Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #66

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George was always pretty stoic so to hear him (no video was shown on Fox about the meltdown) lose it on the reporters and Casey refusing to see Lee, I'm thinking things are not only crumbling but there might be dissention among the troops. Mutiny anyone?
I guess... they could just also be coming to terms with unfathomable grief...

I'd have lost it by now with the media scrum ( and I'm a journalism teacher)
George was always pretty stoic so to hear him (no video was shown on Fox about the meltdown) lose it on the reporters and Casey refusing to see Lee, I'm thinking things are not only crumbling but there might be dissention among the troops. Mutiny anyone?

I don't think they were rolling....or video would have surfaced by now.
It has to be hard for him to come to grips that his daughter has been less than honest. (an understatement)
Also for him to even fathom the thought she may have been involved in Caylee's demise.
I just wish I knew how much both he and Cindy really know.

I am sure this is just devastating to the family. Whether we all think they are nuts or not they have to be hurting, questioning, and wondering what they could have done to prevent this.
To Mitch and Passthe Motrin: And Im sorry if anyone has ever said to you: its all your fault your kids turned out this way. I doubt it and I give you both alot of credit for raising the Grandkids. Strange, but I have a feeling if Casey did feel trapped, I think George and Cindy wouldve raised Caylee, dont you?? It is a sad story. Looks like they were providing her with a nice life, nice room lots of stuff in backyard, I think they really loved Caylee.
I can't imagine being in that tomorrow (caylee's B-day)
Casey Anthony Refuses Brother's Jailhouse Visit
Casey Anthony's brother tried to visit her in jail, Friday morning, but Casey
refused to see him. Meantime, sheriff's divers are conducting what have been
called "training exercises" in waterways near the Anthony home.

Casey is trying to manipulate and get them back on her side, she thinks she is still in control even from Jail by refusing to see her brother. She knows she is the only one that has info on her daughter and by refusing to see them she thinks she is cutting them off at the knees. I bet she is thinking I'll show them, they don't beleive me then fine I dont want to see them.....this way she also doesn't have to answer her brother's tough questions.......

The family needs to STOP going to visit put that shoe on the other foot & see what happens then.

Do we know for sure who is paying for her attorney??? Is it her parents, did they hire him?? Is he court appointed, if did she find him?????
It has to be hard for him to come to grips that his daughter has been less than honest. (an understatement)
Also for him to even fathom the thought she may have been involved in Caylee's demise.
I just wish I knew how much both he and Cindy really know.

You gott think with the baby's b-day tomorrow, George walking in and seeing the presents and prep for the party, it probably really hit him hard that this is REAL, then he finds out Lee was turned away by Casey for a visit? WHOA! I think she's starting to crack and can't face the family, not because she feels guilty but because she's running out of lies to keep them on her side.
Just a thought, but I hope there are no guns in that home. With things tightening up as it is now, there's no telling which direction this will go. People go to extreme measures in extreme situations they can't deal with.

Also, wanted to add. During the 911 calls, Cindy only says "the babysitter took her" and never mentioned Zanny's name? That to me seems like Cindy didn't know who the baby sitter was. I still don't believe that Zanny was a household name at all.
it gets the stress out for me.......if you really knew how angry I was over this!

I had NO idea there were others like my own daughter......really!

Still keeps me up at night, why some kids turn out like they do. My other kids are in college, the service (1) and we have all paid a heavy price for my one childs actions. But none more than our grandchildren. This is EXACTLY why when they were taken from her we could not support her and stand by her. We had to put the grandkids first, we were too worried something would happen to them.

To be blunt, this case is exactly what we thought would happen if we did allow the kids to stay with her.

Ya know, I applaud you for what you are doing. I know it can't be easy, but we all know in the long run the children will be much happier! Bless your heart!
What does this mean?

They also found several messages including one about an event at Universal Studios - in Casey Anthony's e-mail from e-mail addresses that don't exist, the search warrant said.

I know there is a site you can get on and send email where it will show the return email address as anything you want it to.
George's outburst could just be that he is coming to grips with reality. No more "public face". Reality is sinking in - plus the release of the damning search warrant and all the shows about it last night, now Casey refusing Lee. Remember Cindy had a similar outburst earlier in the week.

One of the stages of grief is anger - maybe that is starting to set in as well.

Can't really blame him - what would you do if everytime you opened your door there were throngs of people sticking microphones and cameras in your face? It does get old.

i agree totally. the house of cards is falling, they cannot dance around the truth anymore, they have no explanations for casey's absurd web of lies....

and if i had to guess, they are being pressured by LE to come clean, help out, or face potential charges themselves (even though this is probably an empty threat). i think this would explain why they have been so "forthcoming" lately (at least in terms of calling the police back to the house, etc) and why cindy went off about not "hiding" anything...
To Mitch and Passthe Motrin: And Im sorry if anyone has ever said to you: its all your fault your kids turned out this way. I doubt it and I give you both alot of credit for raising the Grandkids. Strange, but I have a feeling if Casey did feel trapped, I think George and Cindy wouldve raised Caylee, dont you?? It is a sad story. Looks like they were providing her with a nice life, nice room lots of stuff in backyard, I think they really loved Caylee.

I do think that they loved Caylee! And would have been more than happy to raise her themselves!
Yes. They have heard of "Zanny" But not "Zaneida" Zaneida was born on the 17th when Casey somehow picked up her name (sign in sheet?) at the Sawgrass apartments. This is also why she could not indentify her in LE photos.

This could be something as easy as seeing her car at that apartment, maybe some mail on the seat with her name on it... It's not like she had any identifying info on this woman other than her name.
didn't see this:
Girl, 12, Organizes Vigil For Caylee
Vigil Planned In St. Cloud At 7 P.M.

Dakota Skii, 12, said she's wanted to find a way to help in the search effort.
"I have a vigil for little Caylee to pray that she comes home for her birthday," Skii said.
Caylee's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, plans to attend the vigil. Skii said there will also be a balloon liftoff. "You take a balloon and write on it, and then you let it go for God to read it," Skii said.
Interesting turn of events this morning. We talked about how weird it was that the Anthony's let the scrum hang out at their front door. Obviously they were ok with it because they could have kicked them off at anytime. Now the scrum isn't welcome.

I think Casey was supposed to give Lee info today that would have returned Caylee to the family for her birthday. . Of course she isn't able to do that and refused Lee's visit. Casey yanked the rug out from under George this morning. He really thought Caylee would be home for her birthday.

We've speculated that Caylee's birthday tomorrow would be D-Day. If Casey doesn't break tomorrow, I don't think she ever will.
Why is she refusing to see her brother today???

Bullying tacticts. Emotional bullying. She has been doing this for years with them.

Plus she knew what they will HAVE to talk about, Caylee's birthday, and perhaps she wasn't in the ''mood'' to perform today?
Just a thought, but I hope there are no guns in that home. With things tightening up as it is now, there's no telling which direction this will go. People go to extreme measures in extreme situations they can't deal with.

Also, wanted to add. During the 911 calls, Cindy only says "the babysitter took her" and never mentioned Zanny's name? That to me seems like Cindy didn't know who the baby sitter was. I still don't believe that Zanny was a household name at all.

I agree with you. I don't think they ever heard the name Zanny or anything resembling it until after this all came out.
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