Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #33

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It is possible that the conversation happened while the two were in a holding cell or being transported to another location.

That is stated at the very bottom of the page

I love how Casey's attorney keeps saying that men and women aren't held together in a place where they could have converstations. This was not a conversation, it was Casey walking by and inmates yelling not so nice comments and questions. Typical defense attorney spin that makes them look not so mart.
And with all due respect, that is your opinion of what is worse. Maybe for Cindy the worst case scenario is not only losing her granddaughter, but her daughter as well, as screwed up as she may be.

Look, I don't think I would behave as Cindy has were I in the same circumstances, and I hope to God I never find out for sure. On the other hand, assuming we have our facts straight and she has pretty much raised this little girl from day one, I also don't believe she is in her right mind.

My daughter was murdered. It was 6 months before I was able to think straight, and then it only came in spurts. Had I not had a responsibility to my other children, I wouldn't be here now. I don't care how upset, outraged, etc. we are all feeling over this case, we are on the sidelines looking in, at this time we can't even begin to touch the emotions these people may be going through. I wish Cindy wasn't acting the way she is, but I'm not going to hang her out to dry for it, either.

(((Lanie))) I'm so sorry for your loss.........
I love how Casey's attorney keeps saying that men and women aren't held together in a place where they could have converstations. This was not a conversation, it was Casey walking by and inmates yelling not so nice comments and questions. Typical defense attorney spin that makes them look not so mart.
At the end of the report one of the guard says its possible it could have happened as this is the only place they have contact with each other.
I think that was her point to confuse and dilute - she covers lies with lies until you have a headache and she does it calmly and in a confident tone of voice. Evil.

ugh, well said, diabolical even
Regarding a search for Caylee. Where does LE start to look over a month after she went missing? LE has stated they are conducting searches. But they will not say where. And we know they are at least looking for a live Caylee as valuable FBI resources are being used to chase down rediculous sightings from all over the U.S.

Lets be clear here. The only people not looking out for Caylee's best interest is the Anthony family. They hold the secret, they hold the key. Their only concern is protecting Casey.

Sick isn't it!?:mad:
Is there any chance that Caylee is alive and this is some kind of elaborate hoax that Casey has put together in order to get some kind of wrongful arrest payout, sue everyone, and then go on the TV talk show circuit?

Is this even remotely possible?
With these people anything seems possible.

Remember Casey said she feels Caylee is 'close.'

That's basically the ONLY lead people have & more than likely she was talking about emotionally.... not physically.

I personally think Casey didn't intend for anyone to EVER find Caylee.... she wouldn't want any evidence to be linked back to her. She's not stupid.

Alligator or dumpster... that's my feeling.
That's exactly what it sounds like. Casey is close emotionally. But even then, I think that's a big fat lie!:mad:
I believe this also.

Her family had NO CLUE the extent of her lies & behavior. That's why I think it's taking Cindy SO long to admit to herself that Casey's stories are total b.s.

Can you just imagine the conversations between Lee & Cindy? I wonder if she's still speaking to him? :crazy:

Yeah, probably true, they just also found out she wasn't working at Universal, either...I forget how long she said she worked there.

Imaginary job, imaginary babysitter.....

I can't imagine what kind of police officer could have been duped into a relationship with this nut, though...doesn't speak too highly of him either.
I would hope any money going to the Anthony family is with the stipulation that it is ONLY for the search of Caylee & NOT to be used for Casey.

The family would make a HUGE mistake if the public ever found out they were using donations to help Casey. They probably wouldn't see another penny in donations for any reason.

On lee's voice mail it says something about donating money to the caylee trust fund, reward fund or directly to the family members
I agree with what you are saying, however, I am in a rational state of mind. The point I am trying to make is there is a good possibility Cindy lost all ability for rational thought back around July 16th. , *snip*

I honestly believe this is the case too Lanie..
She can't find it in her own mind to accept what's happening.
Massive denial on top of the whole trama of going through such an event.
IMO that second 911 call was not "faked" she genuinely sounded horrified!
It's hard for me sometimes to see her totally innocent of anything when she had told us so many lies..then I remember she is also lying to herself here
I'm pretty sure the family is getting the money. Probably a pretty hefty sum I might add!:mad:

NOTE: Sorry for the duplicate. For some reason, it sent to to another screen yet already posted my original.

I think if the Anthony's received money from People Magazine, the media would be all over it like when Drew Peterson was interviewd by People!
Oh My!
If that is the case, what a cold and calculated person she would be.
I still want to believe, that IF this child is dead, it was accidental.
Then, maybe she would try a CYA kind of thing. I would think at this point, if it was accidental, she would have caved in and the story would have come out.

