Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

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Why have they given up and quit talking?

Why did Casey keep saying she is afraid for Caylee?

Why did Casey say she was willing to provide another home for Caylee?

JVC Could you explain in what context that statement was made, who she was speaking to and when? TYA
MIssmybaby, I was wondering the same thing, i never heard or read Casey say she was willing to provide another home for Caylee, so was a little confused when I read that.
MIssmybaby, I was wondering the same thing, i never heard or read Casey say she was willing to provide another home for Caylee, so was a little confused when I read that.

Consider the source of that statement. Enough said.
IMO, yes. I have had quite a few cases in which the individual was quite psychotic and had an Axis II diagnosis of 301.7 (Antisocial Personality Disorder). When the delusions and hallucinations were brought under control, the antisocial characteristics were more obvious. In fact, I've had clients that I liked much better when they were delusional. Also, transient psychotic states are not unusual with personality disorders, including Borderline Personality Disorder.



Would you explain what a "transient psychotic state" is -- and would someone remember their actions during that state, afterward?

Also, what about the enmeshment between Cindy and Casey? Any thoughts on that relationship, any correlated illnesses/disorders between these two?
Hmm, I figured the sister was also interested in the man but she got his name and a date with him and because the sister had always came out ahead on everything, she was killed as a result of out of control sibling rivalry . Then I thought maybe the killer believed her sister to be the cause of mom's death. The real answer - kill the sister in expectation that the stranger will attend the funeral - never crossed my mind because it defies logic.

So, if the sociopath's motive for murder defies logic, where does that leave us with KC? Being free to be with TonE makes some logical sense as a motive ( a la Susan Smith), getting back at mom and dad makes some logical sense (vindictive). Are we are all perhaps trying to find logical reasoning where there is none?

I do not know where to put this, but I have to ask. Is there any update on the female jogger murdered in Jay Blanchard Park on June 9th? Any leads in the case? Any chloroform in the toxicology reports? My mind is wandering around the Park connection and June 9th (the first date reported to have been the last day to see Caylee and which was cemented in CA and KC's mind for some reason). Surely just a brain cramp. I will get over it.

I haven't heard or read where anyone has determined if Casey was capable of taking care of Caylee over any length of time. Putting Casey and Caylee out into the street with her life style was insane. Seems to me she relied on others for a great deal. Too bad others could not see that in the grand scheme of things Casey wasn't mature enough to be out on her own. So why and how did that happen? Looking at the text messages there is hardly any substance in her language or communications skills. Her obsessive phone usage and compulsive driving around is horrible, such an indication of some one who can't think or problem solve. CA claims to know her, but I think NOT. No no one did. She was not a responsible adult in any way shape or form.
JVC Could you explain in what context that statement was made, who she was speaking to and when? TYA
When you study anything, you have to be alert and open to information that can change your theory. Watching Nacy Grace, they were showing what Casey told investigators, and she made that statement in response to a criticism. She said: "I was willing to provide Caylee with another home."

Did she reluctantly have Caylee adopted? I studied that, and ran across the fact that Jesse Grund wanted to have Caylee adopted because he said he was too young to take on the responsibility of a child.

Jesse rushed to the hospital as soon as Caylee was born, wanting to prove Caylee wasn't his child. The test came back negative, to everyone's surprise.

I learned Jesse has a close relative connected with the authorities, in missing children. I had this theory: could he have gotten his relative in missing and exploited children to somehow arrange a fake paternity test?

Why did he rush to the hospital, first thing when Caylee was born, having so much confidence the test would be negative?

Those two things opened a door that told me Caylee has been adopted and it could have been arranged by shady authorities.

I would have Jesse take another paternity test.

If he is Caylee's real father, then the adoption theory with a connection to authorities who can fake tests and fake evidence and even fake witnesses: like the guy who is obviously a homeless bum, who would say anything for money said he saw Casey with a shovel coming out of the woods... If the paternity test was false, then faking other stuff would be almost an absolute fact in this case.

Casey said offhand, "Jesse put a body in the trunk."
Is this person serious? Do they really believe KC lies? Is this James our missing LA coming to the forum to confuse people and try and get them to believe KC was actually a loving mother who kindly gave away her baby to be raised by good ppl? I'm confused.....
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to be open, having never heard the remark that clearly
resonated for you made me wonder where it came from.

Jesse's whole family was there for Caylee's birth, as Jesse said he wasn't willing to miss out on the time with Caylee in case it came out positive. Jesse was a smart young man to request PT (imo) KC wanted his name on the birth certificate without one. BTW Caylee's DOB pretty much got Jesse off the hook. KC would have been about 8 weeks pregnant before they met for the first time.

I would think the fact that Jesse came forward, took a LDT and turned over evidence would give him some kinship with these LEOs when others were lying he offered the truth.

Would you explain what a "transient psychotic state" is -- and would someone remember their actions during that state, afterward?

Also, what about the enmeshment between Cindy and Casey? Any thoughts on that relationship, any correlated illnesses/disorders between these two?

Transient = passing with time ... temporary ... remaining in place only a short period of time.

For example, DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000, page 708) states for Borderline Personality Disorder:

During periods of extreme stress, transient paranoid ideation or dissociative symptoms (e.g., depersonalization) may occur (Criterion 9), but these are generally of insufficient severity or duration to warrant an additional diagnosis. These episodes occur most frequently in response to a real or imagined abandonment...

... Some individuals develop psychotic-like symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, body-image distortions, ideas of reference, and hypnagogic phenomena) during times of stress.

I have not profiled Cindy.

