Casey Anthony's Written Statement

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Casey only has a permit to drive a vechile. That is, she is notb a licensed driver in FL. This may be like peeing in the ocean with all that is going on but donm't you think it is a bit odd to continue to drive when your dad is a cop?
I remember a handwriting analyzer was on this board at one time! I would be really interested in seeing an analysis of her writing.

Hi Vanjett,

We just started a new thread on this subject --- Amateur Handwriting Analysis of Casey's Written Statement. My own skills are old & rusty and AMATEUR. If there are any experts out there, please stop by and help us out.

Ok, I don't get past the FIRST SENTENCE before I have a major problem....

what kind of mother isn't sure WHAT TIME she dropped her daughter off at the babysitter's?

"Between 9 am & 1 pm???!!!!" FOUR HOUR WINDOW?????

ITA! That really bothers me! I can't imagine anyone not knowing what time they dropped their child off at a Care-givers.

Now c'mon... how lame is that?

Did you type all of that out originally? If so, many thanks!!
FYI: there is a Jennifer Rasa on Myspace. Private though. From New York, 26 years old.

She is not a "player" in the case, so I'm not going to post the link, but she's there, if anyone wants to look.

(no raquel farrel listed on myspace, at least not that exact spelling)
The only thing truthful in this written statement is Caylees date of birth. We know for a fact, that Caylee was with Cindy on June 15th.

Casey says she dropped her off on the 9th, spoke to Zenaida on the 12th, then got a one minute call from Caylee on July 15th.

If she did not have contact with Caylee or Zany after June 9th, then how did Cindy get a hold of Caylee to take her to see Great Grandpa on June 15th???

The entire family was spewing the June 9th date when they gave their initial reports to police, and it wasn't until after her arrest that they changed the date to June 15th when the video came out.

Something is really wrong here. Casey is clearly making up a story to protect someone other than herself.
Very good catch! My questions is, if she did not really have a job, where the heck was she and why din't LE pin her down on that? It did not seem that they did. She admitted she was lying about working at Universal, so, where was she? What did she need the nanny for? How did she pay for it? Also, in the other interviews I did read (did not read them all), LE did not seem to follow up on many things with witnesses like TonE. LE did not follow up on vague answers. I would have really tried to pin TonE down on exact times and dates and asked him if he and Casey intedned that she would move in? Was the shack-up arrangement just an informal one without a real plan? If so, how did he think it would end? Would she be moving in or would he be asking her to leave at some point? If he entertained thoughts of Casey moving in, was Caylee, in TonE's mind, part of that plan? I have so many more questions. I wonder if LE had a chance to reinterview their witnesses.

Actually, I think LE did a good job, allowing her to roll out all her stories for later checking. (In a trial, all these improvisations will come back to haunt her.)Any one interviewer does not have complete mastery of the case; that's what follow-up interviews are for.
The only thing truthful in this written statement is Caylees date of birth. We know for a fact, that Caylee was with Cindy on June 15th.

I highlighted in red, in my original post what I think is true so far in the handwritten statement.
The most telling of all is when Casey is being interrogated. When telling Casey that the detectives had gone through all the survilance tapes and that they knew for a fact she was never even at the Sawgrass apartments the detective says "So you lied, you were never at the Sawgrass apts." words to that effect.
Casey replied "Uh, Huh"

That was very revealing.............and missed by many people.
Casey only has a permit to drive a vechile. That is, she is notb a licensed driver in FL. This may be like peeing in the ocean with all that is going on but donm't you think it is a bit odd to continue to drive when your dad is a cop?

Could it be that she actually does suffer from seizures? i.e. No Driver's license.
Casey says she dropped her off on the 9th, spoke to Zenaida on the 12th, then got a one minute call from Caylee on July 15th.

On one of the 2 cell phones she later told Lee from jail that she'd lost...before July 15th.
I think Casey is just nuts. After reading her interview with my jaw on the floor, I decide she is a100% wingnut.
She is more than a sociopath IMO. She is delusional and a danger.
That was very revealing.............and missed by many people.
Oh I agree. She also admitted to giving them the "runaround" and then in the next breath would say the same lie over. It was the oddest interview I have ever read. You can tell the detectives did their best to maintain... but jeez. She almost makes mark hacking look normal after reading those emails.
Actually, I think LE did a good job, allowing her to roll out all her stories for later checking. (In a trial, all these improvisations will come back to haunt her.)Any one interviewer does not have complete mastery of the case; that's what follow-up interviews are for.
You have a good point. But, they arrested her without a follow up interview I think. Perhaps they felt they had what the wanted!
On Monday, June 9, 2008 between 9AM and 1PM, I, Casey Anthony took my daughter Caylee Marie Anthony to her nanny’s apartment.

