Casey's Body Language and Reactionary Comments#3

The thing about KC looking at the tissue after wiping her eyes is just so strange to me. Really! Who does that and why? I could see it I guess if you didn't have waterproof mascara (<sp.) on.
A bit off topic: There was talk about what and how GA and CA would act at the hearing on 12/11 specifically the gum chewing is what I wanted to point out. I just believe they do read here as they weren't chomping on gum last Friday. I feel as if they change some of their behaviors after reading things about themselves.
I still don't see real tears.....
I see alot of poking the eye & irritating it.

and then she uses her hair as a shield to hide her face. So classic of what a young child would do when they have been caught doing something wrong. She is as clear as if she was yelling "I did it"
We were all discussing our interpretations of what the gesture could possibly mean. It was a carryover from a previous thread. I didn't want to take credit for any ideas others had posted, it was just a courtesy to mention that several others had posted some of the things on the previous thread.
The additional thoughts, where I was wondering if Casey had been remembering being bound herself, or if for some reason Ashton's description of that scene had made her thoughts go to a bracelet or watch, etc, were my own thoughts I was adding to the discussion.....

Please note the posts preceding mine, that someone had asked for interpretations of the wrist-grabbing gesture and we were all offering our interpretations as we had been.

I believe the wrist grabbing is a habit formed from her lifestyle behind bars with the handcuffs/restraints. I remember noticing that she usually always holds one wrist while cuffed, and I have heard some jails have it mandatory that the inmates hold onto one wrist while cuffed/chained/shackled.
I always thought that could be part of it too, Kewpie, but that is new information for me that it's mandatory for them to hold onto one wrist when being cuffed, thank you :)
I always thought that could be part of it too, Kewpie, but that is new information for me that it's mandatory for them to hold onto one wrist when being cuffed, thank you :)

I'm not 100% certain it is mandatory where she is, I have heard though it is mandatory at other jails/prisons.

Holding the wrist probably makes a little more comfortable for her to be in restraints. I would need to go back to her very first photos from her first arrest when she arrives in court with the pink handcuffs/ankle chains.
Very interesting! I had never heard of 'Vocal Forensics'. I wonder if she ever did an analysis of Casey speaking to LE on July 16th at Universal or any other time she talks about Caylee.

I am dying for someone to analyse this interview.

A tip to know when Casey is lying, she will use the word "EVEN" before she makes her point. Have noticed this on many occasions.
I am dying for someone to analyse this interview.

A tip to know when Casey is lying, she will use the word "EVEN" before she makes her point. Have noticed this on many occasions.

I did a discrepancy review of the interview, highlighting areas showing vocal cues (such as the one you picked up on) that indicate desception and word patterns that indicate the same. I have only basic LE training and a little extra training specifically in reviewing written statements. When I was done highlighting the transcripts from the original interviews the only areas NOT highlighted were unrelated connecting words, such as when the discussion was not case related (i.e., off subject material) I did this with CA's interviews as well and found the same patterns of deception. Oddly enough I found CA's to be more combative and deceptive than KC's original interview with LE. Go figure. Wouldn't it be great if one of the professionals would do this for us and post the results! I was going to scan my review and post it but the colors do not scan properly.
I did a discrepancy review of the interview, highlighting areas showing vocal cues (such as the one you picked up on) that indicate desception and word patterns that indicate the same. I have only basic LE training and a little extra training specifically in reviewing written statements. When I was done highlighting the transcripts from the original interviews the only areas NOT highlighted were unrelated connecting words, such as when the discussion was not case related (i.e., off subject material) I did this with CA's interviews as well and found the same patterns of deception. Oddly enough I found CA's to be more combative and deceptive than KC's original interview with LE. Go figure. Wouldn't it be great if one of the professionals would do this for us and post the results! I was going to scan my review and post it but the colors do not scan properly.

Hi GMA Kat, I would love to see the work you have done. Is it possible there might be another way to highlight the colours to enable it to scan properly?
I have not seen anyone answer your question so I will try.

Casey was furious with Ashton. When she grabbed her left wrist with her right hand, I feel sure this was a personal expression by her of "I'd like to strangle you with my bare hands," you meaning Ashton. Go back and watch the video, it's clear as anything can be. JMO. She has a murderous look in her eye at the point where she grabs her wrist, and she is staring into Ashton's back as if she could burn a hole in him. Casey's fury builds until she suddenly grabs her wrist.This I have no doubt is the Casey that Caylee saw just before she died.