I forgot to add that Borderline Personality Disorder is about 5 times more common among first-degree biological relatives than in the general population ... also an increased risk for Substance-Related Disorders, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Mood Disorder.

From DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000, page 709).

Casey shed a few tears yesterday........she continued to wipe them wipe them away or was she wiping them and observing them at the same time? You decide.

I believe Casey was actually in "aw" at the fact that she was able to shed those few tears yesterday while standing next t Baez at the presser. She looked helpless and also looked to her hero of a lawyer in admiration.

I saw the repeat of the clip many times and if you watch her carefully she is actually checking to see herself if they are actually tears. She kept them in check all of this time. She wasnt forcing those tears, they came and went as certain things were said. IMO, I dont think she is much of a cryer to start with. I think it even amazes her that they were in there.

I like your observation....I though she was looking to see if her mascara was running....
While there are some really brilliant minds on this thread I was wondering what you all thought about this comment by Ca (Not sure if verbatim)

"I love Caylee almost as much as I love Casey"

that really hit a chord with me for some reason.
Well I answered it correctly in about 1/8 of a second. :poke:

But since I have had to deal with a person with splitting BPD.....I guess I have gotten pretty good at knowing what she is up to. :banghead:

What I found that was interesting is the professionals told me that my 1/2 sister is not a psychopath. I guess some of the overlapping traits from one to the other makes it difficult even for the qualified to state a cut and dried diagnosis. :smiliescale:

It also may mean that I am able to apply critical thinking to a scenario and come up with answer that best fits the premis of the question and has no bearing on any mental disorders. :laughbounce:

It's that type of logical thinking that gets you a nice fat IQ score!
While there are some really brilliant minds on this thread I was wondering what you all thought about this comment by Ca (Not sure if verbatim)

"I love Caylee almost as much as I love Casey"

that really hit a chord with me for some reason.

What she said was "Casey loves Caylee even more than I love Casey. And I love Casey more and more every day."

I can't even think of a comment to accurately describe how bizarre of a statement that was.
What she said was "Casey loves Caylee even more than I love Casey. And I love Casey more and more every day."

I can't even think of a comment to accurately describe how bizarre of a statement that was.

Thanks Janis396 for clarifying the statement....your right, the real version is even more you think CA has any regrets about the way KC was raised? I take my kids' actions personally, I gauge my parenting success with their actions. If I raised them with a strong foundation of morals then their behavior should reflect it. I know this is not a guarantee that they'll conduct themselves in a civilized manner, but I would probably feel culpability if they committed a heinous crime. It seems normal for a parent to do this...or could CA be a lot more like KC than we are privy too?
Thanks Janis396 for clarifying the statement....your right, the real version is even more you think CA has any regrets about the way KC was raised? I take my kids' actions personally, I gauge my parenting success with their actions. If I raised them with a strong foundation of morals then their behavior should reflect it. I know this is not a guarantee that they'll conduct themselves in a civilized manner, but I would probably feel culpability if they committed a heinous crime. It seems normal for a parent to do this...or could CA be a lot more like KC than we are privy too?

You know, I am totally baffled by the things Cindy says and does. I have never, not even ONCE, met a woman like her. Not to this extreme. At first, I thought she was just in denial about what had happened, but not anymore. She is on a fierce campaign of defending her daughter, no matter what the evidence is or what common sense dictates. She blames every person involved in this case, except Casey. I think she is such a controlling person that she is in frantic overdrive trying to control every aspect of this case so it goes "her way". There is something seriously wrong with her, but I have no clue what. I think she fully contributed to whatever issues Casey has, and whatever drove her to kill her precious little baby girl. I just don't think we can compare Cindy to the rest of us mothers, and what we would have done....she's in a class all of her own.
You know, I am totally baffled by the things Cindy says and does. I have never, not even ONCE, met a woman like her. Not to this extreme. At first, I thought she was just in denial about what had happened, but not anymore. She is on a fierce campaign of defending her daughter, no matter what the evidence is or what common sense dictates. She blames every person involved in this case, except Casey. I think she is such a controlling person that she is in frantic overdrive trying to control every aspect of this case so it goes "her way". There is something seriously wrong with her, but I have no clue what. I think she fully contributed to whatever issues Casey has, and whatever drove her to kill her precious little baby girl. I just don't think we can compare Cindy to the rest of us mothers, and what we would have done....she's in a class all of her own.

Well stated. I think she tried to control things to the point of being an accessory after the fact and for destroying evidence.
You know, I am totally baffled by the things Cindy says and does. I have never, not even ONCE, met a woman like her. Not to this extreme. At first, I thought she was just in denial about what had happened, but not anymore. She is on a fierce campaign of defending her daughter, no matter what the evidence is or what common sense dictates. She blames every person involved in this case, except Casey. I think she is such a controlling person that she is in frantic overdrive trying to control every aspect of this case so it goes "her way". There is something seriously wrong with her, but I have no clue what. I think she fully contributed to whatever issues Casey has, and whatever drove her to kill her precious little baby girl. I just don't think we can compare Cindy to the rest of us mothers, and what we would have done....she's in a class all of her own.
I agree and I can't stop wondering about what is motivating her actions now. I have a hunch that a lot of it is a sense of guilt. I think that there were far too many signs that something was wrong that were ignored and we only know the half of it, I'm sure.

I've also often wondered why on earth they kept letting KC leave with Caylee 3-4 days (and nights) at a time. Wouldn't it have been better to convince KC that it would be best for Caylee to stay home? I doubt that KC would have objected if she had been given the green light to go out on her own...
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