Caylee will be 3 years-old on August 9, 2008. She was born on August 9, 2005. (true statement)

Caylee is about 3 feet tall, white female with shoulder-length, light brown hair. She has dark hazel eyes (brown-green), and a small birthmark on her left shoulder. (true statement)

On the day of her disappearance, Caylee was wearing a pink shirt, with jean shorts, white sneakers and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. (probably a true statement)

On Monday, June 9, 2008, between 9AM and 1PM, I took Caylee to the Sawgrass Apartments, located on Conway Road. Caylee’s nanny Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez has watched her for the past year and a half, to two years.

Zenaida is twenty-five years old, and is from New York. She is roughly 5 foot, 7 inches tall, 140 pounds. She has dark brown, curly hair, and brown eyes.

Zenaida’s birthday is in September.

I met Zenaida through a mutual friend, Jeffrey Michael Hopkins. She had watched his son, Zachary Hopkins for about 6 months, to a year. I met Zenaida in 2004, around Christmas.

On the date listed above, June 9, 2008, after dropping Caylee off at Zenaid’s apartment, I proceeded to head to my place of employment, Universal Studios, Orlando.

I have worked at Universal for over 4 years, since June 2004. I left work around 5:00 PM, and went back to the apartment to pick-up my daughter.

However, after reaching the apartment, I realized that neither Zenaida, Caylee, or either of her two roommates were home.

I have briefly met Raquel Farrel, and Jennifer Rasa, on various occasions.

After calling Zenaida to see where she and Caylee were, and when they were coming home, I waited outside of the apartment.

I had called Zenaida earlier that morning prior to bringing Caylee over for the afternoon. When I called her that afternoon her phone was no longer in service.

Two hours passed and around 7:00 PM, I left the apartment and headed to familiar places that Zenaida would go with Caylee. One of Caylee’s favorite places is Jay Blanchard Park. (true statement)

I spent the rest of that evening pacing and worrying at one of the few places I felt “at home”, my boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro’s apartment. (true statement of "I felt at home")

For the past four weeks since Caylee’s disappearance, I have stayed at Anthony’s apartment in Sutton Place. (true statement)

I have spent everyday since June 9, 2008 looking for my daughter.

I have lied and stolen money from friends and family to do whatever I could by any means to find my daughter. (In red - true statement)
I avoided calling the police, or even notifying my own family out of fear. I have been and still am afraid of what has, or may happen to Caylee.

I have been and still am afraid of what has , or may happen to Caylee. I have not had any contact with Zenaida since Thursday, June 12, 2008. I received a quick call from Zenaida.

Not once have I been able to ask her for my daughter, or gain any information on where I can find her.

Everyday I have gone to malls, parks, any place I could remember Zenaida taking Caylee.

I have gone out, and tried to find any information about Caylee, or Zenaida, whether by going to a popular bar, or restaurant. (true statements)

I have contacted Jeff Hopkins on several occasions to see if he had heard from or seen Zenaida. Jeff currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida.

On Thursday, July 15, 2008 around 12pm, I received a phone call from my daughter, Caylee. Today was the first day I have heard her voice in over 4 weeks. I’m afraid of what Caylee is going through after 31 days, I know that the only thing that matters is getting my daughter back. (in red true statement)

With many and all attempts to contact Zenaida, and with the one short conversation, on June 12, 2008, I was never able to check on the status or well-being of my daughter.

Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando, or is she is ever going to bring her home. (possible true statement)

Has LE spoken to this Jeff Hopkins about the "nanny"????
Has LE spoken to this Jeff Hopkins about the "nanny"????
Yes LE has spoken to Jeff H and he claims he knows no ZG nor did he have any knowlege of Casey having a child named Caylee or any child for that matter and he does not have a son named Zachary! They were all lies!!!
Interestingly, that's the time block Tony went to school. That stuck out to me as well.

Good observation! Only thing that caught my eye was "no longer in Orlando", that was 1st thing that jumped out at me, when i 1st started reading the documents
I thought it was TonE's room mate who gave the interview on Greta that said that Casey would leave each morning around 8:30 or 9 when he, Cliff, went to his classes. And now that we know she had so many "boyfirends", she could have been hanging out at anyone of their places during the day if she was not at home. Maybe that's why she slept with so many guys, so that they would give her free access to where they lived and she didn't have to go home all that often.
Last night on NG they named 4 men that she was involved with during the time of Caylee missing. That is just 4 they know of. There could be more. I think someone else knows something out there... probably doesn't realize that it is important but it is.
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