
The plain and simple truth is the defense has no defense for their client. In a year and a half, they haven't been able to come up with any reasonable and provable plan.

For the first 5 months they played the "nanny kidnapped Caylee" card, but when it was established that no such person as described by Casey existed, along with co-workers who likewise didn't exist, they had to drop that line of defense.

Once Caylee's remains were found, the defense claimed someone else murdered Caylee and that her remains were place where they were found while Casey was in jail. That claim will fail because other than stating, "someone else killed Caylee", they have nothing to back that claim up.

What they're doing now is delaying, hoping that they can come up with something. The best option for the defense would be to ask for a plea bargain. Life in prison without the possibility of parole in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table. AL would consider that a victory. It's the best option for Casey as I don't see any possibility of an acquittal.
..if the Judge gives an they not have to comply ??

.....In October, the Sentinel wrote that Judge Stan Strickland “ordered the defense team to turn over its witness list to prosecutors by Feb. 1. Prosecutors want to question the witnesses who support the defense’s claim that Anthony is innocent.”

There was a deadline today, however, for the defense to provide information that would support defense attorney Todd Macaluso’s claim that Anthony is innocent.
As of late this afternoon, it was unclear whether the defense had filed that information

..i do understand that the judge gave both sides additional time at the chq. fraud hearing to produce a "discovery schedule" , 10 days for the state, 15 days for the defense, and then he would pick one/the other/parts of each to set a reasonable trial date.( cut-offs for depos etc.)

..but-----wasn't THIS---"our client is innocent! and we can prove it! " something totally different?
..and where IS the lawyer macaluso that made this claim ?

JB is probably breathing a sigh of relief tonight that he wasn't called on it.
..if the Judge gives an they not have to comply ??

.....In October, the Sentinel wrote that Judge Stan Strickland “ordered the defense team to turn over its witness list to prosecutors by Feb. 1. Prosecutors want to question the witnesses who support the defense’s claim that Anthony is innocent.”

There was a deadline today, however, for the defense to provide information that would support defense attorney Todd Macaluso’s claim that Anthony is innocent.
As of late this afternoon, it was unclear whether the defense had filed that information

..i do understand that the judge gave both sides additional time at the chq. fraud hearing to produce a "discovery schedule" , 10 days for the state, 15 days for the defense, and then he would pick one/the other/parts of each to set a reasonable trial date.( cut-offs for depos etc.)

..but-----wasn't THIS---"our client is innocent! and we can prove it! " something totally different?
..and where IS the lawyer macaluso that made this claim ?

JB is probably breathing a sigh of relief tonight that he wasn't called on it.

Perhaps one of our attorneys could comment on this, but I am under the impression that the ball is in the court of SA concerning the next step in this "missed deadline" saga?

I don't think JS keeps track of all the deadlines, etc in all of the cases he handles and contacts attorneys directly on missed deadlines?

I *think* the SA now has to file another Motion to Reciprocate Discovery (or something similar) once again bringing it to Strickland's attention that the deadline has passed and asking for relief?

Just thinking....
Could JB and AL just say that TM was an idiot who didn't know what he was talking about when he made that claim, and that they, as CA's lead defense, never supported him making that statement, and he's been released, so the deadline doesn't apply? It's a stretch I know, but I've known them to stretch a mile wide before.
They are kidding right? :waitasec:

The defense recently blamed prosecutors for the delay, claiming it still needs more information from the FBI?????

Ah but .... TM didn't need that info from the FBI in order to make strong statements in court that Caylee's body was dumped when KC was in jail and KC is innocent.

It seems that the Defense can make these claims, as if they are concrete and when the Judge calls them on it they cry foul with a distraction throwing onto the prosecution.

The prosecution have no authority over the FBI and yet the Defense go round and round with the whining that they don't have everything they have asked for from the FBI.

Right cyberborg
TM stated in court the defense had evidence to support their if the Defense team had the evidence on that day they have it now.

The Defense has been told numerous times in open court that the SA has no jurisdiction over the they need a Hearing test? or a Memory Test?
I've started this post numerous times. Written things, then deleted, then wrote more. Deleted again.

And after all that back and forth I still have nothing to say, truly.

I'm flabbergasted.

And how ironic that for my 1000th post...I had nothing to say. :waitasec:

Congrats SleuthyMama on 1,000 posts!!!!
I've started this post numerous times. Written things, then deleted, then wrote more. Deleted again.

And after all that back and forth I still have nothing to say, truly.

I'm flabbergasted.

And how ironic that for my 1000th post...I had nothing to say. :waitasec:

1,000! Nuff said. ;)
Is this not the second time the defense has been asked for evidence and failed to produce any? I recall earlier that they were asked and the defense said (after being pushed) they determined Casey's innocence based on the SA's evidence. Also didn't JB already produce one witness list that was an exact copy of the SA witness list?

I also think it's going to be very hard for the defenses expert's to give accurate opinions on the evidence once the SA show's that these expert's didn't even complete any of their investigations into the evidence.
Well here we go. So Tm says we have substantial evidence.
1: They now have witnesses sworn testimony that they searched that area and did not see the body.
2: We also have Tes withholding evidence ordered by a Judge. Evidence that the defense needs to make their claim.
3: Rk's description of the dump site in the 911 calls is not what I can see in the pictures. Furthermore he says he is only 50 percent sure that it was in the same place back in August. Where is the white board, where is the log that has been cut on, where is the mowed area beyond?

The Judge gave the defense until Feb 1st to produce evidence that the body was not there. He did not say prove it to the Prosecution. I think the Judge is satisfied with the defense's claim of substantial evidence.

Also, a Judge can't really create a deadline and then give Tes a continuance, when he knows the Defense needs those records to make their claim. The Judge reset this discovery timeline and thats all there is to it. The deadline thing is dead and satisfied. Moo

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