This is not a stupid girl, her lies are blatant, but she is very calculating. She has LE and FBI at her bidding.

I still ask, how can this 22 year old girl, be calling the shots?

The only thing I can think is that because her family is appearing on every show in the world with her atty and they are not standing with LE, until she talks she does have a bit of the upper hand until the forensics come back.

What sort of bizarre conversation was this? Nothing, I mean absolutely NOTHING was resolved in this call. Lee does not ask her for description of this nanny, what sort of information he found out, and crazy sister Casey acts like it's a normal every day conversation, "Hey just called to see how you are doing." What the $###!!!

It appears to me this girl was pretty much allowed to get away with anything. Lee hints around that if she feels comfortable telling him anymore information then to do so. Yeah honey, take your sweet fricken time. No one shred of empathy, remorse, or emotion from this girl. CAN ANYONE SAY SOCIOPATH???
Are we to just discount the testimony of the ex-boyfriend that he heard Caylee during a phone call to Casey on the 24th? He states that he is 100% sure it was her.
What keeps nagging at me is if we believe him then there has to be a babysitter involved. Nobody claims to have seen Caylee with Casey between June 15th and July 15th. If we believe the ex-boyfriend then there had to be a sitter for Caylee because she wasn't with Casey during that time (according to friends of hers). And if we don't believe him, why would he say he is 100% sure that he heard her? If he's not lying then Caylee has been with a sitter from July 15th to at least the 24th or Casey played some kind of video or tape of Casey to fool him.
I believe this also.

Her family had NO CLUE the extent of her lies & behavior. That's why I think it's taking Cindy SO long to admit to herself that Casey's stories are total b.s.

Can you just imagine the conversations between Lee & Cindy? I wonder if she's still speaking to him? :crazy:

I have a couple of pathological/compulsive liars in my extended family. I won't even associate with them anymore, however, there are a few other family members who will not hesitate to bend over backwards time and again to make excuses for them, cover their behavior, and at least pretend to believe pretty much every bit of BS that comes out of their mouths. I don't know the technical terms, co-dependency, maybe, or it's just easier?
At the end of the report one of the guard says its possible it could have happened as this is the only place they have contact with each other.

Exactly, it sounds like it was a transition place for inmates that are coming and leaving the facility. A processing location of some sort. He was waiting to be released, and she was being transported to either the courthouse or visitors center.
Pikermom, I have to agree with your statements, this is looking more and more like a calculated intentional murder and not accidental in nature. I think it appears that Caylee was keeping Casey from the life she wanted. She was simply disposed of.

They are waffling on any information which might help to find their granddaughter. They have given conflicting statements to authorities and press with relation to the whereabouts and activities of their daughter Casey, who is considered a person of interest in the disappearance of Caylee Anthony.

It is time to declare Cindy Anthony and George Anthony as willfully withholding information regarding a minor child who is considered to be in a life or death situation.

Haul Cindy and George Anthony in for questioning and if they are not forthcoming then arrest them.


Let's do a Websleuth Poll!!!!!!!

I agree with you completely! It might shock the grandparents into reality. But, there may not be enough to charge them properly.
"She's leading you to a place, but she's not telling you the exact location to which apartment it is because she's afraid if someone walks in that something may happen to Caylee," Cindy Anthony said.
Let's see.... it's too dangerous for LE & even the FBI to search in the right locations for Caylee BUT....

Casey spent a month investigating herself?

And now she's sending her brother out to follow up leads?

BUT LE & the FBI investigating would only get Caylee killed?

It's beyond sad that Cindy would even say this. Stupid? Whacked out? Lying?

Someone needs to shut her up...... FAST! Before Casey is sentenced to death for Caylee's murder.
I think that it might be possible that Casey throw that response to the inmate in passing. I suspect that she is quite angry with Tony right now. He seems to be working with LE and has scheduled no visit with her.
I would not surprise me that she would throw out that to spite Tony.... who btw probably is her EX boyfriend now.
Identifying remains and finding cause of death are seperate things. If Caey did not injure Caylees bones time will help her case.

Im going to go with the forensics prove Caylee's death from inside the car.. A smell as was described and a "stain" will produce the right forensics to prove her death. I personally believe they have that already but can't place Casey with her last absolutely so either she confesses or they find a body, or whoever helped her flips, which is not likely unless they are facing a worse scenario than concealing a body.
They MUST tie Casey as the last person in that car with a corpse or this is going to be a while.

It will break my heart if she has to stay out there, but it's a real possibility. We should brace ourselves
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