Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #37

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I KNEW IT... the babysitter is BS... ! I said all along it was a waste of precious time and energy looking for her.
could it be a swing of some sort? I'm trying to think of toys/pool toys that would be that shape. It does look like a car seat as well however, if you look at the pick of Caylee in the backseat holding her doll, that carseat is huge.

that was what i was thinking,... pool toys.
Since the pictures taken as the investigators left the garage area show them SMILING, I would certainly hope they would not be doing that if there were news of Cayley not being alive!
I noticed that the man and woman from CSI standing together were smiling also.
I guess this could be looked at in two ways either "Yeah, we got it now" or "This is such a waste of time". I say that because while I felt encouraged a bit and still do I also wonder if this was simply generated by Cindy complaining that they had not taken anything of Casey's yet:waitasec:
Thanks to everyone giving updates, btw! I appreciate it!
Deputy from Orange County Sheriffs Office is on now. He's basically saying:
-They aren't saying the items that CSI has taken.
-There is no "new concrete slab" put in the backyard, despite rumors.
-There is no evidence that the babysitter exists, and the 2 people that Casey said could verify that Caylee was with the babysitter aren't valid.

I wish they'd tell us something we don't already know.
Since the pictures taken as the investigators left the garage area show them SMILING, I would certainly hope they would not be doing that if there were news of Cayley not being alive!

but people that are in that line of work have to distant themselves otherwise they wouldn't be able to do it
I tend to think that the things in the bags are the things that Cindy complained that had not been taken the other night. Also, the item in the one bag might be a backpack?
I thought the same thing - a backpack with a frame.

It seemed as if the bag the female CSI tech was holding was wider at the bottom end than at the top end she was holding. Might just have been the angle, though.
I KNEW IT... the babysitter is BS... ! I said all along it was a waste of precious time and energy looking for her.

lots of people around here dont like this type of comment. :rolleyes:

(not my opinion, just my experience) :)
that was what i was thinking,... pool toys.

could it be one of those seat things people buy to float in the pool? I am not sure if you all have seen one, I just say one myself this summer. It is a flexible seat that you sit on but it stays under the water so it almost looks like you are standing up in the water but you are really floating...I will try yo see if I can find a photo of one.
You sure did Blink. Alot going on today for sure. I'm getting a late start. Off to catch up.

LOL- SUZ, that's what happens when your on night shift- I think I noted your last post at like 3:40am, I was thinking "Im not worthy, must stay up later..:blowkiss:
I've often wondered how many times someone who really isn't all that happy will automatically smile when they know a camera is around. Not like they're purposely trying to mug for the camera, but as a subconscious habit or something...
Hey RR- yes,
Calls released to media.
Baez files for PA order re visits/phone calls
Baez met with LE for hours outside of presence of Casey, Walsh gets hired.
Baez meets with Anthony family at home all day Saturday.

This may have been gone over but I can't find a separate thread for it: In the state of Florida, does a defendant need 2 defense attorneys in a death penalty case. I seem to remember that in some states it is required.
I'm sorry guys, I just keep repeating this mantra...this baby is NOT dead, this baby is NOT dead, this baby is NOT dead...

Me too. I am also NOT psychic but in a dream last night saw a younger man in front right behind him was an older smallish lady with dark hair holding a little girls hand. Just behind was a man and they were all going through some type of line with round metal bars.
I'm still catching up. So I apologize if this has already been posted.

It is not clear what was removed from the backyard, but investigators say they must talk with George and Cindy Anthony before they release any new information on the case.
Investigators are expected to release their DNA results from items pulled from a car trunk driven by 22-year-old Casey Anthony, mother of missing 2-year-old Caylee.
Hey RR- yes,
Calls released to media.
Baez files for PA order re visits/phone calls
Baez met with LE for hours outside of presence of Casey, Walsh gets hired.
Baez meets with Anthony family at home all day Saturday.
I just remember waiting with bated breath for Monday to come to hear something...anything. Looking back, I was probably waiting for Casey to talk.

Thanks, Blink. OT- I did respond last night...but you were already off to sleep. Hope yours was better than mine. All I dream about is this case.
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