Interesting too is that Casey's reaction to Ashton is so lightning quick, it brings up the possibility that this is how Caylee really died. She was strangled. There in the courtroom, Friday, Casey's telling us with her body language that she has a preference for strangling her victims. I'm not implying that Caylee was quickly strangled because Casey had the time to carry out Caylee's death exactly as she wanted. Casey may have restrained her hands, then put duct tape over her mouth and nose deliberately so Caylee would understand what was happening, as much as someone that young and that small could, and then Casey strangled her, unleashing all of her hatred on poor little Caylee. Casey would've wanted to see the terror on little Caylee's face. Casey is a monster, and indeed deserves the death penalty. The SA is on to strangling as the manor of death.

Why strangling? Didn't Lee tell Jesse that Cindy grabbed Casey by the throat during her and Casey's argument? Sleuthers, I think this IS the answer to how Caylee died. It fits so well, so easily. All the theories we've had....I thought pool, some thought trunk and so on, but this fits, and needs no explanation because one mother in this family has already allegedly grabbed her daughter and set the stage for her own daughter to do the same but with one huge difference. If Cindy grabbed Casey, it was only a symbolic strangling.

Thanks Justthinkin for this post. I was rethinking the anger displayed by Casey, during the hearing, and comparing it to the anger she exhibited during the jail visit with Cindy and George. The fist clinching in the jail visit compared to the grabbing of the wrist in the hearing seems, to me, to be important. This could very well be a connection to Caylee's death...

I agree wholeheartedly that the anger Casey has displayed is scary (and we have only seen it on a few occasions). I used to think that Casey killed Caylee on the 16th only because she wanted to be with Tony and free of the responsibility. I think differently now after seeing these displays of anger.
Dr. Glass has a new article up on Casey's body language and its effect on the jury/court, Jan. 6, 2010.

I hope I'm not duplicating someone's post about this.
I am dying for someone to analyse this interview.

A tip to know when Casey is lying, she will use the word "EVEN" before she makes her point. Have noticed this on many occasions.

She uses a fantastic assortment of qualifiers, compare/contrast techniques, testimonials from others that begin with "even mom/dad/Lee said..."

But the best by far is her attempts to use the "Okay, I learned my lesson, now let me go" button-She used this one on LA on the 16th ("Maybe this should have been done a long time ago") and the line to Appie Wells about "my mom was right, I haven't been responsible," was classic-She reallty thought Detective Wells went for it, and requested a meeting with him later on cause she thought he believed her garbage.

She's a disaster
think of it as an elaborate stage production. it's not just casey. it's the "show". It's the fatherly JB consoling kc. It's the motherly female attorney holding kc. It's a very staged pity party. And a strategy of the defenses is going to be the poor pitiful wrongly accused mother who has to listen to this gruesome tale. It's ALL part of the show, not just kc.

Well, I think it will blow up on their collective faces... I can't blame the defense for putting up whatever they can come up with to defend their client, but... I think they're at aloss, and I believe they know it. That doesn't mean they don't have to try. That doesn't mean they would succeed, either.

where is Dr. Glass article on Casey's body language in court posted? Sorry if this has already been answered. Im new.
If this has been posted already, I apologize.

Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language on Casey Anthony.

Casey Anthony’s Body Language in Recent Court Appearance Looks Like the Fake Tears and Emotion of Sociopath.

When I looked at the video and analyzed the body language of alleged daughter killer, Casey Anthony during her latest court date, where the death penalty was being discussed, I saw phony tears with no liquid coming out of her eyes, contrived sobs and manipulation by her attorneys.

When Casey Anthony sat in the courtroom, was listening to all the horrible things she allegedly did to her little daughter Cayley, by the prosecutor she showed flashes of anger and nervousness in her facial

where is Dr. Glass article on Casey's body language in court posted? Sorry if this has already been answered. Im new.
I did a discrepancy review of the interview, highlighting areas showing vocal cues (such as the one you picked up on) that indicate desception and word patterns that indicate the same. I have only basic LE training and a little extra training specifically in reviewing written statements. When I was done highlighting the transcripts from the original interviews the only areas NOT highlighted were unrelated connecting words, such as when the discussion was not case related (i.e., off subject material) I did this with CA's interviews as well and found the same patterns of deception. Oddly enough I found CA's to be more combative and deceptive than KC's original interview with LE. Go figure. Wouldn't it be great if one of the professionals would do this for us and post the results! I was going to scan my review and post it but the colors do not scan properly.
That would be fascinating!

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